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    • Hedon James
      Well technically, they were right.  If SecureBoot were enacted, and that was the ONLY variable in the equation, it would've ended Linux on all computers from that moment in time and forward.  Problem is that it was NOT the only variable.   I have a minor in Economics from Penn State and took a GeoScience class for a Science/Humanities requirement and that GeoSci professor gave the best economics lesson I learned....better than my actual econ classes!  We were discussing the limitations of natural resources, given their finite quantities.  The discussion shifted to the rising price of gasoline and how society would run out of gas; the decreasing supply of gas was the reason for rising gas prices (this was the late '80s).  His contribution to the discussion FLOORED me....he stated that prices were indeed reflective of supply AT THE CURRENT PRICE; but as the price increased, it would become cost-effective for more expensive technologies to extract more of the resource, thereby increasing supply.   His point was well received by me.  There are often other variables involved than the ONE you are considering.  And just when you think you've got it figured out that rising prices unlocks more of the untapped supply, you've got to remember that it took millions or even billions of years for mother earth to create some of these resources, and we are consuming them at an exponentially greater rate than they're being replenished (IF they even are?!).  So at some point, you're no longer unlocking untapped supply, but actually depleting the very last of that resource for millions or billions of years, perhaps even forever.   I've digressed, but apparently we do that here.  To circle back....just lending some support and empirical evidence to SBs statement!  LOL!
    • securitybreach
      Linus Torvalds on the state of Linux today and how AI figures in its future
    • securitybreach
      Well Linus only works on parts of the kernel and has nothing to do with broad development at all.
    • Will
      "Autocorrect on steroids"   I think this accurately represents the current state of LLMs.   Machine Learning is great. Overhyped "AI" chatbots.... they have much more limited utility than companies trying to sell us products currently claim.
    • Cluttermagnet
      Right, Josh-   Well, I have the luxury of not having to deal with Windows any more- It's been over 15 years now since I bid adieu to the MS world. So my comments above were strictly with regard to how NPU might impact linux desktop security. Really, with something that powerful, I have a hard time believing the designers would be able to resist including 'phone home' by default, maybe even hiding it.   Yes, I have heard enough about Win 11 to know I'm sure glad I'm not in that world. Win11 appears to be the Darth Vader OS, whereas previous editions were more like, ahhh, Atilla the Hun? (grin) Constant screenshots are surely a security nightmare...   Linus, despite how much I admire him, sounds to me like he is getting a bit lax IMO. But I am only a humble end user and this sort of stuff is way beyond my level of understanding.   Clutter  
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