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Mandrake shutdown/power off


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;) Okay, I am back, went through the whole list of programs in the 'Software Package" portion. Unless this "apmd" has undergone a name change .. it is not there and they be a lot of listings there. :w00t:
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Hi Longgone?? . . The package Management has a search-box . . . ;) Okay let´s do another trick: Open a console and type$ su< password ># updatedb# locate apmdPlease copy and paste the things printed to screen in your post. ( does pushing on the ball paste ? or pressing right and left at the same time ? ):w00t: Bruno

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Sonic . . . In Slackware you can power down properly . . it does have the line " /sbin/modprobe apm" in "/etc/rc.d/rc.modules" . . . I´m sure because I did the tweak myself in my Slack 9.1 !!!
Yea i did that. Maybe i missed something. I'll go back and check later. I'm trying to set up my new printer :) (I'll be starting a new tread for that soon :w00t: ;))
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B) ;) B) Well, can't push on the ball so that is out, it just rolls around in it's socket, both buttons at once did not seem to do anything either. I am reading/studying your info on how to do that. I might get it figured out by Easter. B) B) anyway on with the show:[root @ local host dale] # updatedb[root @ local host dale]# locate apmd/etc/rc.d/init.d/apmd/etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K74apmd/etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K74apmd/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S26apmd/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S26apmd/etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S26apmd/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S26apmd/etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K74apmd/var/lock/subsys/apmd/var/run/apmd.pid/usr/share/man/man8/apmd.8.bz2/usr/share/doc/apmd-3.1.0/usr/share/doc/apmd-3.1.0/BUGS.apms | eep/usr/share/doc/apmd-3.1.0/ANNOUNCE/usr/share/doc/apmd-3.1.0/README. transfer/usr/share/doc/apmd-3.1.0/ChangeLog/usr/share/doc/apmd-3.1.0/LSM/usr/share/doc/apmd-3.1.0/README/usr/sbin/apmd[root@localhost dale]#WOW ... I sure is getting good at typing ... as far as using the search window in the "software package" area goes ... it gives me 3 different options to use to search in and two of them give me "no search results" and the third one gives me the following info:man-pages-fr- were both located in the "file names" section and unless I am way off one has to do with French and the other with Japanese ....so onward Penguin soldiers ..... onward B) :)
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Hi LonggoneSo it looks like apmd is installed . . . . that´s good, and from what I see ( /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S26apmd ) it is started in run level 5 too . . . . beats me why it does not work . . We will try the following trick: we add "apm=smp" in the append line from Lilo ( append="devfs=mount hdd=i de-scsi splash=silent acpi =ht" )$ su< password ># kedit /etc/lilo.confAnd make the first append line ( the one in the section "linux " ):

  append="devfs=mount hdd=i de-scsi splash=silent acpi=off"

Save the file and# /sbin/liloReboot first and then test the shutdown . . . . . . . still no change ? . . .Plan B:

  append="devfs=mount hdd=i de-scsi splash=silent acpi=off apm=smp"

Save the file and run /sbin/lilo again, reboot and test the shutdown.Now the copy and paste issue:Next to the clock on your desktop you will see an orange icon with a K ( clipboard ) . . . every time you select a text it is copied to the clipboard . . if you click on the clipboard you will see the last copied line on top . . click on the line and go to your post, left click on your post and select "paste" . . . let me know if it works.:whistling: Bruno

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:whistling: :huh: Bruno: I am going to have to wait to try your last info/help. Mndrk will not even let me log in today. It boots up to a "welcome localhost" login window and no matter how I try to log in either as "root" or "user" I cannot get past that window. Unless there is some way around that I think that I will have to re-install the OS.
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I assume you have tried rebooting? If you are going to reinstall, set up your mouse during the install as a generic scroll mouse. Then test it. The Logitech mice work greatthat way. Mandrake does not give me any problems with using it taht way and I am using a cordless Logitech with a cordless keyboard as well. I just don't run it through the USB port. Then after the reinstall do your modification to have it shut down. I have not tried that one yet. I just push the button after it comes up with the power off on the screen. Good luck whichever way you choose to go!--Julia

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B)  :D Bruno:    I am going to have to wait to try your last info/help. Mndrk will not even let me log in today. It boots up to  a  "welcome localhost" login window and no matter how I try to log in  either as "root"  or  "user" I cannot get past that window. Unless there is some way around that I think that I will have to re-install the  OS.
B) B) . . . . . What happened Longgone ? . . . . You could try the repair function during install ( start a re-install and at the 2nd or 3rd screen choose "repair" . . . . . )Anyway for the mouse Julia is right "Generic PS2 wheel mouse" works the best for the logitech wireless optical.B) Bruno
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B) Well ... OS reloaded, so far so good, checked the lilo.conf and the current entry is somewhat different than what you gave me, current entry is the same as what you gave me until after the hdd=ide-scsi portion then it has now acpi=ht splash=silent ... so am I to assume that I should change that entry .. it is in the very first linux entry the one that has the label linux line
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Longgone, before you change anything . . . how is the shutdown ?This is what mine says:

 append="devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi acpi=ht splash=silent"

B) Bruno

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Okay you have the same thing that is currently in my machine ..... shutdown has no difference ... still does not power off .... goes through the whole shutdown sequence up to and including the "power down" line .. but that as far as it goes ... still needs the old finger on the pwr button to shut the machine off.

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No change ... also when I try to run /sbin/lilo I get an error that tells me \s and \t are not allowed above line 15 in lilo .... but .. have tried changing that append line to both examples and neither one works. I guess I must remain with the finger power off mode ..... dern it .... As far as the copy/paste goes .... I am using a Logitec tracball USB mouse and during the reinstall I tried several different mouse setups ... even so far as to go into the PS2 side ... that is a mistake it froze the mouse solid .... thankfully during the rest of the install the software put it back to USB wheel and now I have a mouse again .... what I have when I click open that icon is a menu that says enable actions, clear clipboard history, configure klipper history and help with quit at the bottom and at the top a blank space with a check mark in it. I tried to get the results you were talking about but .. it was not working .... another lesson for a later day .... oh well.

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LonggoneFor the copy and paste . . . . I assume you can select a block of text with your mouse . . in the console there is a heading "edit" --> "copy" in the menu. . . . then you should be able to paste it in your browser with Menu --> edit --> paste . . . . or not ?

also when I try to run /sbin/lilo I get an error that tells me \s and \t are not allowed above line 15 in lilo
Very strange . . . . . very strange . . . maybe if you get the copy and paste working you could post me the full /etc/lilo.conf again:$ cat /etc/lilo.confB) Bruno
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:( :( Bruno: No, I cannot select a block of text at all, at least not on the Linux side. I am assuming that what you are talking about is if I click on an area of text it becomes highlighted, at least I have had that occur in the XP side. I do not get those results in Linux. Not sure what nor where the problem/fix is located at. But a new problem has arisen on my other machine. I reloaded Mndrk 9.0 into it which was working fine but now it will not connect to the web. The error I am receiving is cannot find kppp. also in the MCC under the hardware icon .. I cannot find the modem listed at all. On the other hand, :D :D it shuts the machine completely off when I select shutdown, halt on the menu. Is this another one of those things you mentioned earlier in the post about the Linux code writers being different.
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I got a chance to look into my similar problem tonight, and the results of my meddling seem to be pretty possitive so far. Since I'm using SuSE, directories and file names will have to be sorted out by someone who knows.As well as not automatically shutting the computer off, I also had a "problem" on startup; my machine would go and do a complete fsck on all my partitions, taking like a minute or more to start up and login. Message was: Your dma on your hard drive is turned off, this will signifigantly increase the fsck time (paraphrased) After a little searching, I found that my /boot/grub/menu.lst file had this to say:###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux###title Linux kernel (hd0,7)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6 vga=0x31a splash=silent ide=nodma apm=off acpi=off desktop hdd=ide-scsi hddlun=0 hdd=ide-scsi hddlun=0 showopts initrd (hd0,7)/initrdI was going to delete the bold entries above, but then saw this file: boot/grub/menu.lst_old, and took a look:###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux###title Linux kernel (hd0,7)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6 vga=0x31a splash=silent desktop hdd=ide-scsi hddlun=0 showopts initrd (hd0,7)/initrdSO, I got bold and exchanged these files and rebooted.I got a COMPLETELY different looking login, most noticeably the "Your DMA is turned off" message was not there, there was a bunch of stuff I never saw before now in the log, and it took less than half the time to boot to desktop!! :( :( :D :D Tried out a few things to see if everything was "normal", and then shutdown.....My machine then powered off all by its lonesome!! hoodeehooo.Another thing I noticed is that I am using considerably LESS CPU now.

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:)  :( Bruno:  No, I cannot select a block of text at all, at least not on the Linux side. I am assuming that what you are talking about is if I click on an area of text it becomes highlighted, at least I have had that occur in the XP side. I do not get those results in Linux. Not sure what nor where the problem/fix is located at.   But a new problem has arisen on my other machine. I reloaded Mndrk 9.0 into it which was working fine but now it will not connect to the web. The error I am receiving is  cannot  find  kppp. also in the MCC under the hardware icon ..  I cannot find the modem listed at all. On the other hand, :thumbsup:  :w00t:  it shuts the machine completely off when I select shutdown, halt on the menu.    Is this another one of those  things you  mentioned earlier in the post about the Linux code writers being different.
Sorry, this got burried somehow Longgone,On the first part, can´t you select a few lines of text by holding the left button down and moving the pointer over the line ?Kppp is part of the ppp package, you can install it in the MCC software management and querry the modem . . hope that works . . . . what kind of modem is it ? internal external ?B) Bruno
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:thumbsup: :w00t: B) Bruno: I must confess to ignorance in regard to copy and paste, after your last reply I did some playing around and by gum, yes I can highlight and put it into the K clipboard. Amazing, simply amazing, thank you for that learning/teaching experience. Now as to the other machine, a bit of history, it did have (all Mndrke) 9.0 on it and it worked fine, tried to put 9.2 on it but I kept getting errors along the line of "an error occured installing libs etc etc etc". This got to be very repititious, I stopped counting after error number 8 popped up. I decided to re-install the 9.0 and try and possibly install 9.2 as an upgraded vice a fresh install. But after the re-install I lost the ability to connect to the web. I did the query modem as you suggested and it tells me the modem does not respond. I have tried using the dev/ttys0, dev/ttys1, dev/ttys2, dev/ttys3, and the dev/modem paths to try to establish the web but so far nothing is working. I have no idea what is differnt now than before but I was hoping to get the 9.0 back in and before anything serious was going to see what if anything is different between it an 9.2 in tha apmd area.
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longgone..two things that might help (I just reinstalled Mandrake 9.2 on my laptop)...kppp isn't loaded by default. If you go to Configuration/Packaging/Install Software, you can install kppp from the Networking package.And my modem works best when installed as /modem.

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HI LonggoneHappy we at least solved the copy and paste question ( pasting lines you see in the console on the forum is an important way to be able to solve problems ) . . . . . . :thumbsup: . . . . but because of your trackball you might have to do one action more then the rest of us . . . : Copy . . . but the console menu ( also your browser ) has a heading "edit" --> "copy"So you select first ( we got that part covered earlier ) the copy ( the menu ) and paste ( also the menu )We linuxers with a "normal" mouse can skip step two . . we only select and then paste pressing the wheel. ;)As for the modem, I hope Jeber's sugestion works . . B):w00t: Bruno

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We linuxers with a "normal" mouse can skip step two . . we only select and then paste pressing the wheel. :w00t:
trigggl just suggested that we might be the "coldlanders" :) B) :thumbsup: but seriously folks, that select/middle button to paste forms a fast habit. I've been using linux exclusively at home for the last couple of days, and when I came into work tonight, I was trying to use that technique in XP. just doesn"t work!!
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I was trying to use that technique in XP.  just doesn"t work!!
It does sometimes. Depends on your mouse driver. See here for howto configure the middle mouse button with the Intellipoint driver.
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:D Jeber: Tried your suggestion to no avail, went so far as to do a total reinstall on 9.0 and made sure that the internet package was selected for installation. After all is said and done I still cannot connect, if I use modem, s1, or s2 the response I get (in order) is modem ready and then modem does not respond. I have checked the "hardware" icon in the control center and the modem is not listed anywhere which leads me to guess that for some reason the modem was not detected during the installation process. On the machine that I normally use (the one I am on now) in the hardware section it has an "other" listing and when I click on that it opens up and lists the modem and the joystick but no such critter in 9.0.
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Do I understand right you had connection in 9.0 on this system before, but after installing 9.2 and now back to 9.0 you have not ?<_< Bruno

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Bruno: Correct, prior to my attempt to put 9.2 on that machine it ran fine with 9.0 on it, made connections to the web, worked great. After I got the 3 distros from AlmostFreeCD's, I put the 9.2 on my normal use machine and it works fine with the exception of the shutdown/power off. I put the 9.0 back on the other machine to use it as a comparison between the areas you have had me make changes in/check in to see if there are differences which allow the 9.0 machine to power down and not the 9.2 machine. But now that 9.0 is back on the other machine, and it appears that it is working fine except that now it will not connect to the internet. As mentioned in my earlier post, in the hardware tab, it does not show the modem at all. This particular situation with the shutdown/power off has been with me for a long time. On my normal machine I have never gotten a Linux Program to power down the machine where as on the other one, it has had Mndrk 8.2 and 9.0 on it and both powered down just fine. This forum here is the only one that I have been in where everyone has tried to help, which I do appreciate greatly, but I am almost to the point of just using the finger to shut down the machine, but it has bugged me enough that I want to see if there are differences in either the OS or is it something in the mainboard i.e. in the BIOS area that deals with this situation.

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This all sounds very strange . . maybe try to do a fresh re-install . . . sometimes the install is just not happy and doing it a second time might help . . . . but do reformat ALL Mandrake partitions during the install.:huh: Bruno

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Reformat?? Grab a copy of autoclave and just wipe that drive clean of any lingering potential errors while you're at it. Unforunately, I can't tell you where to get autoclave at. It is a very easy to use bootable linux based low format data wiper. The command line doing the work I think is "sterilize". I know I have two versions; the later is autoclave 0.3. It's definitely along the lines of data security and paranoia. The 0.3 version does 25 random and structured passes. The older version does 50! Let's just say that at 50 passes, you won't be using that computer any time within the week. :rolleyes:Ok, so I couldn't just sit on it and let you do the leg work. http://staff.washington.edu/jdlarios/autoclave/

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Yeah. I onced played with a used corporate system that was supposed to be wiped. Well it still had everything there, cad files, visio files, visio, project. A lot of nice software to boot. If it wasn't for the password, I might have had a free ticket into the corporations infrastructure. And some folks are just down right nasty. I'm not sure what happened to the used drive I thought about buying and had for a day, but it had, um, well, um, it was just bad news with boat loads of cracks and other material. I took it back to the shop owner and explained the situation. Always looking for a buck, the initial reply was, "Why didn't you just format the drive?" It's the principle of the matter and I don't want to ever find another drive like that again no matter how nice the specs or reasonable the price. :D :D

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