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You have a swap partition . . . so it will recognize that as well . . no worries . . . The XP install did not touch or change your Linux partitions . . because it could not see them . . . . so you´re all set.o:) Bruno

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Mandrake will either recognize the Linux partitions . . or automatically make new ones in the free space if they got wiped ( I doubt if it did )o:) Bruno

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Just go ahead and put your CD in and it will automatically go to the second drive. You have one drive partitioned into two now, correct?

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We have success. Everything worked out. I am now posting from Linux. Now, here come the questions...1. Updates where do I get them, how on earth do I install them?2. Linux on it's own created a only about a 500MB swap section?3. Possibility of getting files off windows partitions to Linux?4. Best media player for mp3's?5. GUI interface to install programs?

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YES !!! Congrats Brian !!!! ( see, it was simple, wasn´t it ? )Updates . . in tne MCC > software management > Mandrake update . . . . . DO PICK A DUTCH MIRROR ! ( The US mirrors are useless ! )Extra software: same GUIMusic player: XMMS . . . same as winampSwap: 500 MB is plenty !FIRST get the updates . . take 5 -6 at a time . . not all at once, give it time to finish the process . . no hurry.We will see the other questions ( win files ) later !o:) Bruno

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Updates are easy.Go to your start menu in the corner (Mine has a k on a wheel) and go up to Configuration . Then you are ready to go to Configure your computer . That will then ask for your password. This is where you put in that root password you selected when you installed. Now you want to do two things. One is go to Software updates as Bruno mentioned. The menus will take you through selection and installation. Just select everything it offers since they are based on what you have installed.Then you want to go to Add Software and go through the menus and select what you want to install. As you get more familiar with Linux you will have a better idea of what to install. After you have installed your software (it will ask for various CDs) then you want to do an update again to get the rest of the updates for what you just installed.Or you can add software first and then go and do your updates. Just be sure to do all the updates.

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Great Brian ! . . You´re set now . . . . I´m off to the supermarket, have to do some shopping . . will see you later !o:) Bruno

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You should be able to get to your windows files without moving them to the Linux partition.Here is how I do it. I open the icon with the house on it. That is your /home/Brian directory. Then you press the up arrow on the menu to take you out of Brian and home and up to the basic tree. Then you click on the mnt. Wait a minute until you files show up. There you should see your windows directory and you have access to anything that is there.Are you still up from yesterday? Don't you need to get some sleep? Or you one of those folks that just get up at this time of the morning (like me?).

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OK, why did this happen? When I did the updates all most all of the programs that were installed have disappeared. no configuretion stuff, no networking, no browsers, all gone? the home thing will also not open now?

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Disappeared? You did not go into remove software did you?There was a problem with not everything showing up until you did the updates not after the updates.Do you not have your start menu now? If it is very abbreviated try shutting down and restarting.

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i rebooted, can't access MCC now, it says it doesn't exist. can't open home, no software. Linux seems to have alot of really extra work, i don't recall windows ever deleting programs from the start menu for not apparent reason.what should I do?

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I pretty much have nothing, and the items that were there have been replaced with others, I can't even use that little welcome menu to do anything.i'm very close to giving up on Linux, too complicated. i like a challenge, but I like things to work more.

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1. DO the updates first ! Then the menus will disappear. In MandrakeUpdate, if it says "void", check the boxes "Bug fixes" and "Normal updates". The three boxes should be checked.2. Then open a console and type :- be root (admin) by typing "su" (and your root password), and type "update-menus -v"- if it does not fix your menus, as a user (in console, type CTRL+D if you were root, or open a new console), then type "update-menus -v"3. "Yes but I don't have access to my console since my menu is messed up" ! If you do not have access to a console, under KDE, there are two solutions :- type Alt+F2 and in the execute window, type : konsole- ultimately, CTRL+ALT+F1 sends you to the text console. ALT+F7 makes you go back to the Desktop.
This is from the Mandrake Club forum!
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This one has popped up before. I frogot that Ross549 went throught this as well.Brian - have you had any sleep? I should be leaving for my morning coffee infusion here in about half an hour.

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I appluade you. That worked, once I figured out that there was a space after menus, then -vI am feeling a litte better now, that I know the same thing happened to other people.and sleep no, I am still going since yesterday.

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Huh- for a moment there I got excited--- I thought I would be able to help a linux user!! but Julia and Bruno beat me to it... oh well another time :P :D

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PS: I really hope they are going to remaster ISO1. These problems plus the LG corruption problem are really going to cause a lot of users problems with Mdk9.2.One of the reasons I am holding off till the end of the month before sending Sunrat his care package.

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We have success.  Everything worked out.  I am now posting from Linux.  Now, here come the questions...1. Updates where do I get them, how on earth do I install them?2. Linux on it's own created a only about a 500MB swap section?3. Possibility of getting files off windows partitions to Linux?4. Best media player for mp3's?5. GUI interface to install programs?
1. You have done your updates.2. 500 is large enough for a swap partition. Let's not go change the size of it now. If you want you can add a second one later. I happen to have two for some strange reason and I know I have more than is needed.3. You should be able to get to your windows files without moving them to the Linux partition.Here is how I do it. I open the icon with the house on it. That is your /home/Brian directory. Then you press the up arrow on the menu to take you out of Brian and home and up to the basic tree. Then you click on the mnt. Wait a minute until you files show up. There you should see your windows directory and you have access to anything that is there.4. Ask Owyn.5. Then you want to go to Add Software and go through the menus and select what you want to install. As you get more familiar with Linux you will have a better idea of what to install. After you have installed your software (it will ask for various CDs) then you want to do an update again to get the rest of the updates for what you just installed.Some of this is pulled from my earlier posts but I wanted to go back and address all your questions since we were sidetracked with your menu problem. :P
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