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Adopt a Dial Up User


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We broadband users have the finger on the download button, the minute it shows up . . . . . . and we wanted to give the dialup users some of the exitement we have being the first to have it. :)
:teehee: Not all of us, Bruno. I don't mind waiting a month or more so I don't have to play mirror roulette! :)
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  • 5 weeks later...
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  • teacher


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  • linuxdude32


Hey! I'm a Linux Explorer on a dial-up hoping that someone will adopt me. You can read my story over here...I'm A Linux ExplorerI would like to start using Mandrake 9.2. I live in Nashville, TN, and would be happy to reimburse any CD-Rs that would be used to help me out.Have a great day! B) Adopted!! adoptionX.gif

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  • 2 months later...

Well, Bruno mentioned it in the Mdk10 post, so I'll be the first to venture back to the Adoption thread. Actually didn't have much luck last time due to some mix-ups, but keen to try again.If a kind soul somewhere could adopt me for Mandrake 10 I'd be extremely grateful. I am in Australia.;) Funny thought: I got 9.2 just as 9.1 behaved itself, and now have 9.2 running smoothly so it's definately time to change! That's why we're Explorers! :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Adopters:Don't forget your adoptee as Mandrake 10 is available. A majority of you have Mandrake adoptees. I need to make copies for my adoptee too so it is on my list of things to do!Julia :D

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  • 1 month later...

Figured I'd drag this thread back "from the dead".Since I'm now on broadband, and I was once adopted myself, I'm more than willing to share the wealth, and become an adopter myself. :sweatingbullets:

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Hi Teacher,and BrunoI am on Broadband,using Mandrake 9.1. With a New burner,running thanks to the trouble shooting and TLC of you Gals and guys. I would love to adopt a user. If it is allright. Atiustira :sweatingbullets:

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We will be happy to put you on the list of possible adopters! Thanks. Are you upgrading to the current version of Mandrake?Julia :sweatingbullets:

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Hi JuliaTried running 10. But could'nt get it to run good on my system. But I can download and burn ISO's. I have a set of Mandrake 10 allready burned that I did the install with. And they matched the MD5 perfect.I got my security settings reset on Mandrake 9.1. My filters reset up in K-Mail.Portsentry running right, and shorewall. I have snortsnarf running again.And snort reinstalled (but having some config problems with it).I will get it back to where it was. Eventually. Snortsnarf is running good again.I got Dazuko recompiled and AntVir by H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH.Both running again. Think I am going to stay at 9.1 for while. As it is running preety good. ;) I want to be a contributing member please sign me up. Atius B)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Julia,Would you like to please add me to the Adopt a Dialler plan.At the moment I have available:Mandrakelinux v10.Minislack (Latest v.)Yoper v2.00.Happy Days........I'm in Adelaide. South Australia. If that makes it easier for anyone who wants CD's. :'( and please feel free to PM me.

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Tried running 10. But could'nt get it to run good on my system. But I can download and burn ISO's.I have a set of Mandrake 10 allready burned that I did the install with.And they matched the MD5 perfect.
i had the same problem with Mandrake 10 it would not install clean so i did an update from 9.1 and that worked for me . afterwards i had to reinstall and did a clean install on the second try it installed without a hitch except ofr one file that did not install correctly which i installed from the MCC and i havent had any problems with it since .i dont know if this will help you but it may be worth a shot :'(
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  • 3 months later...

Hi all!I am a poor Linux orphan who was helped tremendously yesterday by Bruno sorting out my Lilo.conf. If I can reach you from my Ubuntu distro today it is thanks to him.We don't have access to broadband connection here in the beautiful Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia Canada, yet ( It should be here soon, however). I have been having some problems with my Mandrake 9.1 distro (freezing at times ( i figured out my Internet connection Broni, so at least this part is fixed) ) and he (you) suggested that I go for adoption and get the 10.1 distro. If I could get a fosterPinguin I would not only ge.t rid of Windoze on this machine but as soon as I have access to broadband I would gladly become an adopter myself). I understand that we can get the Ubuntu CDs for free (which I did) but I .wouldn't mind fostering someone who wants it faster than it takes to get it from the distributer if it can help.Keep up the good work everyone. You are the best Linux source of information around.Love you all!RejeanadoptionX.gifAdopted!

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I have been having some problems with my Mandrake 9.1 distro (freezing at times ( i figured out my Internet connection Broni, so at least this part is fixed) ) and he (you) suggested that I go for adoption and get the 10.1 distro.
I'd be willing to adopt ya', Rejean (sorry about missing the accent in your name, I don't know how to do that with my keyboard). I can send you Mandrake 10.1 CDs, just msg me if you're interested and I'll let Julia know it's a go. I'll send you an update CD too, so you can get your updates right from it though Bruno and Julia will have to help in regards to making one since I've never done it.The only thing is if you're not getting broadband for a while, I'd actually recommend getting SUSE instead because it's not updated as often as Mandrake and it only downloads patch RPMs which are smaller than regular RPMs, meaning that keeping your distro up-to-date will be less of a chore under SUSE than Mandrake. I don't have the 9.2 edition though, only 9.1 Pro which is five CDs. SUSE and Mandrake are very similar to each other.But it's your choice. Just PM me.
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(sorry about missing the accent in your name, I don't know how to do that with my keyboard)
Cut and paste into your personal notepad.

Well, it looks like two of them didn't translate. All these are are the rest of the 256 possible characters. When someone used a website to translate their name to digital, I used that same website to translate these characters.Sorry for the slightly off topic post.

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Hi Linuxdude32!Concerning the accent it's no big deal. I could show you how to set it up if you did use it often like I do but otherwise it's not worth the sweat. Most of the time it requires adding a language in the keyboard layout then finding out the keyboard short cut to switch from one to the other ( in Windoze it is SHIFT+ALT, in Linux it is Ctrl+ALT+the character "k") or clicking on the little flag in the System tray. Then you have to figure out which keyboard key is used for the French accents (most of them are on the right end of the keyboard (the characters "/", "{", " ' ' and so forth). If you are in Windoze you can go here and use the ALT codes. Otherwise you can always use the old Copy and Paste method.It would be nice to replace my Mdk 9.1 with 10.1 ( my latest install seems a bit more stable but I haven't used it much so it's hard to say. I haven't tried installing Firefox yet. I spent at least a week a few months ago figuring it out to no avail. I don't really nead to update periodically as long as a distro works properly.I have 1 Suse 9.1 install CD so it is definitely not the Pro version. I just found your reply to my "installing Suse" post. So what I am thinking of doing is to PM you with my address and wait for Mdk 10.1 and redo my 1st hd from scratch.Thanks for your offer.Réjean

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i am on broadband and T3 at work if anyone needs adopter :P i will be happy to help best i can, because the feeling when i am moving between dallas and canada i go from braodband to dial up :(some of the dstros i have are FC3mandrake 10.1 + all updatesknoppix 3.7debian woody slackware 10 + all updatesvector 4.3 + all updates UbuntuD*** SmallSLAXand i can always borrow my neighbours suse pro to copy if someone needed suse

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That is perfect jar92380 and Steel . . . . thanks for the offer, we will sure hook you up with someone ;)jar92380: ( I take it you want to adopt, or is it you want to be adopted ? ) can you send a PM to teacher with what distro you run yourself and where about you live, so we can link you with someone in your region ??:"> Bruno

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Glad to see everyone willing to adopt. We have our latest adopted and will keep the others noted for future needs. Thanks for volunteering. You folks are the best!

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Hi Julia, I would be happy to adopt a dialup user. I live in Adelaide, South Australia and am on ADSL broadband. The distros I like the most are Mandrake, Mepis and PcLinux. Jan

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