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Okay . . .found the other tool . . indeed gslapt is possible and maybe an easier tool:
$ xhost +$ su< password ># set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0# gslapt

So just "gslapt" . . and not "gslapt -gui":D Bruno

Well when I try to run the command "gslapt" I get the error in post 58. "gslapt-gui" reports command not found. slapt-gui gives me the the GUI window with the programs. Edited by irvdk
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Maybe it is because you run a "beta" version . . . . and it is still a bit buggy ;)Just use "slapt-gui" for the moment ;)Anyway . . . did you try one of the other desktops ?? By default it will boot Ice-WM but at the login screen you can probably also choose "XFCE 4" . . .that is really a nice looking desktop, might be worth to have a look ! It will also have Fluxbox, but that one is harder to manage . . anyway when you start it, remember you have a menu when you left-click on the desktop :D( IceWM is fast . . . XFCE is fast and fancy . . . . Fluxbox is mega fast . . . KDE will be slow on your system ):icon8: Bruno

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Maybe it is because you run a "beta" version . . . . and it is still a bit buggy ;)Just use "slapt-gui" for the moment ;)Anyway . . . did you try one of the other desktops ?? By default it will boot Ice-WM but at the login screen you can probably also choose "XFCE 4" . . .that is really a nice looking desktop, might be worth to have a look ! It will also have Fluxbox, but that one is harder to manage . . anyway when you start it, remember you have a menu when you left-click on the desktop :D( IceWM is fast . . . XFCE is fast and fancy . . . . Fluxbox is mega fast . . . KDE will be slow on your system ):icon8: Bruno
Gotcha...I am running XFCE and like it very much. Fast and fancy is a good explaination for it.Now two questions:In the bottom toolbar there are 4 blank boxes. They are marked graphical pager. Are they supposed to be able to be used as "back page" when multiple windows are opened? The only way I can go back is to hit the alt tab keys.I set the desktop size at 800x600. When I shut down the computer it does not hold the settings.
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slapt-gui gives me the the GUI window with the programs.
Well if that's the case... enjoy! :D(If it's anything like the Synaptic Package Manager, right click on a program, choose "choose for installation"... Click "Apply". No need to reboot after installation (unless you update the Kernel) ).Now... as for what programs to install... I don't know anything about games. Others... you might want to install Thunderbird, Opera, GIMP (graphics), Inkscape (ditto), Skype, Download Manager, Gnumeric (math... like Excel), Audacity, K3B (burner), maybe even RealPlayer10... someone else take this from here, please... I don't know what your interests are... there is a thread on this forum (and on many other forums) about "suggested programs"...DISCLAIMER: I don't use Vector Linux... so I have no idea... many programs from that list might come with the distro... some might not be in repositories... some might not work... they are just the ones I use in Ubuntu. I would recommend OpenOffice, but with that (slooooooooooow) processor... I dunno.
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Well if that's the case... enjoy! :icon8:(If it's anything like the Synaptic Package Manager, right click on a program, choose "choose for installation"... Click "Apply". No need to reboot after installation (unless you update the Kernel) ).Now... as for what programs to install... I don't know anything about games. Others... you might want to install Thunderbird, Opera, GIMP (graphics), Inkscape (ditto), Skype, Download Manager, Gnumeric (math... like Excel), Audacity, K3B (burner), maybe even RealPlayer10... someone else take this from here, please... I don't know what your interests are... there is a thread on this forum (and on many other forums) about "suggested programs"...DISCLAIMER: I don't use Vector Linux... so I have no idea... many programs from that list might come with the distro... some might not be in repositories... some might not work... they are just the ones I use in Ubuntu. I would recommend OpenOffice, but with that (slooooooooooow) processor... I dunno.
Urmas,Just to let you know, yesterday we figured out that this is the same as Slackware 10.1. Have have been playing all day and am now more confused then before!! :D
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Confusion will be your epitaph... but I don't think there's any need for that. You have the OS up and running... great! You have access to the GUI Package Manager (slapt-gui)... great! That means you have sunglasses, you have a tank full of petrol... you are ready to rock'n'roll, my friend. Check if any of the programs from my list (that aren't already installed) are in slapt-gui... and, if you're interested, just plain install'em! Easy as that. Modify the Desktop to your liking... tweak this and that... stretch your legs a little! You deserve that! :D

Edited by Urmas
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Goody... and in case of miskin, there are Bruno et al... me, being a newbie at this, I can't give you anything but mental support... but I'll give that by s*itloads! :teehee:

Edited by Urmas
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LOL . . Urmas . . thanks for the mental support . . . :teehee: . . . . Getting a new Linux user on a Slackware based distro we need all the support we can get ;)B) Bruno

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In the bottom toolbar there are 4 blank boxes. They are marked graphical pager. Are they supposed to be able to be used as "back page" when multiple windows are opened? The only way I can go back is to hit the alt tab keys.
Okay let me explain the "pager":In Linux you can have several desktops open at the same time . . . . you have 4 there . . .the way I use them is that I click on the 4th and open my mail program and leave it open . . . then I click on the 3rd and open a browser ( firefox ) . . . then I go to the 2nd and open a media-player to have some music . . . and on the 1st I open a terminal . . . . Now ALL those programs are open and I can switch desktops with the pager . . . from the browser to the terminal up and down . . . and checking the mail when mail comes in . . . adjusting the volume . . . . . tra-la-la . . . easy and simple without minimizing the programs or closing them, real multitasking :DI think this is one of the better features of Linux . . . having the ability to have so many programs open at the same time spread over multiple desktops.You can also switch desktops with Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2, Ctrl+F3 and Ctrl+F4B) Bruno
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Thank you Oh Great Leader :teehee: That's a perfect explaination. Now indulge me one more time and tell me about:I set the desktop size at 800x600. When I shut down the computer it does not hold the settings. What do you make of this?? B)

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I set the desktop size at 800x600. When I shut down the computer it does not hold the settings. What do you make of this?? :teehee:
LOL . . . we will have to change an important configuration file for this . . . are you sure you are ready to take a risk ?Please show me:
# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

B) Bruno

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LOL . . . we will have to change an important configuration file for this . . . are you sure you are ready to take a risk ?Please show me:
# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

B) Bruno

irv@vector:$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.confSection "ServerLayout"Identifier "X.org Configured"Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"EndSectionSection "Files"RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"ModulePath "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"EndSectionSection "Module"Load "record"Load "extmod"Load "dbe"Load "dri"Load "glx"Load "xtrap"Load "freetype"Load "type1"EndSectionSection "InputDevice"Identifier "Keyboard0"Driver "kbd"Option "XkbLayout" "us"Option "XkbModel" "pc101"EndSectionSection "InputDevice"Identifier "Mouse0"Driver "mouse"Option "Protocol" "auto"Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"EndSectionSection "Monitor"Identifier "Monitor0"VendorName "Monitor Vendor"ModelName "Monitor Model"EndSectionSection "Device"### Available Driver options are:-### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"### [arg]: arg optional#Option "accel" # [<bool>]#Option "crt_display" # [<bool>]#Option "composite_sync" # [<bool>]#Option "hw_cursor" # [<bool>]#Option "linear" # [<bool>]#Option "mmio_cache" # [<bool>]#Option "test_mmio_cache" # [<bool>]#Option "panel_display" # [<bool>]#Option "probe_clocks" # [<bool>]#Option "reference_clock" # <freq>#Option "shadow_fb" # [<bool>]#Option "sw_cursor" # [<bool>]Identifier "Card0"Driver "ati"VendorName "ATI"BoardName "3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133"ChipSet "ati"ChipId 0x4c42ChipRev 0xdcBusID "PCI:1:0:0"EndSectionSection "Screen"Identifier "Screen0"Device "Card0"Monitor "Monitor0"DefaultDepth 24SubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 1Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 4Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 8Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 15Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 16Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 24Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionEndSectionThat desktop switch works great :teehee:
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That desktop switch works great :teehee:
Glad you like it :DOkay here we go . . . first we will make a backup of that config file, just to be sure:
$ su< password ># cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-BACKUP

Next we open the file in an editor ( as root ):

# mcedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Okay . . mcedit is an easy editor . . . you move around with the cursor and your arrow keys . . . . . at the bottom of the window you see the commands like "save" and "quit" that are related to your function keys . . . so F2 is "save" and F10 is close the file and quit. . . . t=That is all you need to know for now about mcedit.Now we have the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file open you are going to make ONE little change . . I marked it in RED below: ( 3rd line from bottom B) )

Section "ServerLayout"Identifier "X.org Configured"Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"EndSectionSection "Files"RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"ModulePath "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"EndSectionSection "Module"Load "record"Load "extmod"Load "dbe"Load "dri"Load "glx"Load "xtrap"Load "freetype"Load "type1"EndSectionSection "InputDevice"Identifier "Keyboard0"Driver "kbd"Option "XkbLayout" "us"Option "XkbModel" "pc101"EndSectionSection "InputDevice"Identifier "Mouse0"Driver "mouse"Option "Protocol" "auto"Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"EndSectionSection "Monitor"Identifier "Monitor0"VendorName "Monitor Vendor"ModelName "Monitor Model"EndSectionSection "Device"### Available Driver options are:-### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"### [arg]: arg optional#Option "accel" # [<bool>]#Option "crt_display" # [<bool>]#Option "composite_sync" # [<bool>]#Option "hw_cursor" # [<bool>]#Option "linear" # [<bool>]#Option "mmio_cache" # [<bool>]#Option "test_mmio_cache" # [<bool>]#Option "panel_display" # [<bool>]#Option "probe_clocks" # [<bool>]#Option "reference_clock" # <freq>#Option "shadow_fb" # [<bool>]#Option "sw_cursor" # [<bool>]Identifier "Card0"Driver "ati"VendorName "ATI"BoardName "3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133"ChipSet "ati"ChipId 0x4c42ChipRev 0xdcBusID "PCI:1:0:0"EndSectionSection "Screen"Identifier "Screen0"Device "Card0"Monitor "Monitor0"DefaultDepth 24SubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 1Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 4Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 8Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 15Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 16Modes "640x480" "800x600"EndSubSectionSubSection "Display"Viewport 0 0Depth 24Modes "800x600"EndSubSectionEndSection
See?? . . . I only took out the "640x480" bit in the "Depth 24" SubSection . . . that is all you have to do !Then you press the F2 to save the file . . . next you press F10 to quit the editor . . .and next you type: reboot . . and the system will reboot and hopefully at the next boot you will only have 800x600 ;)Good luck on your first REAL config edit Irv !!!B) BrunoPS: . . . . if things go wrong: we do have a backup so don t worry B)
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Glad you like it :DOkay here we go . . . first we will make a backup of that config file, just to be sure:
$ su< password ># cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-BACKUP

Next we open the file in an editor ( as root ):

# mcedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Okay . . mcedit is an easy editor . . . you move around with the cursor and your arrow keys . . . . . at the bottom of the window you see the commands like "save" and "quit" that are related to your function keys . . . so F2 is "save" and F10 is close the file and quit. . . . t=That is all you need to know for now about mcedit.Now we have the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file open you are going to make ONE little change . . I marked it in RED below: ( 3rd line from bottom B) ) See?? . . . I only took out the "640x480" bit in the "Depth 24" SubSection . . . that is all you have to do !Then you press the F2 to save the file . . . next you press F10 to quit the editor . . .and next you type: reboot . . and the system will reboot and hopefully at the next boot you will only have 800x600 ;)Good luck on your first REAL config edit Irv !!!B) BrunoPS: . . . . if things go wrong: we do have a backup so don t worry B)

Thanks, that was pretty easy. It's rebooting now. So I'm sure it will be good to go!! So its time to get off the puter before my other half kills me :teehee: See you tomorrow or Monday. Have a great evening.IRVWell sorry to say it did'nt work. When it booted back up it was the same problem 640x480. So, I said I'll fix you!I went back and repeated the steps you gave me in the previous post only this time I deleted all reference to the 640x480 size. It worked. It is now holding its settings. I don't know which one of the 5 or 6 entries was the bad one.Irv Edited by irvdk
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Good call Irv . . . . Well done !;) Bruno
Goood Morning Bruno, :) Well after much trial and tribualtion I finally got Thundebird installed, and am able to get mail. I don't think that I could duplicate the steps I took, but it worked. B) Here is the current problem. In order to access it I have to type the following:$ cd ./thundebird$ thunderbirdAnd then it opens. Surly there is an easier way? Also, why is there no icon to click on and open it? Is that possible?Second Question:Why is there no system sounds? Edited by irvdk
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Good man !!! . . . . Installed Thunderbird and are using it ?? . . Well done ! B) Now . . . usually just typing the command "thunderbird" ( or /usr/bin/thunderbird ) should do the trick and start the program. Please check if it does before we add it to the menu.Anyway, in order to add it to the menu I would like to know what window manager you use: XFCE or IceWM, because there is a different way for both of them.Systemsounds ?? . . I never really missed them, will have a look ;);) Bruno

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Good man !!! . . . . Installed Thunderbird and are using it ?? . . Well done ! ;) Now . . . usually just typing the command "thunderbird" ( or /usr/bin/thunderbird ) should do the trick and start the program. Please check if it does before we add it to the menu.Anyway, in order to add it to the menu I would like to know what window manager you use: XFCE or IceWM, because there is a different way for both of them.Systemsounds ?? . . I never really missed them, will have a look ;)B) Bruno
I am using XFCE, and yes recieving mail that way. There are no wave files in thunderbird under properties
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Okay . . if you are using XFCE you can add Thunderbird to the "taskbar-menu" by clicking on the little button just next to the "webbrowser" button . . and choose "add launcher". Next all you have to fill in is the command "/usr/bin/thunderbird", the name of the program, and find a nice icon for it.In IceWM it is a little different, there you go to "Settings" --> "IceWM menueditor" and you can add a menu entry there with the same commandFor the systemsounds: In IceWM you go to "Settings" --> "IceWM sound theme switcher" and choose one of the "themes" . . . . ( You do not have to enable "isesound"or whatever it says in that dialog because that is already running . . so just picking a sound-theme will do ;) )In XFCE . . . . there are no systemsounds . . . but if you need a command for a soundevent in Thunderbird:

/usr/bin/aplay /usr/share/sounds/ICE-robot/restart.wav

would produce one. Other soundfiles are in /usr/share/sounds/ . . . the /usr/bin/aplay is the player that can play the sounds located in /usr/share/sounds/B) Bruno

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Okay . . if you are using XFCE you can add Thunderbird to the "taskbar-menu" by clicking on the little button just next to the "webbrowser" button . . and choose "add launcher". Next all you have to fill in is the command "/usr/bin/thunderbird", the name of the program, and find a nice icon for it.In IceWM it is a little different, there you go to "Settings" --> "IceWM menueditor" and you can add a menu entry there with the same commandFor the systemsounds: In IceWM you go to "Settings" --> "IceWM sound theme switcher" and choose one of the "themes" . . . . ( You do not have to enable "isesound"or whatever it says in that dialog because that is already running . . so just picking a sound-theme will do ;) )In XFCE . . . . there are no systemsounds . . . but if you need a command for a soundevent in Thunderbird:
/usr/bin/aplay /usr/share/sounds/ICE-robot/restart.wav

would produce one. Other soundfiles are in /usr/share/sounds/ . . . the /usr/bin/aplay is the player that can play the sounds located in /usr/share/sounds/B) Bruno

I get this message:Warning failed to execute child process /usr/bin/thunderbird (no such file or directory)
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Well, in that case the executable is elsewhere . . . can you do:

# updatedb# locate thunderbird

And show us the results ?;) Bruno

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Here is the plan:

# locate thunderbird >thun.txt

That will put a textfile in your /home/irv called thun.txt . . that is easier to copy and paste B);) Bruno

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Here is the plan:
# locate thunderbird >thun.txt

That will put a textfile in your /home/irv called thun.txt . . that is easier to copy and paste B);) Bruno

/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/wallet/DistinguishedSchema.tbl/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/wallet/FieldSchema.tbl/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/wallet/VcardSchema.tbl/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/wallet/SchemaConcat.tbl/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/wallet/SchemaStrings.tbl/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/wallet/PositionalSchema.tbl/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/wallet/StateSchema.tbl/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/pref/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/pref/mdn.js/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/pref/smime.js/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/pref/mailnews.js/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/pref/composer.js/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/pref/all-l10n.js/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/pref/all-thunderbird.js/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/pref/channel-prefs.js/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/messenger/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/messenger/SpamAssassin.sfd/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/messenger/SpamPal.sfd/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/messenger/mailViews.dat/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/messenger/US/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/messenger/US/mailViews.dat/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/isp/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/isp/movemail.rdf/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/isp/US/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/isp/US/movemail.rdf/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/isp/US/rss.rdf/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/isp/rss.rdf/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/profile/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/profile/mimeTypes.rdf/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/profile/localstore.rdf/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/profile/US/home/irv/thunderbird/defaults/profile/US/mimeTypes.rdfKool...U da man..
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Okay Irv . . I found the executable:/home/irv/thunderbird/thunderbirdSo use that as "command" in the config you have for adding a menu-item ;);) Bruno

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Okay Irv . . I found the executable:/home/irv/thunderbird/thunderbirdSo use that as "command" in the config you have for adding a menu-item ;);) Bruno
Got it...that's it. How do you know what the executable is as they don't end in .exe?
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