securitybreach Posted April 18, 2010 Author Posted April 18, 2010 Updates for Saturday 17, Apr 2010:Anyany Community perl-common-sense 3.2-1 save a tree AND a kitten, use common::sense! any Community perl-locale-maketext-lexicon 0.82-1 Perl/CPAN Module Locale::Maketext::Lexicon : Use other catalog formats in Maketext any Extra ttf-fireflysung 1.4.2-3 firefly embedded (truetype) bitmap font any Extra ttf-isabella 1.2-1 Historic Isabella TTFont - based on Isabella Breviary, made around 1497, in Holland, for Isabella of Castille, the first queen of united Spain any Extra ttf-tibetan-machine 1.901-3 Tibetan Machine TTFont any Extra ttf-ubraille 001.000-5 Unicode TTFonts for braille any Extra tango-icon-theme-extras 0.1.0-4 Extra icons for Tango any Extra archlinux-themes-kde 1.5-2 Arch Linux branded artwork and themes for KDE 4 any Extra archlinux-themes-kdm 1.4-2 Arch Linux branded KDM greeter themes for KDE4 any Extra archlinux-themes-slim 1.2-2 Arch Linux branded themes for the SLiM login manager any Extra archlinux-wallpaper 1.3-2 A variety of Arch Linux branded wallpapers any Extra tango-icon-theme 0.8.90-2 The Tango Desktop Project exists to create a consistent user experience any Extra artwiz-fonts 1.3-5 This is set of (improved) artwiz fonts. any Extra ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-7 Bitstream vera fonts any Extra ttf-cheapskate 2.0-7 TTFonts collection from any Extra ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-3 Core TTF Fonts from Microsoft any Extra gnome-icon-theme 2.30.1-1 Default icon theme for GNOME2i686i686 Community simgear 2.0.0-2 A set of open-source libraries designed to be used as building blocks for quickly assembling 3d simulations, games, and visualization applications. i686 Community flightgear 2.0.0-2 An open-source, multi-platform flight simulator i686 Community luafilesystem 1.5.0-1 File System Library for the Lua Programming Language i686 Community luajit 1.1.6-1 A Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua 5 i686 Community perl-json-xs 2.29-1 JSON::XS - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast i686 Community wormux 0.9.2-1 A clone of the worms game i686 Community mathomatic 15.0.7-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C i686 Community perl-dbd-pg 2.17.1-1 Postgres Driver for DBI i686 Extra mpd 0.15.9-4 Music daemon that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files i686 Extra vigra 1.7.0-1 Computer vision library i686 Extra icu 4.4-2 International Components for Unicode library i686 Extra libisofs 0.6.30-1 Library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a ISO 9660 disk image i686 Extra gtk-engines 2.20.1-1 Theme engines for GTK+ 2 i686 Extra glibmm 2.24.1-1 Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib i686 Extra glibmm-docs 2.24.1-1 Developer documentation for glibmm i686 Extra gtkmm 2.20.2-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 i686 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.2-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm i686 Extra pangomm 2.26.1-1 C++ bindings for pango i686 Extra pangomm-docs 2.26.1-1 Developer documentation for pangomm i686 Extra libsigc++2.0 2.2.6-1 Libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries - V2 i686 Extra libsigc++2.0-docs 2.2.6-1 Developer documentation for libsigc++ i686 Extra wine 1.1.43-1 A compatibility layer for running Windows programs i686 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m15-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leading to next stable release i686 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m15-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkg x86_64x86_64 Community flightgear 2.0.0-2 An open-source, multi-platform flight simulator x86_64 Community luafilesystem 1.5.0-1 File System Library for the Lua Programming Language x86_64 Community simgear 2.0.0-2 A set of open-source libraries designed to be used as building blocks for quickly assembling 3d simulations, games, and visualization applications. x86_64 Community perl-json-xs 2.29-1 JSON::XS - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast x86_64 Community mathomatic 15.0.7-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C x86_64 Community perl-dbd-pg 2.17.1-1 Postgres Driver for DBI x86_64 Extra mpd 0.15.9-4 Music daemon that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files x86_64 Extra vigra 1.7.0-1 Computer vision library x86_64 Extra icu 4.4-2 International Components for Unicode library x86_64 Extra libisofs 0.6.30-1 Library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a ISO 9660 disk image x86_64 Extra gtk-engines 2.20.1-1 Theme engines for GTK+ 2 x86_64 Extra glibmm 2.24.1-1 Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib x86_64 Extra glibmm-docs 2.24.1-1 Developer documentation for glibmm x86_64 Extra gtkmm 2.20.2-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 x86_64 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.2-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm x86_64 Extra pangomm 2.26.1-1 C++ bindings for pango x86_64 Extra pangomm-docs 2.26.1-1 Developer documentation for pangomm x86_64 Extra libsigc++2.0 2.2.6-1 Libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries - V2 x86_64 Extra libsigc++2.0-docs 2.2.6-1 Developer documentation for libsigc++ x86_64 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m15-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leading to next stable release x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m15-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkg AURperl-chart-gnuplot 0.14-1 mpfrcpp-cvs 20100418-1 rush 1.6-1 bin32-wine-suse 1.5.1-1 perl-sys-sigaction 0.11-1 perl-forks 0.33-1 perl-proc-processtable 0.45-2 perl-acme-D*** 0.04-1 perl-sane 0.03-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 19, 2010 Author Posted April 19, 2010 Updates for Sunday 18, Apr 2010:Anyany Community python-boto 1.9b-1 A Python interface to Amazon Web Services (AWS) any Community vim-supertab 1.0-1 A Vim plugin that allows you to use the tab key to do all insert completion any Extra aif 2010.04.18-1 The ArchLinux Installation Framework any Extra libui-sh 2010.04.18-1 a shell library providing useful UI functions i686i686 Community scorched3d 43.1b-1 A 3d artillery combat game i686 Community dmd 1.058-1 The Digital Mars D compiler. i686 Community libphobos 1.058-1 Runtime library for the D programming language i686 Community tracker 0.8.2-2 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer i686 Community inn 2.5.2-1 Complete open source Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers. i686 Community perl-json-xs 2.29-3 JSON::XS - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast i686 Extra ccrtp 1.7.0-4 GNU ccRTP i686 Extra ccscript3 1.1.7-2 GNU ccScript i686 Extra commoncpp2 1.8.0-1 GNU Common C++ 2 i686 Extra libzrtpcpp 1.4.2-4 An extension to Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) which describes a method of Diffie-Hellman key agreement for Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) i686 Extra twinkle 1.4.2-5 A softphone for voice over IP and instant messaging communications using the SIP protocol i686 Extra gedit 2.30.2-1 A text editor for GNOME i686 Extra gobject-introspection 0.6.10-1 Introspection system for GObject-based libraries i686 Extra lxsession-lite 0.4.4-1 Session manager of the LXDE Desktop (light version) i686 Extra pygtksourceview2 2.10.1-1 Python bindings for gtksourceview2 i686 Extra scummvm 1.1.0-1 A 'virtual machine' for several classic graphical point-and-click adventure games. i686 Extra proftpd 1.3.3-5 A high-performance, scalable FTP server i686 Extra haskell-binary Binary serialisation for Haskell values using lazy ByteStrings x86_64x86_64 Community scorched3d 43.1b-1 A 3d artillery combat game x86_64 Community optipng 0.6.4-1 A PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information x86_64 Community dar 2.3.10-1 A full featured command-line backup tool, short for Disk ARchive x86_64 Community tracker 0.8.2-2 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer x86_64 Community inn 2.5.2-1 Complete open source Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers. x86_64 Community perl-json-xs 2.29-3 JSON::XS - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast x86_64 Extra ccrtp 1.7.0-4 GNU ccRTP x86_64 Extra ccscript3 1.1.7-2 GNU ccScript x86_64 Extra commoncpp2 1.8.0-1 GNU Common C++ 2 x86_64 Extra libzrtpcpp 1.4.2-4 An extension to Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) which describes a method of Diffie-Hellman key agreement for Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) x86_64 Extra twinkle 1.4.2-5 A softphone for voice over IP and instant messaging communications using the SIP protocol x86_64 Extra gedit 2.30.2-1 A text editor for GNOME x86_64 Extra gobject-introspection 0.6.10-1 Introspection system for GObject-based libraries x86_64 Extra lxsession-lite 0.4.4-1 Session manager of the LXDE Desktop (light version) x86_64 Extra pygtksourceview2 2.10.1-1 Python bindings for gtksourceview2 x86_64 Extra scummvm 1.1.0-1 A 'virtual machine' for several classic graphical point-and-click adventure games. x86_64 Extra proftpd 1.3.3-5 A high-performance, scalable FTP server x86_64 Extra haskell-binary Binary serialisation for Haskell values using lazy ByteStrings AURsdl-pulse 1.2.14-1 mutter-git 20100419-1 pychrom 2010.04.19.1-1 stackless-python 2.6.5-1 xvst 2.4-1go-openoffice-es 1.1.43-1 ruby-lightning 0.3.2-1 aide 0.14-1 openmpi 1.4.1-2 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 20, 2010 Author Posted April 20, 2010 Updates for Monday 19, Apr 2010:Anyany Community python-sqlalchemy 0.6.0-1 Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper any Community south 0.7-1 Intelligent database migrations library for the Django web frameworksany Extra ipcalc 0.41-3 Calculates IP broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host ranges any Extra perl-net-dns-resolver-programmable 0.003-4 A Net::DNS::Resolver descendant class for offline emulation of DNSany Extra perl-net-ip 1.25-4 Perl Module: Easy manipulation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses any Extra perl-sys-hostname-long 1.4-4 Perl module getting a full hostname any Extra perl-mail-spf-query 1.999.1-4 Perl module that provides SPF support any Extra xfce4-icon-theme 4.4.3-2 A set of icon themes for the Xfce window manager any Extra pebrot 0.8.9-3 Pebrot is a text MSN messenger client implemented with Python. any Extra ttf-arphic-uming 0.2.20080216.1-2 Mingti (printed) unicode TTFonts any Extra ttf-linux-libertine 4.4.1-3 Serif (Libertine) and Sans Serif (Biolinum) OpenType fonts with large Unicode coverage any Extra ttf-mph-2b-damase 001.000.4.dfsg.2-2 Super-Unicode TTFont covering full Plane 1, and the following scripts: Armenian, Buginese, Cherokee, Cypriot Syllabary, Cyrillic, Deseret, Georgian, Asomtavruli, Nuskhuri but no Mkhedruli, Glagolitic, Gothic, Greek, Hanunoo, Hebrew, Latin, Limbu, Linear any Extra mime-types 1.0-3 Provides /etc/mime.types any Extra pacbuild 0.4-3 A distributed build management system any Extra perl-net-cidr-lite 0.21-1 Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses any Extra eclipse-ecj 3.5.2-2 Eclipse java bytecode compiler any Extra python-feedparser 4.1-5 Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Pythoni686i686 Community pdf2djvu 0.7.1-1 Creates DjVu files from PDF files i686 Community ruby-gnomecanvas 0.19.3-3 Ruby GnomeCanvas bindings. i686 Community libisoburn 0.5.4.pl00-1 frontend for libraries libburn and libisofs i686 Community solfege 3.16.1-1 Music education and ear training software i686 Community exim 4.71-4 A Message Transfer Agent i686 Community asunder 1.9.3-1 a graphical CD ripper and encoderi686 Extra ipvsadm 1.25-2 The IP Virtual Server administration utility i686 Extra lesstifextensions 13.0.13-2 Extensions for lesstif i686 Extra libcddb 1.3.2-2 Library that implements the different protocols (CDDBP, HTTP, SMTP) to access data on a CDDB server (e.g. i686 Extra libmatroska 0.8.1-3 Matroska library i686 Extra lincity 1.12.1-4 LinCity is an SVGALIB (Linux only) and X based city/country simulation game for Linux and other Unix platforms (Solaris, FreeBSD, HP_UX, AIX, SCO and IRIX). i686 Extra gift-fasttrack 0.8.9-5 A FastTrack plugin for giFT. i686 Extra gift-gnutella 0.0.11-3 GiFT's Gnutella plugin. i686 Extra gmencoder 0.1.0-3 GTK2 gui for mencoder i686 Extra gsf-sharp 0.8.1-3 libgsf .NET binding i686 Extra gtk-smooth-engine The smooth-engine for gtk1 - including smooth-themes for gtk1 and gtk2 i686 Extra gtkglarea 1.2.3-4 GTK/GL Area libraries i686 Extra gtkglext 1.2.0-3 opengl extensions for gtk2 i686 Extra icmake 7.12.5-1 Intelligent C-like MAKE-r. i686 Extra imagemagick An image viewing/manipulation program i686 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.2-4 KDE Base Workspace i686 Extra mpd 0.15.9-5 Music daemon that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files i686 Extra haskell-hashed-storage 0.4.11-1 Hashed file storage support code. i686 Extra libsidplay 1.36.59-4 A library for playing SID music files. i686 Extra libsmbios 2.2.16-2 A library for providing access to as much BIOS information as possible i686 Extra libvisual 0.4.0-3 Abstraction library that comes between applications and audio visualisation plugins i686 Extra libxevie 1.0.2-3 X11 EvIE extension library i686 Extra netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-5 bsd-finger ported to Linux i686 Extra potrace 1.8-3 A utility for tracing a bitmap. Input=portable bitmap (PBM) Output formats: EPS, PostScript, PDF, SVG, Xfig, GIMP-path, and PGM i686 Extra progsreiserfs library for accessing and manipulating reiserfs partitions i686 Extra pth 2.0.7-3 The GNU Portable Threads. i686 Extra pwgen 2.06-2 Pwgen is a small password generator which creates passwords which can be easily memorized by a human i686 Extra rcs 5.7-5 Revision Control System i686 Extra recode 3.6-4 Converts files between various character sets and usages i686 Extra root-tail 1.2-4 Displays logfiles in different colours on your root-window i686 Extra rpmunpack 0-3 This program converts rpm archives to cpio archives for cpio or afio i686 Extra scim-pinyin 0.5.91-5 Chinese 拼音 (PinYin) input for SCIM i686 Extra sharutils 4.6.3-3 GNU shar makes so-called shell archives out of many files i686 Extra snarf 7.0-4 Command-line URL retrieval tool (http/ftp/gopher) i686 Extra spassgen 1.5-7 A small program that generates passwords i686 Extra speedtouch 1.3.1-3 Driver for the ADSL Speed Touch USB modem i686 Extra swh-plugins 0.4.15-3 LADSPA Plugin-Collection from i686 Extra thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4-6 create and deflate archives in thunarx86_64x86_64 Community pdf2djvu 0.7.1-1 Creates DjVu files from PDF files x86_64 Community ruby-gnomecanvas 0.19.3-3 Ruby GnomeCanvas bindings. x86_64 Community libisoburn 0.5.4.pl00-1 frontend for libraries libburn and libisofs x86_64 Community solfege 3.16.1-1 Music education and ear training software x86_64 Community exim 4.71-4 A Message Transfer Agent x86_64 Community asunder 1.9.3-1 a graphical CD ripper and encoderx86_64 Extra libmatroska 0.8.1-3 Matroska library x86_64 Extra lincity 1.12.1-4 LinCity is an SVGALIB (Linux only) and X based city/country simulation game for Linux and other Unix platforms (Solaris, FreeBSD, HP_UX, AIX, SCO and IRIX). x86_64 Extra gift-fasttrack 0.8.9-5 A FastTrack plugin for giFT. x86_64 Extra gift-gnutella 0.0.11-3 GiFT's Gnutella plugin. x86_64 Extra gmencoder 0.1.0-3 GTK2 gui for mencoder x86_64 Extra gsf-sharp 0.8.1-3 libgsf .NET binding x86_64 Extra gtk-smooth-engine The smooth-engine for gtk1 - including smooth-themes for gtk1 and gtk2 x86_64 Extra gtkglarea 1.2.3-4 GTK/GL Area libraries x86_64 Extra gtkglext 1.2.0-3 opengl extensions for gtk2 x86_64 Extra icmake 7.12.5-1 Intelligent C-like MAKE-r. x86_64 Extra ipvsadm 1.25-2 The IP Virtual Server administration utility x86_64 Extra lesstifextensions 13.0.13-2 Extensions for lesstif x86_64 Extra libcddb 1.3.2-2 Library that implements the different protocols (CDDBP, HTTP, SMTP) to access data on a CDDB server (e.g. x86_64 Extra imagemagick An image viewing/manipulation program x86_64 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.2-4 KDE Base Workspace x86_64 Extra mpd 0.15.9-5 Music daemon that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files x86_64 Extra haskell-hashed-storage 0.4.11-1 Hashed file storage support code. x86_64 Extra libsidplay 1.36.59-4 A library for playing SID music files. x86_64 Extra libsmbios 2.2.16-2 A library for providing access to as much BIOS information as possible x86_64 Extra libvisual 0.4.0-3 Abstraction library that comes between applications and audio visualisation plugins x86_64 Extra libxevie 1.0.2-3 X11 EvIE extension library x86_64 Extra libxkbui 1.0.2-3 X11 keyboard UI presentation library x86_64 Extra netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-5 bsd-finger ported to Linux x86_64 Extra potrace 1.8-3 A utility for tracing a bitmap. Input=portable bitmap (PBM) Output formats: EPS, PostScript, PDF, SVG, Xfig, GIMP-path, and PGM x86_64 Extra progsreiserfs library for accessing and manipulating reiserfs partitions x86_64 Extra pth 2.0.7-3 The GNU Portable Threads. x86_64 Extra pwgen 2.06-2 Pwgen is a small password generator which creates passwords which can be easily memorized by a human x86_64 Extra rcs 5.7-5 Revision Control System x86_64 Extra recode 3.6-4 Converts files between various character sets and usages x86_64 Extra root-tail 1.2-4 Displays logfiles in different colours on your root-window x86_64 Extra rpmunpack 0-3 This program converts rpm archives to cpio archives for cpio or afio x86_64 Extra scim-pinyin 0.5.91-5 Chinese 拼音 (PinYin) input for SCIM x86_64 Extra sharutils 4.6.3-3 GNU shar makes so-called shell archives out of many files x86_64 Extra snarf 7.0-4 Command-line URL retrieval tool (http/ftp/gopher) x86_64 Extra spassgen 1.5-7 A small program that generates passwords x86_64 Extra speedtouch 1.3.1-3 Driver for the ADSL Speed Touch USB modem x86_64 Extra swh-plugins 0.4.15-3 LADSPA Plugin-Collection from x86_64 Extra thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4-6 create and deflate archives in thunar x86_64 Extra thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.1.2-6 Lets you view/edit id3/ogg tags in thunarAURogre-pagedgeometry-svn 2698-1 urbanterror-client-custom-hg 11-1 urbanterror-server-custom-hg 11-1 python-gtkspell 2.25.3-1tvnamer-git 20100419-2 icecat-bin 3.6.3-1 opensees 2.2.0-1 pacstats-hg 13-1 televideo 0.44-1 eiskaltdcpp-svn 778-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 21, 2010 Author Posted April 21, 2010 Updates for Tuesday 20, Apr 2010:Anyany Community virt-manager 0.8.4-3 A desktop user interface for managing virtual machines. any Core autoconf 2.65-2 A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code any Extra perl-archive-zip 1.30-2 Provide a perl interface to ZIP archive files i686i686 Core dialog 1.1_20100119-2 A tool to display dialog boxes from shell scripts i686 Core diffutils 2.9-2 Utility programs used for creating patch files i686 Core findutils 4.4.2-2 GNU utilities to locate files i686 Core gettext 0.17-4 GNU internationalization library i686 Core make 3.81-5 GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs i686 Core ncurses 5.7-3 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library i686 Core pkgconfig 0.23-2 A system for managing library compile/link flags i686 Core sed 4.2.1-2 GNU stream editor i686 Core which 2.20-3 A utility to show the full path of commands i686 Core nano 2.2.4-1 Pico editor clone with enhancementsi686 Community wormux A clone of the worms game i686 Community pbzip2 1.1.1-1 Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor i686 Community python-jinja 2.4.1-1 A simple pythonic template language written in Python i686 Community soundconverter 1.4.4-5 A simple sound converter application for GNOME i686 Community poedit Cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor i686 Community apvlv A PDF Viewer which behaves like Vimi686 Extra gtkglext 1.2.0-5 opengl extensions for gtk2 i686 Extra archboot 2010.04-1 Advanced, modular arch boot/install image creation utility i686 Extra empathy A GNOME instant messaging client using the Telepathy framework. i686 Extra darcs 2.4.1-1 Decentralized replacement for CVS with roots in quantum mechanics i686 Extra alltray 0.7.4dev-1 Drops any app in the tray. i686 Extra bluez-hcidump 1.42-2 Bluetooth HCI package analyzer i686 Extra chemtool 1.6.12-3 A small program for drawing chemical structures i686 Extra cmucl 20a-2 CMU Common Lisp i686 Extra graphicsmagick 1.3.12-1 Image processing system i686 Extra mono-addins 0.4-4 a generic framework for creating extensible applications and for creating libraries which extend those applications i686 Extra mutt 1.5.20-4 A small but very powerful text-based mail clientx86_64x86_64 Core sed 4.2.1-2 GNU stream editor x86_64 Core which 2.20-3 A utility to show the full path of commands x86_64 Core dialog 1.1_20100119-2 A tool to display dialog boxes from shell scripts x86_64 Core diffutils 2.9-2 Utility programs used for creating patch files x86_64 Core findutils 4.4.2-2 GNU utilities to locate files x86_64 Core gettext 0.17-4 GNU internationalization library x86_64 Core make 3.81-5 GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs x86_64 Core ncurses 5.7-3 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library x86_64 Core pkgconfig 0.23-2 A system for managing library compile/link flags x86_64 Core nano 2.2.4-1 Pico editor clone with enhancementsx86_64 Community wormux A clone of the worms game x86_64 Community pbzip2 1.1.1-1 Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor x86_64 Community python-jinja 2.4.1-1 A simple pythonic template language written in Python x86_64 Community soundconverter 1.4.4-5 A simple sound converter application for GNOME x86_64 Community poedit Cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor x86_64 Community apvlv A PDF Viewer which behaves like Vimx86_64 Extra gtkglext 1.2.0-5 opengl extensions for gtk2 x86_64 Extra archboot 2010.04-1 Advanced, modular arch boot/install image creation utility x86_64 Extra empathy A GNOME instant messaging client using the Telepathy framework. x86_64 Extra darcs 2.4.1-1 Decentralized replacement for CVS with roots in quantum mechanics x86_64 Extra alltray 0.7.4dev-1 Drops any app in the tray. x86_64 Extra bluez-hcidump 1.42-2 Bluetooth HCI package analyzer x86_64 Extra chemtool 1.6.12-3 A small program for drawing chemical structures x86_64 Extra graphicsmagick 1.3.12-1 Image processing system x86_64 Extra mono-addins 0.4-4 a generic framework for creating extensible applications and for creating libraries which extend those applications x86_64 Extra mutt 1.5.20-4 A small but very powerful text-based mail clientAURgnuplot-cvs 20100421-1 perl-test-www-mechanize 1.28-4 pcmanfm-mod 0.9.6-1 cuda 3.0-3 cuda-sdk 3.0-3 cuda-toolkit 3.0-3 scrotwm 0.9.23-1 qseed**** 0.3-1 yaourt-git 20100421-1 leptonica 1.65-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 22, 2010 Author Posted April 22, 2010 Updates for Wednesday 21, Apr 2010:Anyany Community anki Helps you remember facts (like words/phrases in a foreign language) efficiently. i686i686 Community ogmrip 0.13.4-1 Libraries and GTK2 interface for DVD ripping using mencoder i686 Community qmmp 0.3.4-1 Qt4 based audio-player i686 Community wifi-radar 2.0.s08-1 A PyGTK2 utility for managing WiFi profiles i686 Community giggle 0.5-1 Graphical frontend for the git directory tracker (think of gitk on GTK+). i686 Community medit 0.10.3-1 A GTK text editor i686 Community pppd-ldap-simple 0.12b-4 pppd ldap simple plugin (based on pppd ldap, without radius, etc. Just search by uid and userPassword) i686 Community xmonad 0.9.1-4 A lightweight X11 tiled window manager written in Haskell i686 Community orc 0.4.4-1 The Oild Runtime Compiler i686 Community vala 0.8.1-1 Compiler for the GObject type system i686 Community wormux A clone of the worms game686 Extra deluge 1.2.3-3 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk i686 Extra goffice 0.8.2-1 A library of document-centric objects and utilities built on top of GLib and Gtk+ i686 Extra at-spi 1.30.0-2 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface i686 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay networkx86_64x86_64 Community qmmp 0.3.4-1 Qt4 based audio-player x86_64 Community wifi-radar 2.0.s08-1 A PyGTK2 utility for managing WiFi profiles x86_64 Community giggle 0.5-1 Graphical frontend for the git directory tracker (think of gitk on GTK+). x86_64 Community medit 0.10.3-1 A GTK text editor x86_64 Community pppd-ldap-simple 0.12b-4 pppd ldap simple plugin (based on pppd ldap, without radius, etc. Just search by uid and userPassword) x86_64 Community xmonad 0.9.1-4 A lightweight X11 tiled window manager written in Haskell x86_64 Community orc 0.4.4-1 The Oild Runtime Compiler x86_64 Community vala 0.8.1-1 Compiler for the GObject type system x86_64 Community wormux A clone of the worms gamex86_64 Extra deluge 1.2.3-3 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk x86_64 Extra goffice 0.8.2-1 A library of document-centric objects and utilities built on top of GLib and Gtk+ x86_64 Extra at-spi 1.30.0-2 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface x86_64 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay networkAURsimple-scan 1.0.3-1pacstats-hg 16-1wingide 3.2.5-3 django-piston-hg 241-1 evolution-rss-git 20100422-1xfce4-panel-git 20100410-2ec168-firmware 1-1 notification-daemon-engine-nodoka-git 20091002-1rabbitvcs-thunar 0.13.1-1flac2ogg 0.6-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 23, 2010 Author Posted April 23, 2010 Updates for Thursday 22, Apr 2010:Anyany Community gpodder 2.5-1 A podcast reciever/catcher any Community perl-datetime-timezone 1.18-1 Time zone object base class and factory i686i686 Community luarocks 2.0.2-1 Deployment and management system for Lua modules i686 Community giggle 0.5-2 Graphical frontend for the git directory tracker (think of gitk on GTK+). i686 Community gpsd 2.94-1 GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices i686 Community pppd-ldap-simple 0.12b-5 pppd ldap simple plugin (based on pppd ldap, without radius, etc. Just search by uid and userPassword) i686 Extra inkscape 0.47-2 A vector-based drawing program - svg compliant i686 Extra phonon 4.4.1-1 The multimedia API for KDE4 i686 Extra phonon-gstreamer 4.4.1-1 Phonon Gstreamer backend i686 Extra phonon-xine 4.4.1-1 Phonon Xine backend i686 Extra soprano 2.4.3-1 A library which provides a highly usable object-oriented C++/Qt4 framework for RDF data i686 Extra genius 1.0.9-3 Advanced calculator including a mathematical programming language i686 Extra deluge 1.2.3-4 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk x86_64x86_64 Community luarocks 2.0.2-1 Deployment and management system for Lua modules x86_64 Community giggle 0.5-2 Graphical frontend for the git directory tracker (think of gitk on GTK+). x86_64 Community gpsd 2.94-1 GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices x86_64 Community pppd-ldap-simple 0.12b-5 pppd ldap simple plugin (based on pppd ldap, without radius, etc. Just search by uid and userPassword) x86_64 Extra inkscape 0.47-2 A vector-based drawing program - svg compliant x86_64 Extra phonon 4.4.1-1 The multimedia API for KDE4 x86_64 Extra phonon-gstreamer 4.4.1-1 Phonon Gstreamer backend x86_64 Extra phonon-xine 4.4.1-1 Phonon Xine backend x86_64 Extra soprano 2.4.3-1 A library which provides a highly usable object-oriented C++/Qt4 framework for RDF data x86_64 Extra genius 1.0.9-3 Advanced calculator including a mathematical programming language x86_64 Extra deluge 1.2.3-4 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk AURrubinius 1.0.0rc4-2 rtorrent-extended 0.8.6-4 jap-dev 00.12.054-1 cnijfilter-mp540 3.00-5 liboml-git 20100423-1 libtrace 3.0.6-1 python-hcs_utils 1.1.1-1 pkgman r113-1 goobook-git 20100422-1 pyjack 0.5.1-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 24, 2010 Author Posted April 24, 2010 Updates for Friday 23, Apr 2010:Anyany Extra qt3-doc 3.3.8-2 The QT gui toolkit documentation any Extra perl-mime-tools 5.428-1 Parses streams to create MIME entities i686i686 Core grub 0.97-17 A GNU multiboot boot loader i686 Core libnl 1.1-2 Library for applications dealing with netlink sockets i686 Core libsasl 2.1.23-4 Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) library i686 Core sdparm 1.05-1 An utility similar to hdparm but for SCSI devices i686 Core util-linux-ng 2.17.2-2 Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux i686 Core zlib 1.2.5-1 Compression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIPi686 Community fotoxx 10.2-2 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera i686 Community exim 4.71-5 A Message Transfer Agent i686 Community ekg2 20100422-1 ncurses based Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Tlen and IRC client i686 Community gpsdrive 2.10pre7-8 A car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system i686 Community inn 2.5.2-2 Complete open source Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers.i686 Extra weechat 0.3.2-1 Fast, light and extensible IRC client (curses UI) i686 Extra mysql 5.1.46-2 A fast SQL database server i686 Extra mysql-clients 5.1.46-2 MySQL client tools i686 Extra libmysqlclient 5.1.46-2 MySQL client libraries i686 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.4-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol i686 Extra telepathy-qt4 0.3.2-1 A library for Qt-based Telepathy clients. i686 Extra gnupg2 2.0.15-1 GNU Privacy Guard 2 - a PGP replacement tool i686 Extra gpgme 1.3.0-1 A C wrapper library for GnuPG i686 Extra libassuan 2.0.0-1 A IPC library used by some GnuPG related software i686 Extra git the fast distributed version control system i686 Extra feh 1.4.3-1 A fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2 i686 Extra vlc 1.0.6-1 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player i686 Extra vlc-plugin 1.0.6-1 VLC mozilla browser plugin i686 Extra texlive-bin 2009.5-4 TeX Live binariesx86_64x86_64 Core grub 0.97-17 A GNU multiboot boot loader x86_64 Core libnl 1.1-2 Library for applications dealing with netlink sockets x86_64 Core libsasl 2.1.23-4 Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) library x86_64 Core sdparm 1.05-1 An utility similar to hdparm but for SCSI devices x86_64 Core util-linux-ng 2.17.2-2 Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux x86_64 Core zlib 1.2.5-1 Compression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIPx86_64 Community fotoxx 10.2-2 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera x86_64 Community exim 4.71-5 A Message Transfer Agent x86_64 Community ekg2 20100422-1 ncurses based Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Tlen and IRC client x86_64 Community gpsdrive 2.10pre7-8 A car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system x86_64 Community inn 2.5.2-2 Complete open source Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers.x86_64 Extra weechat 0.3.2-1 Fast, light and extensible IRC client (curses UI) x86_64 Extra libmysqlclient 5.1.46-2 MySQL client libraries x86_64 Extra mysql 5.1.46-2 A fast SQL database server x86_64 Extra mysql-clients 5.1.46-2 MySQL client tools x86_64 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.4-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol x86_64 Extra telepathy-qt4 0.3.2-1 A library for Qt-based Telepathy clients. x86_64 Extra gnupg2 2.0.15-1 GNU Privacy Guard 2 - a PGP replacement tool x86_64 Extra gpgme 1.3.0-1 A C wrapper library for GnuPG x86_64 Extra libassuan 2.0.0-1 A IPC library used by some GnuPG related software x86_64 Extra feh 1.4.3-1 A fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2 x86_64 Extra git the fast distributed version control system x86_64 Extra vlc-plugin 1.0.6-1 VLC mozilla browser plugin x86_64 Extra vlc 1.0.6-1 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player x86_64 Extra texlive-bin 2009.5-4 TeX Live binariesAURtermit 2.5.0-1 eschalon1 1.04-1osd-lyrics-svn 314-1 uncrustify 0.56-1 awib 0.2-1 lottanzb-bzr 1048-1 opera-mobile 10-1 numactl 2.0.4_rc2-1 dwm-par 1513-2 lirc-nct677x 1.0.4-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 25, 2010 Author Posted April 25, 2010 Updates for Saturday 24, Apr 2010:anynonei686i686 Core libelf 0.8.13-1 libelf is a free ELF object file access library i686 Core linux-api-headers Kernel headers sanitized for use in userspace i686 Core cloog-ppl 0.15.9-1 Library that generates loops for scanning polyhedra i686 Core gcc 4.5.0-1 The GNU Compiler Collection i686 Core gcc-ada 4.5.0-1 Ada front-end for GCC (GNAT) i686 Core gcc-fortran 4.5.0-1 Fortran front-end for GCC i686 Core gcc-libs 4.5.0-1 Runtime libraries shipped by GCC for C and C++ languages i686 Core gcc-objc 4.5.0-1 Objective-C front-end for GCC i686 Core glibc 2.11.1-3 GNU C Library i686 Core binutils 2.20.1-2 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files i686 Core coreutils 8.4-3 The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system i686 Extra libgnomekbd 2.30.1-1 Gnome keyboard library x86_64x86_64 Extra libgnomekbd 2.30.1-1 Gnome keyboard library x86_64 Core libelf 0.8.13-1 libelf is a free ELF object file access library x86_64 Core gcc-objc 4.5.0-1 Objective-C front-end for GCC x86_64 Core glibc 2.11.1-3 GNU C Library x86_64 Core linux-api-headers Kernel headers sanitized for use in userspace x86_64 Core gcc-fortran 4.5.0-1 Fortran front-end for GCC x86_64 Core gcc-libs 4.5.0-1 Runtime libraries shipped by GCC for C and C++ languages x86_64 Core binutils 2.20.1-2 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files x86_64 Core cloog-ppl 0.15.9-1 Library that generates loops for scanning polyhedra x86_64 Core gcc 4.5.0-1 The GNU Compiler Collection x86_64 Core gcc-ada 4.5.0-1 Ada front-end for GCC (GNAT) x86_64 Core coreutils 8.4-3 The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating systemAURprey-git 20100424-1 iscan-plugin-gt-x720 0.0.1_2-2 gcc-snapshot 4.6.20100424-1 tktable 2.10-1 vdr 1.6.0-5 nvidia-beta-all 195.36.24-1mendeleydesktop gstreamer0.10-oss4 0.10.18-2 gajim-hg 12061-1 mobilemediaconverter 1.6.0-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 26, 2010 Author Posted April 26, 2010 Updates for Sunday 25, Apr 2010:anyany Community jabref 2.6-1 GUI frontend for BibTeX, written in Javai686i686 Core libtool 2.2.6b-3 A generic library support script i686 Community gpsd 2.94-2 GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices i686 Community inotify-tools 3.14-1 inotify-tools is a C library and a set of command-line programs for Linux providing a simple interface to inotify. i686 Community lastfm-client The client i686 Community libvirt 0.8.0-2 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) i686 Community parrot 2.3.0-1 standalone virtual machine that can be used to execute bytecode compiled dynamic languages i686 Community tracker 0.8.3-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexeri686 Extra git 1.7.1-1 the fast distributed version control systemi686 Extra handbrake 0.9.4-2 Multiplatform, multithreaded DVD to MPEG-4/H264/Theora converteri686 Extra kmplayer 0.11.2b-1 Video player plugin for Konqueror and basic MPlayer/Xine/ffmpeg/ffserver/VDR frontend for KDEi686 Extra qt 4.6.2-4 A cross-platform application and UI framework i686 Extra unixodbc 2.3.0-1 ODBC is an open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data Sourcesx86_64x86_64 Core libtool 2.2.6b-3 A generic library support scriptx86_64 Community lastfm-client The client x86_64 Community libvirt 0.8.0-2 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) x86_64 Community parrot 2.3.0-1 standalone virtual machine that can be used to execute bytecode compiled dynamic languages x86_64 Community sword 1.6.1-3 SWORD libraries for Bible programs x86_64 Community tracker 0.8.3-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer x86_64 Community gpsd 2.94-2 GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices x86_64 Community inotify-tools 3.14-1 inotify-tools is a C library and a set of command-line programs for Linux providing a simple interface to inotify.x86_64 Extra git 1.7.1-1 the fast distributed version control systemx86_64 Extra handbrake 0.9.4-2 Multiplatform, multithreaded DVD to MPEG-4/H264/Theora converterx86_64 Extra kmplayer 0.11.2b-1 Video player plugin for Konqueror and basic MPlayer/Xine/ffmpeg/ffserver/VDR frontend for KDEx86_64 Extra qt 4.6.2-4 A cross-platform application and UI framework x86_64 Extra unixodbc 2.3.0-1 ODBC is an open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data SourcesAURjd 2.6.5-1 03:51:32 cherrytree 0.9.6-2mupdf r940-3 mt-git 20100425-1 phonon-vlc-git 20100426-1perl-io-compress 2.027-1 perl-compress-raw-zlib 2.027-1 perl-compress-raw-bzip2 2.027-1 perl-app-cpanminus 1.0001-1Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 27, 2010 Author Posted April 27, 2010 Updates for Monday 26, Apr 2010:anyany Community frostwire 4.20.6-1 P2P Gnutella/Bittorrent client any Extra translate-toolkit 1.6.0-1 A toolkit to convert between various different translation formats, help process and validate localisations any Extra system-config-printer-common 1.2.1-1 Pygtk CUPS Configuration any Extra system-config-printer-gnome 1.2.1-1 A CUPS printer configuration tool and status applet - GTK frontendi686i686 Core procinfo-ng 2.0.304-1 Displays useful information from /proc i686 Core texinfo 4.13a-4 Utilities to work with and produce manuals, ASCII text, and on-line documentation from a single source filei686 Community cherokee 0.99.46-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server i686 Community mlt 0.5.4-1 An open source multimedia framework i686 Community cross-arm-elf-binutils 2.20.1-1 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files i686 Community mingw32-binutils 2.20.1-1 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files (mingw) i686 Community mingw32-gcc 4.5.0-1 A C and C++ cross-compilers for building Windows executables on Linux i686 Community mingw32-gcc-base 4.5.0-1 A C cross-compiler for building Windows executables on Linux i686 Community mingw32-runtime 3.18-1 mingw32 run-time library i686 Community mingw32-w32api 3.14-1 Windows header files fro mingw32 C cross-compiler i686 Community 9base 5-1 Port of various original Plan9 tools to unix i686 Community cppunit 1.12.1-2 A C++ unit testing framework i686 Community recordmydesktop Produces a OGG encapsulated Theora/Vorbis recording of your desktopi686 Extra pekwm 0.1.12-1 A small, fast, functional, and flexible window manager i686 Extra projectm 2.0.1-2 A music visualizer which uses 3D accelerated iterative image based rendering i686 Extra bitlbee 1.2.6a-1 An IRC to IM gateway. Supports MSN, ICQ, Jabber, Yahoo!, and AIM i686 Extra python-lxml 2.2.6-1 Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt librariesx86_64x86_64 Core procinfo-ng 2.0.304-1 Displays useful information from /proc x86_64 Core texinfo 4.13a-4 Utilities to work with and produce manuals, ASCII text, and on-line documentation from a single source filex86_64 Community cherokee 0.99.46-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server x86_64 Community mlt 0.5.4-1 An open source multimedia framework x86_64 Community mingw32-gcc 4.5.0-1 A C and C++ cross-compilers for building Windows executables on Linux x86_64 Community cross-arm-elf-binutils 2.20.1-1 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files x86_64 Community mingw32-binutils 2.20.1-1 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files (mingw) x86_64 Community mingw32-gcc-base 4.5.0-1 A C cross-compiler for building Windows executables on Linux x86_64 Community mingw32-runtime 3.18-1 mingw32 run-time library x86_64 Community mingw32-w32api 3.14-1 Windows header files fro mingw32 C cross-compiler x86_64 Community 9base 5-1 Port of various original Plan9 tools to unix x86_64 Community cppunit 1.12.1-2 A C++ unit testing framework x86_64 Community recordmydesktop Produces a OGG encapsulated Theora/Vorbis recording of your desktopx86_64 Extra pekwm 0.1.12-1 A small, fast, functional, and flexible window manager x86_64 Extra projectm 2.0.1-2 A music visualizer which uses 3D accelerated iterative image based rendering x86_64 Extra bitlbee 1.2.6a-1 An IRC to IM gateway. Supports MSN, ICQ, Jabber, Yahoo!, and AIM x86_64 Extra python-lxml 2.2.6-1 Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt librariescesAURkernel26-ck pacsnap 0.10-1 wadoku-notify 0.2-1 quanta-svn 1119284-1 arte7recorder 5.0-alpha2 vdr 1.6.0-7 ca_multi 1.0-1 groovy 1.7.2-1 gnome-chemistry-utils-devel 0.11.91-1 octane-demo 1.021-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 28, 2010 Author Posted April 28, 2010 Updates for Tuesday 27, Apr 2010:anyany Community perl-xyne-arch 2010.04.27.1-1 Xyne's Arch-specific Perl modules. any Community gramps 3.2.2-1 A genealogy program for Linux. any Community perl-set-infinite 0.65-1 Infinite Set Theory module, with Date, Timeany Extra gnome-doc-utils 0.20.1-1 Documentation utilities for Gnome any Extra gnome-icon-theme 2.30.2-1 Default icon theme for GNOME2 any Extra hicolor-icon-theme 0.12-1 Hicolor icon themei686i686 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules i686 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel i686 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26i686 Community cross-arm-elf-gcc-base 4.5.0-1 The GNU Compiler Collection i686 Community cherokee 0.99.47-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server i686 Community ht 2.0.18-1 A file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables i686 Community mingw32-gcc 4.5.0-2 A C and C++ cross-compilers for building Windows executables on Linux i686 Community units 1.88-1 converts between different unitsi686 Extra at-spi 1.30.1-1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface i686 Extra evolution-exchange 2.30.1-1 Ximian Connector Exchange plugin for Evolution i686 Extra gnome-bluetooth 2.30.0-2 The GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem. i686 Extra gnome-power-manager 2.30.1-1 Session daemon that makes it easy to manage your laptop or desktop system. i686 Extra gtksourceview2 2.10.1-1 A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME i686 Extra nautilus 2.30.1-1 The GNOME shell and file manager i686 Extra evolution Integrated Workgroup and Personal Information Management for Gnome i686 Extra evolution-data-server 2.30.1-1 Evolution Data Server provides a central location for addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop i686 Extra gcalctool 5.30.1-1 GNOME Scientific calculator i686 Extra gphoto2 2.4.9-1 A digital camera download and access program. i686 Extra gtkhtml 3.30.1-1 A lightweight HTML renderer/editor widget i686 Extra gvfs 1.6.1-1 Userspace virtual filesystem implemented as a pluggable module for gio i686 Extra gvfs-smb 1.6.1-1 SMB/CIFS (Windows client) backend for gvfs i686 Extra libgphoto2 2.4.9-1 The core library of gphoto2, designed to allow access to digital camera by external programs. i686 Extra gvfs-gphoto2 1.6.1-1 gphoto2 (PTP camera/MTP media player) backend for gvfs i686 Extra gvfs-obexftp 1.6.1-1 ObexFTP (bluetooth) backend for gvfs i686 Extra clutter 1.2.6-1 A GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces i686 Extra gnome-keyring 2.30.1-1 GNOME Password Management daemon i686 Extra gnumeric 1.10.2-1 A GNOME Spreadsheet Program i686 Extra libgnome-keyring 2.30.1-1 GNOME keyring client library i686 Extra libsoup 2.30.1-1 GNOME HTTP Library - base library i686 Extra libsoup-gnome 2.30.1-1 GNOME HTTP Library - GNOME libraries i686 Extra orca 2.30.1-1 A scriptable screen reader and magnifier i686 Extra nouveau-drm 0.0.16_20100313-2 nvidia opensource X driver i686 Extra vte 0.24.1-1 Virtual Terminal Emulator libraryx86_64x86_64 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules x86_64 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel x86_64 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26x86_64 Community cross-arm-elf-gcc-base 4.5.0-1 The GNU Compiler Collection x86_64 Community cherokee 0.99.47-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server x86_64 Community mingw32-gcc 4.5.0-2 A C and C++ cross-compilers for building Windows executables on Linux x86_64 Community ht 2.0.18-1 A file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables x86_64 Community units 1.88-1 converts between different unitsx86_64 Extra at-spi 1.30.1-1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface x86_64 Extra evolution-exchange 2.30.1-1 Ximian Connector Exchange plugin for Evolution x86_64 Extra gnome-bluetooth 2.30.0-2 The GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem. x86_64 Extra gnome-power-manager 2.30.1-1 Session daemon that makes it easy to manage your laptop or desktop system. x86_64 Extra gtksourceview2 2.10.1-1 A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME x86_64 Extra nautilus 2.30.1-1 The GNOME shell and file manager x86_64 Extra gphoto2 2.4.9-1 A digital camera download and access program. x86_64 Extra gtkhtml 3.30.1-1 A lightweight HTML renderer/editor widget x86_64 Extra gvfs 1.6.1-1 Userspace virtual filesystem implemented as a pluggable module for gio x86_64 Extra libgphoto2 2.4.9-1 The core library of gphoto2, designed to allow access to digital camera by external programs. x86_64 Extra evolution-data-server 2.30.1-1 Evolution Data Server provides a central location for addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra gcalctool 5.30.1-1 GNOME Scientific calculator x86_64 Extra evolution Integrated Workgroup and Personal Information Management for Gnome x86_64 Extra gvfs-obexftp 1.6.1-1 ObexFTP (bluetooth) backend for gvfs x86_64 Extra gvfs-smb 1.6.1-1 SMB/CIFS (Windows client) backend for gvfs x86_64 Extra gvfs-gphoto2 1.6.1-1 gphoto2 (PTP camera/MTP media player) backend for gvfs x86_64 Extra orca 2.30.1-1 A scriptable screen reader and magnifier x86_64 Extra clutter 1.2.6-1 A GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces x86_64 Extra gnome-keyring 2.30.1-1 GNOME Password Management daemon x86_64 Extra gnumeric 1.10.2-1 A GNOME Spreadsheet Program x86_64 Extra libgnome-keyring 2.30.1-1 GNOME keyring client library x86_64 Extra libsoup 2.30.1-1 GNOME HTTP Library - base library x86_64 Extra libsoup-gnome 2.30.1-1 GNOME HTTP Library - GNOME libraries x86_64 Extra nouveau-drm 0.0.16_20100313-2 nvidia opensource X driver x86_64 Extra vte 0.24.1-1 Virtual Terminal Emulator libraryAURperl-pod-weaver 3.100710-1 perl-pod-elemental-perlmunger 0.093330-1 perl-sub-exporter-formethods 0.100050-1 perl-string-truncate 1.100570-1 perl-pod-elemental 0.100220-1 perl-dist-zilla-plugin-podweaver 3.100710-1 libfastcgi++ 2.0beta-2 perl-pod-coverage-trustpod 0.092830-1cairo-dock-bzr 555-1 dbusmenu-qt-git 20100428-1Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 29, 2010 Author Posted April 29, 2010 Updates for Wednesday 28, Apr 2010:anynonei686i686 Community clang-analyzer 2.7-1 A source code analysis framework i686 Community llvm 2.7-1 Low Level Virtual Machine i686 Community llvm-ocaml 2.7-1 OCaml bindings for LLVM i686 Community clang 2.7-1 C language family frontend for LLVM i686 Community network-ups-tools 2.4.3-1 NUT is a collection of programs for monitoring and administering UPS hardware i686 Community prosody 0.7.0rc1-1 Lightweight and extensible Jabber/XMPP server written in Lua. i686 Community zathura 0.0.3-1 a PDF viewer i686 Community open-vm-tools 2010.04.25-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. i686 Community open-vm-tools-modules 2010.04.25-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools.i686 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m16-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leading to next stable release i686 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m16-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkg i686 Extra audiofile 0.2.7-1 Silicon Graphics Audio File Library i686 Extra file-roller Archive manipulator for GNOME2 i686 Extra gnucash 2.2.9-9 A personal and small-business financial-accounting applicationx86_64x86_64 Community clang 2.7-1 C language family frontend for LLVM x86_64 Community clang-analyzer 2.7-1 A source code analysis framework x86_64 Community llvm 2.7-1 Low Level Virtual Machine x86_64 Community llvm-ocaml 2.7-1 OCaml bindings for LLVM x86_64 Community network-ups-tools 2.4.3-1 NUT is a collection of programs for monitoring and administering UPS hardware x86_64 Community lib32-db 4.8.26-2 The Berkeley DB embedded database system x86_64 Community lib32-gcc-libs 4.5.0-1 The GNU Compiler Collection x86_64 Community lib32-libdrm 2.4.19-2 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services x86_64 Community lib32-ncurses 5.7-3 A System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library x86_64 Community lib32-openal 1.12.854-1 OpenAL audio library for use with opengl x86_64 Community lib32-qt 4.6.2-4 The QT gui toolkit. x86_64 Community lib32-util-linux-ng 2.17.2-2 Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux x86_64 Community lib32-zlib 1.2.5-1 A compression/decompression Library x86_64 Community lib32-curl 7.20.1-1 An URL retrival utility and library x86_64 Community prosody 0.7.0rc1-1 Lightweight and extensible Jabber/XMPP server written in Lua. x86_64 Community ruby-gnomecanvas 0.19.3-3.1 Ruby GnomeCanvas bindings. x86_64 Community zathura 0.0.3-1 a PDF viewer x86_64 Community open-vm-tools 2010.04.25-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. x86_64 Community open-vm-tools-modules 2010.04.25-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools.x86_64 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m16-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leading to next stable release x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m16-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkg x86_64 Extra audiofile 0.2.7-1 Silicon Graphics Audio File Library x86_64 Extra file-roller Archive manipulator for GNOME2 x86_64 Extra gnucash 2.2.9-9 A personal and small-business financial-accounting applicationAURredis-git 20100428-2 nodejs 0.1.92-1 librelp 1.0.0-1 libraw 0.9.0-1 flickcurl 1.18-1 perl-pod-simple 3.14-1skulltag 098b-1 perl-template-showstartstop 0.06-1 perl-string-flogger 1.101170-1 perl-dist-zilla-plugin-readmefrompod 0.09-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 30, 2010 Author Posted April 30, 2010 Updates for Thursday 29, Apr 2010:anyany Extra gnome-icon-theme Default icon theme for GNOME2 any Extra gnome-themes 2.30.1-1 Default themes for GNOME2 any Community perl-file-chdir 0.1003-1 a more sensible way to change directories i686i686 Core bridge-utils 1.4-3 Utilities for configuring the Linux ethernet bridge i686 Core coreutils 8.5-1 The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system i686 Core inetutils 1.7-3 A collection of common network programs i686 Core ifenslave 1.1.0-5 Utility for bonding ethernet interfacesi686 Community awn-extras-applets 0.4.0-4 A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator i686 Community netsurf 2.5-1 Lightweight, fast web browser i686 Community recoll 1.13.04-1 Full text search tool based on Xapian backend i686 Community stress 1.0.4-1 A tool that stress tests your system (CPU, memory, I/O, disks) i686 Community xapian-core 1.2.0-1 Open source search engine library i686 Community libcss 0.0.1-1 A CSS parser and selection engine. i686 Community wkhtmltopdf 0.9.6-1 Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt i686 Community haskell-x11 A Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library. i686 Community haskell-x11-xft 0.3-13 Bindings to the Xft, X Free Type interface library, and some Xrender parts i686 Community open-vm-tools-modules 2010.04.25-2 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. i686 Community gnome-system-tools 2.30.1-1 Gnome System Configuration Utilities i686 Community dar 2.3.10-1 A full featured command-line backup tool, short for Disk ARchive i686 Community gri 2.12.20-2 A script-based language for scientific graphics programming. i686 Community optipng 0.6.4-1 A PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information i686 Community sword 1.6.1-3 SWORD libraries for Bible programs i686 Community medit 0.10.4-1 A GTK text editor i686 Community umfpack 5.5.0-1 A multifrontal direct solver for unsymmetric linear systems (AMD/2.2.1, UFConfig/) i686 Community poedit Cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor i686 Community ibus 1.3.2-1 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux i686 Community libwapcaplet 0.0.2-1 A string internment library with rapid string comparison.i686 Extra alltray 0.7.4dev-2 Drops any app in the tray. i686 Extra bluez 4.64-1 Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack i686 Extra scribus 1.3.6-2 A desktop publishing program i686 Extra gdm 2.30.2-2 Gnome Display Manager (a reimplementation of xdm) i686 Extra evince 2.30.1-2 Simply a document viewer i686 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.5-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol i686 Extra anjuta Anjuta Integrated Development Environment (IDE) i686 Extra anjuta-extras Anjuta Integrated Development Environment extra plugins i686 Extra telepathy-butterfly 0.5.9-1 A MSN connection manager for Telepathy i686 Extra hamster-applet 2.30.1-1 GNOME time tracking applet i686 Extra mousetweaks 2.30.1-1 Mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop i686 Extra seahorse 2.30.1-1 GNOME application for managing PGP keys. i686 Extra seahorse-plugins 2.30.1-1 Seahorse plugins i686 Extra tomboy 1.2.1-1 Desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix i686 Extra yelp 2.30.1-1 A help browser for GNOME i686 Extra brasero 2.30.1-1 A disc burning application for Gnome i686 Extra cheese 2.30.1-1 Use your webcam to take photos and videos, apply fancy special effects and share the fun with others i686 Extra eog 2.30.1-1 Eye of Gnome: An image viewing and cataloging program i686 Extra gnome-control-center 2.30.1-1 The Control Center for GNOME i686 Extra gnome-games 2.30.1-1 Some Games for GNOME i686 Extra gnome-settings-daemon 2.30.1-1 The GNOME Settings daemon i686 Extra empathy 2.30.1-1 A GNOME instant messaging client using the Telepathy framework. i686 Extra gnome-terminal 2.30.1-1 The GNOME Terminal Emulator i686 Extra gucharmap 2.30.1-1 Gnome Unicode Charmap i686 Extra aria2 1.9.2-1 Download utility that supports HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, and Metalinkx86_64x86_64 Core bridge-utils 1.4-3 Utilities for configuring the Linux ethernet bridge x86_64 Core coreutils 8.5-1 The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system x86_64 Core inetutils 1.7-3 A collection of common network programs x86_64 Core ifenslave 1.1.0-5 Utility for bonding ethernet interfacesx86_64 Community awn-extras-applets 0.4.0-4 A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator x86_64 Community netsurf 2.5-1 Lightweight, fast web browser x86_64 Community libcss 0.0.1-1 A CSS parser and selection engine. x86_64 Community recoll 1.13.04-1 Full text search tool based on Xapian backend x86_64 Community stress 1.0.4-1 A tool that stress tests your system (CPU, memory, I/O, disks) x86_64 Community xapian-core 1.2.0-1 Open source search engine library x86_64 Community wkhtmltopdf 0.9.6-1 Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt x86_64 Community haskell-x11 A Haskell binding to the X11 graphics library. x86_64 Community haskell-x11-xft 0.3-13 Bindings to the Xft, X Free Type interface library, and some Xrender parts x86_64 Community open-vm-tools-modules 2010.04.25-2 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. x86_64 Community gnome-system-tools 2.30.1-1 Gnome System Configuration Utilities x86_64 Community ogmrip 0.13.4-1 Libraries and GTK2 interface for DVD ripping using mencoder x86_64 Community medit 0.10.4-1 A GTK text editor x86_64 Community umfpack 5.5.0-1 A multifrontal direct solver for unsymmetric linear systems (AMD/2.2.1, UFConfig/) x86_64 Community lib32-glibc 2.11.1-3 GNU C Library (32 Bit) x86_64 Community ibus 1.3.2-1 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux x86_64 Community libwapcaplet 0.0.2-1 A string internment library with rapid string comparison. x86_64 Community poedit Cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editorx86_64 Extra alltray 0.7.4dev-2 Drops any app in the tray. x86_64 Extra bluez 4.64-1 Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack x86_64 Extra scribus 1.3.6-2 A desktop publishing program x86_64 Extra gdm 2.30.2-2 Gnome Display Manager (a reimplementation of xdm) x86_64 Extra evince 2.30.1-2 Simply a document viewer x86_64 Extra anjuta Anjuta Integrated Development Environment (IDE) x86_64 Extra anjuta-extras Anjuta Integrated Development Environment extra plugins x86_64 Extra telepathy-butterfly 0.5.9-1 A MSN connection manager for Telepathy x86_64 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.5-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol x86_64 Extra brasero 2.30.1-1 A disc burning application for Gnome x86_64 Extra cheese 2.30.1-1 Use your webcam to take photos and videos, apply fancy special effects and share the fun with others x86_64 Extra eog 2.30.1-1 Eye of Gnome: An image viewing and cataloging program x86_64 Extra gnome-control-center 2.30.1-1 The Control Center for GNOME x86_64 Extra gnome-games 2.30.1-1 Some Games for GNOME x86_64 Extra gnome-settings-daemon 2.30.1-1 The GNOME Settings daemon x86_64 Extra hamster-applet 2.30.1-1 GNOME time tracking applet x86_64 Extra mousetweaks 2.30.1-1 Mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop x86_64 Extra seahorse 2.30.1-1 GNOME application for managing PGP keys. x86_64 Extra seahorse-plugins 2.30.1-1 Seahorse plugins x86_64 Extra tomboy 1.2.1-1 Desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix x86_64 Extra yelp 2.30.1-1 A help browser for GNOME x86_64 Extra gnome-terminal 2.30.1-1 The GNOME Terminal Emulator x86_64 Extra gucharmap 2.30.1-1 Gnome Unicode Charmap x86_64 Extra empathy 2.30.1-1 A GNOME instant messaging client using the Telepathy framework. x86_64 Extra aria2 1.9.2-1 Download utility that supports HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, and MetalinkAURlxdm 0.2.0-1 paintown 3.3.1-1 hqx 1.0-1 clementine 0.2.99-1pidgin-gfire 0.9.1-1virtualbox_bin-beta 3.2.0_BETA1-1 pidgin-gfire-svn 437-1 granola-gui 2.1.3-1 she-darcs 20100428-1 granola 2.1.3-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 1, 2010 Author Posted May 1, 2010 Updates for Friday 30, Apr 2010:anyany Community flyspray A PHP web-based bug trackerany Community openttd-opengfx 0.2.4-1 Free graphics set for openttd any Community perl-djabberd 0.85_01-2 Jabber daemon written on Perl any Community perl-unicode-stringprep 1.103.0-1 Preparation of Internationalized Strings (RFC 3454)any Extra ttf-freebanglafont 0.5-7 TTFonts for Bangla (Bengali) any Extra ttf-indic-otf 0.2-5 Indic Opentype Fonts collection any Extra ttf-isabella 1.2-2 Historic Isabella TTFont - based on Isabella Breviary, made around 1497, in Holland, for Isabella of Castille, the first queen of united Spain any Extra ttf-tibetan-machine 1.901-4 Tibetan Machine TTFonti686i686 Core ed 1.4-2 A POSIX-compliant line editor i686 Community enet 1.2.1-2 A relatively thin, simple and robust network communication i686 Community recoll 1.13.04-2 Full text search tool based on Xapian backend i686 Community clang-analyzer 2.7-2 A source code analysis framework i686 Community llvm 2.7-2 Low Level Virtual Machine i686 Community llvm-ocaml 2.7-2 OCaml bindings for LLVM i686 Community clang 2.7-2 C language family frontend for LLVM i686 Community ejabberd 2.1.3-1 An erlang jabber server i686 Community alsa-plugins 1.0.23-1 Extra alsa pluginsi686 Extra freenx 0.7.3-6 Free Software (GPL) Implementation of the NX Server i686 Extra pyqt 4.7.3-1 A set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit i686 Extra sip 4.10.2-1 A tool that makes it easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries i686 Extra sane 1.0.21-1 Scanner Access Now Easy i686 Extra alsa-firmware 1.0.23-1 ALSA firmware package i686 Extra alsa-lib 1.0.23-1 An alternative implementation of Linux sound support i686 Extra alsa-utils 1.0.23-1 An alternative implementation of Linux sound support i686 Extra dirmngr 1.1.0rc1-1 A daemon to handle CRL and certificate requests i686 Extra libksba 1.0.7-1 Libksba is a CMS and X.509 access library i686 Extra partitionmanager 1.0.2-1 A KDE 4 utility that allows you to manage disks, partitions, and file systems. i686 Extra pinentry 0.8.0-1 a collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol i686 Extra sox 14.3.1-1 The Swiss Army knife of sound processing toolsx86_64x86_64 Core ed 1.4-2 A POSIX-compliant line editorx86_64 Community enet 1.2.1-2 A relatively thin, simple and robust network communication x86_64 Community recoll 1.13.04-2 Full text search tool based on Xapian backend x86_64 Community clang 2.7-2 C language family frontend for LLVM x86_64 Community clang-analyzer 2.7-2 A source code analysis framework x86_64 Community llvm 2.7-2 Low Level Virtual Machine x86_64 Community llvm-ocaml 2.7-2 OCaml bindings for LLVM x86_64 Community ejabberd 2.1.3-1 An erlang jabber server x86_64 Community alsa-plugins 1.0.23-1 Extra alsa pluginsx86_64 Extra freenx 0.7.3-6 Free Software (GPL) Implementation of the NX Server x86_64 Extra pyqt 4.7.3-1 A set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit x86_64 Extra sip 4.10.2-1 A tool that makes it easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries x86_64 Extra sane 1.0.21-1 Scanner Access Now Easy x86_64 Extra alsa-firmware 1.0.23-1 ALSA firmware package x86_64 Extra alsa-lib 1.0.23-1 An alternative implementation of Linux sound support x86_64 Extra alsa-utils 1.0.23-1 An alternative implementation of Linux sound support x86_64 Extra dirmngr 1.1.0rc1-1 A daemon to handle CRL and certificate requests x86_64 Extra libksba 1.0.7-1 Libksba is a CMS and X.509 access library x86_64 Extra partitionmanager 1.0.2-1 A KDE 4 utility that allows you to manage disks, partitions, and file systems. x86_64 Extra pinentry 0.8.0-1 a collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol x86_64 Extra sox 14.3.1-1 The Swiss Army knife of sound processing toolsAURhumanity-dark-icons 0.5.2-1 kamoulbox-git 20100501-2 dikt 2c-1 01:07:56 freeipmi 0.8.3-2 drumstick 0.3.1-2 clementine 0.2.99-2 icewm-testing 1.3.7-1 totem-git 20100501-1 libosip2 3.3.0-1 clementine-svn 809-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 2, 2010 Author Posted May 2, 2010 Updates for Saturday 01, Apr 2010:anyany Community nfoview 1.9-1 Simple GTK-based NFO file viewer any Extra python-mako 0.3.2-1 Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform. any Community perl-xyne-arch 2010.05.01.1-1 Xyne's Arch-specific Perl modules.i686i686 Community amsn 0.98.3-2 MSN client written in Tcl/Tk i686 Community gdal 1.7.1-2 A translator library for raster geospatial data formats i686 Community libpar2 0.2-4 Parity checking library, i686 Community sword 1.6.1-4 SWORD libraries for Bible programs i686 Community aircrack-ng 1.1-1 A key cracker for the 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK protocols i686 Community luxrender 0.6.1-6 Rendering system for physically correct, unbiased image synthesis i686 Community kpogre 3.0.0-3 Postgresql GUI frontend for KDE i686 Community virtualbox-ose 3.1.6-3 Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use (Open Source Edition) i686 Community virtualbox-ose-additions 3.1.6-3 Guest Additions for VirtualBox (Open Source Edition) i686 Community virtualbox-ose-additions-modules 3.1.6-3 Kernel modules for VirtualBox Guest Additions i686 Community libvirt 0.8.1-1 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) i686 Community ghemical 2.99.2-4 Computational chemistry package.i686 Extra graphicsmagick 1.3.7-1 Image processing system i686 Extra getmail 4.17.0-1 A POP3 mail retriever with reliable Maildir and command delivery. i686 Extra hunspell 1.2.10-1 Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program i686 Extra icu 4.4.1-1 International Components for Unicode library i686 Extra claws-mail 3.7.6-1 A GTK+ based e-mail client. i686 Extra claws-mail-extra-plugins 3.7.6-1 Extra plugins for claws-mail i686 Extra deluge 1.2.3-5 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk i686 Extra wxgtk GTK+ implementation of wxWidgets API for GUI i686 Extra kdevelop 4.0.0-1 A C/C++ development environment for KDE i686 Extra kdevplatform 1.0.0-1 A C/C++ development platform for KDE x86_64x86_64 Community amsn 0.98.3-2 MSN client written in Tcl/Tk x86_64 Community gdal 1.7.1-2 A translator library for raster geospatial data formats x86_64 Community libpar2 0.2-4 Parity checking library, x86_64 Community sword 1.6.1-4 SWORD libraries for Bible programs x86_64 Community aircrack-ng 1.1-1 A key cracker for the 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK protocols x86_64 Community luxrender 0.6.1-6 Rendering system for physically correct, unbiased image synthesis x86_64 Community kpogre 3.0.0-3 Postgresql GUI frontend for KDE x86_64 Community libvirt 0.8.1-1 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) x86_64 Community ghemical 2.99.2-4 Computational chemistry package.x86_64 Extra graphicsmagick 1.3.7-1 Image processing system x86_64 Extra getmail 4.17.0-1 A POP3 mail retriever with reliable Maildir and command delivery. x86_64 Extra hunspell 1.2.10-1 Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program x86_64 Extra icu 4.4.1-1 International Components for Unicode library x86_64 Extra claws-mail 3.7.6-1 A GTK+ based e-mail client. x86_64 Extra claws-mail-extra-plugins 3.7.6-1 Extra plugins for claws-mail x86_64 Extra deluge 1.2.3-5 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk x86_64 Extra wxgtk GTK+ implementation of wxWidgets API for GUI x86_64 Extra kdevelop 4.0.0-1 A C/C++ development environment for KDE x86_64 Extra kdevplatform 1.0.0-1 A C/C++ development platform for KDEAURrainslick-ep1 r5-1calibre 0.6.51-1 hwinfo 17.0-7 libx86emu 1.1-22webpics 1.0.0-2 sandfox 1.0.0-2 rmdupe 1.0.2-2 repic 1.1.0-3 blackpac 1.0.1-3notify-osd-normal-position 0.9.29-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 3, 2010 Author Posted May 3, 2010 Updates for Sunday 2, Apr 2010:anyany Extra devtools 0.9.6-1 Tools for Arch Linux package maintainers any Community nanoblogger 3.4.2-1 NanoBlogger is a small weblog engine written in Bash for the command linei686i686 Core b43-fwcutter 013-1 firmware extractor for the bcm43xx kernel module i686 Community dvdstyler Cross-platform DVD authoring application i686 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.4-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework i686 Community upx 3.05-1 Ultimate executable compressor i686 Community mathomatic 15.0.8-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C i686 Community fotoxx 10.2.1-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camerai686 Extra deskbar-applet 2.30.1-1 An all-in-one search bar for the GNOME panel i686 Extra gnome-keyring 2.30.1-2 GNOME Password Management daemon i686 Extra librsvg 2.26.3-1 SAX-based renderer for SVG files into a GdkPixbuf i686 Extra libxfce4util 4.6.1-2 Basic utility non-GUI functions for Xfce i686 Extra xfce4-screenshooter 1.7.9-1 plugin that makes screenshots for the Xfce4 panel i686 Extra xfconf 4.6.1-4 a simple client-server configuration storage and query system i686 Extra lablgtk2 2.14.0-2 An Objective Caml interface to gtk2 i686 Extra xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4-4 plugin that creates 4 little application launcher in the Xfce4 panel i686 Extra alsa-utils 1.0.23-2 An alternative implementation of Linux sound support i686 Extra libmspack 0.0.20060920alpha-2 A library for Microsoft compression formats i686 Extra sane 1.0.21-2 Scanner Access Now Easy i686 Extra hdf5 1.8.4_patch1-1 General purpose library and file format for storing scientific data i686 Extra postfix 2.7.0-3 Secure, fast, easy to administer drop in replacement for Sendmail (MTA) i686 Extra wesnoth 1.8.1-1 A turn-based strategy game on a fantasy world i686 Extra kshutdown 2.0beta9-1 Shutdown Utility for KDE i686 Extra lftp 4.0.7-1 Sophisticated command line based FTP clientx86_64x86_64 Core b43-fwcutter 013-1 firmware extractor for the bcm43xx kernel module x86_64 Community dvdstyler Cross-platform DVD authoring application x86_64 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.4-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework x86_64 Community upx 3.05-1 Ultimate executable compressor x86_64 Community mathomatic 15.0.8-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C x86_64 Community fotoxx 10.2.1-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camerax86_64 Extra libxfce4util 4.6.1-2 Basic utility non-GUI functions for Xfce x86_64 Extra xfce4-screenshooter 1.7.9-1 plugin that makes screenshots for the Xfce4 panel x86_64 Extra xfconf 4.6.1-4 a simple client-server configuration storage and query system x86_64 Extra deskbar-applet 2.30.1-1 An all-in-one search bar for the GNOME panel x86_64 Extra gnome-keyring 2.30.1-2 GNOME Password Management daemon x86_64 Extra librsvg 2.26.3-1 SAX-based renderer for SVG files into a GdkPixbuf x86_64 Extra lablgtk2 2.14.0-2 An Objective Caml interface to gtk2 x86_64 Extra xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4-4 plugin that creates 4 little application launcher in the Xfce4 panel x86_64 Extra alsa-utils 1.0.23-2 An alternative implementation of Linux sound support x86_64 Extra libmspack 0.0.20060920alpha-2 A library for Microsoft compression formats x86_64 Extra sane 1.0.21-2 Scanner Access Now Easy x86_64 Extra hdf5 1.8.4_patch1-1 General purpose library and file format for storing scientific data x86_64 Extra postfix 2.7.0-3 Secure, fast, easy to administer drop in replacement for Sendmail (MTA) x86_64 Extra kshutdown 2.0beta9-1 Shutdown Utility for KDE x86_64 Extra wesnoth 1.8.1-1 A turn-based strategy game on a fantasy world x86_64 Extra lftp 4.0.7-1 Sophisticated command line based FTP clientAURtucan-svn 1462-1 soundkonverter-kde4 1.0.0beta1-3 cimg 1.3.4-1 xbmc-svn 29741-1 lib32-librsvg 2.26.2-1 bristol 0.60.2-1 coreboot-git 20100503-1cimon 0.3-1 monitorix-tmpfs 1.0-5 monitorix 1.5.0-2 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 4, 2010 Author Posted May 4, 2010 Updates for Monday 3, Apr 2010:anyany Extra kde-l10n-sl 4.4.3-1 Slovenian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-sr 4.4.3-1 Serbian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-sv 4.4.3-1 Swedish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-tg 4.4.3-1 Tajik Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-tr 4.4.3-1 Turkish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-uk 4.4.3-1 Ukrainian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-wa 4.4.3-1 Walloon Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-zh_cn 4.4.3-1 Chinese Simplified Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-zh_tw 4.4.3-1 Chinese Traditional Localization for KDE any Extra oxygen-icons 4.4.3-1 The Oxygen Icon Theme any Extra oxygen-icons-svg 4.4.3-1 The Oxygen Icon Theme (Scalable Vector Graphics) any Extra kde-l10n-ar 4.4.3-1 Arabic Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-bg 4.4.3-1 Bulgarian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ca 4.4.3-1 Catalan Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ca@valencia 4.4.3-1 Catalan (Valencian) Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-cs 4.4.3-1 Czech Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-csb 4.4.3-1 Kashubian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-da 4.4.3-1 Danish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-de 4.4.3-1 German Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-el 4.4.3-1 Greek Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-en_gb 4.4.3-1 British English Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-eo 4.4.3-1 Esperanto Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-es 4.4.3-1 Spanish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-et 4.4.3-1 Estonian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-eu 4.4.3-1 Basque Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-fi 4.4.3-1 Finnish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-fr 4.4.3-1 French Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-fy 4.4.3-1 Frisian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ga 4.4.3-1 Irish Gaelic Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-gl 4.4.3-1 Galician Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-gu 4.4.3-1 Gujarati Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-he 4.4.3-1 Hebrew Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-hi 4.4.3-1 Hindi Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-hr 4.4.3-1 Croatian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-hu 4.4.3-1 Hungarian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-id 4.4.3-1 Indonesian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-is 4.4.3-1 Icelandic Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-it 4.4.3-1 Italian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ja 4.4.3-1 Japanese Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-kk 4.4.3-1 Kazakh Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-km 4.4.3-1 Khmer Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-kn 4.4.3-1 Kannada Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ko 4.4.3-1 Korean Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-lt 4.4.3-1 Lithuanian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-lv 4.4.3-1 Latvian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-mai 4.4.3-1 Maithili Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-mk 4.4.3-1 Macedonian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ml 4.4.3-1 Malayalam Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-nb 4.4.3-1 Norwegian Bokmal Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-nds 4.4.3-1 Low Saxon Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-nl 4.4.3-1 Dutch Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-nn 4.4.3-1 Norwegian Nynorsk Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-pa 4.4.3-1 Panjabi/Punjabi Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-pl 4.4.3-1 Polish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-pt 4.4.3-1 Portuguese Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-pt_br 4.4.3-1 Brazilian Portuguese Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ro 4.4.3-1 Romanian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ru 4.4.3-1 Russian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-si 4.4.3-1 Sinhala Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-sk 4.4.3-1 Slovak Localization for KDE any Extra munin 1.4.4-2 A distributed monitoring/graphing tool any Extra munin-node 1.4.4-2 A distributed monitoring/graphing tool any Community devede 3.16.8-1 A program to create VideoDVDs and CDs any Extra python-chardet 2.0.1-1 Python module for character encoding auto-detection any Community python-mygpoclient 1.4-1 Client library for the web servicei686i686 Core cracklib 2.8.16-1 Password Checking Library 2010-05-04i686 Core tzdata 2010i-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data 2010-05-04i686 Core psmisc 22.11-1 Miscellaneous procfs toolsi686 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.5-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework i686 Community cherokee 0.99.48-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server i686 Community python-scipy 0.7.2-1 SciPy (pronounced 'Sigh Pie') is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.i686 Extra squid 2.7.STABLE9-1 A full-featured Web proxy cache server. 2010-05-04i686 Extra rrdtool 1.4.3-1 Data logging and graphing application i686 Extra kdetoys-amor 4.4.3-1 On-Screen Creature i686 Extra kdetoys-kteatime 4.4.3-1 Tea Cooker i686 Extra kdetoys-ktux 4.4.3-1 KTux i686 Extra kdetoys-kweather 4.4.3-1 A weather reporting panel applet i686 Extra kdeutils-ark 4.4.3-1 Archiving Tool i686 Extra kdeutils-kcalc 4.4.3-1 Scientific Calculator i686 Extra kdeutils-kcharselect 4.4.3-1 Character Selector i686 Extra kdeutils-kdelirc 4.4.3-1 Configure your remote controls for use with applications i686 Extra kdeutils-kdf 4.4.3-1 View Disk Usage i686 Extra kdeutils-kfloppy 4.4.3-1 Floppy Formatter i686 Extra kdeutils-kgpg 4.4.3-1 A GnuPG frontend i686 Extra kdeutils-ktimer 4.4.3-1 Countdown Launcher i686 Extra kdeutils-kwallet 4.4.3-1 Wallet Management Tool i686 Extra kdeutils-okteta 4.4.3-1 Hex Editor i686 Extra kdeutils-printer-applet 4.4.3-1 System tray icon for managing print jobs i686 Extra kdeutils-superkaramba 4.4.3-1 An engine for cool desktop eyecandy. i686 Extra kdeutils-sweeper 4.4.3-1 System Cleaner i686 Extra kdewebdev-kfilereplace 4.4.3-1 Search & Replace Tool i686 Extra kdewebdev-kimagemapeditor 4.4.3-1 HTML Image Map Editor i686 Extra kdewebdev-klinkstatus 4.4.3-1 Link Checker i686 Extra kdewebdev-kommander 4.4.3-1 Executor for Kommander dialogs i686 Extra taglib 1.6.3-1 A Library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-libs 4.4.3-1 Plasma Addon Library i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-audioplayercontrol 4.4.3-1 Allows to control MPRIS audio players (it is able to search through Amarok´s collection, too) 2i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-browserhistory 4.4.3-1 Searches in Konqueror´s history 2i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-contacts 4.4.3-1 Finds entries in your address book i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter 4.4.3-1 Convert values to different units i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-katesessions 4.4.3-1 Matches Kate Sessions i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-konquerorsessions 4.4.3-1 Matches Konqueror Sessions i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-konsolesessions 4.4.3-1 Matches Konsole Sessions i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-kopete 4.4.3-1 Kopete Contact runner i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-mediawiki 4.4.3-1 Search on KDE´s TechBase 2i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker 4.4.3-1 Check the spelling of a word i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-mandelbrot 4.4.3-1 Mandelbrot i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-marble 4.4.3-1 Globe i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-pattern 4.4.3-1 Pattern i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-virus 4.4.3-1 Virus i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-weather 4.4.3-1 Weather i686 Extra kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement 1121484-1 KDE4 Network Management and plasmoid i686 Extra kdesdk-cervisia 4.4.3-1 CVS Frontend i686 Extra kdesdk-kapptemplate 4.4.3-1 KDE Template Generator i686 Extra kdesdk-kate 4.4.3-1 Advanced Text Editor i686 Extra kdesdk-kbugbuster 4.4.3-1 KDE Bug Management i686 Extra kdesdk-kcachegrind 4.4.3-1 Visualization of Performance Profiling Data i686 Extra kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin 4.4.3-1 KDE Repository Accounts i686 Extra kdesdk-kdepalettes 4.4.3-1 Palettes for the Gimp that match the KDE standard color palette i686 Extra kdesdk-kioslave 4.4.3-1 KDED Subversion Module i686 Extra kdesdk-kmtrace 4.4.3-1 A KDE tool to assist with malloc debugging using glibc´s "mtrace" functionality 2i686 Extra kdesdk-kompare 4.4.3-1 Diff/Patch Frontend i686 Extra kdesdk-kpartloader 4.4.3-1 A test application for KParts i686 Extra kdesdk-kprofilemethod 4.4.3-1 Macros helping to profile i686 Extra kdesdk-kstartperf 4.4.3-1 Startup time measurement tool for KDE applications i686 Extra kdesdk-kuiviewer 4.4.3-1 Qt Designer UI File Viewer i686 Extra kdesdk-lokalize 4.4.3-1 Computer-Aided Translation System i686 Extra kdesdk-poxml 4.4.3-1 Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files i686 Extra kdesdk-scripts 4.4.3-1 KDE SDK scripts i686 Extra kdesdk-strigi-analyzer 4.4.3-1 Strigi-Analyzer for KDE SDK i686 Extra kdesdk-umbrello 4.4.3-1 UML Modeller i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-fuzzy-clock 4.4.3-1 Time displayed in a less precise format i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-incomingmsg 4.4.3-1 Notification of new messages i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kdeobservatory 4.4.3-1 Visualize the KDE ecosystem i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kimpanel 4.4.3-1 A generic input method panel for Oriental languages i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-knowledgebase 4.4.3-1 Opendesktop Knowledgebase i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kolourpicker 4.4.3-1 Pick a color from the desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-konqprofiles 4.4.3-1 List and launch Konqueror profiles i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-konsoleprofiles 4.4.3-1 List and launch Konsole profiles i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-lancelot 4.4.3-1 Launcher to start applications i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-leavenote 4.4.3-1 Leave notes for users while they are away i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-life 4.4.3-1 Life i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-luna 4.4.3-1 Display moon phases for your location i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-magnifique 4.4.3-1 A magnification glass for the Plasma desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-mediaplayer 4.4.3-1 Widget that can play video and sound i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-microblog 4.4.3-1 Update and view your microblog status. i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-news 4.4.3-1 Show news from various sources i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-notes 4.4.3-1 Desktop sticky notes i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-nowplaying 4.4.3-1 Displays currently playing audio i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop 4.4.3-1 Communicate using the Social Desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop-activities 4.4.3-1 Stay informed with the Social Desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-paste 4.4.3-1 Paste text snippets i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-pastebin 4.4.3-1 Paste text/images to a remote server i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-plasmaboard 4.4.3-1 A virtual, on-screen keyboard i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-previewer 4.4.3-1 Quickly preview a variety of files i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-qalculate 4.4.3-1 A powerful mathematical equation solver i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-rememberthemilk 4.4.3-1 Remember The Milk Todo list applet i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-rssnow 4.4.3-1 Show news from various sources i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdashboard 4.4.3-1 Show the Plasma widget dashboard above other windows i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdesktop 4.4.3-1 Show the Plasma desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-spellcheck 4.4.3-1 Fast spell checking i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-systemloadviewer 4.4.3-1 Tiny CPU/RAM/Swap monitor i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-timer 4.4.3-1 Countdown over a specified time period i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-unitconverter 4.4.3-1 Plasmoid for converting units i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-weather 4.4.3-1 Displays Weather information i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-weatherstation 4.4.3-1 Weather reports with an LCD display style i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-webslice 4.4.3-1 Show a part of a webpage i686 Extra kdepim-akonadiconsole 4.4.3-1 Akonadi Management and Debugging Console i686 Extra kdepim-akregator 4.4.3-1 A Feed Reader for KDE i686 Extra kdepim-blogilo 4.4.3-1 A KDE Blogging Client i686 Extra kdepim-console 4.4.3-1 Command line tool for accessing calendar files i686 Extra kdepim-kaddressbook 4.4.3-1 Contact Manager i686 Extra kdepim-kalarm 4.4.3-1 Personal Alarm Scheduler i686 Extra kdepim-kjots 4.4.3-1 Note Taker i686 Extra kdepim-kleopatra 4.4.3-1 Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI i686 Extra kdepim-kmail 4.4.3-1 Mail Client i686 Extra kdepim-knode 4.4.3-1 News Reader i686 Extra kdepim-knotes 4.4.3-1 Popup Notes i686 Extra kdepim-kontact 4.4.3-1 Personal Information Manager i686 Extra kdepim-korganizer 4.4.3-1 Calendar and Scheduling Program i686 Extra kdepim-kresources 4.4.3-1 KDE PIM resources i686 Extra kdepim-ktimetracker 4.4.3-1 Personal Time Tracker i686 Extra kdepim-libkdepim 4.4.3-1 Library for KDE PIM i686 Extra kdepim-runtime 4.4.3-1 KDE PIM Runtime Environment i686 Extra kdepim-wizards 4.4.3-1 KDE Groupware Wizard i686 Extra kdepimlibs 4.4.3-1 KDE PIM Libraries i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball 4.4.3-1 A bouncy ball for plasma i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-binary-clock 4.4.3-1 Time displayed in binary format i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-blackboard 4.4.3-1 Black Board i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-bubblemon 4.4.3-1 A pretty bubble that monitors your system. i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-calculator 4.4.3-1 Calculate simple sums i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-charselect 4.4.3-1 View, select, and copy characters from a font collection i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-comic 4.4.3-1 View comic strips from the Internet i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-dict 4.4.3-1 Look up the meaning of words and their translation into different languages i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-eyes 4.4.3-1 XEyes clone i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-fifteenpuzzle 4.4.3-1 Put the pieces in order i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-filewatcher 4.4.3-1 Watch for changes in specified files i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-frame 4.4.3-1 Display your favorite pictures i686 Extra kdegames-ksquares 4.4.3-1 Connect the dots to create squares i686 Extra kdegames-ksudoku 4.4.3-1 KSudoku, Sudoku game & more for KDE i686 Extra kdegames-ktron 4.4.3-1 Tron-like Game i686 Extra kdegames-ktuberling 4.4.3-1 Picture Game for Children i686 Extra kdegames-kubrick 4.4.3-1 A 3-D game based on Rubik´s Cube 2i686 Extra kdegames-libkdegames 4.4.3-1 KDE game library i686 Extra kdegames-libkmahjongg 4.4.3-1 Library used for loading and rendering of Mahjongg tilesets. i686 Extra kdegames-lskat 4.4.3-1 Card Game i686 Extra kdegames-palapeli 4.4.3-1 Jigsaw puzzle game i686 Extra kdegraphics-gwenview 4.4.3-1 A simple image viewer i686 Extra kdegraphics-kamera 4.4.3-1 Configure Kamera i686 Extra kdegraphics-kcolorchooser 4.4.3-1 Color Chooser i686 Extra kdegraphics-kgamma 4.4.3-1 A monitor calibration tool i686 Extra kdegraphics-kolourpaint 4.4.3-1 Paint Program i686 Extra kdegraphics-kruler 4.4.3-1 Screen Ruler i686 Extra kdegraphics-ksnapshot 4.4.3-1 Screen Capture Program i686 Extra kdegraphics-libs 4.4.3-1 Support library for KDE Graphics Software i686 Extra kdegraphics-okular 4.4.3-1 Document Viewer i686 Extra kdelibs 4.4.3-1 KDE Core Libraries i686 Extra kdemultimedia-dragonplayer 4.4.3-1 Video Player i686 Extra kdemultimedia-juk 4.4.3-1 Music Player i686 Extra kdemultimedia-kioslave 4.4.3-1 Audio CD Browser i686 Extra kdemultimedia-kmix 4.4.3-1 Sound Mixer i686 Extra kdemultimedia-kscd 4.4.3-1 CD Player i686 Extra kdemultimedia-mplayerthumbs 4.4.3-1 Video Files (MPlayerThumbs) i686 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.3-1 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network i686 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.3-1 Network Services i686 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.3-1 Download Manager i686 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.3-1 Instant Messenger i686 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.3-1 Internet Dial-Up Tool i686 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.3-1 Remote Desktop Client i686 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.3-1 Desktop Sharing i686 Extra kdeedu-kturtle 4.4.3-1 Educational Programming Environment i686 Extra kdeedu-kwordquiz 4.4.3-1 A flashcard and vocabulary learning program i686 Extra kdeedu-libkdeedu 4.4.3-1 Support library for KDE Educational Software i686 Extra kdeedu-marble 4.4.3-1 Desktop Globe i686 Extra kdeedu-parley 4.4.3-1 Vocabulary Trainer i686 Extra kdeedu-rocs 4.4.3-1 Graph Theory Tool for Professors and Students. i686 Extra kdeedu-step 4.4.3-1 Simulate physics experiments i686 Extra kdegames-bomber 4.4.3-1 Arcade Bombing Game i686 Extra kdegames-bovo 4.4.3-1 Five-in-a-row Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-granatier 4.4.3-1 Granatier i686 Extra kdegames-kapman 4.4.3-1 Eat pills escaping ghosts i686 Extra kdegames-katomic 4.4.3-1 Sokoban-like Logic Game i686 Extra kdegames-kbattleship 4.4.3-1 Battleship Game i686 Extra kdegames-kblackbox 4.4.3-1 Blackbox Logic Game i686 Extra kdegames-kblocks 4.4.3-1 Falling Blocks Game i686 Extra kdegames-kbounce 4.4.3-1 Ball Bouncing Game i686 Extra kdegames-kbreakout 4.4.3-1 Breakout-like Game i686 Extra kdegames-kdiamond 4.4.3-1 Three-in-a-row game i686 Extra kdegames-kfourinline 4.4.3-1 Four-in-a-row Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-kgoldrunner 4.4.3-1 A game of action and puzzle-solving i686 Extra kdegames-kigo 4.4.3-1 Go Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-killbots 4.4.3-1 Killbots i686 Extra kdegames-kiriki 4.4.3-1 Yahtzee-like Dice Game i686 Extra kdegames-kjumpingcube 4.4.3-1 Territory Capture Game i686 Extra kdegames-klines 4.4.3-1 Tactical Game i686 Extra kdegames-kmahjongg 4.4.3-1 Mahjongg Solitaire i686 Extra kdegames-kmines 4.4.3-1 Minesweeper-like Game i686 Extra kdegames-knetwalk 4.4.3-1 Network Construction Game i686 Extra kdegames-kolf 4.4.3-1 Miniature Golf i686 Extra kdegames-kollision 4.4.3-1 A simple ball dodging game i686 Extra kdegames-konquest 4.4.3-1 Galactic Strategy Game i686 Extra kdegames-kpat 4.4.3-1 Patience Card Game i686 Extra kdegames-kreversi 4.4.3-1 Reversi Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-ksame 4.4.3-1 Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-kshisen 4.4.3-1 Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like Tile Game i686 Extra kdegames-ksirk 4.4.3-1 World Domination Strategy Game i686 Extra kdegames-kspaceduel 4.4.3-1 Space Arcade Game i686 Extra kdeartwork-kscreensaver 4.4.3-1 KDE screensaver i686 Extra kdeartwork-sounds 4.4.3-1 KDE sounds i686 Extra kdeartwork-styles 4.4.3-1 KDE styles i686 Extra kdeartwork-wallpapers 4.4.3-1 KDE wallpapers i686 Extra kdeartwork-weatherwallpapers 4.4.3-1 KDE weather wallpapers i686 Extra kdebase-dolphin 4.4.3-1 File Manager i686 Extra kdebase-kappfinder 4.4.3-1 Menu Updating Tool i686 Extra kdebase-kdepasswd 4.4.3-1 Change Password i686 Extra kdebase-kdialog 4.4.3-1 a utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts i686 Extra kdebase-kfind 4.4.3-1 Find Files/Folders i686 Extra kdebase-kinfocenter 4.4.3-1 Info Center i686 Extra kdebase-konqueror 4.4.3-1 KDE File Manager & Web Browser i686 Extra kdebase-konsole 4.4.3-1 Terminal i686 Extra kdebase-kwrite 4.4.3-1 Text Editor i686 Extra kdebase-lib 4.4.3-1 KDE libraries for the basic desktop applications i686 Extra kdebase-plasma 4.4.3-1 Display the contents of folders (User´s home folder as default) 2i686 Extra kdebase-runtime 4.4.3-1 KDE Base Runtime Environment i686 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.3-1 KDE Base Workspace i686 Extra kdebindings-csharp 4.4.3-1 KDE bindings for mono i686 Extra kdebindings-python 4.4.3-1 KDE bindings for python i686 Extra kdebindings-ruby 4.4.3-1 KDE bindings for ruby i686 Extra kdebindings-smoke 4.4.3-1 Language independent library for Qt and KDE bindings i686 Extra kdeedu-blinken 4.4.3-1 A memory enhancement game i686 Extra kdeedu-cantor 4.4.3-1 KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software i686 Extra kdeedu-data 4.4.3-1 Data for KDE Educational Software i686 Extra kdeedu-kalgebra 4.4.3-1 Math Expression Solver and Plotter i686 Extra kdeedu-kalzium 4.4.3-1 KDE Periodic Table of Elements i686 Extra kdeedu-kanagram 4.4.3-1 KDE Letter Order Game i686 Extra kdeedu-kbruch 4.4.3-1 Practice exercises with fractions i686 Extra kdeedu-kgeography 4.4.3-1 A Geography Learning Program i686 Extra kdeedu-khangman 4.4.3-1 KDE Hangman Game i686 Extra kdeedu-kig 4.4.3-1 Explore Geometric Constructions i686 Extra kdeedu-kiten 4.4.3-1 Japanese Reference and Study Tool i686 Extra kdeedu-klettres 4.4.3-1 a KDE program to learn the alphabet i686 Extra kdeedu-kmplot 4.4.3-1 Function Plotter i686 Extra kdeedu-kstars 4.4.3-1 Desktop Planetarium i686 Extra kdeedu-ktouch 4.4.3-1 Touch Typing Tutor i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-colorschemes 4.4.3-1 KDE Accessibility color schemes i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-iconthemes 4.4.3-1 KDE Accessibility icon themes i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmag 4.4.3-1 Screen Magnifier i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmousetool 4.4.3-1 Clicks the mouse for you, reducing the effects of RSI i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmouth 4.4.3-1 Speech Synthesizer Frontend i686 Extra kdeadmin-kcron 4.4.3-1 Configure and schedule tasks i686 Extra kdeadmin-ksystemlog 4.4.3-1 System log viewer tool i686 Extra kdeadmin-kuser 4.4.3-1 User Manager i686 Extra kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde 4.4.3-1 Configure local and remote Printers i686 Extra kdeartwork-colorschemes 4.4.3-1 KDE color schemes i686 Extra kdeartwork-desktopthemes 4.4.3-1 KDE desktop themes i686 Extra kdeartwork-emoticons 4.4.3-1 KDE emoticons i686 Extra kdeartwork-iconthemes 4.4.3-1 KDE icon themes i686 Extra mono 2.6.4-1 Free implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler i686 Extra xsp 2.6.4-1 A simple webserver based on mono - provides ASP.NET support i686 Extra libgdiplus 2.6.4-1 An Open Source Implementation of the GDI+ API i686 Extra transmission-gtk 1.93-1 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI) i686 Extra transmission-cli 1.93-1 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (CLI tools, daemon and web client) i686 Extra gtkpod 0.99.16-1 A platform independent GUI for Apple's iPod using GTK2x86_64x86_64 Core cracklib 2.8.16-1 Password Checking Library 2010-05-04x86_64 Core tzdata 2010i-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data 2010-05-04x86_64 Core psmisc 22.11-1 Miscellaneous procfs toolsx86_64 Community cherokee 0.99.48-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server x86_64 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.5-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework x86_64 Community python-scipy 0.7.2-1 SciPy (pronounced 'Sigh Pie') is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.x86_64 Extra squid 2.7.STABLE9-1 A full-featured Web proxy cache server. 2010-05-04x86_64 Extra rrdtool 1.4.3-1 Data logging and graphing application x86_64 Extra kdesdk-strigi-analyzer 4.4.3-1 Strigi-Analyzer for KDE SDK x86_64 Extra kdesdk-umbrello 4.4.3-1 UML Modeller x86_64 Extra kdetoys-amor 4.4.3-1 On-Screen Creature x86_64 Extra kdetoys-kteatime 4.4.3-1 Tea Cooker x86_64 Extra kdetoys-ktux 4.4.3-1 KTux x86_64 Extra kdetoys-kweather 4.4.3-1 A weather reporting panel applet x86_64 Extra kdeutils-ark 4.4.3-1 Archiving Tool x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kcalc 4.4.3-1 Scientific Calculator x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kcharselect 4.4.3-1 Character Selector x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kdelirc 4.4.3-1 Configure your remote controls for use with applications x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kdf 4.4.3-1 View Disk Usage x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kfloppy 4.4.3-1 Floppy Formatter x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kgpg 4.4.3-1 A GnuPG frontend x86_64 Extra kdeutils-ktimer 4.4.3-1 Countdown Launcher x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kwallet 4.4.3-1 Wallet Management Tool x86_64 Extra kdeutils-okteta 4.4.3-1 Hex Editor x86_64 Extra kdeutils-printer-applet 4.4.3-1 System tray icon for managing print jobs x86_64 Extra kdeutils-superkaramba 4.4.3-1 An engine for cool desktop eyecandy. x86_64 Extra kdeutils-sweeper 4.4.3-1 System Cleaner x86_64 Extra kdewebdev-kfilereplace 4.4.3-1 Search & Replace Tool x86_64 Extra kdewebdev-kimagemapeditor 4.4.3-1 HTML Image Map Editor x86_64 Extra kdewebdev-klinkstatus 4.4.3-1 Link Checker x86_64 Extra kdewebdev-kommander 4.4.3-1 Executor for Kommander dialogs x86_64 Extra taglib 1.6.3-1 A Library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-browserhistory 4.4.3-1 Searches in Konqueror´s history 2x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-contacts 4.4.3-1 Finds entries in your address book x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter 4.4.3-1 Convert values to different units x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-katesessions 4.4.3-1 Matches Kate Sessions x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-konquerorsessions 4.4.3-1 Matches Konqueror Sessions x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-konsolesessions 4.4.3-1 Matches Konsole Sessions x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-kopete 4.4.3-1 Kopete Contact runner x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-mediawiki 4.4.3-1 Search on KDE´s TechBase 2x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker 4.4.3-1 Check the spelling of a word x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-mandelbrot 4.4.3-1 Mandelbrot x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-marble 4.4.3-1 Globe x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-pattern 4.4.3-1 Pattern x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-virus 4.4.3-1 Virus x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-weather 4.4.3-1 Weather x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement 1121484-1 KDE4 Network Management and plasmoid x86_64 Extra kdesdk-cervisia 4.4.3-1 CVS Frontend x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kapptemplate 4.4.3-1 KDE Template Generator x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kate 4.4.3-1 Advanced Text Editor x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kbugbuster 4.4.3-1 KDE Bug Management x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kcachegrind 4.4.3-1 Visualization of Performance Profiling Data x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin 4.4.3-1 KDE Repository Accounts x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kdepalettes 4.4.3-1 Palettes for the Gimp that match the KDE standard color palette x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kioslave 4.4.3-1 KDED Subversion Module x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kmtrace 4.4.3-1 A KDE tool to assist with malloc debugging using glibc´s "mtrace" functionality 2x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kompare 4.4.3-1 Diff/Patch Frontend x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kpartloader 4.4.3-1 A test application for KParts x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kprofilemethod 4.4.3-1 Macros helping to profile x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kstartperf 4.4.3-1 Startup time measurement tool for KDE applications x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kuiviewer 4.4.3-1 Qt Designer UI File Viewer x86_64 Extra kdesdk-lokalize 4.4.3-1 Computer-Aided Translation System x86_64 Extra kdesdk-poxml 4.4.3-1 Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files x86_64 Extra kdesdk-scripts 4.4.3-1 KDE SDK scripts x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-fuzzy-clock 4.4.3-1 Time displayed in a less precise format x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-incomingmsg 4.4.3-1 Notification of new messages x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kdeobservatory 4.4.3-1 Visualize the KDE ecosystem x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kimpanel 4.4.3-1 A generic input method panel for Oriental languages x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-knowledgebase 4.4.3-1 Opendesktop Knowledgebase x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kolourpicker 4.4.3-1 Pick a color from the desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-konqprofiles 4.4.3-1 List and launch Konqueror profiles x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-konsoleprofiles 4.4.3-1 List and launch Konsole profiles x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-lancelot 4.4.3-1 Launcher to start applications x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-leavenote 4.4.3-1 Leave notes for users while they are away x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-life 4.4.3-1 Life x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-luna 4.4.3-1 Display moon phases for your location x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-magnifique 4.4.3-1 A magnification glass for the Plasma desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-mediaplayer 4.4.3-1 Widget that can play video and sound x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-microblog 4.4.3-1 Update and view your microblog status. x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-news 4.4.3-1 Show news from various sources x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-notes 4.4.3-1 Desktop sticky notes x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-nowplaying 4.4.3-1 Displays currently playing audio x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop 4.4.3-1 Communicate using the Social Desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop-activities 4.4.3-1 Stay informed with the Social Desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-paste 4.4.3-1 Paste text snippets x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-pastebin 4.4.3-1 Paste text/images to a remote server x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-plasmaboard 4.4.3-1 A virtual, on-screen keyboard x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-previewer 4.4.3-1 Quickly preview a variety of files x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-qalculate 4.4.3-1 A powerful mathematical equation solver x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-rememberthemilk 4.4.3-1 Remember The Milk Todo list applet x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-rssnow 4.4.3-1 Show news from various sources x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdashboard 4.4.3-1 Show the Plasma widget dashboard above other windows x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdesktop 4.4.3-1 Show the Plasma desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-spellcheck 4.4.3-1 Fast spell checking x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-systemloadviewer 4.4.3-1 Tiny CPU/RAM/Swap monitor x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-timer 4.4.3-1 Countdown over a specified time period x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-unitconverter 4.4.3-1 Plasmoid for converting units x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-weather 4.4.3-1 Displays Weather information x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-weatherstation 4.4.3-1 Weather reports with an LCD display style x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-webslice 4.4.3-1 Show a part of a webpage x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-libs 4.4.3-1 Plasma Addon Library x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-audioplayercontrol 4.4.3-1 Allows to control MPRIS audio players (it is able to search through Amarok´s collection, too) 2x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.3-1 Download Manager x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.3-1 Instant Messenger x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.3-1 Internet Dial-Up Tool x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.3-1 Remote Desktop Client x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.3-1 Desktop Sharing x86_64 Extra kdepim-akonadiconsole 4.4.3-1 Akonadi Management and Debugging Console x86_64 Extra kdepim-akregator 4.4.3-1 A Feed Reader for KDE x86_64 Extra kdepim-blogilo 4.4.3-1 A KDE Blogging Client x86_64 Extra kdepim-console 4.4.3-1 Command line tool for accessing calendar files x86_64 Extra kdepim-kaddressbook 4.4.3-1 Contact Manager x86_64 Extra kdepim-kalarm 4.4.3-1 Personal Alarm Scheduler x86_64 Extra kdepim-kjots 4.4.3-1 Note Taker x86_64 Extra kdepim-kleopatra 4.4.3-1 Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI x86_64 Extra kdepim-kmail 4.4.3-1 Mail Client x86_64 Extra kdepim-knode 4.4.3-1 News Reader x86_64 Extra kdepim-knotes 4.4.3-1 Popup Notes x86_64 Extra kdepim-kontact 4.4.3-1 Personal Information Manager x86_64 Extra kdepim-korganizer 4.4.3-1 Calendar and Scheduling Program x86_64 Extra kdepim-kresources 4.4.3-1 KDE PIM resources x86_64 Extra kdepim-ktimetracker 4.4.3-1 Personal Time Tracker x86_64 Extra kdepim-libkdepim 4.4.3-1 Library for KDE PIM x86_64 Extra kdepim-runtime 4.4.3-1 KDE PIM Runtime Environment x86_64 Extra kdepim-wizards 4.4.3-1 KDE Groupware Wizard x86_64 Extra kdepimlibs 4.4.3-1 KDE PIM Libraries x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball 4.4.3-1 A bouncy ball for plasma x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-binary-clock 4.4.3-1 Time displayed in binary format x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-blackboard 4.4.3-1 Black Board x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-bubblemon 4.4.3-1 A pretty bubble that monitors your system. x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-calculator 4.4.3-1 Calculate simple sums x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-charselect 4.4.3-1 View, select, and copy characters from a font collection x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-comic 4.4.3-1 View comic strips from the Internet x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-dict 4.4.3-1 Look up the meaning of words and their translation into different languages x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-eyes 4.4.3-1 XEyes clone x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-fifteenpuzzle 4.4.3-1 Put the pieces in order x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-filewatcher 4.4.3-1 Watch for changes in specified files x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-frame 4.4.3-1 Display your favorite pictures x86_64 Extra kdegames-ksame 4.4.3-1 Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kshisen 4.4.3-1 Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like Tile Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-ksirk 4.4.3-1 World Domination Strategy Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kspaceduel 4.4.3-1 Space Arcade Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-ksquares 4.4.3-1 Connect the dots to create squares x86_64 Extra kdegames-ksudoku 4.4.3-1 KSudoku, Sudoku game & more for KDE x86_64 Extra kdegames-ktron 4.4.3-1 Tron-like Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-ktuberling 4.4.3-1 Picture Game for Children x86_64 Extra kdegames-kubrick 4.4.3-1 A 3-D game based on Rubik´s Cube 2x86_64 Extra kdegames-libkdegames 4.4.3-1 KDE game library x86_64 Extra kdegames-libkmahjongg 4.4.3-1 Library used for loading and rendering of Mahjongg tilesets. x86_64 Extra kdegames-lskat 4.4.3-1 Card Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-palapeli 4.4.3-1 Jigsaw puzzle game x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-gwenview 4.4.3-1 A simple image viewer x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kamera 4.4.3-1 Configure Kamera x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kcolorchooser 4.4.3-1 Color Chooser x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kgamma 4.4.3-1 A monitor calibration tool x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kolourpaint 4.4.3-1 Paint Program x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kruler 4.4.3-1 Screen Ruler x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-ksnapshot 4.4.3-1 Screen Capture Program x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-libs 4.4.3-1 Support library for KDE Graphics Software x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-okular 4.4.3-1 Document Viewer x86_64 Extra kdelibs 4.4.3-1 KDE Core Libraries x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-dragonplayer 4.4.3-1 Video Player x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-juk 4.4.3-1 Music Player x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-kioslave 4.4.3-1 Audio CD Browser x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-kmix 4.4.3-1 Sound Mixer x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-kscd 4.4.3-1 CD Player x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-mplayerthumbs 4.4.3-1 Video Files (MPlayerThumbs) x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.3-1 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.3-1 Network Services x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kiten 4.4.3-1 Japanese Reference and Study Tool x86_64 Extra kdeedu-klettres 4.4.3-1 a KDE program to learn the alphabet x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kmplot 4.4.3-1 Function Plotter x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kstars 4.4.3-1 Desktop Planetarium x86_64 Extra kdeedu-ktouch 4.4.3-1 Touch Typing Tutor x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kturtle 4.4.3-1 Educational Programming Environment x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kwordquiz 4.4.3-1 A flashcard and vocabulary learning program x86_64 Extra kdeedu-libkdeedu 4.4.3-1 Support library for KDE Educational Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-marble 4.4.3-1 Desktop Globe x86_64 Extra kdeedu-parley 4.4.3-1 Vocabulary Trainer x86_64 Extra kdeedu-rocs 4.4.3-1 Graph Theory Tool for Professors and Students. x86_64 Extra kdeedu-step 4.4.3-1 Simulate physics experiments x86_64 Extra kdegames-bomber 4.4.3-1 Arcade Bombing Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-bovo 4.4.3-1 Five-in-a-row Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-granatier 4.4.3-1 Granatier x86_64 Extra kdegames-kapman 4.4.3-1 Eat pills escaping ghosts x86_64 Extra kdegames-katomic 4.4.3-1 Sokoban-like Logic Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kbattleship 4.4.3-1 Battleship Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kblackbox 4.4.3-1 Blackbox Logic Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kblocks 4.4.3-1 Falling Blocks Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kbounce 4.4.3-1 Ball Bouncing Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kbreakout 4.4.3-1 Breakout-like Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kdiamond 4.4.3-1 Three-in-a-row game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kfourinline 4.4.3-1 Four-in-a-row Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kgoldrunner 4.4.3-1 A game of action and puzzle-solving x86_64 Extra kdegames-kigo 4.4.3-1 Go Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-killbots 4.4.3-1 Killbots x86_64 Extra kdegames-kiriki 4.4.3-1 Yahtzee-like Dice Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kjumpingcube 4.4.3-1 Territory Capture Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-klines 4.4.3-1 Tactical Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kmahjongg 4.4.3-1 Mahjongg Solitaire x86_64 Extra kdegames-kmines 4.4.3-1 Minesweeper-like Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-knetwalk 4.4.3-1 Network Construction Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kolf 4.4.3-1 Miniature Golf x86_64 Extra kdegames-kollision 4.4.3-1 A simple ball dodging game x86_64 Extra kdegames-konquest 4.4.3-1 Galactic Strategy Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kpat 4.4.3-1 Patience Card Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kreversi 4.4.3-1 Reversi Board Game x86_64 Extra kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde 4.4.3-1 Configure local and remote Printers x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-colorschemes 4.4.3-1 KDE color schemes x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-desktopthemes 4.4.3-1 KDE desktop themes x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-emoticons 4.4.3-1 KDE emoticons x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-iconthemes 4.4.3-1 KDE icon themes x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-kscreensaver 4.4.3-1 KDE screensaver x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-sounds 4.4.3-1 KDE sounds x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-styles 4.4.3-1 KDE styles x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-wallpapers 4.4.3-1 KDE wallpapers x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-weatherwallpapers 4.4.3-1 KDE weather wallpapers x86_64 Extra kdebase-dolphin 4.4.3-1 File Manager x86_64 Extra kdebase-kappfinder 4.4.3-1 Menu Updating Tool x86_64 Extra kdebase-kdepasswd 4.4.3-1 Change Password x86_64 Extra kdebase-kdialog 4.4.3-1 a utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts x86_64 Extra kdebase-kfind 4.4.3-1 Find Files/Folders x86_64 Extra kdebase-kinfocenter 4.4.3-1 Info Center x86_64 Extra kdebase-konqueror 4.4.3-1 KDE File Manager & Web Browser x86_64 Extra kdebase-konsole 4.4.3-1 Terminal x86_64 Extra kdebase-kwrite 4.4.3-1 Text Editor x86_64 Extra kdebase-lib 4.4.3-1 KDE libraries for the basic desktop applications x86_64 Extra kdebase-plasma 4.4.3-1 Display the contents of folders (User´s home folder as default) 2x86_64 Extra kdebase-runtime 4.4.3-1 KDE Base Runtime Environment x86_64 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.3-1 KDE Base Workspace x86_64 Extra kdebindings-csharp 4.4.3-1 KDE bindings for mono x86_64 Extra kdebindings-python 4.4.3-1 KDE bindings for python x86_64 Extra kdebindings-ruby 4.4.3-1 KDE bindings for ruby x86_64 Extra kdebindings-smoke 4.4.3-1 Language independent library for Qt and KDE bindings x86_64 Extra kdeedu-blinken 4.4.3-1 A memory enhancement game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-cantor 4.4.3-1 KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-data 4.4.3-1 Data for KDE Educational Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kalgebra 4.4.3-1 Math Expression Solver and Plotter x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kalzium 4.4.3-1 KDE Periodic Table of Elements x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kanagram 4.4.3-1 KDE Letter Order Game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kbruch 4.4.3-1 Practice exercises with fractions x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kgeography 4.4.3-1 A Geography Learning Program x86_64 Extra kdeedu-khangman 4.4.3-1 KDE Hangman Game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kig 4.4.3-1 Explore Geometric Constructions x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-colorschemes 4.4.3-1 KDE Accessibility color schemes x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-iconthemes 4.4.3-1 KDE Accessibility icon themes x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmag 4.4.3-1 Screen Magnifier x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmousetool 4.4.3-1 Clicks the mouse for you, reducing the effects of RSI x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmouth 4.4.3-1 Speech Synthesizer Frontend x86_64 Extra kdeadmin-kcron 4.4.3-1 Configure and schedule tasks x86_64 Extra kdeadmin-ksystemlog 4.4.3-1 System log viewer tool x86_64 Extra kdeadmin-kuser 4.4.3-1 User Manager x86_64 Extra mono 2.6.4-1 Free implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler x86_64 Extra xsp 2.6.4-1 A simple webserver based on mono - provides ASP.NET support x86_64 Extra libgdiplus 2.6.4-1 An Open Source Implementation of the GDI+ API x86_64 Extra transmission-cli 1.93-1 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (CLI tools, daemon and web client) x86_64 Extra transmission-gtk 1.93-1 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI) x86_64 Extra gtkpod 0.99.16-1 A platform independent GUI for Apple's iPod using GTK2 AURpython-oauth2 1.1.3-1 ioke P-1 gretl 1.9.0-1 sage-mathematics 4.4.1-1 permz 1.0.0-1 kernel26-rc 2.6.34rc6-1 fcronq 0.2.0-1 quamachi 0.4.1-1 q7z 0.8.0-1 phatch
securitybreach Posted May 5, 2010 Author Posted May 5, 2010 Updates for Tuesday 4, Apr 2010:anyany Community autojump 9-1 A faster way to navigate your filesystem from the command line any Community gtk2-docs 2.20.1-1 Documentation for gtk2 to be used in devhelp any Community pychess 0.10beta3-1 Chess client for the GNOME desktop any Community wqy-zenhei 0.8.38-3 A Hei Ti Style (sans-serif) Chinese Outline Font.any Extra abcde 2.4.1-2 A frontend command-line utility that grabs tracks off a CD, encodes them to ogg or mp3 format, and tags them, all in one go. any Extra koffice-meta-koffice 2.1.91-1 Meta package for koffice any Extra koffice-meta-koffice-doc 2.1.91-1 Meta package for koffice-doc any Extra python-nose 0.11.3-1 A discovery-based unittest extension any Extra koffice-l10n-ca 2.1.91-1 Catalan Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-ca@valencia 2.1.91-1 Catalan (Valencian) Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-da 2.1.91-1 Danish Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-de 2.1.91-1 German Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-el 2.1.91-1 Greek Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-en_gb 2.1.91-1 British Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-es 2.1.91-1 Spanish Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-et 2.1.91-1 Estonian Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-fr 2.1.91-1 French Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-gl 2.1.91-1 Galician Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-it 2.1.91-1 Italian Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-ja 2.1.91-1 Japanese Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-kk 2.1.91-1 Kazakh Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-nb 2.1.91-1 Norwegian Bookmal Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-nds 2.1.91-1 Low Saxon Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-nl 2.1.91-1 Dutch Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-pl 2.1.91-1 Polish Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-pt 2.1.91-1 Portugese Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-pt_br 2.1.91-1 Brazilian Portugese Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-sv 2.1.91-1 Swedish Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-tr 2.1.91-1 Turkish Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-uk 2.1.91-1 Ukrainian Localization for Koffice any Extra koffice-l10n-zh_tw 2.1.91-1 Traditional Chinese Localization for Kofficei686i686 Core glib2 2.24.1-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs i686 Core cracklib 2.8.16-1 Password Checking Library i686 Core tzdata 2010i-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time datai686 Community gstreamer0.10-pulse 0.10.21-1 A GStreamer 0.10 plugin for the PulseAudio sound server i686 Community qmmp 0.4.0-1 Qt4 based audio-player i686 Community nzbget 0.7.0-1 Downloads from Usenet using .nzb files i686 Community slock 0.9-3 A simple screen locker for X. i686 Community libao-pulse 1.0.0-1 A libao driver for the PulseAudio sound server i686 Community emesene 1.6.1-1 A pygtk MSN Messenger client i686 Community sakura 2.3.8-1 A terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE i686 Community atop 1.25-1 A system and process level monitor. i686 Community musicmanager 0.10.20-1 Music Manager and Player i686 Community libmemcached 0.40-1 C and C++ client library to the memcached serveri686 Extra gtk-smooth-engine The smooth-engine for gtk1 - including smooth-themes for gtk1 and gtk2 i686 Extra imagemagick An image viewing/manipulation program i686 Extra jack 0.118.0-3 A low-latency audio server i686 Extra kdegraphics-gwenview 4.4.3-2 A simple image viewer i686 Extra kdegraphics-kamera 4.4.3-2 Configure Kamera i686 Extra kdegraphics-kcolorchooser 4.4.3-2 Color Chooser i686 Extra kdegraphics-kgamma 4.4.3-2 A monitor calibration tool i686 Extra kdegraphics-kolourpaint 4.4.3-2 Paint Program i686 Extra kdegraphics-kruler 4.4.3-2 Screen Ruler i686 Extra kdegraphics-ksnapshot 4.4.3-2 Screen Capture Program i686 Extra kdegraphics-libs 4.4.3-2 Support library for KDE Graphics Software i686 Extra kdegraphics-okular 4.4.3-2 Document Viewer i686 Extra octave 3.2.4-1 A high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. i686 Extra umfpack 5.5.0-1 A multifrontal direct solver for unsymmetric linear systems (AMD/2.2.1, UFConfig/) i686 Extra gtk2 2.20.1-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) i686 Extra graphicsmagick 1.3.7-2 Image processing system i686 Extra r 2.11.0-1 R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics i686 Extra wxmaxima 0.8.5-1 A wxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima i686 Extra gtkmm 2.20.3-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 i686 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.3-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm i686 Extra multitail 5.2.6-1 MultiTail lets you view one or multiple files like the original tail program i686 Extra vinagre 2.30.1-1 A VNC Client for the GNOME Desktop i686 Extra pangomm 2.26.2-1 C++ bindings for pango i686 Extra pangomm-docs 2.26.2-1 Developer documentation for pangomm i686 Extra maxima 5.21.1-1 Maxima - a sophisticated computer algebra system i686 Extra glibmm 2.24.2-1 Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib i686 Extra glibmm-docs 2.24.2-1 Developer documentation for glibmm i686 Extra glpk 4.43-3 GNU Linear Programming Kit : solve LP, MIP and other problems. i686 Extra koffice-servicetypes 2.1.91-1 Servicetypes for the KDE office suite i686 Extra koffice-templates 2.1.91-1 Templates for the KDE office suite i686 Extra koffice-thesaurus-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for koffice-thesaurus i686 Extra koffice-tools 2.1.91-1 Tools for the KDE office suite i686 Extra koffice-filters 2.1.91-1 Filters for de KDE office suite i686 Extra koffice-interfaces 2.1.91-1 Interfaces for the KDE office suite i686 Extra koffice-karbon 2.1.91-1 Vector drawing application for KDE i686 Extra koffice-karbon-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for karbon i686 Extra koffice-kchart 2.1.91-1 Charting tool for KDE i686 Extra koffice-kchart-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for kchart i686 Extra koffice-kounavail 2.1.91-1 Kounavail for the KDE office suite i686 Extra koffice-kplato 2.1.91-1 Project management application for KDE i686 Extra koffice-kpresenter 2.1.91-1 Presentation tool for KDE i686 Extra koffice-kpresenter-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for kpresenter i686 Extra koffice-krita 2.1.91-1 Graphics editor for KDE i686 Extra koffice-kspread 2.1.91-1 Spreadsheet application for KDE i686 Extra koffice-kspread-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for kspread i686 Extra koffice-kword 2.1.91-1 Wordprocessor for KDE i686 Extra koffice-libs 2.1.91-1 Libs for the KDE office suite i686 Extra koffice-pics 2.1.91-1 Icons for the KDE office suite i686 Extra koffice-plugins 2.1.91-1 Plugins for the KDE office suite i686 Extra orc 0.4.4-1 The Oild Runtime Compiler i686 Extra schroedinger 1.0.9-1 An implemenation of the Dirac video codec in ANSI C code i686 Extra squid 2.7.STABLE9-1 A full-featured Web proxy cache server. x86_64x86_64 Core glib2 2.24.1-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs x86_64 Core cracklib 2.8.16-1 Password Checking Library x86_64 Core tzdata 2010i-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data x86_64 Community emesene 1.6.1-1 A pygtk MSN Messenger client x86_64 Community gstreamer0.10-pulse 0.10.21-1 A GStreamer 0.10 plugin for the PulseAudio sound server x86_64 Community nzbget 0.7.0-1 Downloads from Usenet using .nzb files x86_64 Community qmmp 0.4.0-1 Qt4 based audio-player x86_64 Community lib32-alsa-lib 1.0.23-1 An alternative implementation of Linux sound support x86_64 Community lib32-glib2 2.24.1-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs x86_64 Community lib32-gtk2 2.20.1-1 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Community slock 0.9-3 A simple screen locker for X. x86_64 Community libao-pulse 1.0.0-1 A libao driver for the PulseAudio sound server x86_64 Community sakura 2.3.8-1 A terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE x86_64 Community atop 1.25-1 A system and process level monitor. x86_64 Community musicmanager 0.10.20-1 Music Manager and Player x86_64 Community libmemcached 0.40-1 C and C++ client library to the memcached server x86_64 Extra gtk-smooth-engine The smooth-engine for gtk1 - including smooth-themes for gtk1 and gtk2 x86_64 Extra imagemagick An image viewing/manipulation program x86_64 Extra jack 0.118.0-3 A low-latency audio server x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-gwenview 4.4.3-2 A simple image viewer x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kamera 4.4.3-2 Configure Kamera x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kcolorchooser 4.4.3-2 Color Chooser x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kgamma 4.4.3-2 A monitor calibration tool x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kolourpaint 4.4.3-2 Paint Program x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kruler 4.4.3-2 Screen Ruler x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-ksnapshot 4.4.3-2 Screen Capture Program x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-libs 4.4.3-2 Support library for KDE Graphics Software x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-okular 4.4.3-2 Document Viewer x86_64 Extra octave 3.2.4-1 A high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. x86_64 Extra umfpack 5.5.0-1 A multifrontal direct solver for unsymmetric linear systems (AMD/2.2.1, UFConfig/) x86_64 Extra gtk2 2.20.1-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Extra graphicsmagick 1.3.7-2 Image processing system x86_64 Extra r 2.11.0-1 R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics x86_64 Extra wxmaxima 0.8.5-1 A wxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima x86_64 Extra gtkmm 2.20.3-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 x86_64 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.3-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm x86_64 Extra multitail 5.2.6-1 MultiTail lets you view one or multiple files like the original tail program x86_64 Extra vinagre 2.30.1-1 A VNC Client for the GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra pangomm 2.26.2-1 C++ bindings for pango x86_64 Extra pangomm-docs 2.26.2-1 Developer documentation for pangomm x86_64 Extra glibmm 2.24.2-1 Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib x86_64 Extra glibmm-docs 2.24.2-1 Developer documentation for glibmm x86_64 Extra glpk 4.43-3 GNU Linear Programming Kit : solve LP, MIP and other problems. x86_64 Extra maxima 5.21.1-1 Maxima - a sophisticated computer algebra system x86_64 Extra koffice-kpresenter 2.1.91-1 Presentation tool for KDE x86_64 Extra koffice-kpresenter-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for kpresenter x86_64 Extra koffice-krita 2.1.91-1 Graphics editor for KDE x86_64 Extra koffice-kspread 2.1.91-1 Spreadsheet application for KDE x86_64 Extra koffice-kspread-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for kspread x86_64 Extra koffice-kword 2.1.91-1 Wordprocessor for KDE x86_64 Extra koffice-libs 2.1.91-1 Libs for the KDE office suite x86_64 Extra koffice-pics 2.1.91-1 Icons for the KDE office suite x86_64 Extra koffice-plugins 2.1.91-1 Plugins for the KDE office suite x86_64 Extra koffice-servicetypes 2.1.91-1 Servicetypes for the KDE office suite x86_64 Extra koffice-templates 2.1.91-1 Templates for the KDE office suite x86_64 Extra koffice-thesaurus-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for koffice-thesaurus x86_64 Extra koffice-tools 2.1.91-1 Tools for the KDE office suite x86_64 Extra koffice-interfaces 2.1.91-1 Interfaces for the KDE office suite x86_64 Extra koffice-karbon 2.1.91-1 Vector drawing application for KDE x86_64 Extra koffice-karbon-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for karbon x86_64 Extra koffice-kchart 2.1.91-1 Charting tool for KDE x86_64 Extra koffice-kchart-doc 2.1.91-1 Documentation for kchart x86_64 Extra koffice-kounavail 2.1.91-1 Kounavail for the KDE office suite x86_64 Extra koffice-kplato 2.1.91-1 Project management application for KDE x86_64 Extra koffice-filters 2.1.91-1 Filters for de KDE office suite x86_64 Extra orc 0.4.4-1 The Oild Runtime Compiler x86_64 Extra schroedinger 1.0.9-1 An implemenation of the Dirac video codec in ANSI C code x86_64 Extra squid 2.7.STABLE9-1 A full-featured Web proxy cache server. AURantiweb 4.0BETA16-1pidgin-gfire 0.9.1-1 synergy-plus-svn 20100504-1 lgob 10.05-1 baltazar 0.2.1-2 adobe-flex-sdk symfony 1.4.4-1 gitg-git 20100504-1 phatch pidgin-gfire-svn 440-1Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 6, 2010 Author Posted May 6, 2010 Updates for Wednesday 5, Apr 2010:anyany Community jgoodies-looks 2.3.1-1 A Java Swing look and feel library any Community xmltv 0.5.57-1 Set of utilities to download tv listings and format them in xmli686i686 Community dssi-vst 0.9.2-1 DSSI adapter/wrapper for win32 VST plug-ins i686 Community rubberband 1.5.0-1 Time-stretching and pitch-shifting audio library and utility i686 Community solfege 3.16.2-1 Music education and ear training software i686 Community gdal 1.7.2-1 A translator library for raster geospatial data formats i686 Community panflute 0.6.2-1 Music player interface and panel applet - successor to music-applet i686 Community cherokee 0.99.49-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Serveri686 Extra obexd 0.23-1 D-Bus service providing high-level OBEX client and server side functionality i686 Extra libproxy 0.3.1-1 A library that provides automatic proxy configuration management i686 Extra farsight2 0.0.18-1 Audio/Video conference software for Instant Messengers i686 Extra openconnect 2.23-1 Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN i686 Extra kdelibs 4.4.3-2 KDE Core Librariesx86_64x86_64 Community rubberband 1.5.0-1 Time-stretching and pitch-shifting audio library and utility x86_64 Community solfege 3.16.2-1 Music education and ear training software x86_64 Community gdal 1.7.2-1 A translator library for raster geospatial data formats x86_64 Community lib32-gtk2 2.20.1-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Community panflute 0.6.2-1 Music player interface and panel applet - successor to music-applet x86_64 Community cherokee 0.99.49-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Serverx86_64 Extra obexd 0.23-1 D-Bus service providing high-level OBEX client and server side functionality x86_64 Extra libproxy 0.3.1-1 A library that provides automatic proxy configuration management x86_64 Extra farsight2 0.0.18-1 Audio/Video conference software for Instant Messengers x86_64 Extra openconnect 2.23-1 Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN x86_64 Extra kdelibs 4.4.3-2 KDE Core LibrariesAURgranola-gui 2.1.3-1 granola 2.1.3-1 font-manager 0.5.2-1 systemd-git 20100505-7nathive 0.902-1 ipla 1.0beta-1 go-home-applet 0.2.8-1 pithos-bzr 62-1 gorm 1.2.10-2 r-mkl 2.11.0-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 7, 2010 Author Posted May 7, 2010 Updates for Thursday 6, Apr 2010:anyany Community synce-kde 0.15-1 provide a means of communication with a Windows CE device - KDE tools and integration any Community synce-sync-engine 0.15-1 SynCE sync-engine any Extra sound-theme-freedesktop 0.7-1 Freedesktop sound themei686i686 Community gstreamer0.10-pulse 0.10.22-1 A GStreamer 0.10 plugin for the PulseAudio sound server i686 Community tora 2.1.2-1 Toolkit for databases with support for MySQL and PostgreSQL i686 Community synce-librapi 0.15-1 provide a means of communication with a Windows CE device - libraries and tools for making remote calls to pocket pc i686 Community synce-libsynce 0.15-1 provide a means of communication with a Windows CE device - libraries i686 Community rlwrap 0.37-1 A 'readline wrapper'i686 Extra mercurial 1.5.2-1 A scalable distributed SCM tool i686 Extra libgadu 1.9.0rc3-1 Gadu-Gadu protocol libraries i686 Extra netcdf 4.1.1-2 network Common Data Form interface for array-oriented data access and corresponding library i686 Extra totem 2.30.1-1 A GNOME2 integrated movie player based on Gstreamer. i686 Extra totem-plugin 2.30.1-1 Totem mozilla/firefox plugin i686 Extra dbus-glib 0.86-1 GLib bindings for DBUS i686 Extra fuse 2.8.4-1 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. i686 Extra imlib2 1.4.4-1 Library that does image file loading and saving as well as rendering, manipulation, arbitrary polygon support i686 Extra miro 3.0.1-1 The free and open source internet TV platform i686 Extra gthumb 2.10.12-1 Image browser and viewer for the GNOME Desktop i686 Extra libsigc++2.0 2.2.7-1 Libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries - V2 i686 Extra libsigc++2.0-docs 2.2.7-1 Developer documentation for libsigc++ i686 Extra libxml++ 2.30.1-1 C++ bindings to libxml2 i686 Extra libxml++-docs 2.30.1-1 Developer documentation for libxml++ i686 Extra mp3splt 2.2.8-2 Comandline tool for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding i686 Extra kdepim-knotes 4.4.3-2 Popup Notes i686 Extra kdepim-kontact 4.4.3-2 Personal Information Manager i686 Extra kdepim-korganizer 4.4.3-2 Calendar and Scheduling Program i686 Extra kdepim-kresources 4.4.3-2 KDE PIM resources i686 Extra kdepim-ktimetracker 4.4.3-2 Personal Time Tracker i686 Extra kdepim-libkdepim 4.4.3-2 Library for KDE PIM i686 Extra kdepim-wizards 4.4.3-2 KDE Groupware Wizard i686 Extra kdepim-akonadiconsole 4.4.3-2 Akonadi Management and Debugging Console i686 Extra kdepim-akregator 4.4.3-2 A Feed Reader for KDE i686 Extra kdepim-blogilo 4.4.3-2 A KDE Blogging Client i686 Extra kdepim-console 4.4.3-2 Command line tool for accessing calendar files i686 Extra kdepim-kaddressbook 4.4.3-2 Contact Manager i686 Extra kdepim-kalarm 4.4.3-2 Personal Alarm Scheduler i686 Extra kdepim-kjots 4.4.3-2 Note Taker i686 Extra kdepim-kleopatra 4.4.3-2 Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI i686 Extra kdepim-kmail 4.4.3-2 Mail Client i686 Extra kdepim-knode 4.4.3-2 News Reader i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.29-1 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base plugin libraries i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.29-1 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins (gst-plugins-base) i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.22-1 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good plugin libraries i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.22-1 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good Plugins (gst-plugins-good) i686 Extra gstreamer0.10 0.10.29-1 GStreamer Multimedia Frameworkx86_64x86_64 Community tora 2.1.2-1 Toolkit for databases with support for MySQL and PostgreSQL x86_64 Community gstreamer0.10-pulse 0.10.22-1 A GStreamer 0.10 plugin for the PulseAudio sound server x86_64 Community synce-librapi 0.15-1 provide a means of communication with a Windows CE device - libraries and tools for making remote calls to pocket pc x86_64 Community synce-libsynce 0.15-1 provide a means of communication with a Windows CE device - libraries x86_64 Community rlwrap 0.37-1 A 'readline wrapper'x86_64 Extra mercurial 1.5.2-1 A scalable distributed SCM tool x86_64 Extra libgadu 1.9.0rc3-1 Gadu-Gadu protocol libraries x86_64 Extra netcdf 4.1.1-2 network Common Data Form interface for array-oriented data access and corresponding library x86_64 Extra dbus-glib 0.86-1 GLib bindings for DBUS x86_64 Extra fuse 2.8.4-1 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. x86_64 Extra imlib2 1.4.4-1 Library that does image file loading and saving as well as rendering, manipulation, arbitrary polygon support x86_64 Extra miro 3.0.1-1 The free and open source internet TV platform x86_64 Extra totem 2.30.1-1 A GNOME2 integrated movie player based on Gstreamer. x86_64 Extra totem-plugin 2.30.1-1 Totem mozilla/firefox plugin x86_64 Extra gthumb 2.10.12-1 Image browser and viewer for the GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra libsigc++2.0 2.2.7-1 Libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries - V2 x86_64 Extra libsigc++2.0-docs 2.2.7-1 Developer documentation for libsigc++ x86_64 Extra libxml++ 2.30.1-1 C++ bindings to libxml2 x86_64 Extra libxml++-docs 2.30.1-1 Developer documentation for libxml++ x86_64 Extra mp3splt 2.2.8-2 Comandline tool for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding x86_64 Extra kdepim-akonadiconsole 4.4.3-2 Akonadi Management and Debugging Console x86_64 Extra kdepim-akregator 4.4.3-2 A Feed Reader for KDE x86_64 Extra kdepim-blogilo 4.4.3-2 A KDE Blogging Client x86_64 Extra kdepim-console 4.4.3-2 Command line tool for accessing calendar files x86_64 Extra kdepim-kaddressbook 4.4.3-2 Contact Manager x86_64 Extra kdepim-kalarm 4.4.3-2 Personal Alarm Scheduler x86_64 Extra kdepim-kjots 4.4.3-2 Note Taker x86_64 Extra kdepim-kleopatra 4.4.3-2 Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI x86_64 Extra kdepim-kmail 4.4.3-2 Mail Client x86_64 Extra kdepim-knode 4.4.3-2 News Reader x86_64 Extra kdepim-knotes 4.4.3-2 Popup Notes x86_64 Extra kdepim-kontact 4.4.3-2 Personal Information Manager x86_64 Extra kdepim-korganizer 4.4.3-2 Calendar and Scheduling Program x86_64 Extra kdepim-kresources 4.4.3-2 KDE PIM resources x86_64 Extra kdepim-ktimetracker 4.4.3-2 Personal Time Tracker x86_64 Extra kdepim-libkdepim 4.4.3-2 Library for KDE PIM x86_64 Extra kdepim-wizards 4.4.3-2 KDE Groupware Wizard x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.29-1 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base plugin libraries x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.29-1 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Base Plugins (gst-plugins-base) x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.22-1 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good plugin libraries x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.22-1 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Good Plugins (gst-plugins-good) x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10 0.10.29-1 GStreamer Multimedia FrameworkAURbacula-client 5.0.1-2 libmpd-git 20100506-1 bacula 5.0.2-3 clementine 0.3-1 systemd-git 20100506-5 kernel26-systemd aspera-connect 2.3.2-1 wepcrackgui 0.8-1 clang-svn 103205-1 unetbootin 442-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 8, 2010 Author Posted May 8, 2010 Updates for Friday 7, Apr 2010:anyany Community postgrey 1.33-1 a Postfix policy server implementing greylisting any Extra perl-test-pod 1.44-1 Check for POD errors in files i686i686 Community avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-6 Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME i686 Community rtkit 0.7-1 Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon i686 Community pinot 0.95-3 Personal search and metasearch tool i686 Community vuze BitTorrent client with GUI, written in Java, formerly known as Azureus i686 Community ibus 1.3.3-1 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux i686 Community tracker 0.8.5-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexeri686 Extra epplet-base 0.13-1 Addon plugins for the enlightenment windowmanager 2010-05-08i686 Extra mc 4.7.2-1 A filemanager/shell that emulates Norton Commander i686 Extra wine 1.1.44-1 A compatibility layer for running Windows programs i686 Extra pidgin-encryption 3.1-1 A Pidgin plugin providing transparent RSA encryption using NSS i686 Extra rrdtool 1.4.3-2 Data logging and graphing application i686 Extra gvim 7.2.411-3 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (with advanced features, such as a GUI) i686 Extra vim 7.2.411-3 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor i686 Extra vim-runtime 7.2.411-3 Runtime for vim and gvimx86_64x86_64 Community avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-6 Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME x86_64 Community rtkit 0.7-1 Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon x86_64 Community pinot 0.95-3 Personal search and metasearch tool x86_64 Community vuze BitTorrent client with GUI, written in Java, formerly known as Azureus x86_64 Community ibus 1.3.3-1 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux x86_64 Community pdfedit Full featured editor for manipulating PDF documents x86_64 Community tracker 0.8.5-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexerx86_64 Extra epplet-base 0.13-1 Addon plugins for the enlightenment windowmanager 2010-05-08x86_64 Extra mc 4.7.2-1 A filemanager/shell that emulates Norton Commander x86_64 Extra pidgin-encryption 3.1-1 A Pidgin plugin providing transparent RSA encryption using NSS x86_64 Extra gvim 7.2.411-3 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (with advanced features, such as a GUI) x86_64 Extra vim 7.2.411-3 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor x86_64 Extra vim-runtime 7.2.411-3 Runtime for vim and gvimAURpidgin-fetion-git 20100508-1 gnumed-client 0.7.2-1gnumed-server 13.2-1 libcap-ng 0.6.4-1 evolvotron 0.6.1-3 eclipse-luaeclipse 1.2.0-1 zaz 0.7.0-1 aurget 2.4-1 b43-firmware sooperlooper 1.6.14-2Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 9, 2010 Author Posted May 9, 2010 Updates for Saturday 8, Apr 2010:anynonei686i686 Community nbd 2.9.15-1 Tools for network block devices, allowing you to use remote block devices over TCP/IP. i686 Community redis 1.2.6-1 Advanced key-value store i686 Extra wxgtk 2.8.11-1 GTK+ implementation of wxWidgets API for GUI i686 Extra wxpython A wxWidgets GUI toolkit for Python i686 Extra xterm 258-1 X Terminal Emulator i686 Extra libgsf 1.14.18-1 The GNOME Structured File Library is a utility library for reading and writing structured file formats i686 Extra libgsf-gnome 1.14.18-1 Libgsf GNOME components i686 Extra libtasn1 2.6-1 The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS i686 Extra libusb1 1.0.8-1 Library to enable user space application programs to communicate with USB devices. i686 Extra gob2 2.0.17-1 GTK Object Builder (GOB) is a simple preprocessor for easily creating GTK objects i686 Extra imake 1.0.3-1 X.Org imake program and related utilities i686 Extra emacs 23.2-1 The Emacs Editor i686 Extra epplet-base 0.13-1 Addon plugins for the enlightenment windowmanagerx86_64x86_64 Community nbd 2.9.15-1 Tools for network block devices, allowing you to use remote block devices over TCP/IP. x86_64 Community redis 1.2.6-1 Advanced key-value store x86_64 Extra wxgtk 2.8.11-1 GTK+ implementation of wxWidgets API for GUI x86_64 Extra wxpython A wxWidgets GUI toolkit for Python x86_64 Extra xterm 258-1 X Terminal Emulator x86_64 Extra gob2 2.0.17-1 GTK Object Builder (GOB) is a simple preprocessor for easily creating GTK objects x86_64 Extra imake 1.0.3-1 X.Org imake program and related utilities x86_64 Extra libgsf 1.14.18-1 The GNOME Structured File Library is a utility library for reading and writing structured file formats x86_64 Extra libgsf-gnome 1.14.18-1 Libgsf GNOME components x86_64 Extra libtasn1 2.6-1 The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS x86_64 Extra libusb1 1.0.8-1 Library to enable user space application programs to communicate with USB devices. x86_64 Extra emacs 23.2-1 The Emacs Editor x86_64 Extra epplet-base 0.13-1 Addon plugins for the enlightenment windowmanagerAURa7xpg 0.11-3 tmpfs-store 1-1 mamepgui 1.5.0-1 systemd-git 20100508-1 bin32-gens-gs r7-3 ruby-nokogiri 1.4.1-1 kega-fusion 3.63-9 pkgbuild-mode 0.10-1 tinker 5.1.07-1 quasselclient-git 20100508-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 10, 2010 Author Posted May 10, 2010 Updates for Sunday 9, Apr 2010:anyany Core licenses 2.6-1 The standard licenses distribution package any Core mkinitcpio 0.6.4-1 Modular initramfs image creation utilityany Community cedet 1.0pre7-2 tools written with the end goal of creating an advanced development environment in Emacs. any Extra xorg-util-macros 1.7.0-1 X.Org Autotools macros any Extra poppler-data 0.4.2-1 Encoding data for the poppler PDF rendering library i686i686 Core mkinitcpio-busybox 1.16.1-3 base initramfs tools i686 Core initscripts 2010.05-3 System initialization/bootup scripts i686 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules i686 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel i686 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26 i686 Core diffutils 3.0-1 Utility programs used for creating patch filesi686 Community mldonkey 3.0.2-1 A multi-network P2P client i686 Community fotoxx 10.3-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera i686 Community libisoburn 0.5.6.pl00-1 frontend for libraries libburn and libisofs i686 Community kadu A Qt-based Gadu-Gadu client i686 Community gamin 0.1.10-2 Is a file and directory monitoring system defined to be a subset of the FAM (File Alteration Monitor) system.i686 Extra vlc 1.0.6-2 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player i686 Extra vlc-plugin 1.0.6-2 VLC mozilla browser plugin i686 Extra ffmpeg 23065-1 Complete and free Internet live audio and video broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix i686 Extra libpciaccess 0.11.0-1 X11 PCI access library i686 Extra mplayer 31147-1 A movie player for linux i686 Extra nss 3.12.6-2 Mozilla Network Security Services i686 Extra libxcb 1.6-1 X11 client-side library i686 Extra xorg-xdm 1.1.10-1 X Display Manager i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.18-4 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugin libraries (gst-plugins-bad) i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.18-4 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins (gst-plugins-bad) i686 Extra hunspell 1.2.11-1 Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program i686 Extra libisofs 0.6.32-1 Library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a ISO 9660 disk image i686 Extra aufs2 2.6.33_20100425-2 Another Unionfs Implementation i686 Extra aufs2-util 20100422-1 Another Unionfs Implementation that supports NFS branchesx86_64x86_64 Core mkinitcpio-busybox 1.16.1-3 base initramfs tools x86_64 Core initscripts 2010.05-3 System initialization/bootup scripts x86_64 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules x86_64 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel x86_64 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26 x86_64 Core diffutils 3.0-1 Utility programs used for creating patch filesx86_64 Community mldonkey 3.0.2-1 A multi-network P2P client x86_64 Community fotoxx 10.3-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera x86_64 Community libisoburn 0.5.6.pl00-1 frontend for libraries libburn and libisofs x86_64 Community kadu A Qt-based Gadu-Gadu client x86_64 Community gamin 0.1.10-2 Is a file and directory monitoring system defined to be a subset of the FAM (File Alteration Monitor) system.x86_64 Extra vlc 1.0.6-2 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player x86_64 Extra vlc-plugin 1.0.6-2 VLC mozilla browser plugin x86_64 Extra ffmpeg 23065-1 Complete and free Internet live audio and video broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix x86_64 Extra libpciaccess 0.11.0-1 X11 PCI access library x86_64 Extra mplayer 31147-1 A movie player for linux x86_64 Extra nss 3.12.6-2 Mozilla Network Security Services x86_64 Extra libxcb 1.6-1 X11 client-side library x86_64 Extra xorg-xdm 1.1.10-1 X Display Manager x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.18-4 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugin libraries (gst-plugins-bad) x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.18-4 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins (gst-plugins-bad) x86_64 Extra hunspell 1.2.11-1 Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program x86_64 Extra libisofs 0.6.32-1 Library to pack up hard disk files and directories into a ISO 9660 disk image x86_64 Extra aufs2 2.6.33_20100425-2 Another Unionfs Implementation x86_64 Extra aufs2-util 20100422-1 Another Unionfs Implementation that supports NFS branchesAURuberview 1.18-2 packer 20100509-1 clang-svn 103383-1 scut 0.1-1 tigervnc-stable 1.0.1-1 networkx 1.1-2 gstreamer0.10-base-plugins-gnomevfs 0.10.29-1 mplayer-vdpau-svn 31147-2mangler 1.2.0beta1-2 mangler-svn 818-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 11, 2010 Author Posted May 11, 2010 Updates for Monday 10, Apr 2010:anyany Community virtualbox-additions 3.1.8-1 Guest additions for VirtualBox any Community emms 3.0-1 The Emacs Multimedia System any Community curlpaste 1.2.1-1 Utility to post text files to a number of pastebin sites using curl and Luaany Extra mobile-broadband-provider-info 20100510-1 Network Management daemon i686i686 Community vuze BitTorrent client with GUI, written in Java, formerly known as Azureus i686 Community cherokee 1.0.0-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server i686 Community virtualbox-ose 3.1.8-1 Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use (Open Source Edition) i686 Community virtualbox-ose-additions 3.1.8-1 Guest Additions for VirtualBox (Open Source Edition) i686 Community virtualbox-ose-additions-modules 3.1.8-1 Kernel modules for VirtualBox Guest Additions i686 Community clang 2.7-3 C language family frontend for LLVM i686 Community clang-analyzer 2.7-3 A source code analysis framework i686 Community llvm 2.7-3 Low Level Virtual Machine i686 Community llvm-ocaml 2.7-3 OCaml bindings for LLVMi686 Extra ne 2.1-1 the nice editor i686 Extra upower 0.9.3-1 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics i686 Extra lm_sensors 3.1.2-3 Collection of user space tools for general SMBus access and hardware monitoring i686 Extra moc 2.4.4-1 An ncurses console audio player with support for the mp3, ogg, and wave formatsi686 Extra aria2 1.9.3-1 Download utility that supports HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, and Metalinkx86_64x86_64 Community cherokee 1.0.0-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server x86_64 Community vuze BitTorrent client with GUI, written in Java, formerly known as Azureus x86_64 Community skrooge 0.7.1-1 Allows you to manage your personal finances in KDE x86_64 Community clang 2.7-3 C language family frontend for LLVM x86_64 Community clang-analyzer 2.7-3 A source code analysis framework x86_64 Community llvm 2.7-3 Low Level Virtual Machine x86_64 Community llvm-ocaml 2.7-3 OCaml bindings for LLVM 10x86_64 Extra aria2 1.9.3-1 Download utility that supports HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink x86_64 Extra ne 2.1-1 the nice editor x86_64 Extra upower 0.9.3-1 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics x86_64 Extra lm_sensors 3.1.2-3 Collection of user space tools for general SMBus access and hardware monitoring x86_64 Extra moc 2.4.4-1 An ncurses console audio player with support for the mp3, ogg, and wave formats AURgtg 0.2.4-1 dpkg 1.14.29-1 mpg321 0.2.11-2 chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree-bin gmbox 0.2.4-1 kwestkingdom 0.1-1 sumwars 0.5-1 mplayer-vaapi 20100414-2 epsxe 1.6.0-7 a2png 0.1.5-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 12, 2010 Author Posted May 12, 2010 Updates for Tuesday 11, Apr 2010:anyany Community gpodder 2.5-2 A podcast reciever/catcher any Community perl-datetime-timezone 1.19-1 Time zone object base class and factory any Community phpmyadmin 3.3.3-1 A PHP and hence web-based tool to administrate MySQL over the WWWi686i686 Community docky The Finest Dock No Money Can Buy i686 Community roxterm 1.18.2-1 Tabbed, VTE-based terminal emulator i686 Community xdebug 2.1.0RC1-1 PHP debugging extension i686 Community grsync 1.1.1-1 GTK GUI for rsynci686 Extra di 4.23-1 A disk information utility, displaying everything (and more) that your df command does i686 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.3-2 Network Services i686 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.3-2 Download Manager i686 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.3-2 Instant Messenger i686 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.3-2 Internet Dial-Up Tool i686 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.3-2 Remote Desktop Client i686 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.3-2 Desktop Sharing i686 Extra telepathy-qt4 0.3.3-1 A library for Qt-based Telepathy clients. i686 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.3-2 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network i686 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m17-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leading to next stable release i686 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m17-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkgx86_64x86_64 Community docky The Finest Dock No Money Can Buy x86_64 Community roxterm 1.18.2-1 Tabbed, VTE-based terminal emulator x86_64 Community xdebug 2.1.0RC1-1 PHP debugging extension x86_64 Community grsync 1.1.1-1 GTK GUI for rsyncx86_64 Extra di 4.23-1 A disk information utility, displaying everything (and more) that your df command does x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.3-2 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.3-2 Network Services x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.3-2 Download Manager x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.3-2 Instant Messenger x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.3-2 Internet Dial-Up Tool x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.3-2 Remote Desktop Client x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.3-2 Desktop Sharing x86_64 Extra telepathy-qt4 0.3.3-1 A library for Qt-based Telepathy clients. x86_64 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m17-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leading to next stable release x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m17-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkgAURcalibre 0.6.52-2 kidentd-git 20100511-3 python-wine compat-wireless 2010_05_11-1 empathy-indicate 2.30.1-2 scsynth 3.3.1-1 python-transaction 1.0.1-1 aldm 0.4-1 opera-adblock 2010.04.23-1 pdfgrep-git 20100511-6 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 13, 2010 Author Posted May 13, 2010 Updates for Wednesday 12, Apr 2010:anyany Community python-distutils-extra 2.19-1 Enhancements to the Python build system any Community cloc 1.51-1 Count Lines of Codei686i686 Community emacs-nox 23.2-1 The Emacs Editor, without X11 support i686 Community nzbget 0.7.0-2 Downloads from Usenet using .nzb files i686 Community gnome-do A launcher application for gnome (like Launchy or Katapult) i686 Community gnome-keyring-sharp 1.0.0-1 A fully managed implementation of libgnome-keyringi686 Extra totem 2.30.2-1 A GNOME2 integrated movie player based on Gstreamer. i686 Extra totem-plparser 2.30.1-1 Totem playlist parser library i686 Extra totem-plugin 2.30.2-1 Totem mozilla/firefox plugin.i686 Extra libdvbpsi 0.1.7-1 A library designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables i686 Extra epiphany-extensions 2.30.1-1 Various extentions for the Epiphany web browser i686 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.3-2 KDE Base Workspace i686 Extra libgadu 1.9.0-1 Gadu-Gadu protocol librariesx86_64x86_64 Community emacs-nox 23.2-1 The Emacs Editor, without X11 support x86_64 Community nzbget 0.7.0-2 Downloads from Usenet using .nzb files x86_64 Community gnome-do A launcher application for gnome (like Launchy or Katapult)x86_64 Extra totem 2.30.2-1 A GNOME2 integrated movie player based on Gstreamer. x86_64 Extra totem-plparser 2.30.1-1 Totem playlist parser library x86_64 Extra totem-plugin 2.30.2-1 Totem mozilla/firefox pluginx86_64 Extra libdvbpsi 0.1.7-1 A library designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables x86_64 Extra epiphany-extensions 2.30.1-1 Various extentions for the Epiphany web browser x86_64 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.3-2 KDE Base Workspace x86_64 Extra libgadu 1.9.0-1 Gadu-Gadu protocol librariesAURlogfsprogs-git 20100513-1 gitweb 1.7.1-1 perl-env-path 0.18-2 cope-git 20100512-1 shotwell-svn 1622-1 perl-io-stty .02-2 shotwell 0.5.2-2 systemd-git 20100512-1 chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree-bin 47071-1 todotxt-git 20100512-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 14, 2010 Author Posted May 14, 2010 Updates for Thursday 13, Apr 2010:anyany Community perl-xyne-arch 2010.05.13.1-1 Xyne's Arch-specific Perl modules. any Community punbb 1.3.4-1 forum enginei686i686 Core popt 1.16-2 A commandline option parseri686 Community musicmanager 0.10.22-1 Music Manager and Player i686 Community openmotif 2.3.3-1 Open Motif i686 Community cgmail 0.6.1-1 An email checker and notifier applet for gmail i686 Community gnome-keyring-sharp 1.0.0-2 A fully managed implementation of libgnome-keyring i686 Community dsniff 2.4b1-17i686 Extra deluge 1.2.3-6 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk i686 Extra upower 0.9.4-1 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics i686 Extra ne 2.1-2 the nice editor i686 Extra dvdbackup 0.4.1-1 A tool to rip video DVDs from the command line i686 Extra jed 0.99.19-1 A freely available text editor for Unix and others OS i686 Extra libnids 1.24-1 An implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System. i686 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay network i686 Extra libdvdread 4.1.3-2 Provides a simple foundation for reading DVD video disks i686 Extra vlc 1.0.6-3 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player i686 Extra vlc-plugin 1.0.6-3 VLC mozilla browser plugin i686 Extra cpufreqd 2.4.2-1 A small daemon to adjust cpu speed (and indeed voltage) i686 Extra feh 1.5-1 A fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2 i686 Extra fsarchiver 0.6.10-1 A safe and flexible file-system backup and deployment tool i686 Extra finch 2.7.0-1 A ncurses-based messaging client i686 Extra libpurple 2.7.0-1 IM library extracted from Pidgin i686 Extra pidgin 2.7.0-1 Multi-protocol instant messaging client i686 Extra telepathy-haze 0.3.4-2 A telepathy-backend to use libpurple (Pidgin) protocols. x86_64x86_64 Core popt 1.16-2 A commandline option parserx86_64 Community musicmanager 0.10.22-1 Music Manager and Player x86_64 Community openmotif 2.3.3-1 Open Motif x86_64 Community cgmail 0.6.1-1 An email checker and notifier applet for gmail x86_64 Community gnome-keyring-sharp 1.0.0-2 A fully managed implementation of libgnome-keyring x86_64 Community dsniff 2.4b1-17 Collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing x86_64 Extra deluge 1.2.3-6 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk x86_64 Extra upower 0.9.4-1 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics x86_64 Extra ne 2.1-2 the nice editor x86_64 Extra dvdbackup 0.4.1-1 A tool to rip video DVDs from the command line x86_64 Extra jed 0.99.19-1 A freely available text editor for Unix and others OS x86_64 Extra libnids 1.24-1 An implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System. x86_64 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay network x86_64 Extra libdvdread 4.1.3-2 provides a simple foundation for reading DVD video disks x86_64 Extra vlc 1.0.6-3 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player x86_64 Extra vlc-plugin 1.0.6-3 VLC mozilla browser plugin x86_64 Extra cpufreqd 2.4.2-1 A small daemon to adjust cpu speed (and indeed voltage) x86_64 Extra feh 1.5-1 A fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2 x86_64 Extra fsarchiver 0.6.10-1 A safe and flexible file-system backup and deployment tool x86_64 Extra finch 2.7.0-1 A ncurses-based messaging client x86_64 Extra libpurple 2.7.0-1 IM library extracted from Pidgin x86_64 Extra pidgin 2.7.0-1 Multi-protocol instant messaging client x86_64 Extra telepathy-haze 0.3.4-2 A telepathy-backend to use libpurple (Pidgin) protocols.AURgrass-svn 42220-2 font-manager 0.5.3-1 latex-mk 2.0-2 box2d 2.1.2-2 mupdf r1098-1 barry-git 20100513-2 drupal6 6.16-1 pybox2d-svn 212-1 neuralview 1.1.0-1 storebackup 3.2-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 15, 2010 Author Posted May 15, 2010 Updates for Friday 14, Apr 2010:anyNONEi686i686 Core ndiswrapper-utils 1.56-2 Binaries for ndiswrapper module i686 Core rp-pppoe 3.10-5 Roaring Penguin's Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet client i686 Core gawk 3.1.8-1 Gnu version of awk i686 Core linux-atm 2.5.1-1 Drivers and tools to support ATM networking under Linux.i686 Community shotwell 0.5.2-1 A digital photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop environment i686 Community dwm 5.7.2-3 A dynamic window manager for Xi686 Extra fvwm-devel 2.5.30-1 A multiple large virtual desktop window manager originally derived from twm i686 Extra gvim 7.2.2150-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (with advanced features, such as a GUI) i686 Extra vim 7.2.2150-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor i686 Extra vim-runtime 7.2.2150-1 Runtime for vim and gvim i686 Extra gdisk 0.6.7-1 A text-mode partitioning tool that works on Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) disks. i686 Extra pmount 0.9.22-1 mount removable devices as normal user i686 Extra qemu 0.12.4-1 QEMU is a generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation. i686 Extra qemu-kvm 0.12.4-1 Latest KVM QEMU is a generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation.x86_64x86_64 Core ndiswrapper-utils 1.56-2 Binaries for ndiswrapper module x86_64 Core rp-pppoe 3.10-5 Roaring Penguin's Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet client x86_64 Core gawk 3.1.8-1 Gnu version of awk x86_64 Core linux-atm 2.5.1-1 Drivers and tools to support ATM networking under Linux.x86_64 Community shotwell 0.5.2-1 A digital photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop environment x86_64 Community dwm 5.7.2-3 A dynamic window manager for Xx86_64 Extra fvwm-devel 2.5.30-1 A multiple large virtual desktop window manager originally derived from twm x86_64 Extra gvim 7.2.2150-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (with advanced features, such as a GUI) x86_64 Extra vim 7.2.2150-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor x86_64 Extra vim-runtime 7.2.2150-1 Runtime for vim and gvim x86_64 Extra gdisk 0.6.7-1 A text-mode partitioning tool that works on Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) disks. x86_64 Extra pmount 0.9.22-1 mount removable devices as normal user x86_64 Extra qemu 0.12.4-1 QEMU is a generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation. x86_64 Extra qemu-kvm 0.12.4-1 Latest KVM QEMU is a generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation. AURdasm 2.20.10b-1 linuxwacom 0.8.6-3 textadept 2.2-1 reggie 2-3 pithos-bzr 62-1mozc-svn 10-5 pbget 2010.05.15.1-1 prispy 0.1a3-1 chino 0.01-1 cower-git 20100425-2Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 16, 2010 Author Posted May 16, 2010 Updates for Saturday 15, Apr 2010:anyany Community cjc 1.2.0-1 Jabber client with text-based user interface resembling those known from popular IRC clients any Community python-simplejson 2.1.1-1 Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Pythoni686i686 Core tzdata 2010j-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data i686 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules i686 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel i686 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26 i686 Core libgcrypt 1.4.5-2 a general purpose crypto library based on the code used i686 Core libgpg-error 1.7-3 Support library for libgcrypti686 Community mathomatic 15.1.0-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C i686 Extra qtcurve-gtk2 1.4.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra qtcurve-kde3 1.4.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra qtcurve-kde4 1.4.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra libwebkit 1.2.1-1 an opensource web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE x86_64x86_64 Core tzdata 2010j-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data x86_64 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules x86_64 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel x86_64 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26 x86_64 Core libgcrypt 1.4.5-2 a general purpose crypto library based on the code used x86_64 Core libgpg-error 1.7-3 Support library for libgcryptx86_64 Community mathomatic 15.1.0-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C x86_64 Extra qtcurve-kde4 1.4.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra qtcurve-gtk2 1.4.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra qtcurve-kde3 1.4.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra libwebkit 1.2.1-1 an opensource web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE AURsunrise-commander-addons 4r308-1 sunrise-commander 4r308-1 pngcrush 1.7.11-1 google-chrome-dev 6.0.401.1-1 gcc-snapshot 4.6.20100515-1 fooaudio-git 20100515-1 kstreamripper 0.7.0-2 hwinfo 17.0-10 jin 2.14.1-2 knightsgame 014-2 Thanks
securitybreach Posted May 17, 2010 Author Posted May 17, 2010 Updates for Sunday 16, Apr 2010anyany Community jedit 4.3.2-1 Java based extensible text editor any Community python-genshi 0.6-1 Python toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the webany Extra keychain 2.7.1-1 A front-end to ssh-agent, allowing one long-running ssh-agent process per system, rather than per login. any Extra vim-vcscommand 1.99.40-1 vim cvs/svn integration plugin any Extra eric 4.4.4-1 A full-featured Python IDE that is written in PyQt4 using the QScintilla2 editor widgeti686i686 Community gnustep-back 0.18.0-1 The GNUstep GUI Backend i686 Community gnustep-base 1.20.0-1 The GNUstep base package i686 Community gnustep-gui 0.18.0-1 The GNUstep GUI class library i686 Community gnustep-make 2.4.0-1 The GNUstep make package i686 Community qmc2 0.2.b15-1 Qt 4 based UNIX MAME frontend supporting SDLMAME. i686 Community tracker 0.8.6-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer i686 Community twin 0.6.2-1 A text-mode window environment i686 Community xloadimage 4.1-9 An utility to view many different types of images under X11 i686 Community xlockmore 5.30-1 screen saver / locker for the X Window System i686 Community python-pyxmpp 1.1.1-1 A Python XMPP and Jabber implementation based on libxml2 i686 Extra di 4.24-1 A disk information utility, displaying everything (and more) that your df command does i686 Extra gvim 7.2-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (with advanced features, such as a GUI) i686 Extra vim 7.2-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor i686 Extra vim-runtime 7.2-1 Runtime for vim and gvim i686 Extra openbox A window manager for the X11 windowing system x86_64x86_64 Community gnustep-back 0.18.0-1 The GNUstep GUI Backend x86_64 Community gnustep-base 1.20.0-1 The GNUstep base package x86_64 Community gnustep-gui 0.18.0-1 The GNUstep GUI class library x86_64 Community gnustep-make 2.4.0-1 The GNUstep make package x86_64 Community twin 0.6.2-1 A text-mode window environment x86_64 Community xloadimage 4.1-9 An utility to view many different types of images under X11 x86_64 Community xlockmore 5.30-1 screen saver / locker for the X Window System x86_64 Community python-pyxmpp 1.1.1-1 A Python XMPP and Jabber implementation based on libxml2 x86_64 Community qmc2 0.2.b15-1 Qt 4 based UNIX MAME frontend supporting SDLMAME. x86_64 Community tracker 0.8.6-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexerx86_64 Extra openbox A window manager for the X11 windowing system x86_64 Extra di 4.24-1 A disk information utility, displaying everything (and more) that your df command does x86_64 Extra gvim 7.2-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (with advanced features, such as a GUI) x86_64 Extra vim 7.2-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor x86_64 Extra vim-runtime 7.2-1 Runtime for vim and gvim AURburp-git 20100517-1 openwbem 3.2.2-4 zsh-yaourt 0.2.3-1 mingw32-box2d 2.1.2-1 flashrom-svn-new 998-1 buildpae 2010.03.28-1 sflphone 0.9.8-2 pkgtools-git 20100516-1 otf-fifthleg 0.5-1 xword 1.0-2 Thanks
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