securitybreach Posted March 19, 2010 Author Posted March 19, 2010 Updates for Thursday 18, Mar 2010:Anyany Community virt-manager 0.8.3-1 A desktop user interface for managing virtual machines. any Community virtinst 0.500.2-1 A command line tool which provides an easy way to provision operating systems into virtual machines. i686i686 Community python-psycopg2 2.0.14-2 psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. i686 Community ibus-sogoupycc A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. i686 Community qmmp 0.3.3-1 Qt4 based audio-player i686 Community emacs-nox 23.1-2 The Emacs Editor, without X11 support i686 Community libvirt 0.7.7-1 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) i686 Community virtviewer 0.2.0-2 A lightweight interface for interacting with the graphical display of virtualized guest OS. i686 Extra archboot 2010.03-2 Advanced, modular arch boot/install image creation utility i686 Extra samba 3.5.1-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB i686 Extra smbclient 3.5.1-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB x86_64x86_64 Community python-psycopg2 2.0.14-2 psycopg is a PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. x86_64 Community ibus-sogoupycc A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. x86_64 Community qmmp 0.3.3-1 Qt4 based audio-player x86_64 Community virtviewer 0.2.0-2 A lightweight interface for interacting with the graphical display of virtualized guest OS. x86_64 Community emacs-nox 23.1-2 The Emacs Editor, without X11 support x86_64 Community libvirt 0.7.7-1 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) x86_64 Extra archboot 2010.03-2 Advanced, modular arch boot/install image creation utility x86_64 Extra samba 3.5.1-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB x86_64 Extra smbclient 3.5.1-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMBAURtilp-svn 4290-1 gfm-svn 4288-1 sup 0.11-1 libticalcs-svn 4292-1 libticables-svn 4294-1gle-graphics 4.2.2-2libtifiles-svn 4290-1libticonv-svn 4290-1iodbc 3.52.7-1geany-colorschemes 1-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 20, 2010 Author Posted March 20, 2010 Updates for Friday 19, Mar 2010:Anyany Community python-mygpoclient 1.2-1 Client library for the web service any Community trac 0.11.7-1 Trac Integrated SCM & Project Management using Apache & Subversion. any Community python-pytz 2010e-1 Cross platform time zone library for Python any Extra 4.4.2-1 A full-featured Python IDE that is written in PyQt4 using the QScintilla2 editor widget i686i686 Community ibus-sunpinyin 2.0-1 The SunPinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework. SunPinYin is a Statistical Language Model based pinyin IME by Sun. i686 Community hostapd 0.6.10-2 daemon for wireless software access points i686 Community kmess 2.0.3-1 KMess is a MSN Messenger client for Linux. i686 Community astyle 1.24-1 A Free, Fast and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C#, and Java Source Code i686 Community espeak 1.43.03-1 Text to Speech engine for good quality English, with support for other languages i686 Community java-gnome 4.0.15-1 Java bindings to the GNOME platform (including gtk, glib and glade) i686 Community luxrender 0.6.1-5 Rendering system for physically correct, unbiased image synthesis i686 Community pingus 0.7.2-8 Pingus is a Lemmings clone, i.e. a level-based puzzle game. i686 Community pokerth 0.7.1-8 Poker game written in C++/QT4 i686 Community qbittorrent 2.2.0-2 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library i686 Community schroot 1.4.1-2 Allows users to execute shell commands under different root filesystems. (Successor to dchroot). i686 Community tagpy 0.94.7-4 Python bindings for TagLib i686 Community xdotool 1.20100318.2737-1 Command-line X11 automation tool i686 Community xmms2 0.7DrNo-2 complete rewrite of the popular music player i686 Community glob2 RTS game which minimizes micro-management by automatically assigning tasks to units jlichtblau i686 Community gnote 0.7.2-2 Experimental port of Tomboy to C++ i686 Community keysafe A safe place to keep your passwords i686 Community lmms 0.4.6-5 The Linux MultiMedia Studio i686 Community encfs 1.5-10 Encrypted filesystem in user-space i686 Extra gdb 7.1-1 The GNU Debugger i686 Extra python 2.6.5-1 A high-level scripting language i686 Extra gnucash 2.2.9-7 A personal and small-business financial-accounting application i686 Extra wine 1.1.41-1 A compatibility layer for running Windows programs i686 Extra telepathy-gabble 0.8.12-1 A Jabber/XMPP connection manager for Telepathy i686 Extra bluez 4.62-1 Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack geoffroy i686 Extra obexd 0.22-1 D-Bus service providing high-level OBEX client and server side functionality i686 Extra qtcurve-gtk2 1.2.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra qtcurve-kde3 1.2.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra qtcurve-kde4 1.2.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra python-vpython 5.11-4 A Python module that offers real-time 3D output i686 Extra qtiplot Data analysis and scientific plotting - free clone of Origin i686 Extra smc 1.9-5 Secret Maryo Chronicles i686 Extra source-highlight 3.1.3-3 Convert source code to syntax highlighted document giovanni i686 Extra twinkle 1.4.2-4 A softphone for voice over IP and instant messaging communications using the SIP protocol. i686 Extra wesnoth 1.6.5-5 A turn-based strategy game on a fantasy world i686 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.14.9-3 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around i686 Extra lyx 1.6.5-3 An advanced open-source document processor. i686 Extra miro 2.5.4-4 The free and open source internet TV platform i686 Extra mkvtoolnix 3.2.0-3 Set of tools to create, edit and inspect Matroska filesi686 Extra kdeedu-kturtle 4.4.1-2 Educational Programming Environment i686 Extra kdeedu-kwordquiz 4.4.1-2 A flashcard and vocabulary learning program i686 Extra kdeedu-libkdeedu 4.4.1-2 Support library for KDE Educational Software i686 Extra kdeedu-marble 4.4.1-2 Desktop Globe i686 Extra kdeedu-parley 4.4.1-2 Vocabulary Trainer i686 Extra kdeedu-rocs 4.4.1-2 Graph Theory Tool for Professors and Students. i686 Extra kdeedu-step 4.4.1-2 Simulate physics experiments i686 Extra liborigin2 20090406-3 A library for reading OriginLab OPJ project files i686 Extra libpst 0.6.41-4 Outlook .pst file converter i686 Extra kdeedu-kanagram 4.4.1-2 KDE Letter Order Game i686 Extra kdeedu-kbruch 4.4.1-2 Practice exercises with fractions i686 Extra kdeedu-kgeography 4.4.1-2 A Geography Learning Program i686 Extra kdeedu-khangman 4.4.1-2 KDE Hangman Game i686 Extra kdeedu-kig 4.4.1-2 Explore Geometric Constructions i686 Extra kdeedu-kiten 4.4.1-2 Japanese Reference and Study Tool i686 Extra kdeedu-klettres 4.4.1-2 a KDE program to learn the alphabet i686 Extra kdeedu-kmplot 4.4.1-2 Function Plotter i686 Extra kdeedu-kstars 4.4.1-2 Desktop Planetarium i686 Extra kdeedu-ktouch 4.4.1-2 Touch Typing Tutor i686 Extra boost 1.41.0-1 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries i686 Extra gnash-common 0.8.7-3 A GNU Flash movie player i686 Extra hugin 2009.4.0-4 A frontend to the panorama-tools i686 Extra kdeedu-blinken 4.4.1-2 A memory enhancement game i686 Extra kdeedu-cantor 4.4.1-2 KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software i686 Extra kdeedu-data 4.4.1-2 Data for KDE Educational Software i686 Extra kdeedu-kalgebra 4.4.1-2 Math Expression Solver and Plotter i686 Extra kdeedu-kalzium 4.4.1-2 KDE Periodic Table of Elements i686 Extra akonadi 1.3.1-3 PIM layer, which provides an asynchronous API to access all kind of PIM data x86_64x86_64 Community ibus-sunpinyin 2.0-1 The SunPinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework. SunPinYin is a Statistical Language Model based pinyin IME by Sun. x86_64 Community hostapd 0.6.10-2 daemon for wireless software access points x86_64 Community kmess 2.0.3-1 KMess is a MSN Messenger client for Linux. x86_64 Community astyle 1.24-1 A Free, Fast and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C#, and Java Source Code x86_64 Community espeak 1.43.03-1 Text to Speech engine for good quality English, with support for other languages x86_64 Community java-gnome 4.0.15-1 Java bindings to the GNOME platform (including gtk, glib and glade) x86_64 Community encfs 1.5-10 Encrypted filesystem in user-space x86_64 Community glob2 RTS game which minimizes micro-management by automatically assigning tasks to units jlichtblau x86_64 Community gnote 0.7.2-2 Experimental port of Tomboy to C++ x86_64 Community keysafe A safe place to keep your passwords x86_64 Community lmms 0.4.6-5 The Linux MultiMedia Studio x86_64 Community luxrender 0.6.1-5 Rendering system for physically correct, unbiased image synthesis x86_64 Community pingus 0.7.2-8 Pingus is a Lemmings clone, i.e. a level-based puzzle game. x86_64 Community pokerth 0.7.1-8 Poker game written in C++/QT4 x86_64 Community qbittorrent 2.2.0-2 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library x86_64 Community schroot 1.4.1-2 Allows users to execute shell commands under different root filesystems. (Successor to dchroot). x86_64 Community tagpy 0.94.7-4 Python bindings for TagLib x86_64 Community xdotool 1.20100318.2737-1 Command-line X11 automation tool x86_64 Community xmms2 0.7DrNo-2 complete rewrite of the popular music player x86_64 Extra gdb 7.1-1 The GNU Debugger x86_64 Extra python 2.6.5-1 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Extra gnucash 2.2.9-7 A personal and small-business financial-accounting application x86_64 Extra telepathy-gabble 0.8.12-1 A Jabber/XMPP connection manager for Telepathy x86_64 Extra bluez 4.62-1 Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack x86_64 Extra obexd 0.22-1 D-Bus service providing high-level OBEX client and server side functionality x86_64 Extra qtcurve-gtk2 1.2.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra qtcurve-kde3 1.2.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra qtcurve-kde4 1.2.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra kdeedu-libkdeedu 4.4.1-2 Support library for KDE Educational Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-marble 4.4.1-2 Desktop Globe x86_64 Extra kdeedu-parley 4.4.1-2 Vocabulary Trainer x86_64 Extra kdeedu-rocs 4.4.1-2 Graph Theory Tool for Professors and Students. x86_64 Extra kdeedu-step 4.4.1-2 Simulate physics experiments x86_64 Extra liborigin2 20090406-3 A library for reading OriginLab OPJ project files x86_64 Extra libpst 0.6.41-4 Outlook .pst file converter x86_64 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.14.9-3 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around x86_64 Extra lyx 1.6.5-3 An advanced open-source document processor. x86_64 Extra miro 2.5.4-4 The free and open source internet TV platform x86_64 Extra mkvtoolnix 3.2.0-3 Set of tools to create, edit and inspect Matroska files x86_64 Extra python-vpython 5.11-4 A Python module that offers real-time 3D output x86_64 Extra qtiplot Data analysis and scientific plotting - free clone of Origin x86_64 Extra smc 1.9-5 Secret Maryo Chronicles x86_64 Extra source-highlight 3.1.3-3 Convert source code to syntax highlighted document giovanni x86_64 Extra twinkle 1.4.2-4 A softphone for voice over IP and instant messaging communications using the SIP protocol. x86_64 Extra wesnoth 1.6.5-5 A turn-based strategy game on a fantasy world x86_64 Extra akonadi 1.3.1-3 PIM layer, which provides an asynchronous API to access all kind of PIM data x86_64 Extra boost 1.41.0-1 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries x86_64 Extra gnash-common 0.8.7-3 A GNU Flash movie player x86_64 Extra hugin 2009.4.0-4 A frontend to the panorama-tools x86_64 Extra kdeedu-blinken 4.4.1-2 A memory enhancement game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-cantor 4.4.1-2 KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-data 4.4.1-2 Data for KDE Educational Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kalgebra 4.4.1-2 Math Expression Solver and Plotter x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kalzium 4.4.1-2 KDE Periodic Table of Elements x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kanagram 4.4.1-2 KDE Letter Order Game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kbruch 4.4.1-2 Practice exercises with fractions x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kgeography 4.4.1-2 A Geography Learning Program x86_64 Extra kdeedu-khangman 4.4.1-2 KDE Hangman Game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kig 4.4.1-2 Explore Geometric Constructions x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kiten 4.4.1-2 Japanese Reference and Study Tool x86_64 Extra kdeedu-klettres 4.4.1-2 a KDE program to learn the alphabet x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kmplot 4.4.1-2 Function Plotter x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kstars 4.4.1-2 Desktop Planetarium x86_64 Extra kdeedu-ktouch 4.4.1-2 Touch Typing Tutor x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kturtle 4.4.1-2 Educational Programming Environment x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kwordquiz 4.4.1-2 A flashcard and vocabulary learning program AURinfopanel-screenlet 0.10-1eigencal-screenlet 3.02-1ttytter 1.0.01-1 echinus 0.4.1-1 groovy-docs 1.7.0-1freecol 0.9.2-1 keylaunch 1.3.9-1oroborus 2.0.20-1potamus 0.11-2 pytable-svn 4-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 21, 2010 Author Posted March 21, 2010 Updates for Saturday 20, Mar 2010:Anyany Extra shared-desktop-ontologies 0.3-1 Ontologies necessary for the Nepomuk semantic desktopi686i686 Core zlib 1.2.4-1 Compression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP i686 Core tar 1.23-1 Utility used to store, backup, and transport files i686 Community espeakup 0.71-3 Allows the Speakup screen review system to use the ESpeak synthesizer. i686 Community gkrellm 2.3.4-2 System monitor package for GTK2 i686 Community gpicview 0.2.1-3 Picture viewer of the LXDE Desktop i686 Community mednafen 0.8.C-3 A command-line multi-system gaming emulator i686 Extra deluge 1.2.2-1 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk i686 Extra libnice 0.0.11-1 An implementation of the IETF's draft ICE (for p2p UDP data streams) i686 Extra openoffice-base-devel 3.3_dev300_m75-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - developement branch i686 Extra openoffice-sdk-devel 3.3_dev300_m75-1 SDK - development files - for devel branch pkg x86_64x86_64 Core zlib 1.2.4-1 Compression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP x86_64 Core tar 1.23-1 Utility used to store, backup, and transport files x86_64 Community espeakup 0.71-3 Allows the Speakup screen review system to use the ESpeak synthesizer. x86_64 Community gkrellm 2.3.4-2 System monitor package for GTK2 x86_64 Community gpicview 0.2.1-3 Picture viewer of the LXDE Desktop x86_64 Community mednafen 0.8.C-3 A command-line multi-system gaming emulator x86_64 Extra deluge 1.2.2-1 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk x86_64 Extra libnice 0.0.11-1 An implementation of the IETF's draft ICE (for p2p UDP data streams) x86_64 Extra openoffice-base-devel 3.3_dev300_m75-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - developement branch x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk-devel 3.3_dev300_m75-1 SDK - development files - for devel branch pkg AURbin32-huludesktop 0.9.7-2 oxygen-molecule-theme 3.1-1dbox 2.2-2 mu-conference 0.8-1vlc-git 20100321-1 mpdscribble-git 20100320-1maxemumtvguide 7.3.2-4videocatcher 0.1.1-1empia 100308-1 qbittorrent-nogui 2.2.1-1
securitybreach Posted March 22, 2010 Author Posted March 22, 2010 Updates for Sun 21, Mar 2010:Anyany Community devede 3.16.6-1 A program to create VideoDVDs and CDs any Community gtk2-docs 2.18.9-1 Documentation for gtk2 to be used in devhelp any Community ufw 0.29.3-1 Uncomplicated and easy to use CLI tool for managing a netfilter firewall any Extra shared-desktop-ontologies 0.3-1 Ontologies necessary for the Nepomuk semantic desktop i686i686 Core iproute2 2.6.33-1 IP Routing Utilities i686 Community lua-lzlib 0.4_work2-4 Lua interface to zlib i686 Community remind 3.01.08-1 A sophisticated calendar and alarm progam i686 Community python3 3.1.2-1 Next generation of the python high-level scripting language i686 Community postgis 1.5.1-1 Adds support for geographic objects to PostgreSQL i686 Community subtitleeditor 0.36.0-2 A GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD i686 Community fillets-ng 0.9.3-1 A port of the wonderful puzzle game Fish Fillets i686 Community homebank 4.2.1-1 Free, easy, personal accounting for everyone i686 Community vym 1.12.7-1 A mindmapping tool i686 Extra ghostscript 8.71-3 An interpreter for the PostScript language i686 Extra pyqt 4.7.2-1 A set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit i686 Extra qscintilla 2.4.3-1 A port to Qt4 of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor class i686 Extra sip 4.10.1-1 A tool that makes it easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries i686 Extra phonon 4.4.0-1 The multimedia API for KDE4 i686 Extra phonon-gstreamer 4.4.0-1 Phonon Gstreamer backend i686 Extra phonon-xine 4.4.0-1 Phonon Xine backend i686 Extra desktop-file-utils 0.16-1 Command line utilities for working with desktop entries i686 Extra libxt 1.0.8-1 X11 toolkit intrinsics library i686 Extra gnutls 2.8.6-1 A library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer i686 Extra gtk2 2.18.9-1 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) i686 Extra k3b 1.91.0rc2-1 Feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application i686 Extra ocfs2-tools 1.4.3-1 Oracle Cluster File System 2 utilities i686 Extra usermin 1.440-1 a web interface that can be used to easily perform tasks like reading mail, setting up SSH or configuring mail forwarding i686 Extra webmin 1.510-1 a web-based interface for system administration i686 Extra libtasn1 2.5-1 The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS i686 Extra gtk-sharp-2 2.12.10-1 gtk2 bindings for C# i686 Extra nss 3.12.6-1 Mozilla Network Security Services i686 Extra nspr 4.8.4-1 Netscape Portable Runtime i686 Extra mod_fcgid 2.3.5-1 A FastCGI module for Apache HTTP Server. i686 Extra postgresql 8.4.3-1 A sophisticated object-relational DBMS i686 Extra postgresql-libs 8.4.3-1 Libraries for use with PostgreSQL x86_64x86_64 Core iproute2 2.6.33-1 IP Routing Utilities x86_64 Community lua-lzlib 0.4_work2-4 Lua interface to zlib x86_64 Community remind 3.01.08-1 A sophisticated calendar and alarm progam x86_64 Community python3 3.1.2-1 Next generation of the python high-level scripting language x86_64 Community postgis 1.5.1-1 Adds support for geographic objects to PostgreSQL x86_64 Community lib32-nspr 4.8.4-1 Netscape Portable Runtime x86_64 Community lib32-nss 3.12.6-1 Mozilla's Netscape Security Services Library that implements PKI support x86_64 Community lib32-zlib 1.2.4-1 A compression/decompression Library x86_64 Community subtitleeditor 0.36.0-2 A GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD x86_64 Community fillets-ng 0.9.3-1 A port of the wonderful puzzle game Fish Fillets x86_64 Community homebank 4.2.1-1 Free, easy, personal accounting for everyone x86_64 Community vym 1.12.7-1 A mindmapping tool x86_64 Extra ghostscript 8.71-3 An interpreter for the PostScript language x86_64 Extra pyqt 4.7.2-1 A set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit x86_64 Extra qscintilla 2.4.3-1 A port to Qt4 of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor class x86_64 Extra sip 4.10.1-1 A tool that makes it easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries x86_64 Extra phonon 4.4.0-1 The multimedia API for KDE4 x86_64 Extra phonon-gstreamer 4.4.0-1 Phonon Gstreamer backend x86_64 Extra phonon-xine 4.4.0-1 Phonon Xine backend x86_64 Extra desktop-file-utils 0.16-1 Command line utilities for working with desktop entries x86_64 Extra libxt 1.0.8-1 X11 toolkit intrinsics library x86_64 Extra gnutls 2.8.6-1 A library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer x86_64 Extra gtk2 2.18.9-1 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Extra k3b 1.91.0rc2-1 Feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application x86_64 Extra ocfs2-tools 1.4.3-1 Oracle Cluster File System 2 utilities x86_64 Extra usermin 1.440-1 a web interface that can be used to easily perform tasks like reading mail, setting up SSH or configuring mail forwarding x86_64 Extra webmin 1.510-1 a web-based interface for system administration x86_64 Extra libtasn1 2.5-1 The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS x86_64 Extra gtk-sharp-2 2.12.10-1 gtk2 bindings for C# x86_64 Extra nss 3.12.6-1 Mozilla Network Security Services x86_64 Extra nspr 4.8.4-1 Netscape Portable Runtime x86_64 Extra mod_fcgid 2.3.5-1 A FastCGI module for Apache HTTP Server. x86_64 Extra postgresql 8.4.3-1 A sophisticated object-relational DBMS x86_64 Extra postgresql-libs 8.4.3-1 Libraries for use with PostgreSQL AURhwinfo 17.0-2 libx86emu 1.1-19libgl-git-pselect 20100321-1 nvidia-utils-pselect 190.53-1pselect-git 20100321-1hdf4 2.5-2nvidia-utils-glselect 190.53-1nvidia-173xx-utils-glselect 173.14.25-1nvidia-96xx-utils-glselect 96.43.16-1libgl-git-glselect 20100321-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 23, 2010 Author Posted March 23, 2010 Updates for Monday 22, Mar 2010:Anyany Extra perl-soap-lite 0.711-1 Client and server side SOAP implementation i686i686 Core gdbm 1.8.3-7 GNU database library i686 Core dbus-core 1.2.22-1 message bus system i686 Core glib2 2.22.5-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs i686 Core sqlite3 3.6.23-1 A C library that implements an SQL database engine i686 Core hdparm 9.28-1 A shell utility for manipulating Linux IDE drive/driver parameters i686 Core usbutils 0.87-1 USB Device Utilities i686 Community filezilla Fast and reliable FTP, FTPS and SFTP client dgriffiths i686 Community fotoxx 9.8-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera shusmann i686 Community subtitleeditor 0.36.1-1 A GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD i686 Community icewm-utils 1.0-4 Suite of tools for IceWM i686 Community medit 0.10.1-1 A GTK text editor i686 Community rxvt-unicode-256color 9.07-5 a unicode enabled rxvt-clone terminal emulator (urxvt), with 256 colour support i686 Community cherokee 0.99.44-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server i686 Extra python 2.6.5-2 A high-level scripting language i686 Extra git the fast distributed version control system i686 Extra sylpheed 3.0.1-1 Lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client i686 Extra openoffice-base-devel 3.3_dev300_m75-2 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - developement branch i686 Extra openoffice-sdk-devel 3.3_dev300_m75-2 SDK - development files - for devel branch pkg i686 Extra perl-time-hires 1.9721-1 Perl module: high resolution time, sleep, and alarm i686 Extra dbus 1.2.22-1 message bus system i686 Extra gtk2 2.18.9-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) i686 Extra kmplayer 0.11.2a-1 Video player plugin for Konqueror and basic MPlayer/Xine/ffmpeg/ffserver/VDR frontend for KDE i686 Extra mpd 0.15.9-1 Music daemon that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files i686 Extra python-qscintilla 2.4.3-1 Python bindings for QScintilla2 x86_64x86_64 Core gdbm 1.8.3-7 GNU database library x86_64 Core dbus-core 1.2.22-1 message bus system x86_64 Core glib2 2.22.5-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs x86_64 Core sqlite3 3.6.23-1 A C library that implements an SQL database engine x86_64 Core hdparm 9.28-1 A shell utility for manipulating Linux IDE drive/driver parameters x86_64 Core usbutils 0.87-1 USB Device Utilities x86_64 Community filezilla Fast and reliable FTP, FTPS and SFTP client dgriffiths x86_64 Community fotoxx 9.8-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera shusmann x86_64 Community subtitleeditor 0.36.1-1 A GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD x86_64 Community icewm-utils 1.0-4 Suite of tools for IceWM x86_64 Community medit 0.10.1-1 A GTK text editor x86_64 Community rxvt-unicode-256color 9.07-5 a unicode enabled rxvt-clone terminal emulator (urxvt), with 256 colour support x86_64 Community cherokee 0.99.44-1 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server x86_64 Extra python 2.6.5-2 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Extra git the fast distributed version control system x86_64 Extra sylpheed 3.0.1-1 Lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client x86_64 Extra openoffice-base-devel 3.3_dev300_m75-2 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - developement branch x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk-devel 3.3_dev300_m75-2 SDK - development files - for devel branch pkg x86_64 Extra perl-time-hires 1.9721-1 Perl module: high resolution time, sleep, and alarm x86_64 Extra dbus 1.2.22-1 message bus system x86_64 Extra gtk2 2.18.9-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Extra kmplayer 0.11.2a-1 Video player plugin for Konqueror and basic MPlayer/Xine/ffmpeg/ffserver/VDR frontend for KDE x86_64 Extra mpd 0.15.9-1 Music daemon that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files x86_64 Extra python-qscintilla 2.4.3-1 Python bindings for QScintilla2 AURperl-catalyst-plugin-fillinform-forceutf8 0.02-1q4wine 0.117.r6-1cower 0.9.3-1 perl-exception-class 1.30-1monkey 0.9.3-1 wkhtmltopdf-static 0.9.5-1freedink 1.08.20100321-2modern-perl 1.03-1perl-www-menugrinder 0.04-1 perl-catalyst-model-menugrinder 0.05-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 Updates for Tuesday 23, Mar 2010:Anyany Community youtube-dl 2010.03.13-1 A small command-line program to download videos from any Community firefox-spell-ru 0.4.3-3 Russian spellchecker dictionary for Firefox any Extra firefox-i18n 3.6.2-1 Language packs for Firefox i686i686 Core openssh 5.4p1-3 A Secure SHell server/clienti686 Core gdbm 1.8.3-7 GNU database library i686 Community ibus-pinyin The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework i686 Community zim 0.45-1 A WYSIWYG text editor that aims at bringing the concept of a wiki to the desktop. i686 Community ibus-anthy Japanese input method Anthy IMEngine for IBus Framework i686 Community puzzles 8906-1 Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection i686 Community wormux 0.9.1-1 A clone of the worms game i686 Community printoxx 2.5-1 Adjusting images on a sheet of paper for printing i686 Community conkeror-git 20100323-1 A highly programmable web browser based on Mozilla XULRunner. i686 Community fotoxx 9.8.1-2 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera i686 Community ibus 1.3.0-1 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux i686 Community perl-datetime 0.55-2 A complete, easy to use date and time object i686 Community freemat 4.0-3 A free environment for rapid engineering, scientific prototyping and data processing i686 Community python3 3.1.2-2 Next generation of the python high-level scripting language i686 Community wkhtmltopdf 0.9.5-1 Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt i686 Community filezilla Fast and reliable FTP, FTPS and SFTP client i686 Extra qt 4.6.2-2 A cross-platform application and UI framework i686 Extra xulrunner Mozilla Runtime Environment i686 Extra firefox 3.6.2-1 Standalone web browser from i686 Extra python 2.6.5-2 A high-level scripting language x86_64x86_64 Core openssh 5.4p1-3 A Secure SHell server/client aaron x86_64 Core gdbm 1.8.3-7 GNU database library x86_64 Community ibus-pinyin The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework x86_64 Community zim 0.45-1 A WYSIWYG text editor that aims at bringing the concept of a wiki to the desktop. x86_64 Community ibus-anthy Japanese input method Anthy IMEngine for IBus Framework x86_64 Community puzzles 8906-1 Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection x86_64 Community wormux 0.9.1-1 A clone of the worms game x86_64 Community conkeror-git 20100323-1 A highly programmable web browser based on Mozilla XULRunner. x86_64 Community fotoxx 9.8.1-2 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera x86_64 Community ibus 1.3.0-1 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux x86_64 Community printoxx 2.5-1 Adjusting images on a sheet of paper for printing x86_64 Community freemat 4.0-3 A free environment for rapid engineering, scientific prototyping and data processing x86_64 Community perl-datetime 0.55-2 A complete, easy to use date and time object x86_64 Community python3 3.1.2-2 Next generation of the python high-level scripting language x86_64 Community wkhtmltopdf 0.9.5-1 Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt x86_64 Community filezilla Fast and reliable FTP, FTPS and SFTP client x86_64 Extra qt 4.6.2-2 A cross-platform application and UI framework x86_64 Extra xulrunner Mozilla Runtime Environment x86_64 Extra firefox 3.6.2-1 Standalone web browser from x86_64 Extra python 2.6.5-2 A high-level scripting language AURpkgman r85-1 ailurus 10.03.2-1cower 0.9.4-1 reggie 1-1 qbittorrent-nogui 2.2.2-1emacs-develock 0.39-1 plasma-todo-plasmoid 0.4-1videocatcher 0.1.2-1 firefox-i18n-zh-cn 3.6.2-1 xfce4-icomity-icon-theme 1-5Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 25, 2010 Author Posted March 25, 2010 Updates for Wednesday 24, Mar 2010:Anyany Community perl-datetime-locale 0.45-1 Localization support for any Community perl-text-markdown 1.000031-1 Perl/CPAN Module Text::Markdown i686i686 Core dbus-core 1.2.24-1 message bus system i686 Community ibus 1.3.0-2 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux i686 Community ibus-pinyin The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework i686 Community stunnel 4.32-1 A program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL. i686 Community fgetty 0.7-1 A mingetty stripped of the printfs i686 Community tea 27.0.1-1BB A QT-based text editor for Linux and *BSD. With an ultimate small size TEA provides you hundreds of functions. i686 Community roxterm 1.18.1-1 Tabbed, VTE-based terminal emulator i686 Extra dbus 1.2.24-1 message bus system i686 Extra net-snmp 5.5-2 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 i686 Extra xine-lib A multimedia playback engine x86_64x86_64 Core dbus-core 1.2.24-1 message bus system x86_64 Community ibus 1.3.0-2 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux x86_64 Community ibus-pinyin The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework x86_64 Community stunnel 4.32-1 A program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL. x86_64 Community fgetty 0.7-1 A mingetty stripped of the printfs x86_64 Community tea 27.0.1-1BB A QT-based text editor for Linux and *BSD. With an ultimate small size TEA provides you hundreds of functions. x86_64 Community roxterm 1.18.1-1 Tabbed, VTE-based terminal emulator x86_64 Extra net-snmp 5.5-2 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 x86_64 Extra xine-lib A multimedia playback engine x86_64 Extra dbus 1.2.24-1 message bus system AURsbmanager-git 20100325-1openerp-server 5.0.7-2openerp-client 5.0.7-1regen 0.95-40riifs 20100323-1 doomrl 166-1calabash 0.9.19-2 unigine-heaven 2.0-2 mdbtools-cvs 20100324-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 26, 2010 Author Posted March 26, 2010 Updates for Thursday 25, Mar 2010:Anyany Community ufw 0.29.3-2 Uncomplicated and easy to use CLI tool for managing a netfilter firewall any Community subdl 1.0.2-2 A command-line tool for downloading subtitles from any Community perl-datetime-timezone 1.14-1 Time zone object base class and factory any Community perl-json 2.18-1 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoderany Extra libui-sh 2010.03.25-1 a shell library providing useful UI functions any Extra gsfonts 1.0.7pre44-1 Ghostscript standard Type1 fonts from URW i686i686 Core openssl 0.9.8n-1 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security i686 Community ibus-sunpinyin 2.0-2 The SunPinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework. SunPinYin is a Statistical Language Model based pinyin IME by Sun. i686 Community stfl 0.21-2 Library implementing a curses-based widget set for text terminals i686 Community libnetfilter_conntrack 0.0.101-1 userspace library providing a programming interface (API) to the in-kernel connection tracking state table i686 Community fbpanel 6.0-1 NetWM compliant desktop panel i686 Community crafty 23.2-1 A chess playing/analysis program written by Dr. Robert Hyatt i686 Community fbreader 0.12.9-1 An e-book reader for Linux i686 Community gsql 0.2.2-1 Integrated database development tool for GNOME i686 Community zim 0.46-1 A WYSIWYG text editor that aims at bringing the concept of a wiki to the desktop. i686 Extra smb4k 0.10.6-1 A KDE program that browses samba shares i686 Extra cups 1.4.2-5 The CUPS Printing System - deamon package i686 Extra libcups 1.4.2-5 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers i686 Extra perl-fcgi 0.70-1 Fast CGI i686 Extra gluezilla 2.6-2 Web browser implementation (Gecko) for Mono, the free .NET runtime i686 Extra libgdiplus 2.6.2-1 An Open Source Implementation of the GDI+ API i686 Extra mod_mono 2.6.3-1 The mono module to make ASP.NET running on top of apache i686 Extra mono 2.6.3-1 Free implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler i686 Extra mono-basic 2.6.2-1 Mono Visual Basic.NET compiler i686 Extra mono-debugger 2.6.3-1 The Mono Debugger i686 Extra mono-tools 2.6.2-1 collection of testing and development tools for use with mono (including monodoc browser) i686 Extra monodevelop 2.2.2-1 A Mono port of SharpDevelop, a .NET Integrated Development Tool [MD 2.0 beta] i686 Extra monodevelop-debugger-gdb 2.2.1-1 Mono Debugger support i686 Extra monodevelop-debugger-mdb 2.2.1-1 Mono Debugger support i686 Extra php-suhosin 0.9.30-1 An advanced protection system for PHP installations i686 Extra xsp 2.6.3-1 A simple webserver based on mono - provides ASP.NET support i686 Extra cmake 2.8.1-1 A cross-platform open-source make system i686 Extra eclipse-ecj 3.5.2-1 Eclipse java bytecode compiler x86_64x86_64 Core openssl 0.9.8n-1 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security x86_64 Community ibus-sunpinyin 2.0-2 The SunPinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework. SunPinYin is a Statistical Language Model based pinyin IME by Sun. x86_64 Community stfl 0.21-2 Library implementing a curses-based widget set for text terminals x86_64 Community libnetfilter_conntrack 0.0.101-1 userspace library providing a programming interface (API) to the in-kernel connection tracking state table x86_64 Community fbpanel 6.0-1 NetWM compliant desktop panel x86_64 Community go 2010_03_22-1.1 Google Go compiler and tools (release version) x86_64 Community crafty 23.2-1 A chess playing/analysis program written by Dr. Robert Hyatt x86_64 Community fbreader 0.12.9-1 An e-book reader for Linux x86_64 Community gsql 0.2.2-1 Integrated database development tool for GNOME x86_64 Community zim 0.46-1 A WYSIWYG text editor that aims at bringing the concept of a wiki to the desktop. x86_64 Extra smb4k 0.10.6-1 A KDE program that browses samba shares x86_64 Extra cups 1.4.2-5 The CUPS Printing System - deamon package x86_64 Extra libcups 1.4.2-5 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers x86_64 Extra perl-fcgi 0.70-1 Fast CGI x86_64 Extra libgdiplus 2.6.2-1 An Open Source Implementation of the GDI+ API x86_64 Extra mod_mono 2.6.3-1 The mono module to make ASP.NET running on top of apache x86_64 Extra mono 2.6.3-1 Free implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler x86_64 Extra mono-basic 2.6.2-1 Mono Visual Basic.NET compiler x86_64 Extra mono-debugger 2.6.3-1 The Mono Debugger x86_64 Extra mono-tools 2.6.2-1 collection of testing and development tools for use with mono (including monodoc browser) x86_64 Extra monodevelop 2.2.2-1 A Mono port of SharpDevelop, a .NET Integrated Development Tool [MD 2.0 beta] x86_64 Extra monodevelop-debugger-gdb 2.2.1-1 Mono Debugger support x86_64 Extra monodevelop-debugger-mdb 2.2.1-1 Mono Debugger support x86_64 Extra php-suhosin 0.9.30-1 An advanced protection system for PHP installations x86_64 Extra xsp 2.6.3-1 A simple webserver based on mono - provides ASP.NET support x86_64 Extra gluezilla 2.6-2 Web browser implementation (Gecko) for Mono, the free .NET runtime x86_64 Extra cmake 2.8.1-1 A cross-platform open-source make system x86_64 Extra eclipse-ecj 3.5.2-1 Eclipse java bytecode compiler AURkey-mon 0.15-2python-rst2pdf 0.14.2-6mantiukhdr 0.3.6-1 junglediskdesktop 3.06-1cups-xerox 2008.01.21-1 lgob-svn 771-1lgob 10.03-1mpdscribble 0.19-1iraf 2.14-1 petite-chez-scheme-nothreads 8.0-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 27, 2010 Author Posted March 27, 2010 Updates for Friday 26, Mar 2010:Anyany Community perl-email-mime 1.903-3 Easy MIME message parsing any Community perl-email-simple 2.100-3 simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers any Community phoronix-test-suite 2.4.1-1 The most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux any Extra gsfonts 1.0.7pre44-2 Ghostscript standard Type1 fonts from URW i686i686 Core pcre 8.02-1 A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions i686 Community gaupol 0.15.1-1 An editor for text-based subtitles ibiru i686 Community pyinotify 20100326-1 Python bindings for inotify i686 Community mathomatic 15.0.6-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C i686 Extra openbox A window manager for the X11 windowing system i686 Extra spamassassin 3.3.1-1 A mail filter to identify spam. i686 Extra bluez 4.63-1 Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack x86_64x86_64 Core pcre 8.02-1 A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions x86_64 Community gaupol 0.15.1-1 An editor for text-based subtitles ibiru x86_64 Community pyinotify 20100326-1 Python bindings for inotify x86_64 Community mathomatic 15.0.6-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C x86_64 Extra openbox A window manager for the X11 windowing system x86_64 Extra spamassassin 3.3.1-1 A mail filter to identify spam. x86_64 Extra bluez 4.63-1 Libraries and tools for the Bluetooth protocol stack AURjdownloader-openjdk latest-1 shman 20100326-2 frozendepths 1.03-3 flashblock 1.5.13-1 flexget-svn 1212-1 opensonic 0.1.3-3 lib32-nvidia-utils-173xx 173.14.25-1 apcupsd-cli 3.14.8-1 prpltwtr 0.5.1-1 python-clyther alpha1.0-1Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 28, 2010 Author Posted March 28, 2010 Updates for Saturday 27, Mar 2010:Anyany Community python-simplejson 2.1.0-1 Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python any Extra docbook-xml 4.5-4 A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help i686i686 Core grep 2.6.1-1 A string search utility i686 Core binutils 2.20.1-1 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files i686 Core glibc 2.11.1-2 GNU C Library i686 Core linux-api-headers Kernel headers sanitized for use in userspace i686 Core ppl 0.10.2-3 A modern library for convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions. i686 Core cloog-ppl 0.15.8-1 Library that generates loops for scanning polyhedra i686 Core coreutils 8.4-2 The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system i686 Core gcc 4.4.3-2 The GNU Compiler Collection i686 Core gcc-ada 4.4.3-2 Ada front-end for GCC (GNAT) i686 Core gcc-fortran 4.4.3-2 Fortran front-end for GCC i686 Core gcc-libs 4.4.3-2 Runtime libraries shipped by GCC for C and C++ languages i686 Core gcc-objc 4.4.3-2 Objective-C front-end for GCC i686 Core gmp 5.0.1-1 A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic i686 Core libmpc 0.8.1-2 Library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision i686 Core mpfr 2.4.2-2 Multiple-precision floating-point library i686 Community qbittorrent 2.2.0-3 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library dgriffiths i686 Community ghemical 2.99.2-1 Computational chemistry package. i686 Community libghemical 2.99.1-1 Library containing computational chemistry facility of ghemical i686 Community fotoxx 9.9-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera i686 Community printoxx 2.5-2 Adjusting images on a sheet of paper for printing i686 Community apvlv A PDF Viewer which behaves like Vim i686 Community kmymoney2 1.0.3-1 Personal finance manager for KDE which operates similarly to MS-Money or Quicken i686 Community gnunet 0.8.1b-1 A framework for secure peer-to-peer networking i686 Community haskell-http 4000.0.9-4 A library for client-side HTTP i686 Community lilypond 2.12.3-2 An automated music engraving system i686 Community mailutils 2.1-2 MUA command line tool (mailx) i686 Community mingw32-gcc 4.4.0-2 A C and C++ cross-compilers for building Windows executables on Linux i686 Community mingw32-gcc-base 4.4.0-2 A C cross-compiler for building Windows executables on Linux i686 Community parrot 2.2.0-2 standalone virtual machine that can be used to execute bytecode compiled dynamic languages i686 Community php52 5.2.13-4 A high-level scripting language i686 Community xmobar 0.9.2-2 A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar i686 Community xmonad 0.9.1-3 A lightweight X11 tiled window manager written in Haskell i686 Community alex 2.3.1-3 a lexical analyser generator for Haskell i686 Community aqbanking 4.2.4-2 A library for online banking and financial applications i686 Community beast 0.7.1-3 A music composition and modular synthesis application dgriffiths i686 Community cabal-install 0.8.0-2 The command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage. i686 Community classpath 0.98-3 A free replacement for Sun's proprietary core Java class libraries. i686 Community cross-arm-elf-gcc-base 4.4.3-2 The GNU Compiler Collection i686 Community freetalk 3.2-4 A console based Jabber client i686 Community gcc-avr 4.4.1-2 The GNU avr Compiler Collection i686 Extra deluge 1.2.3-1 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk i686 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.0-1 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around i686 Extra mkvtoolnix 3.3.0-1 Set of tools to create, edit and inspect Matroska files i686 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.1-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol i686 Extra telepathy-salut 0.3.11-1 A link-local XMPP connection manager for Telepathy i686 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m14-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leeding to next stable release i686 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m14-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkg i686 Extra php-pgsql 5.3.2-3 PostgreSQL modules for PHP i686 Extra php-pspell 5.3.2-3 pspell module for PHP i686 Extra php-snmp 5.3.2-3 snmp module for PHP i686 Extra php-sqlite 5.3.2-3 sqlite3 module for PHP i686 Extra php-tidy 5.3.2-3 tidy module for PHP i686 Extra php-xsl 5.3.2-3 xsl module for PHP i686 Extra kdeutils-printer-applet 4.4.1-2 System tray icon for managing print jobs i686 Extra kdeutils-superkaramba 4.4.1-2 An engine for cool desktop eyecandy. i686 Extra kdeutils-sweeper 4.4.1-2 System Cleaner i686 Extra php 5.3.2-3 An HTML-embedded scripting language i686 Extra php-apache 5.3.2-3 Apache SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-cgi 5.3.2-3 CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-curl 5.3.2-3 curl module for PHP i686 Extra php-embed 5.3.2-3 Embed SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-enchant 5.3.2-3 enchant module for PHP i686 Extra php-gd 5.3.2-3 gd module for PHP i686 Extra php-gmp 5.3.2-3 gmp module for PHP i686 Extra php-intl 5.3.2-3 intl module for PHP i686 Extra php-ldap 5.3.2-3 ldap module for PHP i686 Extra php-mcrypt 5.3.2-3 mcrypt module for PHP i686 Extra php-odbc 5.3.2-3 ODBC modules for PHP i686 Extra php-pear 5.3.2-3 PHP Extension and Application Repository i686 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.1-2 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network i686 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.1-2 Network Services i686 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.1-2 Download Manager i686 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.1-2 Instant Messenger i686 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.1-2 Internet Dial-Up Tool i686 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.1-2 Remote Desktop Client i686 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.1-2 Desktop Sharing i686 Extra kdeutils-ark 4.4.1-2 Archiving Tool i686 Extra kdeutils-kcalc 4.4.1-2 Scientific Calculator i686 Extra kdeutils-kcharselect 4.4.1-2 Character Selector i686 Extra kdeutils-kdelirc 4.4.1-2 Configure your remote controls for use with applications i686 Extra kdeutils-kdf 4.4.1-2 View Disk Usage i686 Extra kdeutils-kfloppy 4.4.1-2 Floppy Formatter i686 Extra kdeutils-kgpg 4.4.1-2 A GnuPG frontend i686 Extra kdeutils-ktimer 4.4.1-2 Countdown Launcher i686 Extra kdeutils-kwallet 4.4.1-2 Wallet Management Tool i686 Extra kdeutils-okteta 4.4.1-2 Hex Editor i686 Extra pycrypto 2.0.1-4 A collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, implemented for use from Python. i686 Extra sawfish 1.6.2-2 An extensible window manager using a Lisp-based scripting language i686 Extra swi-prolog 5.6.64-5 Prolog environmentx86_64x86_64 Core grep 2.6.1-1 A string search utility x86_64 Core binutils 2.20.1-1 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files x86_64 Core cloog-ppl 0.15.8-1 Library that generates loops for scanning polyhedra x86_64 Core coreutils 8.4-2 The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system x86_64 Core gcc 4.4.3-2 The GNU Compiler Collection x86_64 Core gcc-ada 4.4.3-2 Ada front-end for GCC (GNAT) x86_64 Core gcc-fortran 4.4.3-2 Fortran front-end for GCC x86_64 Core gcc-libs 4.4.3-2 Runtime libraries shipped by GCC for C and C++ languages x86_64 Core gcc-objc 4.4.3-2 Objective-C front-end for GCC x86_64 Core glibc 2.11.1-2 GNU C Library x86_64 Core gmp 5.0.1-1 A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic x86_64 Core libmpc 0.8.1-2 Library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision x86_64 Core linux-api-headers Kernel headers sanitized for use in userspace x86_64 Core mpfr 2.4.2-2 Multiple-precision floating-point library x86_64 Core ppl 0.10.2-3 A modern library for convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions. x86_64 Community qbittorrent 2.2.0-3 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library dgriffiths x86_64 Community lib32-avahi 0.6.25-3.1 A multicast/unicast DNS-SD framework x86_64 Community lib32-gtk2 2.18.9-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Community lib32-libcups 1.4.2-5 The CUPS Printing System x86_64 Community lib32-libtasn1 2.5-1 The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS x86_64 Community lib32-libxt 1.0.8-1 X11 toolkit intrinsics library x86_64 Community lib32-openssl 0.9.8n-1 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security x86_64 Community lib32-pcre 8.02-1 A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions x86_64 Community lib32-qt 4.6.2-2 The QT gui toolkit. x86_64 Community lib32-sqlite3 3.6.23-1 A C library that implements an SQL database engine x86_64 Community libghemical 2.99.1-1 Library containing computational chemistry facility of ghemical x86_64 Community ghemical 2.99.2-1 Computational chemistry package. x86_64 Community lib32-dbus-core 1.2.24-1 message bus system x86_64 Community lib32-gcc-libs 4.4.3-2 The GNU Compiler Collection x86_64 Community lib32-glib2 2.22.5-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs x86_64 Community lib32-gnutls 2.8.6-1 A library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer x86_64 Community lib32-libcap 2.19-1 POSIX 1003.1e capabilities - 32bit version x86_64 Community fotoxx 9.9-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera x86_64 Community printoxx 2.5-2 Adjusting images on a sheet of paper for printing x86_64 Community apvlv A PDF Viewer which behaves like Vim x86_64 Community kmymoney2 1.0.3-1 Personal finance manager for KDE which operates similarly to MS-Money or Quicken x86_64 Community beast 0.7.1-3 A music composition and modular synthesis application dgriffiths x86_64 Community cabal-install 0.8.0-2 The command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage. x86_64 Community classpath 0.98-3 A free replacement for Sun's proprietary core Java class libraries. x86_64 Community cross-arm-elf-gcc-base 4.4.3-2 The GNU Compiler Collection x86_64 Community freetalk 3.2-4 A console based Jabber client x86_64 Community gcc-avr 4.4.1-2 The GNU avr Compiler Collection x86_64 Community gnunet 0.8.1b-1 A framework for secure peer-to-peer networking x86_64 Community haskell-http 4000.0.9-4 A library for client-side HTTP x86_64 Community lilypond 2.12.3-2 An automated music engraving system x86_64 Community mailutils 2.1-2 MUA command line tool (mailx) x86_64 Community mingw32-gcc 4.4.0-2 A C and C++ cross-compilers for building Windows executables on Linux x86_64 Community mingw32-gcc-base 4.4.0-2 A C cross-compiler for building Windows executables on Linux x86_64 Community parrot 2.2.0-2 standalone virtual machine that can be used to execute bytecode compiled dynamic languages x86_64 Community php52 5.2.13-4 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Community xmobar 0.9.2-2 A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar x86_64 Community xmonad 0.9.1-3 A lightweight X11 tiled window manager written in Haskell x86_64 Community alex 2.3.1-3 a lexical analyser generator for Haskell x86_64 Community aqbanking 4.2.4-2 A library for online banking and financial applications x86_64 Extra deluge 1.2.3-1 A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk x86_64 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.0-1 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around x86_64 Extra mkvtoolnix 3.3.0-1 Set of tools to create, edit and inspect Matroska files x86_64 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.1-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol x86_64 Extra telepathy-salut 0.3.11-1 A link-local XMPP connection manager for Telepathy x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m14-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkg x86_64 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m14-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leeding to next stable release x86_64 Extra php-ldap 5.3.2-3 ldap module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-mcrypt 5.3.2-3 mcrypt module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-odbc 5.3.2-3 ODBC modules for PHP x86_64 Extra php-pear 5.3.2-3 PHP Extension and Application Repository x86_64 Extra php-pgsql 5.3.2-3 PostgreSQL modules for PHP x86_64 Extra php-pspell 5.3.2-3 pspell module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-snmp 5.3.2-3 snmp module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-sqlite 5.3.2-3 sqlite3 module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-tidy 5.3.2-3 tidy module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-xsl 5.3.2-3 xsl module for PHP x86_64 Extra pycrypto 2.0.1-4 A collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, implemented for use from Python. x86_64 Extra sawfish 1.6.2-2 An extensible window manager using a Lisp-based scripting language x86_64 Extra swi-prolog 5.6.64-5 Prolog environment x86_64 Extra texmacs GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was both inspired by TeX and GNU Emacs. WYSIWYG editor TeX-fonts and CAS-interface (Giac, GTybalt, Macaulay 2, Maxima, Octave, Pari, Qcl, R and Yacas) in one. x86_64 Extra xbindkeys 1.8.3-2 Launch shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse under X x86_64 Extra haskell-xhtml 3000.2.0.1-3 Combinators for producing XHTML 1.0, including the Strict, Transitional and Frameset variants. x86_64 Extra haskell-zlib Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.1-2 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.1-2 Network Services x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.1-2 Download Manager x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.1-2 Instant Messenger x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.1-2 Internet Dial-Up Tool x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.1-2 Remote Desktop Client x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.1-2 Desktop Sharing x86_64 Extra kdeutils-ark 4.4.1-2 Archiving Tool x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kcalc 4.4.1-2 Scientific Calculator x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kcharselect 4.4.1-2 Character Selector x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kdelirc 4.4.1-2 Configure your remote controls for use with applications x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kdf 4.4.1-2 View Disk Usage x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kfloppy 4.4.1-2 Floppy Formatter x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kgpg 4.4.1-2 A GnuPG frontend x86_64 Extra kdeutils-ktimer 4.4.1-2 Countdown Launcher x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kwallet 4.4.1-2 Wallet Management Tool x86_64 Extra kdeutils-okteta 4.4.1-2 Hex Editor x86_64 Extra kdeutils-printer-applet 4.4.1-2 System tray icon for managing print jobs x86_64 Extra kdeutils-superkaramba 4.4.1-2 An engine for cool desktop eyecandy. x86_64 Extra kdeutils-sweeper 4.4.1-2 System Cleaner x86_64 Extra ktorrent 3.3.4-2 A BitTorrent program for KDE x86_64 Extra librep 0.90.5-2 A Lisp system for UNIX x86_64 Extra php 5.3.2-3 An HTML-embedded scripting language x86_64 Extra php-apache 5.3.2-3 Apache SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-cgi 5.3.2-3 CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-curl 5.3.2-3 curl module for PHP AURpacker 20100327-1 lame-recursive 1.0-1unetbootin 424-1 clementine-svn 524-1pyblosxom-new 1.5rc1-1q4wine 0.117.r7-1 wine-pulse 1.1.41-1 ubuntu-mono 0.0.11-1light-themes 1.03-3 Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 29, 2010 Author Posted March 29, 2010 Updates for Sunday 28, Mar 2010:Anyany Community python-docs 2.6.5-1 Set of HTML documentation for python. any Community ipython 0.10-4 An enhanced Interactive Python shell. any Community ipython-docs 0.10-4 Documentation and examples for IPython any Extra aif 2010.03.25-1 The ArchLinux Installation Framework i686i686 Community fbreader 0.12.9-2 An e-book reader for Linux i686 Community gmime22 2.2.26-1 Core mime parsing library i686 Community liblinebreak 2.0-1 An implementation of the line breaking algorithm as described in Unicode 5.2.0 Standard Annex 14, Revision 24 i686 Community qbittorrent 2.2.2-1 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library i686 Extra bind 9.7.0.P1-1 Berkeley Internet Name Domain - named server i686 Extra expect A tool for automating interactive applications i686 Extra expectk An X and Tk variant of expect, a tool for automating interactive applications i686 Extra php-suhosin 0.9.31-1 An advanced protection system for PHP installations i686 Extra gtk-doc 1.14-1 Documentation tool for public library API i686 Extra xfce4-notes-plugin 1.7.3-1 A notes plugin for the Xfce4 panel i686 Extra gmime 2.4.15-1 Core mime parsing library i686 Extra lftp 4.0.6-1 Sophisticated command line based FTP client i686 Extra php 5.3.2-4 An HTML-embedded scripting language i686 Extra php-apache 5.3.2-4 Apache SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-cgi 5.3.2-4 CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-curl 5.3.2-4 curl module for PHP i686 Extra php-embed 5.3.2-4 Embed SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-enchant 5.3.2-4 enchant module for PHP i686 Extra php-gd 5.3.2-4 gd module for PHP i686 Extra php-gmp 5.3.2-4 gmp module for PHP i686 Extra php-intl 5.3.2-4 intl module for PHP i686 Extra php-ldap 5.3.2-4 ldap module for PHP i686 Extra php-mcrypt 5.3.2-4 mcrypt module for PHP i686 Extra php-odbc 5.3.2-4 ODBC modules for PHP i686 Extra php-pear 5.3.2-4 PHP Extension and Application Repository i686 Extra php-pgsql 5.3.2-4 PostgreSQL modules for PHP i686 Extra php-pspell 5.3.2-4 pspell module for PHP i686 Extra php-snmp 5.3.2-4 snmp module for PHP i686 Extra php-sqlite 5.3.2-4 sqlite3 module for PHP i686 Extra php-tidy 5.3.2-4 tidy module for PHP i686 Extra php-xsl 5.3.2-4 xsl module for PHP i686 Extra libxml2 2.7.7-1 XML parsing library, version 2 i686 Extra audacious 2.2-5 Media player based on BMP x86_64x86_64 Community fbreader 0.12.9-2 An e-book reader for Linux x86_64 Community gmime22 2.2.26-1 Core mime parsing library x86_64 Community liblinebreak 2.0-1 An implementation of the line breaking algorithm as described in Unicode 5.2.0 Standard Annex 14, Revision 24 x86_64 Community qbittorrent 2.2.2-1 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library x86_64 Extra bind 9.7.0.P1-1 Berkeley Internet Name Domain - named server x86_64 Extra expect A tool for automating interactive applications x86_64 Extra expectk An X and Tk variant of expect, a tool for automating interactive applications x86_64 Extra php-suhosin 0.9.31-1 An advanced protection system for PHP installations x86_64 Extra gtk-doc 1.14-1 Documentation tool for public library API x86_64 Extra xfce4-notes-plugin 1.7.3-1 A notes plugin for the Xfce4 panel x86_64 Extra gmime 2.4.15-1 Core mime parsing library x86_64 Extra lftp 4.0.6-1 Sophisticated command line based FTP client x86_64 Extra php-pgsql 5.3.2-4 PostgreSQL modules for PHP x86_64 Extra php-pspell 5.3.2-4 pspell module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-snmp 5.3.2-4 snmp module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-sqlite 5.3.2-4 sqlite3 module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-tidy 5.3.2-4 tidy module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-xsl 5.3.2-4 xsl module for PHP x86_64 Extra php 5.3.2-4 An HTML-embedded scripting language x86_64 Extra php-apache 5.3.2-4 Apache SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-cgi 5.3.2-4 CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-curl 5.3.2-4 curl module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-embed 5.3.2-4 Embed SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-enchant 5.3.2-4 enchant module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-gd 5.3.2-4 gd module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-gmp 5.3.2-4 gmp module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-intl 5.3.2-4 intl module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-ldap 5.3.2-4 ldap module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-mcrypt 5.3.2-4 mcrypt module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-odbc 5.3.2-4 ODBC modules for PHP x86_64 Extra php-pear 5.3.2-4 PHP Extension and Application Repository x86_64 Extra libxml2 2.7.7-1 XML parsing library, version 2 x86_64 Extra audacious 2.2-5 Media player based on BMP AURopen-sasc-ng 544-1 chromium-browser-svn 2010-34gereqi-git 20100329-1lib32-libnl 1.1-1 pidgin-gfire-svn 425-1reggie-git 20100328-2reggie 1-3guitarix 0.07.0-1nimrod 0.8.8-1libnxt 0.3-Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 30, 2010 Author Posted March 30, 2010 Updates for Monday 29, Mar 2010:Anyany Community openttd-opengfx 0.2.2-1 Free graphics set for openttd any Community openttd-opensfx 0.2.2-1 Free sound set for openttd i686i686 Community ibus-sogoupycc A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. i686 Community webfs 1.21-4 Simple http server for mostly static content. i686 Community jre 6u18-2 Sun's java runtime environment i686 Extra xfce4-notes-plugin 1.7.4-1 A notes plugin for the Xfce4 panel i686 Extra xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.0.0-1 A lm_sensors plugin for the Xfce panel i686 Extra chromium 5.0.342.8-1 The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser. x86_64x86_64 Community ibus-sogoupycc A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. x86_64 Community webfs 1.21-4 Simple http server for mostly static content. x86_64 Community jre 6u18-2 Sun's java runtime environment x86_64 Extra xfce4-notes-plugin 1.7.4-1 A notes plugin for the Xfce4 panel x86_64 Extra xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.0.0-1 A lm_sensors plugin for the Xfce panel x86_64 Extra chromium 5.0.342.8-1 The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser. AURcouchdb 0.11.0-1beclock 0.7-1 riifs 1.02-1 metagoofil 1.4a-1 batctl 0.2.1-1kernel26-ck 11288-1 batman-adv 0.2.1-1gimp-studio 1.4-1 bleachbit-svn 1706-1Thanks
securitybreach Posted March 31, 2010 Author Posted March 31, 2010 Updates for Tuesday 30, Mar 2010:Anyany Community gpodder 2.4-1 A podcast reciever/catcher any Extra imagemagick-doc The ImageMagick documentation (utilities manuals and libraries API) any Extra thunderbird-nb 3.0.4-1 Norwegian (Bokmal) language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-nl 3.0.4-1 Dutch language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-nn 3.0.4-1 Norwegian (Nynorsk) language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-pa 3.0.4-1 Punjabi language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-pl 3.0.4-1 Polish language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-pt 3.0.4-1 Portuguese language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-pt-br 3.0.4-1 Portoguese (Brasil) language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-ro 3.0.4-1 Romanian language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-ru 3.0.4-1 Russian language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-sk 3.0.4-1 Slovak language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-sv 3.0.4-1 Swedish language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-tr 3.0.4-1 Turkish language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-uk 3.0.4-1 Ukrainian language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-zh-cn 3.0.4-1 Chinese (simplified) language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-zh-tw 3.0.4-1 Chinese (traditional) language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-ga 3.0.4-1 Irish language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-he 3.0.4-1 Hebrew language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-hu 3.0.4-1 Hungarian language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-it 3.0.4-1 Italian language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-ja 3.0.4-1 Japanese language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-ko 3.0.4-1 Korean language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-lt 3.0.4-1 Lithuanian language packs for Thunderbird any Extra kde-l10n-pa 4.4.2-1 Panjabi/Punjabi Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-pl 4.4.2-1 Polish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-pt 4.4.2-1 Portuguese Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-pt_br 4.4.2-1 Brazilian Portuguese Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ro 4.4.2-1 Romanian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ru 4.4.2-1 Russian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-si 4.4.2-1 Sinhala Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-sk 4.4.2-1 Slovak Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-sl 4.4.2-1 Slovenian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-sr 4.4.2-1 Serbian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-tg 4.4.2-1 Tajik Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-tr 4.4.2-1 Turkish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-uk 4.4.2-1 Ukrainian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-wa 4.4.2-1 Walloon Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-zh_cn 4.4.2-1 Chinese Simplified Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-zh_tw 4.4.2-1 Chinese Traditional Localization for KDE any Extra thunderbird-af 3.0.4-1 Afrikaans (South Africa) language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-be 3.0.4-1 Belarusian language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-bg 3.0.4-1 Bulgarian language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-ca 3.0.4-1 Catalan language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-cs 3.0.4-1 Czech language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-da 3.0.4-1 Danish language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-de 3.0.4-1 German language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-el 3.0.4-1 Greek language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-en-gb 3.0.4-1 English (GB) language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-es 3.0.4-1 Spanish language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-es-ar 3.0.4-1 Spanish (AR) language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-eu 3.0.4-1 Basque language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-fi 3.0.4-1 Finnish language packs for Thunderbird any Extra thunderbird-fr 3.0.4-1 French language packs for Thunderbird any Extra kde-l10n-eu 4.4.2-1 Basque Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-fi 4.4.2-1 Finnish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-fr 4.4.2-1 French Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-fy 4.4.2-1 Frisian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ga 4.4.2-1 Irish Gaelic Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-gl 4.4.2-1 Galician Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-gu 4.4.2-1 Gujarati Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-he 4.4.2-1 Hebrew Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-hi 4.4.2-1 Hindi Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-hr 4.4.2-1 Croatian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-hu 4.4.2-1 Hungarian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-id 4.4.2-1 Indonesian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-is 4.4.2-1 Icelandic Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-it 4.4.2-1 Italian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ja 4.4.2-1 Japanese Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-kk 4.4.2-1 Kazakh Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-km 4.4.2-1 Khmer Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-kn 4.4.2-1 Kannada Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ko 4.4.2-1 Korean Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-lt 4.4.2-1 Lithuanian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-lv 4.4.2-1 Latvian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-mai 4.4.2-1 Maithili Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-mk 4.4.2-1 Macedonian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ml 4.4.2-1 Malayalam Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-nb 4.4.2-1 Norwegian Bokmal Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-nds 4.4.2-1 Low Saxon Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-nl 4.4.2-1 Dutch Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-nn 4.4.2-1 Norwegian Nynorsk Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ar 4.4.2-1 Arabic Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-bg 4.4.2-1 Bulgarian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ca 4.4.2-1 Catalan Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-ca@valencia 4.4.2-1 Catalan (Valencian) Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-cs 4.4.2-1 Czech Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-csb 4.4.2-1 Kashubian Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-da 4.4.2-1 Danish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-de 4.4.2-1 German Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-el 4.4.2-1 Greek Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-en_gb 4.4.2-1 British English Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-eo 4.4.2-1 Esperanto Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-es 4.4.2-1 Spanish Localization for KDE any Extra kde-l10n-et 4.4.2-1 Estonian Localization for KDE any Community python-webpy 0.34-1 A simple but powerful web framework for python any Extra oxygen-icons 4.4.2-1 The Oxygen Icon Theme any Extra oxygen-icons-svg 4.4.2-1 The Oxygen Icon Theme (Scalable Vector Graphics) any Community gramps 3.2.0-2 A genealogy program for Linux. i686i686 Core mlocate 0.22.4-1 Faster merging drop-in for slocate i686 Core grep 2.6.2-1 A string search utility i686 Core tzdata 2010g-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data i686 Extra chromium 5.0.342.8-2 The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser. i686 Extra kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement 1109266-1 KDE4 Network Management and plasmoid i686 Extra conky 1.8.0-1 An advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo i686 Extra seamonkey 2.0.4-1 SeaMonkey internet suite i686 Extra imagemagick An image viewing/manipulation program i686 Extra thunderbird 3.0.4-1 Standalone Mail/News reader i686 Extra kdewebdev-kfilereplace 4.4.2-1 Search & Replace Tool i686 Extra kdewebdev-kimagemapeditor 4.4.2-1 HTML Image Map Editor i686 Extra kdewebdev-klinkstatus 4.4.2-1 Link Checker i686 Extra kdewebdev-kommander 4.4.2-1 Executor for Kommander dialogs i686 Extra kdesdk-kate 4.4.2-1 Advanced Text Editor i686 Extra kdesdk-kbugbuster 4.4.2-1 KDE Bug Management i686 Extra kdesdk-kcachegrind 4.4.2-1 Visualization of Performance Profiling Data i686 Extra kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin 4.4.2-1 KDE Repository Accounts i686 Extra kdesdk-kdepalettes 4.4.2-1 Palettes for the Gimp that match the KDE standard color palette i686 Extra kdesdk-kioslave 4.4.2-1 KDED Subversion Module i686 Extra kdesdk-kmtrace 4.4.2-1 A KDE tool to assist with malloc debugging using glibc´s "mtrace" functionality i686 Extra kdesdk-kompare 4.4.2-1 Diff/Patch Frontend i686 Extra kdesdk-kpartloader 4.4.2-1 A test application for KParts i686 Extra kdesdk-kprofilemethod 4.4.2-1 Macros helping to profile i686 Extra kdesdk-kstartperf 4.4.2-1 Startup time measurement tool for KDE applications i686 Extra kdesdk-kuiviewer 4.4.2-1 Qt Designer UI File Viewer i686 Extra kdesdk-lokalize 4.4.2-1 Computer-Aided Translation System i686 Extra kdesdk-poxml 4.4.2-1 Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files i686 Extra kdesdk-scripts 4.4.2-1 KDE SDK scripts i686 Extra kdesdk-strigi-analyzer 4.4.2-1 Strigi-Analyzer for KDE SDK i686 Extra kdesdk-umbrello 4.4.2-1 UML Modeller i686 Extra kdetoys-amor 4.4.2-1 On-Screen Creature i686 Extra kdetoys-kteatime 4.4.2-1 Tea Cooker i686 Extra kdetoys-ktux 4.4.2-1 KTux i686 Extra kdetoys-kweather 4.4.2-1 A weather reporting panel applet i686 Extra kdeutils-ark 4.4.2-1 Archiving Tool i686 Extra kdeutils-kcalc 4.4.2-1 Scientific Calculator i686 Extra kdeutils-kcharselect 4.4.2-1 Character Selector i686 Extra kdeutils-kdelirc 4.4.2-1 Configure your remote controls for use with applications i686 Extra kdeutils-kdf 4.4.2-1 View Disk Usage i686 Extra kdeutils-kfloppy 4.4.2-1 Floppy Formatter i686 Extra kdeutils-kgpg 4.4.2-1 A GnuPG frontend i686 Extra kdeutils-ktimer 4.4.2-1 Countdown Launcher i686 Extra kdeutils-kwallet 4.4.2-1 Wallet Management Tool i686 Extra kdeutils-okteta 4.4.2-1 Hex Editor i686 Extra kdeutils-printer-applet 4.4.2-1 System tray icon for managing print jobs i686 Extra kdeutils-superkaramba 4.4.2-1 An engine for cool desktop eyecandy. i686 Extra kdeutils-sweeper 4.4.2-1 System Cleaner i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop 4.4.2-1 Communicate using the Social Desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop-activities 4.4.2-1 Stay informed with the Social Desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-paste 4.4.2-1 Paste text snippets i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-pastebin 4.4.2-1 Paste text/images to a remote server i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-plasmaboard 4.4.2-1 A virtual, on-screen keyboard i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-previewer 4.4.2-1 Quickly preview a variety of files i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-qalculate 4.4.2-1 A powerful mathematical equation solver i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-rememberthemilk 4.4.2-1 Remember The Milk Todo list applet i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-rssnow 4.4.2-1 Show news from various sources i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdashboard 4.4.2-1 Show the Plasma widget dashboard above other windows i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdesktop 4.4.2-1 Show the Plasma desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-spellcheck 4.4.2-1 Fast spell checking i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-systemloadviewer 4.4.2-1 Tiny CPU/RAM/Swap monitor i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-timer 4.4.2-1 Countdown over a specified time period i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-unitconverter 4.4.2-1 Plasmoid for converting units i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-weather 4.4.2-1 Displays Weather information i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-weatherstation 4.4.2-1 Weather reports with an LCD display style i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-webslice 4.4.2-1 Show a part of a webpage i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-libs 4.4.2-1 Plasma Addon Library i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-audioplayercontrol 4.4.2-1 Allows to control MPRIS audio players (it is able to search through Amarok´s collection, too) i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-browserhistory 4.4.2-1 Searches in Konqueror´s history 2i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-contacts 4.4.2-1 Finds entries in your address book i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter 4.4.2-1 Convert values to different units i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-katesessions 4.4.2-1 Matches Kate Sessions i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-konquerorsessions 4.4.2-1 Matches Konqueror Sessions i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-konsolesessions 4.4.2-1 Matches Konsole Sessions i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-kopete 4.4.2-1 Kopete Contact runner i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-mediawiki 4.4.2-1 Search on KDE´s TechBase i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker 4.4.2-1 Check the spelling of a word i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-mandelbrot 4.4.2-1 Mandelbrot i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-marble 4.4.2-1 Globe i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-pattern 4.4.2-1 Pattern i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-virus 4.4.2-1 Virus i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-weather 4.4.2-1 Weather i686 Extra kdesdk-cervisia 4.4.2-1 CVS Frontend i686 Extra kdesdk-kapptemplate 4.4.2-1 KDE Template Generator i686 Extra kdepim-knotes 4.4.2-1 Popup Notes i686 Extra kdepim-kontact 4.4.2-1 Personal Information Manager i686 Extra kdepim-korganizer 4.4.2-1 Calendar and Scheduling Program i686 Extra kdepim-kresources 4.4.2-1 KDE PIM resources i686 Extra kdepim-ktimetracker 4.4.2-1 Personal Time Tracker i686 Extra kdepim-libkdepim 4.4.2-1 Library for KDE PIM i686 Extra kdepim-runtime 4.4.2-1 KDE PIM Runtime Environment i686 Extra kdepim-wizards 4.4.2-1 KDE Groupware Wizard i686 Extra kdepimlibs 4.4.2-1 KDE PIM Libraries i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball 4.4.2-1 A bouncy ball for plasma i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-binary-clock 4.4.2-1 Time displayed in binary format i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-blackboard 4.4.2-1 Black Board i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-bubblemon 4.4.2-1 A pretty bubble that monitors your system. i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-calculator 4.4.2-1 Calculate simple sums i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-charselect 4.4.2-1 View, select, and copy characters from a font collection i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-comic 4.4.2-1 View comic strips from the Internet i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-dict 4.4.2-1 Look up the meaning of words and their translation into different languages i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-eyes 4.4.2-1 XEyes clone i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-fifteenpuzzle 4.4.2-1 Put the pieces in order i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-filewatcher 4.4.2-1 Watch for changes in specified files i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-frame 4.4.2-1 Display your favorite pictures i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-fuzzy-clock 4.4.2-1 Time displayed in a less precise format i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-incomingmsg 4.4.2-1 Notification of new messages i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kdeobservatory 4.4.2-1 Visualize the KDE ecosystem i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kimpanel 4.4.2-1 A generic input method panel for Oriental languages i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-knowledgebase 4.4.2-1 Opendesktop Knowledgebase i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kolourpicker 4.4.2-1 Pick a color from the desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-konqprofiles 4.4.2-1 List and launch Konqueror profiles i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-konsoleprofiles 4.4.2-1 List and launch Konsole profiles i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-lancelot 4.4.2-1 Launcher to start applications i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-leavenote 4.4.2-1 Leave notes for users while they are away i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-life 4.4.2-1 Life i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-luna 4.4.2-1 Display moon phases for your location i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-magnifique 4.4.2-1 A magnification glass for the Plasma desktop i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-mediaplayer 4.4.2-1 Widget that can play video and sound i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-microblog 4.4.2-1 Update and view your microblog status. i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-news 4.4.2-1 Show news from various sources i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-notes 4.4.2-1 Desktop sticky notes i686 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-nowplaying 4.4.2-1 Displays currently playing audio i686 Extra kdegraphics-kruler 4.4.2-1 Screen Ruler i686 Extra kdegraphics-ksnapshot 4.4.2-1 Screen Capture Program i686 Extra kdegraphics-libs 4.4.2-1 Support library for KDE Graphics Software i686 Extra kdegraphics-okular 4.4.2-1 Document Viewer i686 Extra kdelibs 4.4.2-1 KDE Core Libraries i686 Extra kdemultimedia-dragonplayer 4.4.2-1 Video Player i686 Extra kdemultimedia-juk 4.4.2-1 Music Player i686 Extra kdemultimedia-kioslave 4.4.2-1 Audio CD Browser i686 Extra kdemultimedia-kmix 4.4.2-1 Sound Mixer i686 Extra kdemultimedia-kscd 4.4.2-1 CD Player i686 Extra kdemultimedia-mplayerthumbs 4.4.2-1 Video Files (MPlayerThumbs) i686 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.2-1 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network i686 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.2-1 Network Services i686 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.2-1 Download Manager i686 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.2-1 Instant Messenger i686 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.2-1 Internet Dial-Up Tool i686 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.2-1 Remote Desktop Client i686 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.2-1 Desktop Sharing i686 Extra kdepim-akonadiconsole 4.4.2-1 Akonadi Management and Debugging Console i686 Extra kdepim-akregator 4.4.2-1 A Feed Reader for KDE i686 Extra kdepim-blogilo 4.4.2-1 A KDE Blogging Client i686 Extra kdepim-console 4.4.2-1 Command line tool for accessing calendar files i686 Extra kdepim-kaddressbook 4.4.2-1 Contact Manager i686 Extra kdepim-kalarm 4.4.2-1 Personal Alarm Scheduler i686 Extra kdepim-kjots 4.4.2-1 Note Taker i686 Extra kdepim-kleopatra 4.4.2-1 Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI i686 Extra kdepim-kmail 4.4.2-1 Mail Client i686 Extra kdepim-knode 4.4.2-1 News Reader i686 Extra kdegames-kblackbox 4.4.2-1 Blackbox Logic Game i686 Extra kdegames-kblocks 4.4.2-1 Falling Blocks Game i686 Extra kdegames-kbounce 4.4.2-1 Ball Bouncing Game i686 Extra kdegames-kbreakout 4.4.2-1 Breakout-like Game i686 Extra kdegames-kdiamond 4.4.2-1 Three-in-a-row game i686 Extra kdegames-kfourinline 4.4.2-1 Four-in-a-row Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-kgoldrunner 4.4.2-1 A game of action and puzzle-solving i686 Extra kdegames-kigo 4.4.2-1 Go Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-killbots 4.4.2-1 Killbots i686 Extra kdegames-kiriki 4.4.2-1 Yahtzee-like Dice Game i686 Extra kdegames-kjumpingcube 4.4.2-1 Territory Capture Game i686 Extra kdegames-klines 4.4.2-1 Tactical Game i686 Extra kdegames-kmahjongg 4.4.2-1 Mahjongg Solitaire i686 Extra kdegames-kmines 4.4.2-1 Minesweeper-like Game i686 Extra kdegames-knetwalk 4.4.2-1 Network Construction Game i686 Extra kdegames-kolf 4.4.2-1 Miniature Golf i686 Extra kdegames-kollision 4.4.2-1 A simple ball dodging game i686 Extra kdegames-konquest 4.4.2-1 Galactic Strategy Game i686 Extra kdegames-kpat 4.4.2-1 Patience Card Game i686 Extra kdegames-kreversi 4.4.2-1 Reversi Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-ksame 4.4.2-1 Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-kshisen 4.4.2-1 Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like Tile Game i686 Extra kdegames-ksirk 4.4.2-1 World Domination Strategy Game i686 Extra kdegames-kspaceduel 4.4.2-1 Space Arcade Game i686 Extra kdegames-ksquares 4.4.2-1 Connect the dots to create squares i686 Extra kdegames-ksudoku 4.4.2-1 KSudoku, Sudoku game & more for KDE i686 Extra kdegames-ktron 4.4.2-1 Tron-like Game i686 Extra kdegames-ktuberling 4.4.2-1 Picture Game for Children i686 Extra kdegames-kubrick 4.4.2-1 A 3-D game based on Rubik´s Cube i686 Extra kdegames-libkdegames 4.4.2-1 KDE game library i686 Extra kdegames-libkmahjongg 4.4.2-1 Library used for loading and rendering of Mahjongg tilesets. i686 Extra kdegames-lskat 4.4.2-1 Card Game i686 Extra kdegames-palapeli 4.4.2-1 Jigsaw puzzle game i686 Extra kdegraphics-gwenview 4.4.2-1 A simple image viewer i686 Extra kdegraphics-kamera 4.4.2-1 Configure Kamera i686 Extra kdegraphics-kcolorchooser 4.4.2-1 Color Chooser i686 Extra kdegraphics-kgamma 4.4.2-1 A monitor calibration tool i686 Extra kdegraphics-kolourpaint 4.4.2-1 Paint Program i686 Extra kdebase-runtime 4.4.2-1 KDE Base Runtime Environment i686 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.2-1 KDE Base Workspace i686 Extra kdebindings-csharp 4.4.2-1 KDE bindings for mono i686 Extra kdebindings-python 4.4.2-1 KDE bindings for python i686 Extra kdebindings-ruby 4.4.2-1 KDE bindings for ruby i686 Extra kdebindings-smoke 4.4.2-1 Language independent library for Qt and KDE bindings i686 Extra kdeedu-blinken 4.4.2-1 A memory enhancement game i686 Extra kdeedu-cantor 4.4.2-1 KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software i686 Extra kdeedu-data 4.4.2-1 Data for KDE Educational Software i686 Extra kdeedu-kalgebra 4.4.2-1 Math Expression Solver and Plotter i686 Extra kdeedu-kalzium 4.4.2-1 KDE Periodic Table of Elements i686 Extra kdeedu-kanagram 4.4.2-1 KDE Letter Order Game i686 Extra kdeedu-kbruch 4.4.2-1 Practice exercises with fractions i686 Extra kdeedu-kgeography 4.4.2-1 A Geography Learning Program i686 Extra kdeedu-khangman 4.4.2-1 KDE Hangman Game i686 Extra kdeedu-kig 4.4.2-1 Explore Geometric Constructions i686 Extra kdeedu-kiten 4.4.2-1 Japanese Reference and Study Tool i686 Extra kdeedu-klettres 4.4.2-1 a KDE program to learn the alphabet i686 Extra kdeedu-kmplot 4.4.2-1 Function Plotter i686 Extra kdeedu-kstars 4.4.2-1 Desktop Planetarium i686 Extra kdeedu-ktouch 4.4.2-1 Touch Typing Tutor i686 Extra kdeedu-kturtle 4.4.2-1 Educational Programming Environment i686 Extra kdeedu-kwordquiz 4.4.2-1 A flashcard and vocabulary learning program i686 Extra kdeedu-libkdeedu 4.4.2-1 Support library for KDE Educational Software i686 Extra kdeedu-marble 4.4.2-1 Desktop Globe i686 Extra kdeedu-parley 4.4.2-1 Vocabulary Trainer i686 Extra kdeedu-rocs 4.4.2-1 Graph Theory Tool for Professors and Students. i686 Extra kdeedu-step 4.4.2-1 Simulate physics experiments i686 Extra kdegames-bomber 4.4.2-1 Arcade Bombing Game i686 Extra kdegames-bovo 4.4.2-1 Five-in-a-row Board Game i686 Extra kdegames-granatier 4.4.2-1 Granatier i686 Extra kdegames-kapman 4.4.2-1 Eat pills escaping ghosts i686 Extra kdegames-katomic 4.4.2-1 Sokoban-like Logic Game i686 Extra kdegames-kbattleship 4.4.2-1 Battleship Game i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-colorschemes 4.4.2-1 KDE Accessibility color schemes i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-iconthemes 4.4.2-1 KDE Accessibility icon themes i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmag 4.4.2-1 Screen Magnifier i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmousetool 4.4.2-1 Clicks the mouse for you, reducing the effects of RSI i686 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmouth 4.4.2-1 Speech Synthesizer Frontend i686 Extra kdeadmin-kcron 4.4.2-1 Configure and schedule tasks i686 Extra kdeadmin-ksystemlog 4.4.2-1 System log viewer tool i686 Extra kdeadmin-kuser 4.4.2-1 User Manager i686 Extra kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde 4.4.2-1 Configure local and remote Printers i686 Extra kdeartwork-colorschemes 4.4.2-1 KDE color schemes i686 Extra kdeartwork-desktopthemes 4.4.2-1 KDE desktop themes i686 Extra kdeartwork-emoticons 4.4.2-1 KDE emoticons i686 Extra kdeartwork-iconthemes 4.4.2-1 KDE icon themes i686 Extra kdeartwork-kscreensaver 4.4.2-1 KDE screensaver i686 Extra kdeartwork-sounds 4.4.2-1 KDE sounds i686 Extra kdeartwork-styles 4.4.2-1 KDE styles i686 Extra kdeartwork-wallpapers 4.4.2-1 KDE wallpapers i686 Extra kdeartwork-weatherwallpapers 4.4.2-1 KDE weather wallpapers i686 Extra kdebase-dolphin 4.4.2-1 File Manager i686 Extra kdebase-kappfinder 4.4.2-1 Menu Updating Tool i686 Extra kdebase-kdepasswd 4.4.2-1 Change Password i686 Extra kdebase-kdialog 4.4.2-1 a utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts i686 Extra kdebase-kfind 4.4.2-1 Find Files/Folders i686 Extra kdebase-kinfocenter 4.4.2-1 Info Center i686 Extra kdebase-konqueror 4.4.2-1 KDE File Manager & Web Browser i686 Extra kdebase-konsole 4.4.2-1 Terminal i686 Extra kdebase-kwrite 4.4.2-1 Text Editor i686 Extra kdebase-lib 4.4.2-1 KDE libraries for the basic desktop applications i686 Extra kdebase-plasma 4.4.2-1 Display the contents of folders (User´s home folder as default) x86_64x86_64 Core mlocate 0.22.4-1 Faster merging drop-in for slocate x86_64 Core grep 2.6.2-1 A string search utility x86_64 Core tzdata 2010g-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data x86_64 Community ibus 1.3.1-1 Next Generation Input Bus for Linux x86_64 Community i3 3.e-1 An improved dynamic tiling window manager x86_64 Community darktable 0.5-1 Utility to organize and develop raw images x86_64 Community gnustep-make 2.2.0-1 The GNUstep make package x86_64 Community grsync 1.1.0-1 GTK GUI for rsync x86_64 Extra chromium 5.0.342.8-2 The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser. x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement 1109266-1 KDE4 Network Management and plasmoid x86_64 Extra conky 1.8.0-1 An advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo x86_64 Extra seamonkey 2.0.4-1 SeaMonkey internet suite x86_64 Extra imagemagick An image viewing/manipulation program x86_64 Extra thunderbird 3.0.4-1 Standalone Mail/News reader x86_64 Extra kdewebdev-kfilereplace 4.4.2-1 Search & Replace Tool x86_64 Extra kdewebdev-kimagemapeditor 4.4.2-1 HTML Image Map Editor x86_64 Extra kdewebdev-klinkstatus 4.4.2-1 Link Checker x86_64 Extra kdewebdev-kommander 4.4.2-1 Executor for Kommander dialogs x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kbugbuster 4.4.2-1 KDE Bug Management x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kcachegrind 4.4.2-1 Visualization of Performance Profiling Data x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin 4.4.2-1 KDE Repository Accounts x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kdepalettes 4.4.2-1 Palettes for the Gimp that match the KDE standard color palette x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kioslave 4.4.2-1 KDED Subversion Module x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kmtrace 4.4.2-1 A KDE tool to assist with malloc debugging using glibc´s "mtrace" functionality x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kompare 4.4.2-1 Diff/Patch Frontend x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kpartloader 4.4.2-1 A test application for KParts x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kprofilemethod 4.4.2-1 Macros helping to profile x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kstartperf 4.4.2-1 Startup time measurement tool for KDE applications x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kuiviewer 4.4.2-1 Qt Designer UI File Viewer x86_64 Extra kdesdk-lokalize 4.4.2-1 Computer-Aided Translation System x86_64 Extra kdesdk-poxml 4.4.2-1 Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files x86_64 Extra kdesdk-scripts 4.4.2-1 KDE SDK scripts x86_64 Extra kdesdk-strigi-analyzer 4.4.2-1 Strigi-Analyzer for KDE SDK x86_64 Extra kdesdk-umbrello 4.4.2-1 UML Modeller x86_64 Extra kdetoys-amor 4.4.2-1 On-Screen Creature x86_64 Extra kdetoys-kteatime 4.4.2-1 Tea Cooker x86_64 Extra kdetoys-ktux 4.4.2-1 KTux x86_64 Extra kdetoys-kweather 4.4.2-1 A weather reporting panel applet x86_64 Extra kdeutils-ark 4.4.2-1 Archiving Tool x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kcalc 4.4.2-1 Scientific Calculator x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kcharselect 4.4.2-1 Character Selector x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kdelirc 4.4.2-1 Configure your remote controls for use with applications x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kdf 4.4.2-1 View Disk Usage x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kfloppy 4.4.2-1 Floppy Formatter x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kgpg 4.4.2-1 A GnuPG frontend x86_64 Extra kdeutils-ktimer 4.4.2-1 Countdown Launcher x86_64 Extra kdeutils-kwallet 4.4.2-1 Wallet Management Tool x86_64 Extra kdeutils-okteta 4.4.2-1 Hex Editor x86_64 Extra kdeutils-printer-applet 4.4.2-1 System tray icon for managing print jobs x86_64 Extra kdeutils-superkaramba 4.4.2-1 An engine for cool desktop eyecandy. x86_64 Extra kdeutils-sweeper 4.4.2-1 System Cleaner x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-notes 4.4.2-1 Desktop sticky notes x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-nowplaying 4.4.2-1 Displays currently playing audio x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop 4.4.2-1 Communicate using the Social Desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-opendesktop-activities 4.4.2-1 Stay informed with the Social Desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-paste 4.4.2-1 Paste text snippets x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-pastebin 4.4.2-1 Paste text/images to a remote server x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-plasmaboard 4.4.2-1 A virtual, on-screen keyboard x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-previewer 4.4.2-1 Quickly preview a variety of files x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-qalculate 4.4.2-1 A powerful mathematical equation solver x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-rememberthemilk 4.4.2-1 Remember The Milk Todo list applet x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-rssnow 4.4.2-1 Show news from various sources x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdashboard 4.4.2-1 Show the Plasma widget dashboard above other windows x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-showdesktop 4.4.2-1 Show the Plasma desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-spellcheck 4.4.2-1 Fast spell checking x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-systemloadviewer 4.4.2-1 Tiny CPU/RAM/Swap monitor x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-timer 4.4.2-1 Countdown over a specified time period x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-unitconverter 4.4.2-1 Plasmoid for converting units x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-weather 4.4.2-1 Displays Weather information x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-weatherstation 4.4.2-1 Weather reports with an LCD display style x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-webslice 4.4.2-1 Show a part of a webpage x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-libs 4.4.2-1 Plasma Addon Library x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-audioplayercontrol 4.4.2-1 Allows to control MPRIS audio players (it is able to search through Amarok´s collection, too) x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-browserhistory 4.4.2-1 Searches in Konqueror´s history 2x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-contacts 4.4.2-1 Finds entries in your address book x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter 4.4.2-1 Convert values to different units x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-katesessions 4.4.2-1 Matches Kate Sessions x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-konquerorsessions 4.4.2-1 Matches Konqueror Sessions x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-konsolesessions 4.4.2-1 Matches Konsole Sessions x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-kopete 4.4.2-1 Kopete Contact runner x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-mediawiki 4.4.2-1 Search on KDE´s TechBase 2x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker 4.4.2-1 Check the spelling of a word x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-mandelbrot 4.4.2-1 Mandelbrot x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-marble 4.4.2-1 Globe x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-pattern 4.4.2-1 Pattern x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-virus 4.4.2-1 Virus x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-weather 4.4.2-1 Weather x86_64 Extra kdesdk-cervisia 4.4.2-1 CVS Frontend x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kapptemplate 4.4.2-1 KDE Template Generator x86_64 Extra kdesdk-kate 4.4.2-1 Advanced Text Editor x86_64 Extra kdepim-kleopatra 4.4.2-1 Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI x86_64 Extra kdepim-kmail 4.4.2-1 Mail Client x86_64 Extra kdepim-knode 4.4.2-1 News Reader x86_64 Extra kdepim-knotes 4.4.2-1 Popup Notes x86_64 Extra kdepim-kontact 4.4.2-1 Personal Information Manager x86_64 Extra kdepim-korganizer 4.4.2-1 Calendar and Scheduling Program x86_64 Extra kdepim-kresources 4.4.2-1 KDE PIM resources x86_64 Extra kdepim-ktimetracker 4.4.2-1 Personal Time Tracker x86_64 Extra kdepim-libkdepim 4.4.2-1 Library for KDE PIM x86_64 Extra kdepim-runtime 4.4.2-1 KDE PIM Runtime Environment x86_64 Extra kdepim-wizards 4.4.2-1 KDE Groupware Wizard x86_64 Extra kdepimlibs 4.4.2-1 KDE PIM Libraries x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball 4.4.2-1 A bouncy ball for plasma x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-binary-clock 4.4.2-1 Time displayed in binary format x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-blackboard 4.4.2-1 Black Board x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-bubblemon 4.4.2-1 A pretty bubble that monitors your system. x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-calculator 4.4.2-1 Calculate simple sums x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-charselect 4.4.2-1 View, select, and copy characters from a font collection x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-comic 4.4.2-1 View comic strips from the Internet x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-dict 4.4.2-1 Look up the meaning of words and their translation into different languages x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-eyes 4.4.2-1 XEyes clone x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-fifteenpuzzle 4.4.2-1 Put the pieces in order x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-filewatcher 4.4.2-1 Watch for changes in specified files x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-frame 4.4.2-1 Display your favorite pictures x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-fuzzy-clock 4.4.2-1 Time displayed in a less precise format x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-incomingmsg 4.4.2-1 Notification of new messages x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kdeobservatory 4.4.2-1 Visualize the KDE ecosystem x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kimpanel 4.4.2-1 A generic input method panel for Oriental languages x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-knowledgebase 4.4.2-1 Opendesktop Knowledgebase x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-kolourpicker 4.4.2-1 Pick a color from the desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-konqprofiles 4.4.2-1 List and launch Konqueror profiles x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-konsoleprofiles 4.4.2-1 List and launch Konsole profiles x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-lancelot 4.4.2-1 Launcher to start applications x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-leavenote 4.4.2-1 Leave notes for users while they are away x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-life 4.4.2-1 Life x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-luna 4.4.2-1 Display moon phases for your location x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-magnifique 4.4.2-1 A magnification glass for the Plasma desktop x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-mediaplayer 4.4.2-1 Widget that can play video and sound x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-microblog 4.4.2-1 Update and view your microblog status. x86_64 Extra kdeplasma-addons-applets-news 4.4.2-1 Show news from various sources x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-ksnapshot 4.4.2-1 Screen Capture Program x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-libs 4.4.2-1 Support library for KDE Graphics Software x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-okular 4.4.2-1 Document Viewer x86_64 Extra kdelibs 4.4.2-1 KDE Core Libraries x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-dragonplayer 4.4.2-1 Video Player x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-juk 4.4.2-1 Music Player x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-kioslave 4.4.2-1 Audio CD Browser x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-kmix 4.4.2-1 Sound Mixer x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-kscd 4.4.2-1 CD Player x86_64 Extra kdemultimedia-mplayerthumbs 4.4.2-1 Video Files (MPlayerThumbs) x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.2-1 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.2-1 Network Services x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.2-1 Download Manager x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.2-1 Instant Messenger x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.2-1 Internet Dial-Up Tool x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.2-1 Remote Desktop Client x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.2-1 Desktop Sharing x86_64 Extra kdepim-akonadiconsole 4.4.2-1 Akonadi Management and Debugging Console x86_64 Extra kdepim-akregator 4.4.2-1 A Feed Reader for KDE x86_64 Extra kdepim-blogilo 4.4.2-1 A KDE Blogging Client x86_64 Extra kdepim-console 4.4.2-1 Command line tool for accessing calendar files x86_64 Extra kdepim-kaddressbook 4.4.2-1 Contact Manager x86_64 Extra kdepim-kalarm 4.4.2-1 Personal Alarm Scheduler x86_64 Extra kdepim-kjots 4.4.2-1 Note Taker x86_64 Extra kdegames-konquest 4.4.2-1 Galactic Strategy Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kpat 4.4.2-1 Patience Card Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kreversi 4.4.2-1 Reversi Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-ksame 4.4.2-1 Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kshisen 4.4.2-1 Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like Tile Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-ksirk 4.4.2-1 World Domination Strategy Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kspaceduel 4.4.2-1 Space Arcade Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-ksquares 4.4.2-1 Connect the dots to create squares x86_64 Extra kdegames-ksudoku 4.4.2-1 KSudoku, Sudoku game & more for KDE x86_64 Extra kdegames-ktron 4.4.2-1 Tron-like Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-ktuberling 4.4.2-1 Picture Game for Children x86_64 Extra kdegames-kubrick 4.4.2-1 A 3-D game based on Rubik´s Cube 2x86_64 Extra kdegames-libkdegames 4.4.2-1 KDE game library x86_64 Extra kdegames-libkmahjongg 4.4.2-1 Library used for loading and rendering of Mahjongg tilesets. x86_64 Extra kdegames-lskat 4.4.2-1 Card Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-palapeli 4.4.2-1 Jigsaw puzzle game x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-gwenview 4.4.2-1 A simple image viewer x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kamera 4.4.2-1 Configure Kamera x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kcolorchooser 4.4.2-1 Color Chooser x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kgamma 4.4.2-1 A monitor calibration tool x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kolourpaint 4.4.2-1 Paint Program x86_64 Extra kdegraphics-kruler 4.4.2-1 Screen Ruler x86_64 Extra kdegames-kblackbox 4.4.2-1 Blackbox Logic Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kblocks 4.4.2-1 Falling Blocks Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kbounce 4.4.2-1 Ball Bouncing Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kbreakout 4.4.2-1 Breakout-like Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kdiamond 4.4.2-1 Three-in-a-row game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kfourinline 4.4.2-1 Four-in-a-row Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kgoldrunner 4.4.2-1 A game of action and puzzle-solving x86_64 Extra kdegames-kigo 4.4.2-1 Go Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-killbots 4.4.2-1 Killbots x86_64 Extra kdegames-kiriki 4.4.2-1 Yahtzee-like Dice Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kjumpingcube 4.4.2-1 Territory Capture Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-klines 4.4.2-1 Tactical Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kmahjongg 4.4.2-1 Mahjongg Solitaire x86_64 Extra kdegames-kmines 4.4.2-1 Minesweeper-like Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-knetwalk 4.4.2-1 Network Construction Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kolf 4.4.2-1 Miniature Golf x86_64 Extra kdegames-kollision 4.4.2-1 A simple ball dodging game x86_64 Extra kdebindings-python 4.4.2-1 KDE bindings for python x86_64 Extra kdebindings-ruby 4.4.2-1 KDE bindings for ruby x86_64 Extra kdebindings-smoke 4.4.2-1 Language independent library for Qt and KDE bindings x86_64 Extra kdeedu-blinken 4.4.2-1 A memory enhancement game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-cantor 4.4.2-1 KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-data 4.4.2-1 Data for KDE Educational Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kalgebra 4.4.2-1 Math Expression Solver and Plotter x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kalzium 4.4.2-1 KDE Periodic Table of Elements x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kanagram 4.4.2-1 KDE Letter Order Game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kbruch 4.4.2-1 Practice exercises with fractions x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kgeography 4.4.2-1 A Geography Learning Program x86_64 Extra kdeedu-khangman 4.4.2-1 KDE Hangman Game x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kig 4.4.2-1 Explore Geometric Constructions x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kiten 4.4.2-1 Japanese Reference and Study Tool x86_64 Extra kdeedu-klettres 4.4.2-1 a KDE program to learn the alphabet x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kmplot 4.4.2-1 Function Plotter x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kstars 4.4.2-1 Desktop Planetarium x86_64 Extra kdeedu-ktouch 4.4.2-1 Touch Typing Tutor x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kturtle 4.4.2-1 Educational Programming Environment x86_64 Extra kdeedu-kwordquiz 4.4.2-1 A flashcard and vocabulary learning program x86_64 Extra kdeedu-libkdeedu 4.4.2-1 Support library for KDE Educational Software x86_64 Extra kdeedu-marble 4.4.2-1 Desktop Globe x86_64 Extra kdeedu-parley 4.4.2-1 Vocabulary Trainer x86_64 Extra kdeedu-rocs 4.4.2-1 Graph Theory Tool for Professors and Students. x86_64 Extra kdeedu-step 4.4.2-1 Simulate physics experiments x86_64 Extra kdegames-bomber 4.4.2-1 Arcade Bombing Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-bovo 4.4.2-1 Five-in-a-row Board Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-granatier 4.4.2-1 Granatier x86_64 Extra kdegames-kapman 4.4.2-1 Eat pills escaping ghosts x86_64 Extra kdegames-katomic 4.4.2-1 Sokoban-like Logic Game x86_64 Extra kdegames-kbattleship 4.4.2-1 Battleship Game x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-colorschemes 4.4.2-1 KDE Accessibility color schemes x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-iconthemes 4.4.2-1 KDE Accessibility icon themes x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmag 4.4.2-1 Screen Magnifier x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmousetool 4.4.2-1 Clicks the mouse for you, reducing the effects of RSI x86_64 Extra kdeaccessibility-kmouth 4.4.2-1 Speech Synthesizer Frontend x86_64 Extra kdeadmin-kcron 4.4.2-1 Configure and schedule tasks x86_64 Extra kdeadmin-ksystemlog 4.4.2-1 System log viewer tool x86_64 Extra kdeadmin-kuser 4.4.2-1 User Manager x86_64 Extra kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde 4.4.2-1 Configure local and remote Printers x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-colorschemes 4.4.2-1 KDE color schemes x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-desktopthemes 4.4.2-1 KDE desktop themes x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-emoticons 4.4.2-1 KDE emoticons x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-iconthemes 4.4.2-1 KDE icon themes x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-kscreensaver 4.4.2-1 KDE screensaver x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-sounds 4.4.2-1 KDE sounds x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-styles 4.4.2-1 KDE styles x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-wallpapers 4.4.2-1 KDE wallpapers x86_64 Extra kdeartwork-weatherwallpapers 4.4.2-1 KDE weather wallpapers x86_64 Extra kdebase-dolphin 4.4.2-1 File Manager x86_64 Extra kdebase-kappfinder 4.4.2-1 Menu Updating Tool x86_64 Extra kdebase-kdepasswd 4.4.2-1 Change Password x86_64 Extra kdebase-kdialog 4.4.2-1 a utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts x86_64 Extra kdebase-kfind 4.4.2-1 Find Files/Folders x86_64 Extra kdebase-kinfocenter 4.4.2-1 Info Center x86_64 Extra kdebase-konqueror 4.4.2-1 KDE File Manager & Web Browser x86_64 Extra kdebase-konsole 4.4.2-1 Terminal x86_64 Extra kdebase-kwrite 4.4.2-1 Text Editor x86_64 Extra kdebase-lib 4.4.2-1 KDE libraries for the basic desktop applications x86_64 Extra kdebase-plasma 4.4.2-1 Display the contents of folders (User´s home folder as default) x86_64 Extra kdebase-runtime 4.4.2-1 KDE Base Runtime Environment x86_64 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.2-1 KDE Base Workspace x86_64 Extra kdebindings-csharp 4.4.2-1 KDE bindings for mono AURkernel26-rc 2.6.34rc3-1hunspell-kk 0.1-1virtualbox_bin_beta 3.1.6-3cmpfast 0.2.3-1 teamspeak3 beta18-1 python-amara 1.3-2kernel26-ck 0.4.1-2Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 1, 2010 Author Posted April 1, 2010 Updates for Wednesday 31, Mar 2010:Anyany Extra perl-test-pod 1.42-1 Check for POD errors in files any Community perl-xml-writer 0.610-1 Module for writing XML documents any Extra perl-uri 1.54-1 Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative) any Extra gnome-doc-utils 0.20.0-1 Documentation utilities for Gnome any Extra gnome-games-extra-data 2.30.0-1 Optional extra data for gnome-games any Extra gnome-icon-theme 2.30.0-1 Default icon theme for GNOME2 any Extra gnome-themes 2.30.0-1 Default themes for GNOME2 any Extra alacarte 0.13.1-1 Menu editor for gnome any Extra gnome-backgrounds 2.30.0-1 Background images and data for GNOME any Extra gnome-js-common 0.1.2-1 GNOME JavaScript common modules any Extra gnome2-user-docs 2.30.0-1 User documentation for GNOME2 any Extra gnome-blog 0.9.2-1 A gnome application that allows you to post entries to many different blog formats. any Extra perl-io-socket-ssl 1.33-1 Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET any Extra perl-mime-types 1.29-1 Perl/CPAN Module MIME::Types : Information and processing MIME types i686i686 Core bison 2.4.2-1 The GNU general-purpose parser generator i686 Core device-mapper 2.02.61-1 Device mapper userspace library and tools i686 Core glib2 2.24.0-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs i686 Core lvm2 2.02.61-1 Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities i686 Community terminator 0.91-1 an application that provides lots of terminals in a single window i686 Community jdk 6u19-1 Sun's Java Development Kit i686 Community ibus-sogoupycc A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. i686 Community vala 0.8.0-1 Compiler for the GObject type system i686 Community avant-window-navigator Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME i686 Community awn-extras-applets A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator i686 Community compiz-decorator-gtk 0.8.4-3 Decorator of Compiz for GNOME i686 Community gedit-plugins 2.30.0-1 Set of plugins for gedit i686 Community gnome-system-tools 2.30.0-1 Gnome System Configuration Utilities i686 Community liboobs 2.30.0-1 a wrapping library to the System Tools Backends i686 Community nautilus-actions 2.30.0-1 Configures programs to be launched when files are selected in Nautilus i686 Community nautilus-open-terminal 0.18-2 A nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths i686 Community nautilus-share 0.7.2-5 Share files through Samba with Nautilus i686 Community system-tools-backends 2.10.0-1 backends for Gnome System Tools i686 Community jre 6u19-2 Sun's java runtime environment i686 Community busybox 1.16.1-1 Utilities for rescue and embedded systems i686 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.0-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework i686 Extra banshee 1.6.0-1 Music management and playback for GNOME i686 Extra taglib-sharp Free and Open Source library for the .NET 2.0 and Mono frameworks which will let you tag your software with as much or as little detail as you like without slowing you down. i686 Extra metacity 2.30.0-1 A window manager for GNOME2 i686 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.2-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol i686 Extra asymptote 1.91-1 A vector graphics language (like metapost) i686 Extra libgnomemm 2.30.0-1 C++ bindings for libgnome. i686 Extra libgweather 2.30.0-1 Provides access to weather information from the net i686 Extra telepathy-butterfly 0.5.7-1 A MSN connection manager for Telepathy i686 Extra totem-plugin 2.30.0-1 Totem mozilla/firefox plugin i686 Extra vinagre 2.30.0-1 A VNC Client for the GNOME Desktop i686 Extra vino 2.28.2-1 a VNC server for the GNOME desktop i686 Extra vte 0.24.0-1 Virtual Terminal Emulator library i686 Extra xfce4-settings 4.6.4-2 Settings manager for xfce i686 Extra xfce4-xkb-plugin plugin to switch keyboard layouts for the Xfce4 panel i686 Extra xterm 256-1 X Terminal Emulator i686 Extra yelp 2.30.0-1 A help browser for GNOME i686 Extra zenity 2.30.0-1 Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts i686 Extra mpg123 1.12.1-1 A console based real time MPEG Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3 i686 Extra nautilus 2.30.0-1 The GNOME shell and file manager i686 Extra nautilus-sendto 2.28.4-1 Nautilus context menu for sending files. i686 Extra orbit2 2.14.18-1 Thin/fast CORBA ORB i686 Extra orca 2.30.0-1 A scriptable screen reader and magnifier i686 Extra pango 1.28.0-1 A library for layout and rendering of text i686 Extra pygobject 2.21.1-1 Python bindings for GObject i686 Extra pygtk 2.17.0-1 Python bindings for the GTK widget set i686 Extra pygtksourceview2 2.10.0-1 Python bindings for gtksourceview2 i686 Extra rhythmbox 0.12.8-1 An iTunes-like music player/libary i686 Extra seahorse 2.30.0-1 GNOME application for managing PGP keys. i686 Extra seahorse-plugins 2.30.0-1 Seahorse plugins i686 Extra sound-juicer 2.28.2-1 A cd ripper application i686 Extra tomboy 1.2.0-2 Desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix i686 Extra totem 2.30.0-1 A GNOME2 integrated movie player based on Gstreamer. i686 Extra totem-plparser 2.30.0-1 Totem playlist parser library i686 Extra libgnomeprintui 2.18.5-1 User Interface library for printing with GNOME i686 Extra libgnomeui 2.24.3-1 User Interface library for GNOME i686 Extra libgtop 2.28.1-1 A library that read information about processes and the running system i686 Extra libidl2 0.8.14-1 A front-end for CORBA 2.2 IDL and Netscape's XPIDL i686 Extra librsvg 2.26.2-1 SAX-based renderer for SVG files into a GdkPixbuf i686 Extra libsigc++2.0 2.2.5-1 Libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries - V2 i686 Extra libsoup 2.30.0-1 GNOME HTTP Library - base library i686 Extra libsoup-gnome 2.30.0-1 GNOME HTTP Library - GNOME libraries i686 Extra libunique 1.1.6-2 Library for writing single instance applications i686 Extra libwebkit 1.1.90-1 an opensource web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE i686 Extra libwnck 2.30.0-1 Window Navigator Construction Kit i686 Extra libxklavier 5.0-1 High-level API for X Keyboard Extension i686 Extra libxml++ 2.30.0-1 C++ bindings to libxml2 i686 Extra mousetweaks 2.30.0-1 Mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop i686 Extra gucharmap 2.30.0-1 Gnome Unicode Charmap i686 Extra gvfs 1.6.0-1 Userspace virtual filesystem implemented as a pluggable module for gio i686 Extra hamster-applet GNOME time tracking applet i686 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.2-2 KDE Base Workspace i686 Extra libbonobo 2.24.3-1 A set of language and system independant CORBA interfaces for creating reusable components i686 Extra libbonoboui 2.24.3-1 User Interface library for Bonobo i686 Extra libepc 0.3.11-1 Easy Publish and Consume Library i686 Extra libgail-gnome 1.20.2-1 GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library for gnomeui and libbonoboui i686 Extra libgdata 0.6.4-1 GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the GData protocol i686 Extra libgnome 2.30.0-1 Common libraries for GNOME i686 Extra libgnomecanvas 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Canvas library i686 Extra libgnomekbd 2.30.0-1 Gnome keyboard library i686 Extra libgnomeprint 2.18.7-1 Printing routines for GNOME i686 Extra gnome-terminal 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Terminal Emulator i686 Extra gnome-user-share 2.30.0-1 Easy to use user-level file sharing for GNOME. i686 Extra gnome-utils 2.30.0-1 Common utilities for GNOME i686 Extra gnome-vfs 2.24.3-1 The GNOME Virtual File System i686 Extra gobject-introspection 0.6.9-1 Introspection system for GObject-based libraries i686 Extra gok 2.30.0-1 Gnome Onscreen Keyboard i686 Extra gtk-engines 2.20.0-1 Theme engines for GTK+ 2 i686 Extra gtk2 2.20.0-1 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) i686 Extra gtkhtml 3.30.0-1 A lightweight HTML renderer/editor widget i686 Extra gtkmm 2.20.0-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 i686 Extra gtksourceview2 2.10.0-1 A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME i686 Extra gnome-panel 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Panel i686 Extra gnome-power-manager 2.30.0-1 Session daemon that makes it easy to manage your laptop or desktop system. i686 Extra gnome-python 2.28.1-1 gnome-python is a set of interfaces to gnome-libs. i686 Extra gnome-python-desktop 2.30.0-1 Gnome Python interfaces for libraries not part of the core platform i686 Extra gnome-screensaver 2.30.0-1 Screensaver designed to integrate well with the GNOME desktop. i686 Extra gnome-session 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Session Handler i686 Extra gnome-settings-daemon 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Settings daemon i686 Extra gnome-system-monitor 2.28.1-1 A system monitor for GNOME i686 Extra gnome-keyring 2.30.0-1 GNOME Password Management daemon i686 Extra gnome-mag 0.16.1-1 Gnome magnifier i686 Extra gnome-media 2.30.0-2 GNOME Media Tools i686 Extra gnome-menus 2.30.0-1 GNOME menu specifications i686 Extra gnome-netstatus 2.28.1-1 A GNOME applet that shows network status i686 Extra gnome-nettool 2.30.0-1 A Collection of GNOME2 Networking Tools. i686 Extra gnome-control-center 2.30.0-1 The Control Center for GNOME i686 Extra gnome-desktop 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Desktop i686 Extra gnome-desktop-sharp 2.26.0-5 GNOME desktop bindings for C# i686 Extra gnome-disk-utility 2.30.1-1 GNOME libraries and applications for dealing with storage devices i686 Extra gnome-games 2.30.0-1 Some Games for GNOME i686 Extra gconf-editor 2.30.0-1 Graphical gconf registry editor i686 Extra gdl 2.30.0-1 Gnome Devtool Libraries i686 Extra gdm 2.30.0-1 Gnome Display Manager (a reimplementation of xdm) i686 Extra gedit 2.30.0-1 A text editor for GNOME i686 Extra glibmm 2.24.0-1 Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib i686 Extra gnome-applets 2.30.0-1 GNOME Applets i686 Extra gnome-bluetooth 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem. i686 Extra evince 2.30.0-1 Simply a document viewer i686 Extra evolution Integrated Workgroup and Personal Information Management for Gnome i686 Extra evolution-data-server 2.30.0-1 Evolution Data Server provides a central location for addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop i686 Extra evolution-exchange 2.30.0-1 Ximian Connector Exchange plugin for Evolution i686 Extra evolution-webcal 2.28.1-1 Evolution Web calendar i686 Extra file-roller 2.30.0-1 Archive manipulator for GNOME2 i686 Extra gcalctool 5.30.0-1 GNOME Scientific calculator i686 Extra gconf 2.28.1-1 A configuration database system i686 Extra empathy 2.30.0-1 A GNOME instant messaging client using the Telepathy framework. i686 Extra eog 2.30.0-1 Eye of Gnome: An image viewing and cataloging program i686 Extra epiphany 2.30.0-1 A GNOME2 web browser based on the WebKit rendering engine. i686 Extra epiphany-extensions 2.29.91-1 Various extentions for the Epiphany web browser i686 Extra clutter-gtk 0.10.2-2 GTK clutter widget i686 Extra deskbar-applet 2.30.0-1 An all-in-one search bar for the GNOME panel i686 Extra devhelp 2.30.0-1 API documentation browser for GNOME i686 Extra bug-buddy 2.30.0-1 A bug reporting tool for GNOME i686 Extra cheese 2.30.0-1 Use your webcam to take photos and videos, apply fancy special effects and share the fun with others i686 Extra clutter 1.2.4-1 A GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces i686 Extra anjuta-extras 2.30.0-1 Anjuta Integrated Development Environment extra plugins i686 Extra at-spi 1.30.0-1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface i686 Extra atk 1.30.0-1 A library providing a set of interfaces for accessibility i686 Extra brasero 2.30.0-1 A disc burning application for Gnome i686 Extra anjuta Anjuta Integrated Development Environment (IDE) i686 Extra gir-repository 0.6.6-0.20100311 Sharing binding infrastructure work, to make the GNOME platform even more binding friendly i686 Extra gjs 0.6-1 Javascript Bindings for GNOME i686 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.0-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm i686 Extra libgnome-keyring 2.30.0-1 GNOME keyring client library i686 Extra seed 2.30.0-1 Library and interpreter for JavaScript with GObject type system bindings. i686 Extra udisks 1.0.0-2 Disk Management Service i686 Extra upower 0.9.1-1 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics i686 Extra libcups 1.4.3-1 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers i686 Extra nasm 2.08.01-1 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity i686 Extra openjdk6 6.b17_1.7.2-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 with IcedTea6 replacing binary plugs. i686 Extra openjdk6-src 6.b17_1.7.2-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 Source Bundle i686 Extra cups 1.4.3-1 The CUPS Printing System - deamon package i686 Extra hydrogen Advanced Drum Machine i686 Extra kipi-plugins 1.2.0-1 libkipi plugins for digikam and kde apps i686 Extra nvidia 195.36.15-1 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26. i686 Extra nvidia-utils 195.36.15-1 NVIDIA drivers utilities and libraries. i686 Extra digikam 1.2.0-1 Digital photo management application for kde i686 Extra sbcl 1.0.37-1 Steel Bank Common Lisp i686 Extra pure-ftpd 1.0.29-1 A fast, production quality, standards-conformant FTP server i686 Extra scons 1.3.0-1 Extensible Python-based build utility i686 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay network i686 Extra bitlbee 1.2.5-1 An IRC to IM gateway. Supports MSN, ICQ, Jabber, Yahoo!, and AIM i686 Extra glabels 2.2.7-1 Creating labels and business cards the very easy way i686 Extra ati-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon i686 Extra intel-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for Intel i686 Extra libgl 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa 3-D graphics library and DRI software rasterizer i686 Extra mach64-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Mach64 i686 Extra mesa 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa 3-D graphics libraries and include files i686 Extra mga-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for Matrox i686 Extra r128-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Rage128 i686 Extra savage-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Sraphics/VIA Savage i686 Extra sis-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for SiS i686 Extra tcpdump 4.1-1 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition i686 Extra tdfx-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for 3dfx i686 Extra unichrome-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Graphics/VIA Unichrome i686 Extra hugin 2010.0.0-1 A frontend to the panorama-tools i686 Extra go-openoffice - enhanced version of SUN's office suitex86_64x86_64 Core device-mapper 2.02.61-1 Device mapper userspace library and tools x86_64 Core glib2 2.24.0-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs x86_64 Core lvm2 2.02.61-1 Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities x86_64 Core bison 2.4.2-1 The GNU general-purpose parser generator x86_64 Community terminator 0.91-1 an application that provides lots of terminals in a single window x86_64 Community jdk 6u19-1 Sun's Java Development Kit x86_64 Community ibus-sogoupycc A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. x86_64 Community vala 0.8.0-1 Compiler for the GObject type system x86_64 Community system-tools-backends 2.10.0-1 backends for Gnome System Tools x86_64 Community avant-window-navigator Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME x86_64 Community awn-extras-applets A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator x86_64 Community compiz-decorator-gtk 0.8.4-3 Decorator of Compiz for GNOME x86_64 Community gedit-plugins 2.30.0-1 Set of plugins for gedit x86_64 Community gnome-system-tools 2.30.0-1 Gnome System Configuration Utilities x86_64 Community liboobs 2.30.0-1 a wrapping library to the System Tools Backends x86_64 Community nautilus-actions 2.30.0-1 Configures programs to be launched when files are selected in Nautilus x86_64 Community nautilus-open-terminal 0.18-2 A nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths x86_64 Community nautilus-share 0.7.2-5 Share files through Samba with Nautilus x86_64 Community jre 6u19-2 Sun's java runtime environment x86_64 Community lib32-nvidia-utils 195.36.15-1 NVIDIA drivers utilities and libraries. x86_64 Community lib32-libgl 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI OpenGL library and drivers x86_64 Community lib32-libxml2 2.7.7-1 XML parsing library, version 2 x86_64 Community lib32-mesa 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa OpenGL library x86_64 Community busybox 1.16.1-1 Utilities for rescue and embedded systems x86_64 Community mhwaveedit 1.4.18-1 A graphical program for editing, playing and recording sound files. x86_64 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.0-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework x86_64 Extra banshee 1.6.0-1 Music management and playback for GNOME x86_64 Extra taglib-sharp Free and Open Source library for the .NET 2.0 and Mono frameworks which will let you tag your software with as much or as little detail as you like without slowing you down. x86_64 Extra metacity 2.30.0-1 A window manager for GNOME2 x86_64 Extra xterm 256-1 X Terminal Emulator x86_64 Extra asymptote 1.91-1 A vector graphics language (like metapost) x86_64 Extra openoffice-base 3.2.0-2 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk 3.2.0-2 SDK - development files x86_64 Extra telepathy-butterfly 0.5.7-1 A MSN connection manager for Telepathy x86_64 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.2-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol x86_64 Extra seahorse 2.30.0-1 GNOME application for managing PGP keys. x86_64 Extra seahorse-plugins 2.30.0-1 Seahorse plugins x86_64 Extra sound-juicer 2.28.2-1 A cd ripper application x86_64 Extra tomboy 1.2.0-2 Desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix x86_64 Extra totem 2.30.0-1 A GNOME2 integrated movie player based on Gstreamer. x86_64 Extra totem-plparser 2.30.0-1 Totem playlist parser library x86_64 Extra totem-plugin 2.30.0-1 Totem mozilla/firefox plugin x86_64 Extra vinagre 2.30.0-1 A VNC Client for the GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra vino 2.28.2-1 a VNC server for the GNOME desktop x86_64 Extra vte 0.24.0-1 Virtual Terminal Emulator library x86_64 Extra xfce4-settings 4.6.4-2 Settings manager for xfce x86_64 Extra xfce4-xkb-plugin plugin to switch keyboard layouts for the Xfce4 panel x86_64 Extra yelp 2.30.0-1 A help browser for GNOME x86_64 Extra zenity 2.30.0-1 Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts x86_64 Extra orca 2.30.0-1 A scriptable screen reader and magnifier x86_64 Extra pango 1.28.0-1 A library for layout and rendering of text x86_64 Extra pygobject 2.21.1-1 Python bindings for GObject x86_64 Extra pygtk 2.17.0-1 Python bindings for the GTK widget set x86_64 Extra pygtksourceview2 2.10.0-1 Python bindings for gtksourceview2 x86_64 Extra rhythmbox 0.12.8-1 An iTunes-like music player/libary x86_64 Extra libsoup-gnome 2.30.0-1 GNOME HTTP Library - GNOME libraries x86_64 Extra libunique 1.1.6-2 Library for writing single instance applications x86_64 Extra libwebkit 1.1.90-1 an opensource web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE x86_64 Extra libwnck 2.30.0-1 Window Navigator Construction Kit x86_64 Extra libxklavier 5.0-1 High-level API for X Keyboard Extension x86_64 Extra libxml++ 2.30.0-1 C++ bindings to libxml2 x86_64 Extra mousetweaks 2.30.0-1 Mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop x86_64 Extra mpg123 1.12.1-1 A console based real time MPEG Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3 x86_64 Extra nautilus 2.30.0-1 The GNOME shell and file manager x86_64 Extra nautilus-sendto 2.28.4-1 Nautilus context menu for sending files. x86_64 Extra orbit2 2.14.18-1 Thin/fast CORBA ORB x86_64 Extra libgnome 2.30.0-1 Common libraries for GNOME x86_64 Extra libgnomecanvas 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Canvas library x86_64 Extra libgnomekbd 2.30.0-1 Gnome keyboard library x86_64 Extra libgnomemm 2.30.0-1 C++ bindings for libgnome. x86_64 Extra libgnomeprint 2.18.7-1 Printing routines for GNOME x86_64 Extra libgnomeprintui 2.18.5-1 User Interface library for printing with GNOME x86_64 Extra libgnomeui 2.24.3-1 User Interface library for GNOME x86_64 Extra libgtop 2.28.1-1 A library that read information about processes and the running system x86_64 Extra libgweather 2.30.0-1 Provides access to weather information from the net x86_64 Extra libidl2 0.8.14-1 A front-end for CORBA 2.2 IDL and Netscape's XPIDL x86_64 Extra librsvg 2.26.2-1 SAX-based renderer for SVG files into a GdkPixbuf x86_64 Extra libsigc++2.0 2.2.5-1 Libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries - V2 x86_64 Extra libsoup 2.30.0-1 GNOME HTTP Library - base library x86_64 Extra hamster-applet GNOME time tracking applet x86_64 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.2-2 KDE Base Workspace x86_64 Extra libbonobo 2.24.3-1 A set of language and system independant CORBA interfaces for creating reusable components x86_64 Extra libbonoboui 2.24.3-1 User Interface library for Bonobo x86_64 Extra libepc 0.3.11-1 Easy Publish and Consume Library x86_64 Extra libgail-gnome 1.20.2-1 GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library for gnomeui and libbonoboui x86_64 Extra libgdata 0.6.4-1 GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the GData protocol x86_64 Extra gok 2.30.0-1 Gnome Onscreen Keyboard x86_64 Extra gtk-engines 2.20.0-1 Theme engines for GTK+ 2 x86_64 Extra gtk2 2.20.0-1 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Extra gtkhtml 3.30.0-1 A lightweight HTML renderer/editor widget x86_64 Extra gtkmm 2.20.0-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 x86_64 Extra gtksourceview2 2.10.0-1 A text widget adding syntax highlighting and more to GNOME x86_64 Extra gucharmap 2.30.0-1 Gnome Unicode Charmap x86_64 Extra gvfs 1.6.0-1 Userspace virtual filesystem implemented as a pluggable module for gio x86_64 Extra gnome-python 2.28.1-1 gnome-python is a set of interfaces to gnome-libs. x86_64 Extra gnome-python-desktop 2.30.0-1 Gnome Python interfaces for libraries not part of the core platform x86_64 Extra gnome-screensaver 2.30.0-1 Screensaver designed to integrate well with the GNOME desktop. x86_64 Extra gnome-session 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Session Handler x86_64 Extra gnome-settings-daemon 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Settings daemon x86_64 Extra gnome-system-monitor 2.28.1-1 A system monitor for GNOME x86_64 Extra gnome-terminal 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Terminal Emulator x86_64 Extra gnome-user-share 2.30.0-1 Easy to use user-level file sharing for GNOME. x86_64 Extra gnome-utils 2.30.0-1 Common utilities for GNOME x86_64 Extra gnome-vfs 2.24.3-1 The GNOME Virtual File System x86_64 Extra gobject-introspection 0.6.9-1 Introspection system for GObject-based libraries x86_64 Extra gnome-disk-utility 2.30.1-1 GNOME libraries and applications for dealing with storage devices x86_64 Extra gnome-games 2.30.0-1 Some Games for GNOME x86_64 Extra gnome-keyring 2.30.0-1 GNOME Password Management daemon x86_64 Extra gnome-mag 0.16.1-1 Gnome magnifier x86_64 Extra gnome-media 2.30.0-2 GNOME Media Tools x86_64 Extra gnome-menus 2.30.0-1 GNOME menu specifications x86_64 Extra gnome-netstatus 2.28.1-1 A GNOME applet that shows network status x86_64 Extra gnome-nettool 2.30.0-1 A Collection of GNOME2 Networking Tools. x86_64 Extra gnome-panel 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Panel x86_64 Extra gnome-power-manager 2.30.0-1 Session daemon that makes it easy to manage your laptop or desktop system. x86_64 Extra gnome-control-center 2.30.0-1 The Control Center for GNOME x86_64 Extra gnome-desktop 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra gnome-desktop-sharp 2.26.0-5 GNOME desktop bindings for C# x86_64 Extra evolution-webcal 2.28.1-1 Evolution Web calendar x86_64 Extra file-roller 2.30.0-1 Archive manipulator for GNOME2 x86_64 Extra gcalctool 5.30.0-1 GNOME Scientific calculator x86_64 Extra gconf 2.28.1-1 A configuration database system x86_64 Extra gconf-editor 2.30.0-1 Graphical gconf registry editor x86_64 Extra gdl 2.30.0-1 Gnome Devtool Libraries x86_64 Extra gdm 2.30.0-1 Gnome Display Manager (a reimplementation of xdm) x86_64 Extra gedit 2.30.0-1 A text editor for GNOME x86_64 Extra glibmm 2.24.0-1 Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib x86_64 Extra gnome-applets 2.30.0-1 GNOME Applets x86_64 Extra gnome-bluetooth 2.30.0-1 The GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem. x86_64 Extra empathy 2.30.0-1 A GNOME instant messaging client using the Telepathy framework. x86_64 Extra eog 2.30.0-1 Eye of Gnome: An image viewing and cataloging program x86_64 Extra epiphany 2.30.0-1 A GNOME2 web browser based on the WebKit rendering engine. x86_64 Extra epiphany-extensions 2.29.91-1 Various extentions for the Epiphany web browser x86_64 Extra evince 2.30.0-1 Simply a document viewer x86_64 Extra evolution Integrated Workgroup and Personal Information Management for Gnome x86_64 Extra evolution-data-server 2.30.0-1 Evolution Data Server provides a central location for addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra evolution-exchange 2.30.0-1 Ximian Connector Exchange plugin for Evolution x86_64 Extra anjuta-extras 2.30.0-1 Anjuta Integrated Development Environment extra plugins x86_64 Extra at-spi 1.30.0-1 Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface x86_64 Extra atk 1.30.0-1 A library providing a set of interfaces for accessibility x86_64 Extra brasero 2.30.0-1 A disc burning application for Gnome x86_64 Extra bug-buddy 2.30.0-1 A bug reporting tool for GNOME x86_64 Extra cheese 2.30.0-1 Use your webcam to take photos and videos, apply fancy special effects and share the fun with others x86_64 Extra clutter 1.2.4-1 A GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich graphical user interfaces x86_64 Extra clutter-gtk 0.10.2-2 GTK clutter widget x86_64 Extra deskbar-applet 2.30.0-1 An all-in-one search bar for the GNOME panel x86_64 Extra devhelp 2.30.0-1 API documentation browser for GNOME x86_64 Extra anjuta Anjuta Integrated Development Environment (IDE) x86_64 Extra gir-repository 0.6.6-0.20100311 Sharing binding infrastructure work, to make the GNOME platform even more binding friendly x86_64 Extra gjs 0.6-1 Javascript Bindings for GNOME x86_64 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.0-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm x86_64 Extra libgnome-keyring 2.30.0-1 GNOME keyring client library x86_64 Extra seed 2.30.0-1 Library and interpreter for JavaScript with GObject type system bindings. x86_64 Extra udisks 1.0.0-2 Disk Management Service x86_64 Extra upower 0.9.1-1 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics x86_64 Extra cups 1.4.3-1 The CUPS Printing System - deamon package x86_64 Extra libcups 1.4.3-1 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers x86_64 Extra nasm 2.08.01-1 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity x86_64 Extra openjdk6 6.b17_1.7.2-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 with IcedTea6 replacing binary plugs. x86_64 Extra openjdk6-src 6.b17_1.7.2-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 Source Bundle x86_64 Extra hydrogen Advanced Drum Machine x86_64 Extra kipi-plugins 1.2.0-1 libkipi plugins for digikam and kde apps x86_64 Extra nvidia 195.36.15-1 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26. x86_64 Extra nvidia-utils 195.36.15-1 NVIDIA drivers utilities and libraries. x86_64 Extra digikam 1.2.0-1 Digital photo management application for kde x86_64 Extra sbcl 1.0.37-1 Steel Bank Common Lisp x86_64 Extra pure-ftpd 1.0.29-1 A fast, production quality, standards-conformant FTP server x86_64 Extra scons 1.3.0-1 Extensible Python-based build utility x86_64 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay network x86_64 Extra bitlbee 1.2.5-1 An IRC to IM gateway. Supports MSN, ICQ, Jabber, Yahoo!, and AIM x86_64 Extra glabels 2.2.7-1 Creating labels and business cards the very easy way x86_64 Extra mga-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for Matrox x86_64 Extra r128-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Rage128 x86_64 Extra savage-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Sraphics/VIA Savage x86_64 Extra sis-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for SiS x86_64 Extra tcpdump 4.1-1 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition x86_64 Extra tdfx-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for 3dfx x86_64 Extra unichrome-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Graphics/VIA Unichrome x86_64 Extra ati-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon x86_64 Extra intel-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for Intel x86_64 Extra libgl 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa 3-D graphics library and DRI software rasterizer x86_64 Extra mach64-dri 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Mach64 x86_64 Extra mesa 7.7.1-0.1 Mesa 3-D graphics libraries and include files x86_64 Extra hugin 2010.0.0-1 A frontend to the panorama-tools x86_64 Extra go-openoffice - enhanced version of SUN's office suite AURpalm-novacom 1.0.55-1palm-sdk 1.4.1-1 lrcshow-x 1.4.1-1 lib32-intel-dri 7.7.1-0.1vim-caravaggio-git 20100401-1vimperator 2.3-1 python-pyv8 0.9-2 swfdec-gnome 2.30.0-1nvidia-bfs 195.36.15-3v8-static Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 2, 2010 Author Posted April 2, 2010 Updates for Thursday 1, Apr 2010:Anyany Community perl-djabberd 0.85_01-1 Jabber daemon written on Perl any Community virt-manager 0.8.4-1 A desktop user interface for managing virtual machines. any Community gtk2-docs 2.20.0-1 Documentation for gtk2 to be used in devhelp any Community perl-authen-sasl 2.1401-1 Perl/CPAN Module Authen::SASL : SASL authentication framework any Community perl-datetime-timezone 1.15-1 Time zone object base class and factory any Community perl-email-mime 1.903-4 Easy MIME message parsing any Community perl-json 2.19-1 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder any Community human-icon-theme 0.36-1 Ubuntu's Human icon theme i686i686 Core e2fsprogs 1.41.11-1 Ext2/3/4 filesystem utilities i686 Community ibus-sogoupycc A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. i686 Community ghemical 2.99.2-2 Computational chemistry package. i686 Community openttd 1.0.0-1 An engine for running Transport Tycoon Deluxe i686 Community pgadmin3 1.10.2-1 A comprehensive design and management interface for PostgreSQL database i686 Extra gtk-theme-switch2 2.1.0-1 Gtk2 theme switcher i686 Extra numlockx 1.2-1 Turns on the numlock key in X11 i686 Extra mercurial 1.5.1-1 A scalable distributed SCM tool i686 Extra lxsession-lite 0.4.3-1 Session manager of the LXDE Desktop (light version) i686 Extra libart-lgpl 2.3.21-1 A library for high-performance 2D graphics i686 Extra libgnomecanvas 2.30.1-1 The GNOME Canvas library i686 Extra openjdk6 6.b17_1.7.3-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 with IcedTea6 replacing binary plugs. i686 Extra openjdk6-src 6.b17_1.7.3-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 Source Bundle i686 Extra epiphany-extensions 2.30.0-1 Various extentions for the Epiphany web browser i686 Extra maxima 5.20.1-3 Maxima - a sophisticated computer algebra system x86_64x86_64 Core e2fsprogs 1.41.11-1 Ext2/3/4 filesystem utilities x86_64 Community ibus-sogoupycc A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. x86_64 Community lib32-atk 1.30.0-1 A library providing a set of interfaces for accessibility x86_64 Community lib32-e2fsprogs 1.41.11-1 Ext2 filesystem utilities x86_64 Community lib32-glib2 2.24.0-1 Common C routines used by GTK+ 2.4 and other libs x86_64 Community lib32-gtk2 2.20.0-1 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Community lib32-libcups 1.4.3-1 The CUPS Printing System x86_64 Community lib32-pango 1.28.0-1 A library for layout and rendering of text x86_64 Community ghemical 2.99.2-2 Computational chemistry package. x86_64 Community openttd 1.0.0-1 An engine for running Transport Tycoon Deluxe x86_64 Community pgadmin3 1.10.2-1 A comprehensive design and management interface for PostgreSQL database x86_64 Extra gtk-theme-switch2 2.1.0-1 Gtk2 theme switcher x86_64 Extra numlockx 1.2-1 Turns on the numlock key in X11 x86_64 Extra mercurial 1.5.1-1 A scalable distributed SCM tool x86_64 Extra lxsession-lite 0.4.3-1 Session manager of the LXDE Desktop (light version) x86_64 Extra libart-lgpl 2.3.21-1 A library for high-performance 2D graphics x86_64 Extra libgnomecanvas 2.30.1-1 The GNOME Canvas library x86_64 Extra openjdk6 6.b17_1.7.3-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 with IcedTea6 replacing binary plugs. x86_64 Extra openjdk6-src 6.b17_1.7.3-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 Source Bundle x86_64 Extra epiphany-extensions 2.30.0-1 Various extentions for the Epiphany web browser x86_64 Extra maxima 5.20.1-3 Maxima - a sophisticated computer algebra system AUR2gis-ekaterinburg 52-1 2gis-vladivostok 1-1 2gis-ufa 25-1 2gis-tyumen 41-12gis-tomsk 64-1 2gis-samara 21-1 2gis-rostov 1-1 2gis-perm 28-12gis-omsk 68-1 2gis-odessa 38-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 3, 2010 Author Posted April 3, 2010 Updates for Friday 2, Apr 2010:Anyany Community gbrainy 1.41-1 A brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained any Community youtube-dl 2010.04.02-1 A small command-line program to download videos from any Community virtinst 0.500.3-1 A command line tool which provides an easy way to provision operating systems into virtual machines. i686i686 Community gtk-gnutella 0.96.8-1 A Gnutella client written in C i686 Community osmo 0.2.10-1 A handy personal organizer i686 Community ghemical 2.99.2-3 Computational chemistry package. i686 Community isomaster 1.3.7-1 CD image editor written in GTK2 i686 Extra di 4.20-1 A disk information utility, displaying everything (and more) that your df command does i686 Extra clamav 0.96-1 Anti-virus toolkit for Unix. i686 Extra mod_wsgi 3.2-1 Python WSGI adapter module for Apache i686 Extra feh 1.4.2-1 A fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2 i686 Extra wine 1.1.42-1 A compatibility layer for running Windows programs i686 Extra perl-fcgi 0.71-1 Fast CGI i686 Extra xulrunner Mozilla Runtime Environment i686 Extra firefox 3.6.3-1 Standalone web browser from i686 Extra digikam 1.2.0-2 Digital photo management application for kde i686 Extra network-manager-applet 0.8-3 GNOME frontends to NetWorkmanager i686 Extra basket 1.80-1 All-purpose notes taker for KDE. i686 Extra chromium 5.0.342.8-3 The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser. x86_64x86_64 Community gtk-gnutella 0.96.8-1 A Gnutella client written in C x86_64 Community osmo 0.2.10-1 A handy personal organizer x86_64 Community ghemical 2.99.2-3 Computational chemistry package. x86_64 Community isomaster 1.3.7-1 CD image editor written in GTK2 x86_64 Extra di 4.20-1 A disk information utility, displaying everything (and more) that your df command does x86_64 Extra clamav 0.96-1 Anti-virus toolkit for Unix. x86_64 Extra mod_wsgi 3.2-1 Python WSGI adapter module for Apache x86_64 Extra feh 1.4.2-1 A fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2 x86_64 Extra firefox 3.6.3-1 Standalone web browser from x86_64 Extra perl-fcgi 0.71-1 Fast CGI x86_64 Extra xulrunner Mozilla Runtime Environment x86_64 Extra digikam 1.2.0-2 Digital photo management application for kde x86_64 Extra basket 1.80-1 All-purpose notes taker for KDE. x86_64 Extra network-manager-applet 0.8-3 GNOME frontends to NetWorkmanager x86_64 Extra chromium 5.0.342.8-3 The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser. AURfirefox-complete-pl 3.6.3-2 pspp 0.6.2-2 quvi 0.1.3-1 eiskaltdcpp-svn 582-1 lifeograph 0.6.2-1 gimp-plugin-separate+ 0.5.6-2 libwnck-sticky 2.30.0-1 mic2 20100403-1 pykickstart-git 20100403-1 yum 3.2.27-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 4, 2010 Author Posted April 4, 2010 Updates for Saturday 3, Apr 2010:Anyany Community-Testing avr-libc 1.6.8-1 The C runtime library for the AVR family of microcontrollers any Community youtube-dl 2010.04.03-1 A small command-line program to download videos from i686i686 Community gnome-system-tools 2.30.0-2 Gnome System Configuration Utilities i686 Extra abiword-plugins 2.8.3-1 Various plugins for Abiword i686 Extra abiword 2.8.3-1 A fully-featured word processor i686 Extra metacity 2.30.0-2 A window manager for GNOME2 i686 Extra pdns-recursor 3.2-1 PowerDNS recursor i686 Extra pixman 0.18.0-1 Pixman library i686 Extra vte 0.24.0-2 Virtual Terminal Emulator library x86_64x86_64 Community gnome-system-tools 2.30.0-2 Gnome System Configuration Utilities x86_64 Extra abiword 2.8.3-1 A fully-featured word processor x86_64 Extra abiword-plugins 2.8.3-1 Various plugins for Abiword x86_64 Extra metacity 2.30.0-2 A window manager for GNOME2 x86_64 Extra pdns-recursor 3.2-1 PowerDNS recursor x86_64 Extra pixman 0.18.0-1 Pixman library x86_64 Extra vte 0.24.0-2 Virtual Terminal Emulator library AURkdeplasma-applet-cwp 1.0.1-1 acire-bzr 50-1bin32-wine-suse 81-1 vimim 0.9.5-2 gnash-bzr 1-1 get-flash-videos-git 20100403-1 rabbitvcs-nautilus 0.13.1-1rabbitvcs-gedit 0.13.1-1rabbitvcs-cli 0.13.1-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 5, 2010 Author Posted April 5, 2010 Updates for Sunday 4, Apr 2010:Anyany Extra firefox-i18n 3.6.3-1 Language packs for Firefoxi686i686 Community scorched3d 43-1 A 3d artillery combat game 2010-04-05i686 Community amsn 0.98.3-1 MSN client written in Tcl/Tk i686 Community osmo 0.2.10-2 A handy personal organizer i686 Community enet 1.2.1-1 A relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP. i686 Community ncmpcpp 0.5.3-1 An almost exact clone of ncmpc with some new features. i686 Community apvlv A PDF Viewer which behaves like Vim i686 Extra dbus-python 0.83.1-1 Python bindings for DBUS i686 Extra xorg-xinit 1.2.1-1 X.Org initialisation program i686 Extra ivtv-utils 1.4.1-1 Userspace utilities for Hauppauge PVR cards i686 Extra feh 1.4.2-2 A fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2 x86_64x86_64 Community scorched3d 43-1 A 3d artillery combat game 2010-04-05x86_64 Community amsn 0.98.3-1 MSN client written in Tcl/Tk x86_64 Community osmo 0.2.10-2 A handy personal organizer x86_64 Community enet 1.2.1-1 A relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP. x86_64 Community ncmpcpp 0.5.3-1 An almost exact clone of ncmpc with some new features. x86_64 Community apvlv A PDF Viewer which behaves like Vim x86_64 Extra dbus-python 0.83.1-1 Python bindings for DBUS x86_64 Extra xorg-xinit 1.2.1-1 X.Org initialisation program x86_64 Extra feh 1.4.2-2 A fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2 x86_64 Extra ivtv-utils 1.4.1-1 Userspace utilities for Hauppauge PVR cards AURsbt 0.7.2-2 praat 5.1.31-1ttf-thryomane 1.2-1 pidgin-gfire-svn 428-1radare-hg 1274-1kernel26-eee-monolithic 2.6.33-3whatmp3 2.3.1-2fontpage 2.5-2 turpial 1.0b4-1 kernel26-rt-ice 2.6.33-3Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 6, 2010 Author Posted April 6, 2010 Updates for Monday 5, Apr 2010:Anyany Community moinmoin 1.9.2-1 A python wiki clone any Community emacs-lua-mode 0404-1 Emacs lua-mode any Community avr-libc 1.6.8-1 The C runtime library for the AVR family of microcontrollers i686i686 Community hedgewars 0.9.13-1 Free Worms-like turn based strategy game i686 Community kdbg 2.2.1-1 A gdb GUI for KDE. i686 Community avrdude 5.10-1 Download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers i686 Community binutils-avr 2.20.1-1 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files for the avr architecture i686 Community gcc-avr 4.4.3-1 The GNU avr Compiler Collection i686 Community fotoxx 10.0-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera i686 Community scorched3d 43-1 A 3d artillery combat game i686 Extra chromium 5.0.342.9-1 The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser. x86_64x86_64 Community hedgewars 0.9.13-1 Free Worms-like turn based strategy game x86_64 Community kdbg 2.2.1-1 A gdb GUI for KDE. x86_64 Community avrdude 5.10-1 Download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers x86_64 Community binutils-avr 2.20.1-1 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files for the avr architecture x86_64 Community gcc-avr 4.4.3-1 The GNU avr Compiler Collection x86_64 Community fotoxx 10.0-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera x86_64 Community scorched3d 43-1 A 3d artillery combat game x86_64 Extra chromium 5.0.342.9-1 The open-source project behind Google Chrome, an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser. AURmediatomb 0.12.0-2 awstats 6.95-2 , 06 ats-lang-anairiats 0.1.9-1 firefox-i18n-zh-cn 3.6.3-1 batman-adv-svn 1622-1 batctl-svn 1623-1 qbittorrent-svn-nogui 3773-1qbittorrent-svn 3773-1 tnote 0.2.1-1lgob-git 0405-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 7, 2010 Author Posted April 7, 2010 Updates for Tuesday 6, Apr 2010:Anyany Community youtube-dl 2010.04.04-1 A small command-line program to download videos from any Community python-xlib 0.15rc1-3 A fully functional X client library for Python programs any Community perl-locale-maketext-lexicon 0.79-1 Perl/CPAN Module Locale::Maketext::Lexicon : Use other catalog formats in Maketext any Community perl-json 2.21-1 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder i686i686 Community subtitleeditor 0.36.2-1 A GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD i686 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.1-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework i686 Community hedgewars 0.9.13-2 Free Worms-like turn based strategy game i686 Community skrooge 0.7.0-1 Personal finances manager for KDE4, allowing you to keep track of your incomes and expenses i686 Extra upower 0.9.2-1 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics i686 Extra metacity 2.30.1-1 A window manager for GNOME2 i686 Extra kdevelop 3.10.0-1 A C/C++ development environment for KDE i686 Extra kdevplatform 0.10.0-1 A C/C++ development platform for KDE i686 Extra libmodplug 0.8.8-1 A MOD playing library x86_64x86_64 Community subtitleeditor 0.36.2-1 A GTK+2 tool to edit subtitles for GNU/Linux/*BSD x86_64 Community hedgewars 0.9.13-2 Free Worms-like turn based strategy game x86_64 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.1-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework x86_64 Community skrooge 0.7.0-1 Personal finances manager for KDE4, allowing you to keep track of your incomes and expenses x86_64 Extra upower 0.9.2-1 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics x86_64 Extra metacity 2.30.1-1 A window manager for GNOME2 x86_64 Extra kdevelop 3.10.0-1 A C/C++ development environment for KDE x86_64 Extra kdevplatform 0.10.0-1 A C/C++ development platform for KDE x86_64 Extra libmodplug 0.8.8-1 A MOD playing library AURsfml 1.6-1shnerkel 0.01-1 soil 0708-1 vdpau-video 0.6.7-1 libva-sds 0.31.0_1_12-1 caudio 2.1.0-1 nvidia-beta-all 195.36.15-1 cherrytree 0.9.5-1 calibre 0.6.46-3 quvi 0.1.4-1Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 8, 2010 Author Posted April 8, 2010 Updates for Wednesday 7, Apr 2010:Anyany Extra quodlibet-plugins 2.2.1-1 Various plugins for QuodLibet i686i686 Community apvlv A PDF Viewer which behaves like Vim i686 Community qtoctave 0.9.1-1 qt frontend for octave i686 Community lesspipe 1.71-1 an input filter for the pager less i686 Community tracker 0.8.0-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer i686 Community fbreader 0.12.10-1 An e-book reader for Linux i686 Community awn-extras-applets A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator i686 Extra fvwm-devel 2.5.29-1 A multiple large virtual desktop window manager originally derived from twm i686 Extra quodlibet 2.2.1-1 An audio player written in pygtk i686 Extra cpio 2.11-2 A tool to copy files into or out of a cpio or tar archive i686 Extra gdisk 0.6.6-1 A text-mode partitioning tool that works on Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) disks. i686 Extra upower 0.9.2-2 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics i686 Extra jack 0.118.0-2 A low-latency audio server x86_64x86_64 Community apvlv A PDF Viewer which behaves like Vim x86_64 Community qtoctave 0.9.1-1 qt frontend for octave x86_64 Community tracker 0.8.0-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer x86_64 Community fbreader 0.12.10-1 An e-book reader for Linux x86_64 Community lesspipe 1.71-1 an input filter for the pager less x86_64 Community awn-extras-applets A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator x86_64 Extra fvwm-devel 2.5.29-1 A multiple large virtual desktop window manager originally derived from twm x86_64 Extra quodlibet 2.2.1-1 An audio player written in pygtk x86_64 Extra cpio 2.11-2 A tool to copy files into or out of a cpio or tar archive x86_64 Extra gdisk 0.6.6-1 A text-mode partitioning tool that works on Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) disks. x86_64 Extra upower 0.9.2-2 Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics x86_64 Extra jack 0.118.0-2 A low-latency audio server AURitcl 3.4-1 vimprobable-git 20100408-1 tcloo 0.6-1 chromeplus 0.5-2 pacman-notifier 0.6.3-1vimperator 2.3.1-1 wqy-microhei 0.2.0_beta-2 wqy-microhei-nightly_build 0.2-2bitpim-svn 4835-1Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 9, 2010 Author Posted April 9, 2010 Updates for Thursday 8, Apr 2010:Anyany Community virtualbox-additions 3.1.6-1 Guest additions for VirtualBox any Core ca-certificates 20090814-3 Common CA certificates any Community maven 2.2.1-3 A Java project management and project comprehension tool any Community perl-datetime-timezone 1.16-1 Time zone object base class and factory any Community perl-parse-recdescent 1.965001-1 Recursive descent parser generator any Community rubber 1.1-5 A wrapper for LaTeX and friends i686i686 Core links 2.2-4 A text WWW browser, similar to Lynx i686 Core ndiswrapper 1.56-2 Module for NDIS (Windows Network Drivers) drivers supplied by vendors. For stock arch 2.6 kernel. i686 Core nfs-utils 1.2.2-2 Support programs for Network File Systems i686 Core openssh 5.4p1-4 A Secure SHell server/client i686 Core openssl 1.0.0-2 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security i686 Core openvpn 2.1.1-2 An easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network) i686 Core pacman 3.3.3-5 A library-based package manager with dependency support i686 Core syslog-ng 3.0.4-4 Next-generation syslogd with advanced networking and filtering capabilities i686 Core tiacx 20080210-14 OpenSource module for Texas Instruments ACX100/ACX111 wireless chips. For stock arch 2.6 kernel i686 Core vpnc 0.5.3-2 VPN client for cisco3000 VPN Concentrators i686 Core wget 1.12-2 A network utility to retrieve files from the Web i686 Core wpa_supplicant 0.6.10-2 A utility providing key negotiation for WPA wireless networks i686 Core dnsutils 9.6.1-3 Various DNS utilities - dig host nslookup nsupdate i686 Core heimdal 1.3.2-1 Implementation of Kerberos V5 libraries i686 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules i686 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel i686 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26 i686 Core libarchive 2.8.3-3 library that can create and read several streaming archive formats i686 Core libfetch 2.30-3 URL based download library i686 Core libldap 2.4.21-2 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client libraries i686 Core librpcsecgss 0.19-3 Library for RPCSECGSS support i686 Community snes9x 1.52-1 A portable Emulator for the Super Nintento Entertainment System i686 Community zsnes 1.51-7 Super Nintendo emulator i686 Community virtualbox-modules 3.1.6-2 Kernel modules for VirtualBox i686 Community virtualbox-ose 3.1.6-2 Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use (Open Source Edition) i686 Community virtualbox-ose-additions 3.1.6-2 Guest Additions for VirtualBox (Open Source Edition) i686 Community virtualbox-ose-additions-modules 3.1.6-2 Kernel modules for VirtualBox Guest Additions i686 Community e-modules-extra-svn 47744-1 Extra gadgets for e17 i686 Community e-svn 47761-1 Enlightenment window manager DR17 (aka e17) i686 Community eet-svn 47721-1 A data storage and compression library i686 Community efreet-svn 47737-1 specifications for e17 i686 Community eina-svn 47741-1 E17 file chunk reading/writing library i686 Community em8300 0.18.0-1 DXR3 and Hollywood+ driver i686 Community embryo-svn 47528-1 implementation of a C like scripting language for e17 i686 Community emprint-svn 46597-1 screenshot module for e17 i686 Community evas-svn 47728-1 A hardware-accelerated canvas API for X-Windows i686 Community open-vm-tools-modules 2010.03.20-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. i686 Community speakup 3.1.5-1 Kernel-based screenreader for the Linux console i686 Community vhba-module 1.2.1-7 Kernel module that emulates SCSI devices i686 Community edje-svn 47685-1 A graphical design and layout library based on Evas i686 Community e_dbus-svn 47398-1 dbus abstraction layer for e17 i686 Community tls 1.6-3 OpenSSL extension to Tcl i686 Community tripwire An intrusion detection system. i686 Community unrealircd Open Source IRC Server. i686 Community vyqchat 0.2.8-3 vypress compatible qt chat (can work without server) i686 Community webfs 1.21-5 Simple http server for mostly static content. i686 Community xiphos 3.1.3-2 A Bible study tool for gtk i686 Community xmms2 0.7DrNo-3 complete rewrite of the popular music player i686 Community yaz 4.0.1-3 A toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers i686 Community osec 1.2.2cvs20081201-3 lightweight integrity checking system i686 Community osiris 4.2.3-3 A file integrity management system i686 Community p3scan 2.3.2-4 Fully transparent POP3/SMTP proxy with Anti-Virus and SPAM protection i686 Community pantomime 1.2.0pre3-2 A set of Objective-C classes that model a mail system i686 Community parrot 2.2.0-4 standalone virtual machine that can be used to execute bytecode compiled dynamic languages i686 Community partimage 0.6.8-2 Partition Image saves partitions in many formats to an image file. i686 Community perl-crypt-openssl-bignum 0.04-3 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic i686 Community perl-crypt-openssl-random 0.04-3 Interface to OpenSSL PRNG methods i686 Community perl-crypt-openssl-rsa 0.26-2 Interface to OpenSSL RSA methods i686 Community perl-gssapi 0.26-3 Perl/CPAN Module GSSAPI i686 Community perl-www-curl 4.11-2 Perl/CPAN Module WWW::Curl i686 Community php52 5.2.13-5 A high-level scripting language i686 Community pinot 0.95-2 Personal search and metasearch tool i686 Community pound 2.5-1 A reverse proxy, load balancer, and SSL wrapper i686 Community prosody 0.6.1-2 Lightweight and extensible Jabber/XMPP server written in Lua. i686 Community proxytunnel 1.9.0-2 a program that connects stdin and stdout to a server somewhere on the network, through a standard HTTPS proxy i686 Community psqlodbc 08.04.0100-2 PostgreSQL ODBC driver i686 Community pulseaudio 0.9.21-5 A networked sound server i686 Community pwsafe 0.2.0-6 A commandline program for managing encrypted password databases i686 Community python-pycurl 7.19.0-4 A Python interface to libcurl i686 Community python3 3.1.2-3 Next generation of the python high-level scripting language i686 Community qbittorrent 2.2.2-2 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library i686 Community qingy 0.9.9-3 Qingy is a DirectFB getty replacement i686 Community qmc2 0.2.b14-1 Qt 4 based UNIX MAME frontend supporting SDLMAME. i686 Community qpxtool 0.7.0-4 Allows better controll over optical drives to include QChecks and optimization settings. i686 Community qstardict 0.13.1-3 Qt4 clone of StarDict with full support of StarDict dictionaries. i686 Community recoll 1.13.02-3 Full text search tool based on Xapian backend i686 Community rusxmms 1.2.11_csa43-2 XMMS with librcc i686 Community slrn 0.9.9p1-6 An open source text-based news client i686 Community snownews 1.5.12-2 Text mode RSS newsreader for Linux and Unix. i686 Community splix 2.0.0-4 CUPS drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers i686 Community stunnel 4.32-2 A program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL. i686 Community supertux 0.3.1-5 A classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games i686 Community sword 1.6.1-2 SWORD libraries for Bible programs i686 Community terminator 0.92-1 an application that provides lots of terminals in a single window i686 Community texmaker 1.9.9-3 Free cross-platform latex editor i686 Community gq 1.2.3-4 interactive graphical LDAP browser i686 Community gwenhywfar 3.11.3-2 OS abstraction functions for various projects i686 Community gyachi 1.2.6-2 An improved fork of the GyachE Yahoo! client i686 Community hostapd 0.6.10-3 daemon for wireless software access points i686 Community htmldoc 1.8.27-4 Produce PDF or Postscript from HTML documents including TOCs and Indices i686 Community hula r2661-3 A calendar and mail server i686 Community inn 2.5.1-2 Complete open source Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers. i686 Community ipsec-tools 0.7.3-2 KAME IPSec tools ported to Linux i686 Community kadu A Qt-based Gadu-Gadu client i686 Community kftpgrabber 0.8.1-4 A graphical FTP client for KDE i686 Community kvirc 3.4.2-4 Qt-based IRC client i686 Community lastfm-client The client i686 Community libesmtp 1.0.4-5 A library to manage posting (or submission of) electronic mail using SMTP to a preconfigured Mail Transport Agent (MTA) i686 Community libexosip2 3.2.0-2 A library that hides the complexity of using SIP for multimedia session establishement i686 Community libfbclient Client library for Firebird. i686 Community libtorrent 0.12.6-2 BitTorrent library written in C++ i686 Community libwww 5.4.0-4 A general-purpose client side WEB API i686 Community links-g 2.2-5 A text WWW browser, similar to Lynx, with framebuffer and X graphics enabled i686 Community linphone 3.2.1-2 A Voice-over-IP phone i686 Community mailx-heirloom 12.4-3 MUA command line tool (mailx) i686 Community mcabber 0.10.0_rc3-1 is a small Jabber console client, includes features: SSL, PGP, MUC, UTF8 i686 Community mktorrent 1.0-2 Simple command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files i686 Community monit 5.0.3-2 Utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and devices on a *NIX system i686 Community netsurf 2.1-6 Lightweight, fast web browser i686 Community network-ups-tools 2.4.1-4 NUT is a collection of programs for monitoring and administering UPS hardware i686 Community nginx 0.7.65-2 lightweight HTTP server and IMAP/POP3 proxy server i686 Community ngircd 15-2 Next Generation IRC Daemon i686 Community omniorb 4.1.4-1 A CORBA object request broker for C++ and Python. i686 Community open-vm-tools 2010.03.20-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. i686 Community openntpd 3.9p1-11 Free, easy to use implementation of the Network Time Protocol. i686 Community opensips 1.6.2-1 An Open Source SIP Server able to act as a SIP proxy, registrar, location server, redirect server ... i686 Community openttd 1.0.0-2 An engine for running Transport Tycoon Deluxe i686 Community aircrack-ng 1.0-3 A key cracker for the 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK protocols i686 Community balsa 2.4.7-2 An e-mail client for GNOME i686 Community bind-geodns 9.4.1-3 bind named server with geoip patch can return ip depending on requester location i686 Community boinc 6.10.17-2 Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing i686 Community castget 1.0.1-2 A simple, command-line based RSS enclosure downloader. i686 Community cherokee 0.99.44-2 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server i686 Community cvs-feature 1.12.13-4 This version have of CVS has lot of improvements like proxy support and new options. i686 Community dar 2.3.9-2 A full featured command-line backup tool, short for Disk ARchive i686 Community dillo 2.2-2 A small, fast graphical web browser built on FLTK i686 Community dsniff 2.4b1-16 Collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing. i686 Community dwdiff 1.7-2 a front-end for the diff program that operates at the word level instead of the line level i686 Community ecore-svn 47760-2 Ecore is an abstraction layer for e17 i686 Community ejabberd 2.1.2-4 An erlang jabber server i686 Community ekg 1.7-5 A text-mode Gadu-Gadu client i686 Community ekg2 20100206-2 ncurses based Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Tlen and IRC client i686 Community encfs 1.5-11 Encrypted filesystem in user-space i686 Community epic4 2.10.1-2 EPIC4 is a new direction in ircII development i686 Community exaile A full-featured media player for GTK+ i686 Community exim 4.71-3 A Message Transfer Agent i686 Community fdm 1.6-2 A program to fetch and deliver mail i686 Community freeradius 2.1.8-1 The premier open source RADIUS server. i686 Community gimmie 0.2.8-10 GNOME panel revisited i686 Community gkrellm 2.3.4-3 System monitor package for GTK2 i686 Community gnubiff 2.2.11-4 Mail notification program that checks for mail and displays headers when new mail has arrived i686 Community gnubiff-gtk 2.2.13-2 Mail notification program that checks for mail and displays headers when new mail has arrived. GTK version. i686 Community gnustep-base 1.18.0-6 The GNUstep base package i686 Community google-gadgets-common 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (common files) i686 Community google-gadgets-gtk 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (GTK+ front-end) i686 Community google-gadgets-qt 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (Qt front-end) i686 Community gpac 0.4.5-5 A multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard i686 Community mp3splt-gtk 0.5.9-1 Split mp3 and ogg files without decoding i686 Community perl-dbd-pg 2.17.0-1 Postgres Driver for DBI i686 Extra wvstreams 4.6.1-2 A network programming library written in C++ i686 Extra x11vnc 0.9.9-2 A VNC server for real X displays i686 Extra xchat 2.8.6-6 A GTK+ based IRC client i686 Extra xchat-gnome 0.26.1-3 GNOME frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. i686 Extra xf86-video-ati 6.12.192-1 ati video driver i686 Extra xf86-video-nouveau 0.0.15_git20100314-1 Open Source 3D acceleration driver for nVidia cards (experimental) i686 Extra xf86-video-s3virge 1.10.4-1 S3 Virge video driver i686 Extra xf86-video-vesa 2.3.0-1 vesa video driver i686 Extra xfprint 4.6.1-3 A print dialog and a printer manager for Xfce i686 Extra xmlsec 1.2.14-1 XML Security Library is a C library based on LibXML2 i686 Extra xorg-server 1.7.6-3 X.Org X servers i686 Extra squid 2.7.STABLE7-3 A full-featured Web proxy cache server. i686 Extra ssmtp 2.64-2 Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mailhub i686 Extra subversion 1.6.9-4 Replacement for CVS, another versioning system (svn) i686 Extra swi-prolog 5.6.64-6 Prolog environment i686 Extra sylpheed 3.0.2-1 Lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client i686 Extra tcpdump 4.1.1-1 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition i686 Extra tdfx-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for 3dfx i686 Extra telepathy-idle 0.1.6-2 An IRC connection manager for Telepathy i686 Extra testdisk 6.11.3-3 Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool i686 Extra tin 1.8.3-7 Curses based threaded NNTP and spool based UseNet newsreader i686 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay network i686 Extra transmission-cli 1.92-2 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (CLI tools, daemon and web client) i686 Extra transmission-gtk 1.92-2 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI) i686 Extra unichrome-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Graphics/VIA Unichrome i686 Extra vde2 2.2.2-6 Virtual Distributed Ethernet for emulators like qemu i686 Extra virtuoso 6.1.0-2 A scalable cross-platform server that combines SQL/RDF/XML Data Management with Web Application Server and Web Services Platform functionality i686 Extra vsftpd 2.2.2-3 Very Secure FTP daemon i686 Extra w3m 0.5.2-5 A pager/text-based WWW browser i686 Extra wesnoth 1.8-1 A turn-based strategy game on a fantasy world i686 Extra wireshark 1.2.7-1 A free network protocol analyzer for Unix/Linux and Windows i686 Extra pure-ftpd 1.0.29-2 A fast, production quality, standards-conformant FTP server i686 Extra pyopenssl 0.10-2 pyOpenSSL is a Python interface to the OpenSSL library i686 Extra python 2.6.5-3 A high-level scripting language i686 Extra python-m2crypto 0.20.2-2 A crypto and SSL toolkit for Python i686 Extra python24 2.4.6-3 A high-level scripting language i686 Extra qca-ossl 2.0.0-3 Qt Cryptographic Architecture i686 Extra qt 4.6.2-3 A cross-platform application and UI framework i686 Extra qtscriptgenerator 0.1.0-4 Script generator for qt i686 Extra r128-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Rage128 i686 Extra rdesktop 1.6.0-4 Is used to connect to windows terminal servers i686 Extra ruby 1.9.1_p378-2 An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming i686 Extra ruby-docs 1.9.1_p378-2 Documentation files for ruby i686 Extra samba 3.5.2-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB i686 Extra savage-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Sraphics/VIA Savage i686 Extra sis-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for SiS i686 Extra slmodem 2.9.11-50 Drivers for the Smartlink winmodems. For stock arch 2.6 kernel i686 Extra smbclient 3.5.2-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB i686 Extra socat Relay for bidirectional data transfer via socket, pty, pipe, file and more i686 Extra sofia-sip 1.12.10-2 An open-source SIP User-Agent library i686 Extra spamassassin 3.3.1-2 A mail filter to identify spam. i686 Extra spamassassin-spamc 3.3.0-2 Standalone C Client to spamassassin. i686 Extra perl-net-ssleay 1.36-2 Perl extension for using OpenSSL i686 Extra php 5.3.2-6 An HTML-embedded scripting language i686 Extra php-apache 5.3.2-6 Apache SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-cgi 5.3.2-6 CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-curl 5.3.2-6 curl module for PHP i686 Extra php-embed 5.3.2-6 Embed SAPI for PHP i686 Extra php-enchant 5.3.2-6 enchant module for PHP i686 Extra php-gd 5.3.2-6 gd module for PHP i686 Extra php-gmp 5.3.2-6 gmp module for PHP i686 Extra php-intl 5.3.2-6 intl module for PHP i686 Extra php-ldap 5.3.2-6 ldap module for PHP i686 Extra php-mcrypt 5.3.2-6 mcrypt module for PHP i686 Extra php-odbc 5.3.2-6 ODBC modules for PHP i686 Extra php-pear 5.3.2-6 PHP Extension and Application Repository i686 Extra php-pgsql 5.3.2-6 PostgreSQL modules for PHP i686 Extra php-pspell 5.3.2-6 pspell module for PHP i686 Extra php-snmp 5.3.2-6 snmp module for PHP i686 Extra php-sqlite 5.3.2-6 sqlite3 module for PHP i686 Extra php-tidy 5.3.2-6 tidy module for PHP i686 Extra php-xsl 5.3.2-6 xsl module for PHP i686 Extra postfix 2.7.0-2 Secure, fast, easy to administer drop in replacement for Sendmail (MTA) i686 Extra postgresql 8.4.3-2 A sophisticated object-relational DBMS i686 Extra postgresql-libs 8.4.3-2 Libraries for use with PostgreSQL i686 Extra proftpd 1.3.3-4 A high-performance, scalable FTP server i686 Extra psi 0.14-3 Instant messaging application designed for the Jabber IM i686 Extra ptlib 2.6.5-2 Portable Windows Library i686 Extra mesa 7.7.1-1 Mesa 3-D graphics libraries and include files i686 Extra mga-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for Matrox i686 Extra miro 3.0-1 The free and open source internet TV platform i686 Extra mutt 1.5.20-3 A small but very powerful text-based mail client i686 Extra nbsmtp 1.00-3 No-Brainer SMTP client suitable to run in chroot jails, embeded systems, laptops, and workstations i686 Extra neon 0.28.6-4 HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface i686 Extra net-snmp 5.5-3 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 i686 Extra nmap 5.21-2 A network exploration tool and security/port scanner i686 Extra nouveau-drm 0.0.16_20100313-1 nvidia opensource X driver i686 Extra ntop 3.3.10-3 A network traffic probe that shows the network usage i686 Extra ntp 4.2.6-3 NTP (Network Time Protocol) tries to keep servers in sync i686 Extra nvidia 195.36.15-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26. i686 Extra nvidia-173xx 173.14.25-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26, 173xx branch. i686 Extra nvidia-96xx 96.43.16-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26, 96xx branch. i686 Extra nx-common 3.4.0-4 NoMachine NX common package for client and server i686 Extra opal 3.6.6-2 Open Phone Abstraction Library i686 Extra openconnect 2.22-2 Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN i686 Extra openoffice-base 3.2.0-3 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite i686 Extra openoffice-sdk 3.2.0-3 SDK - development files i686 Extra openslp 1.2.1-3 Open-source implementation of Service Location Protocol i686 Extra ortp 0.16.1-2 A Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) library i686 Extra pdns 2.9.22-5 A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver i686 Extra perl-crypt-ssleay 0.57-4 OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support i686 Extra intel-537 Intel Modem Drivers for 537 chipsets. For stock arch 2.6 kernel i686 Extra intel-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for Intel i686 Extra irssi 0.8.15-1 Modular text mode IRC client with Perl scripting i686 Extra john John The Ripper - A fast password cracker. Additional patches (NTLM, MySQL, Kerberos V5, etc.) included. i686 Extra libcups 1.4.3-2 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers i686 Extra libdrm 2.4.19-1 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services i686 Extra libetpan 0.58-3 A portable middleware for email access i686 Extra libflashsupport Macromedia flash plugin support lib (OSS SSL) i686 Extra libfprint 0.0.6-5 library for fingerprint scanner support in applications i686 Extra libgadu 1.8.2-4 Gadu-Gadu protocol libraries i686 Extra libgl 7.7.1-1 Mesa 3-D graphics library and DRI software rasterizer i686 Extra libgnomecups 0.2.3-7 GNOME cups library i686 Extra libgnomeprint 2.18.7-2 Printing routines for GNOME i686 Extra liblastfm 0.3.0-5 A collection of libraries to help you integrate services into your rich desktop software i686 Extra libmsn 4.1-2 A reusable, open-source, fully documented library for connecting to Microsoft's MSN i686 Extra libssh 0.4.1-3 Library for accessing ssh client services through C libraries i686 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.0-3 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around i686 Extra libwebkit 1.2.0-1 an opensource web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE i686 Extra licq 1.3.8-3 Advanced graphical ICQ clone and more for Unix i686 Extra lighttpd 1.4.26-3 a secure, fast, compliant and very flexible web-server i686 Extra linuxdcpp 1.0.3-3 A port of the DC++ direct connect client to Unix/Linux using GTK+ i686 Extra lirc 0.8.6-4 Linux Infrared Remote Control kernel modules for stock arch kernel i686 Extra lynx 2.8.7-2 A text browser for the World Wide Web i686 Extra mach64-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Mach64 i686 Extra madwifi Madwifi drivers for Atheros wireless chipsets. For stock arch 2.6 kernel i686 Extra madwifi-utils Userspace tools of madwifi drivers for Atheros wireless chipsets. i686 Extra mail-notification 5.4-4 Tray icon application that informs you if you have new mail i686 Extra martian 20080625-9 Alternative driver for the Agere Systems PCI WinModem. i686 Extra ettercap-gtk NG_0.7.3-7 A network sniffer/interceptor/logger for ethernet LANs - GTK i686 Extra evolution-data-server 2.30.0-2 Evolution Data Server provides a central location for addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop i686 Extra evolution-exchange 2.30.0-2 Ximian Connector Exchange plugin for Evolution i686 Extra fcpci 31107-52 AVM ISDN driver for FRITZ PCI isdn cards. For stock arch 2.6 kernel. i686 Extra fcpcmcia 31107-50 AVM ISDN driver for FRITZ PCMCIA isdn cards. For stock arch 2.6 kernel i686 Extra fetchmail 6.3.16-1 A remote-mail retrieval utility i686 Extra gftp 2.0.19-3 A multithreaded ftp client for X Windows i686 Extra git the fast distributed version control system i686 Extra gnome-vfs 2.24.3-2 The GNOME Virtual File System i686 Extra go-openoffice - enhanced version of SUN's office suite i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.18-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugin libraries (gst-plugins-bad) i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.18-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins (gst-plugins-bad) i686 Extra gtk2 2.20.0-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) i686 Extra hplip 3.10.2-1 Drivers for HP DeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet. i686 Extra icecast 2.3.2-3 Streaming audio over the Internet i686 Extra icu 4.4-1 International Components for Unicode library i686 Extra imap 2007e-2 An IMAP/POP server i686 Extra intel-536ep Intel Modem Drivers for 536EP chipset. For stock arch 2.6 kernel i686 Extra alpine 2.00-8 The Apache-licensed PINE (a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages) i686 Extra anjuta Anjuta Integrated Development Environment (IDE) i686 Extra apache 2.2.15-2 A high performance Unix-based HTTP server i686 Extra arch 1.3.5-7 a modern and remarkable revision control system i686 Extra ati-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon i686 Extra aufs2 2.6.33_20100225-1 Another Unionfs Implementation i686 Extra autofs 5.0.5-3 A kernel-based automounter for Linux i686 Extra bigloo 3.3a_5-2 Fast scheme compiler i686 Extra bind 9.7.0.P1-2 Berkeley Internet Name Domain - named server i686 Extra brltty 4.1-3 Braille display driver for Linux/Unix i686 Extra centerim 4.22.9-3 Fork of CenterICQ - A text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface i686 Extra claws-mail 3.7.5-2 A GTK+ based e-mail client. i686 Extra claws-mail-extra-plugins 3.7.5-2 Extra plugins for claws-mail i686 Extra courier-imap 4.4.1-5 IMAP(s)/POP3(s) Server i686 Extra courier-mta 0.62.1-6 IMAP(s)/POP3(s) and SMTP Server with ML-manager, webmail and webconfig i686 Extra cups 1.4.3-2 The CUPS Printing System - deamon package i686 Extra curl 7.20.0-4 An URL retrival utility and library i686 Extra cvs 1.11.23-5 Concurrent Versions System - a source control system i686 Extra cyrus-sasl 2.1.23-4 SASL authentication daemon i686 Extra cyrus-sasl-plugins 2.1.23-2 Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) library i686 Extra d4x A GUI XFree86 program for downloading files i686 Extra dovecot 1.2.11-2 An IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind i686 Extra elinks 0.11.7-3 An advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web browser. i686 Extra erlang R13B04-3 A small concurrent functional programming language developed by Ericsson. i686 Extra smb4k 0.10.7-1 A KDE program that browses samba shares i686 Extra libmp3splt 0.5.9-1 Library for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding i686 Extra mp3splt 2.2.8-1 Comandline tool for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding i686 Extra parprouted 0.7-3 proxy ARP IP bridging daemon i686 Extra attica 0.1.3-1 A library to access Open Collaboration Service providers x86_64x86_64 Core dnsutils 9.6.1-3 Various DNS utilities - dig host nslookup nsupdate x86_64 Core heimdal 1.3.2-1 Implementation of Kerberos V5 libraries x86_64 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules x86_64 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel x86_64 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26 x86_64 Core libarchive 2.8.3-3 library that can create and read several streaming archive formats x86_64 Core libfetch 2.30-3 URL based download library x86_64 Core libldap 2.4.21-2 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client libraries x86_64 Core librpcsecgss 0.19-3 Library for RPCSECGSS support x86_64 Core links 2.2-4 A text WWW browser, similar to Lynx x86_64 Core ndiswrapper 1.56-2 Module for NDIS (Windows Network Drivers) drivers supplied by vendors. For stock arch 2.6 kernel. x86_64 Core nfs-utils 1.2.2-2 Support programs for Network File Systems x86_64 Core openssh 5.4p1-4 A Secure SHell server/client x86_64 Core openssl 1.0.0-2 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security x86_64 Core openvpn 2.1.1-2 An easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network) x86_64 Core pacman 3.3.3-5 A library-based package manager with dependency support x86_64 Core syslog-ng 3.0.4-4 Next-generation syslogd with advanced networking and filtering capabilities x86_64 Core tiacx 20080210-14 OpenSource module for Texas Instruments ACX100/ACX111 wireless chips. For stock arch 2.6 kernel x86_64 Core vpnc 0.5.3-2 VPN client for cisco3000 VPN Concentrators x86_64 Core wget 1.12-2 A network utility to retrieve files from the Web x86_64 Core wpa_supplicant 0.6.10-2 A utility providing key negotiation for WPA wireless networks x86_64 Community snes9x 1.52-1 A portable Emulator for the Super Nintento Entertainment System x86_64 Community e-modules-extra-svn 47744-1 Extra gadgets for e17 x86_64 Community e-svn 47761-1 Enlightenment window manager DR17 (aka e17) x86_64 Community edje-svn 47685-1 A graphical design and layout library based on Evas x86_64 Community eet-svn 47721-1 A data storage and compression library x86_64 Community efreet-svn 47737-1 specifications for e17 x86_64 Community eina-svn 47741-1 E17 file chunk reading/writing library x86_64 Community em8300 0.18.0-1 DXR3 and Hollywood+ driver x86_64 Community embryo-svn 47528-1 implementation of a C like scripting language for e17 x86_64 Community emprint-svn 46597-1 screenshot module for e17 x86_64 Community evas-svn 47728-1 A hardware-accelerated canvas API for X-Windows x86_64 Community e_dbus-svn 47398-1 dbus abstraction layer for e17 x86_64 Community open-vm-tools-modules 2010.03.20-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. x86_64 Community speakup 3.1.5-1 Kernel-based screenreader for the Linux console x86_64 Community vhba-module 1.2.1-7 Kernel module that emulates SCSI devices x86_64 Community pound 2.5-1 A reverse proxy, load balancer, and SSL wrapper x86_64 Community prosody 0.6.1-2 Lightweight and extensible Jabber/XMPP server written in Lua. x86_64 Community proxytunnel 1.9.0-2 a program that connects stdin and stdout to a server somewhere on the network, through a standard HTTPS proxy x86_64 Community psqlodbc 08.04.0100-2 PostgreSQL ODBC driver x86_64 Community pulseaudio 0.9.21-5 A networked sound server x86_64 Community pwsafe 0.2.0-6 A commandline program for managing encrypted password databases x86_64 Community python-pycurl 7.19.0-4 A Python interface to libcurl x86_64 Community python3 3.1.2-3 Next generation of the python high-level scripting language x86_64 Community qbittorrent 2.2.2-2 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library x86_64 Community qingy 0.9.9-3 Qingy is a DirectFB getty replacement x86_64 Community qmc2 0.2.b14-1 Qt 4 based UNIX MAME frontend supporting SDLMAME. x86_64 Community qpxtool 0.7.0-4 Allows better controll over optical drives to include QChecks and optimization settings. x86_64 Community qstardict 0.13.1-3 Qt4 clone of StarDict with full support of StarDict dictionaries. x86_64 Community recoll 1.13.02-3 Full text search tool based on Xapian backend x86_64 Community rusxmms 1.2.11_csa43-2 XMMS with librcc x86_64 Community slrn 0.9.9p1-6 An open source text-based news client x86_64 Community snownews 1.5.12-2 Text mode RSS newsreader for Linux and Unix. x86_64 Community splix 2.0.0-4 CUPS drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers x86_64 Community stunnel 4.32-2 A program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL. x86_64 Community supertux 0.3.1-5 A classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games x86_64 Community sword 1.6.1-2 SWORD libraries for Bible programs x86_64 Community texmaker 1.9.9-3 Free cross-platform latex editor x86_64 Community tls 1.6-3 OpenSSL extension to Tcl x86_64 Community tripwire An intrusion detection system. x86_64 Community unrealircd Open Source IRC Server. x86_64 Community vyqchat 0.2.8-3 vypress compatible qt chat (can work without server) x86_64 Community webfs 1.21-5 Simple http server for mostly static content. x86_64 Community xiphos 3.1.3-2 A Bible study tool for gtk x86_64 Community xmms2 0.7DrNo-3 complete rewrite of the popular music player x86_64 Community yaz 4.0.1-3 A toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers x86_64 Community lib32-heimdal 1.3.2-1 Heimdal Kerberos V5 libraries x86_64 Community lib32-libcups 1.4.3-2 The CUPS Printing System x86_64 Community lib32-openssl 1.0.0-2 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security x86_64 Community lib32-qt 4.6.2-3 The QT gui toolkit. x86_64 Community libesmtp 1.0.4-5 A library to manage posting (or submission of) electronic mail using SMTP to a preconfigured Mail Transport Agent (MTA) x86_64 Community libexosip2 3.2.0-2 A library that hides the complexity of using SIP for multimedia session establishement x86_64 Community libfbclient Client library for Firebird. x86_64 Community libtorrent 0.12.6-2 BitTorrent library written in C++ x86_64 Community libwww 5.4.0-4 A general-purpose client side WEB API x86_64 Community links-g 2.2-5 A text WWW browser, similar to Lynx, with framebuffer and X graphics enabled x86_64 Community linphone 3.2.1-2 A Voice-over-IP phone x86_64 Community mailx-heirloom 12.4-3 MUA command line tool (mailx) x86_64 Community mcabber 0.10.0_rc3-1 is a small Jabber console client, includes features: SSL, PGP, MUC, UTF8 x86_64 Community mktorrent 1.0-2 Simple command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files x86_64 Community monit 5.0.3-2 Utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and devices on a *NIX system x86_64 Community netsurf 2.1-6 Lightweight, fast web browser x86_64 Community network-ups-tools 2.4.1-4 NUT is a collection of programs for monitoring and administering UPS hardware x86_64 Community nginx 0.7.65-2 lightweight HTTP server and IMAP/POP3 proxy server x86_64 Community ngircd 15-2 Next Generation IRC Daemon x86_64 Community omniorb 4.1.4-1 A CORBA object request broker for C++ and Python. x86_64 Community open-vm-tools 2010.03.20-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. x86_64 Community openntpd 3.9p1-11 Free, easy to use implementation of the Network Time Protocol. x86_64 Community opensips 1.6.2-1 An Open Source SIP Server able to act as a SIP proxy, registrar, location server, redirect server ... x86_64 Community openttd 1.0.0-2 An engine for running Transport Tycoon Deluxe x86_64 Community osec 1.2.2cvs20081201-3 lightweight integrity checking system x86_64 Community osiris 4.2.3-3 A file integrity management system x86_64 Community p3scan 2.3.2-4 Fully transparent POP3/SMTP proxy with Anti-Virus and SPAM protection x86_64 Community pantomime 1.2.0pre3-2 A set of Objective-C classes that model a mail system x86_64 Community parrot 2.2.0-4 standalone virtual machine that can be used to execute bytecode compiled dynamic languages x86_64 Community partimage 0.6.8-2 Partition Image saves partitions in many formats to an image file. x86_64 Community perl-crypt-openssl-bignum 0.04-3 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic x86_64 Community perl-crypt-openssl-random 0.04-3 Interface to OpenSSL PRNG methods x86_64 Community perl-crypt-openssl-rsa 0.26-2 Interface to OpenSSL RSA methods x86_64 Community perl-gssapi 0.26-3 Perl/CPAN Module GSSAPI x86_64 Community perl-www-curl 4.11-2 Perl/CPAN Module WWW::Curl x86_64 Community php52 5.2.13-5 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Community pinot 0.95-2 Personal search and metasearch tool x86_64 Community exim 4.71-3 A Message Transfer Agent x86_64 Community fdm 1.6-2 A program to fetch and deliver mail x86_64 Community freeradius 2.1.8-1 The premier open source RADIUS server. x86_64 Community gimmie 0.2.8-10 GNOME panel revisited x86_64 Community gkrellm 2.3.4-3 System monitor package for GTK2 x86_64 Community gnubiff 2.2.11-4 Mail notification program that checks for mail and displays headers when new mail has arrived x86_64 Community gnubiff-gtk 2.2.13-2 Mail notification program that checks for mail and displays headers when new mail has arrived. GTK version. x86_64 Community gnustep-base 1.18.0-6 The GNUstep base package x86_64 Community google-gadgets-common 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (common files) x86_64 Community google-gadgets-gtk 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (GTK+ front-end) x86_64 Community google-gadgets-qt 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (Qt front-end) x86_64 Community gpac 0.4.5-5 A multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard x86_64 Community gq 1.2.3-4 interactive graphical LDAP browser x86_64 Community gwenhywfar 3.11.3-2 OS abstraction functions for various projects x86_64 Community gyachi 1.2.6-2 An improved fork of the GyachE Yahoo! client x86_64 Community hostapd 0.6.10-3 daemon for wireless software access points x86_64 Community htmldoc 1.8.27-4 Produce PDF or Postscript from HTML documents including TOCs and Indices x86_64 Community hula r2661-3 A calendar and mail server x86_64 Community inn 2.5.1-2 Complete open source Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers. x86_64 Community ipsec-tools 0.7.3-2 KAME IPSec tools ported to Linux x86_64 Community kadu A Qt-based Gadu-Gadu client x86_64 Community kftpgrabber 0.8.1-4 A graphical FTP client for KDE x86_64 Community kvirc 3.4.2-4 Qt-based IRC client x86_64 Community lastfm-client The client x86_64 Community lib32-curl 7.20.0-2 An URL retrival utility and library x86_64 Community lib32-gtk2 2.20.0-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Community aircrack-ng 1.0-3 A key cracker for the 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK protocols x86_64 Community balsa 2.4.7-2 An e-mail client for GNOME x86_64 Community bind-geodns 9.4.1-3 bind named server with geoip patch can return ip depending on requester location x86_64 Community boinc 6.10.17-2 Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing x86_64 Community castget 1.0.1-2 A simple, command-line based RSS enclosure downloader. x86_64 Community cherokee 0.99.44-2 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server x86_64 Community cvs-feature 1.12.13-4 This version have of CVS has lot of improvements like proxy support and new options. x86_64 Community dar 2.3.9-2 A full featured command-line backup tool, short for Disk ARchive x86_64 Community dillo 2.2-2 A small, fast graphical web browser built on FLTK x86_64 Community dsniff 2.4b1-16 Collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing. x86_64 Community dwdiff 1.7-2 a front-end for the diff program that operates at the word level instead of the line level x86_64 Community ecore-svn 47760-2 Ecore is an abstraction layer for e17 x86_64 Community ejabberd 2.1.2-4 An erlang jabber server x86_64 Community ekg 1.7-5 A text-mode Gadu-Gadu client x86_64 Community ekg2 20100206-2 ncurses based Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Tlen and IRC client x86_64 Community encfs 1.5-11 Encrypted filesystem in user-space x86_64 Community epic4 2.10.1-2 EPIC4 is a new direction in ircII development x86_64 Community mp3splt-gtk 0.5.9-1 Split mp3 and ogg files without decoding x86_64 Community perl-dbd-pg 2.17.0-1 Postgres Driver for DBI x86_64 Extra spamassassin-spamc 3.3.0-2 Standalone C Client to spamassassin. x86_64 Extra squid 2.7.STABLE7-3 A full-featured Web proxy cache server. x86_64 Extra ssmtp 2.64-2 Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mailhub x86_64 Extra subversion 1.6.9-4 Replacement for CVS, another versioning system (svn) x86_64 Extra swi-prolog 5.6.64-6 Prolog environment x86_64 Extra sylpheed 3.0.2-1 Lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client x86_64 Extra tcpdump 4.1.1-1 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition x86_64 Extra tdfx-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for 3dfx x86_64 Extra telepathy-idle 0.1.6-2 An IRC connection manager for Telepathy x86_64 Extra testdisk 6.11.3-3 Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool x86_64 Extra tin 1.8.3-7 Curses based threaded NNTP and spool based UseNet newsreader x86_64 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay network x86_64 Extra transmission-cli 1.92-2 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (CLI tools, daemon and web client) x86_64 Extra transmission-gtk 1.92-2 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI) x86_64 Extra unichrome-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Graphics/VIA Unichrome x86_64 Extra vde2 2.2.2-6 Virtual Distributed Ethernet for emulators like qemu x86_64 Extra virtuoso 6.1.0-2 A scalable cross-platform server that combines SQL/RDF/XML Data Management with Web Application Server and Web Services Platform functionality x86_64 Extra vsftpd 2.2.2-3 Very Secure FTP daemon x86_64 Extra w3m 0.5.2-5 A pager/text-based WWW browser x86_64 Extra wesnoth 1.8-1 A turn-based strategy game on a fantasy world x86_64 Extra wireshark 1.2.7-1 A free network protocol analyzer for Unix/Linux and Windows x86_64 Extra wvstreams 4.6.1-2 A network programming library written in C++ x86_64 Extra x11vnc 0.9.9-2 A VNC server for real X displays x86_64 Extra xchat 2.8.6-6 A GTK+ based IRC client x86_64 Extra xchat-gnome 0.26.1-3 GNOME frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. x86_64 Extra xf86-video-ati 6.12.192-1 ati video driver x86_64 Extra xf86-video-nouveau 0.0.15_git20100314-1 Open Source 3D acceleration driver for nVidia cards (experimental) x86_64 Extra xf86-video-s3virge 1.10.4-1 S3 Virge video driver x86_64 Extra xf86-video-vesa 2.3.0-1 vesa video driver x86_64 Extra xfprint 4.6.1-3 A print dialog and a printer manager for Xfce x86_64 Extra xmlsec 1.2.14-1 XML Security Library is a C library based on LibXML2 x86_64 Extra xorg-server 1.7.6-3 X.Org X servers x86_64 Extra php-intl 5.3.2-6 intl module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-ldap 5.3.2-6 ldap module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-mcrypt 5.3.2-6 mcrypt module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-odbc 5.3.2-6 ODBC modules for PHP x86_64 Extra php-pear 5.3.2-6 PHP Extension and Application Repository x86_64 Extra php-pgsql 5.3.2-6 PostgreSQL modules for PHP x86_64 Extra php-pspell 5.3.2-6 pspell module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-snmp 5.3.2-6 snmp module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-sqlite 5.3.2-6 sqlite3 module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-tidy 5.3.2-6 tidy module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-xsl 5.3.2-6 xsl module for PHP x86_64 Extra postfix 2.7.0-2 Secure, fast, easy to administer drop in replacement for Sendmail (MTA) x86_64 Extra postgresql 8.4.3-2 A sophisticated object-relational DBMS x86_64 Extra postgresql-libs 8.4.3-2 Libraries for use with PostgreSQL x86_64 Extra proftpd 1.3.3-4 A high-performance, scalable FTP server x86_64 Extra psi 0.14-3 Instant messaging application designed for the Jabber IM x86_64 Extra ptlib 2.6.5-2 Portable Windows Library x86_64 Extra pure-ftpd 1.0.29-2 A fast, production quality, standards-conformant FTP server x86_64 Extra pyopenssl 0.10-2 pyOpenSSL is a Python interface to the OpenSSL library x86_64 Extra python 2.6.5-3 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Extra python-m2crypto 0.20.2-2 A crypto and SSL toolkit for Python x86_64 Extra python24 2.4.6-3 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Extra qca-ossl 2.0.0-3 Qt Cryptographic Architecture x86_64 Extra qt 4.6.2-3 A cross-platform application and UI framework x86_64 Extra qtscriptgenerator 0.1.0-4 Script generator for qt x86_64 Extra r128-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Rage128 x86_64 Extra rdesktop 1.6.0-4 Is used to connect to windows terminal servers x86_64 Extra ruby 1.9.1_p378-2 An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming x86_64 Extra ruby-docs 1.9.1_p378-2 Documentation files for ruby x86_64 Extra samba 3.5.2-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB x86_64 Extra savage-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Sraphics/VIA Savage x86_64 Extra sis-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for SiS x86_64 Extra smbclient 3.5.2-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB x86_64 Extra socat Relay for bidirectional data transfer via socket, pty, pipe, file and more x86_64 Extra sofia-sip 1.12.10-2 An open-source SIP User-Agent library x86_64 Extra spamassassin 3.3.1-2 A mail filter to identify spam. x86_64 Extra mesa 7.7.1-1 Mesa 3-D graphics libraries and include files x86_64 Extra mga-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for Matrox x86_64 Extra miro 3.0-1 The free and open source internet TV platform x86_64 Extra mutt 1.5.20-3 A small but very powerful text-based mail client x86_64 Extra nbsmtp 1.00-3 No-Brainer SMTP client suitable to run in chroot jails, embeded systems, laptops, and workstations x86_64 Extra neon 0.28.6-4 HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface x86_64 Extra net-snmp 5.5-3 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 x86_64 Extra nmap 5.21-2 A network exploration tool and security/port scanner x86_64 Extra nouveau-drm 0.0.16_20100313-1 nvidia opensource X driver x86_64 Extra ntop 3.3.10-3 A network traffic probe that shows the network usage x86_64 Extra ntp 4.2.6-3 NTP (Network Time Protocol) tries to keep servers in sync x86_64 Extra nvidia 195.36.15-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26. x86_64 Extra nvidia-173xx 173.14.25-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26, 173xx branch. x86_64 Extra nvidia-96xx 96.43.16-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26, 96xx branch. x86_64 Extra nx-common 3.4.0-4 NoMachine NX common package for client and server x86_64 Extra opal 3.6.6-2 Open Phone Abstraction Library x86_64 Extra openconnect 2.22-2 Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN x86_64 Extra openoffice-base 3.2.0-3 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk 3.2.0-3 SDK - development files x86_64 Extra openslp 1.2.1-3 Open-source implementation of Service Location Protocol x86_64 Extra ortp 0.16.1-2 A Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) library x86_64 Extra pdns 2.9.22-5 A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver x86_64 Extra perl-crypt-ssleay 0.57-4 OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support x86_64 Extra perl-net-ssleay 1.36-2 Perl extension for using OpenSSL x86_64 Extra php 5.3.2-6 An HTML-embedded scripting language x86_64 Extra php-apache 5.3.2-6 Apache SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-cgi 5.3.2-6 CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-curl 5.3.2-6 curl module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-embed 5.3.2-6 Embed SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-enchant 5.3.2-6 enchant module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-gd 5.3.2-6 gd module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-gmp 5.3.2-6 gmp module for PHP x86_64 Extra gtk2 2.20.0-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Extra hplip 3.10.2-1 Drivers for HP DeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet. x86_64 Extra icecast 2.3.2-3 Streaming audio over the Internet x86_64 Extra icu 4.4-1 International Components for Unicode library x86_64 Extra imap 2007e-2 An IMAP/POP server x86_64 Extra intel-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for Intel x86_64 Extra irssi 0.8.15-1 Modular text mode IRC client with Perl scripting x86_64 Extra john John The Ripper - A fast password cracker. Additional patches (NTLM, MySQL, Kerberos V5, etc.) included. x86_64 Extra libcups 1.4.3-2 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers x86_64 Extra libdrm 2.4.19-1 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services x86_64 Extra libetpan 0.58-3 A portable middleware for email access x86_64 Extra libflashsupport Macromedia flash plugin support lib (OSS SSL) x86_64 Extra libfprint 0.0.6-5 library for fingerprint scanner support in applications x86_64 Extra libgadu 1.8.2-4 Gadu-Gadu protocol libraries x86_64 Extra libgl 7.7.1-1 Mesa 3-D graphics library and DRI software rasterizer x86_64 Extra libgnomecups 0.2.3-7 GNOME cups library x86_64 Extra libgnomeprint 2.18.7-2 Printing routines for GNOME x86_64 Extra liblastfm 0.3.0-5 A collection of libraries to help you integrate services into your rich desktop software x86_64 Extra libmsn 4.1-2 A reusable, open-source, fully documented library for connecting to Microsoft's MSN x86_64 Extra libssh 0.4.1-3 Library for accessing ssh client services through C libraries x86_64 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.0-3 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around x86_64 Extra libwebkit 1.2.0-1 an opensource web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE x86_64 Extra licq 1.3.8-3 Advanced graphical ICQ clone and more for Unix x86_64 Extra lighttpd 1.4.26-3 a secure, fast, compliant and very flexible web-server x86_64 Extra linuxdcpp 1.0.3-3 A port of the DC++ direct connect client to Unix/Linux using GTK+ x86_64 Extra lirc 0.8.6-4 Linux Infrared Remote Control kernel modules for stock arch kernel x86_64 Extra lynx 2.8.7-2 A text browser for the World Wide Web x86_64 Extra mach64-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Mach64 x86_64 Extra madwifi Madwifi drivers for Atheros wireless chipsets. For stock arch 2.6 kernel x86_64 Extra madwifi-utils Userspace tools of madwifi drivers for Atheros wireless chipsets. x86_64 Extra mail-notification 5.4-4 Tray icon application that informs you if you have new mail x86_64 Extra bigloo 3.3a_5-2 Fast scheme compiler x86_64 Extra bind 9.7.0.P1-2 Berkeley Internet Name Domain - named server x86_64 Extra brltty 4.1-3 Braille display driver for Linux/Unix x86_64 Extra centerim 4.22.9-3 Fork of CenterICQ - A text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface x86_64 Extra claws-mail 3.7.5-2 A GTK+ based e-mail client. x86_64 Extra claws-mail-extra-plugins 3.7.5-2 Extra plugins for claws-mail x86_64 Extra courier-imap 4.4.1-5 IMAP(s)/POP3(s) Server x86_64 Extra courier-mta 0.62.1-6 IMAP(s)/POP3(s) and SMTP Server with ML-manager, webmail and webconfig x86_64 Extra cups 1.4.3-2 The CUPS Printing System - deamon package x86_64 Extra curl 7.20.0-4 An URL retrival utility and library x86_64 Extra cvs 1.11.23-5 Concurrent Versions System - a source control system x86_64 Extra cyrus-sasl 2.1.23-4 SASL authentication daemon x86_64 Extra cyrus-sasl-plugins 2.1.23-2 Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) library x86_64 Extra d4x A GUI XFree86 program for downloading files x86_64 Extra dovecot 1.2.11-2 An IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind x86_64 Extra elinks 0.11.7-3 An advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web browser. x86_64 Extra erlang R13B04-3 A small concurrent functional programming language developed by Ericsson. x86_64 Extra ettercap-gtk NG_0.7.3-7 A network sniffer/interceptor/logger for ethernet LANs - GTK x86_64 Extra evolution-data-server 2.30.0-2 Evolution Data Server provides a central location for addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra evolution-exchange 2.30.0-2 Ximian Connector Exchange plugin for Evolution x86_64 Extra fcpci 31107-52 AVM ISDN driver for FRITZ PCI isdn cards. For stock arch 2.6 kernel. x86_64 Extra fcpcmcia 31107-50 AVM ISDN driver for FRITZ PCMCIA isdn cards. For stock arch 2.6 kernel x86_64 Extra fetchmail 6.3.16-1 A remote-mail retrieval utility x86_64 Extra gftp 2.0.19-3 A multithreaded ftp client for X Windows x86_64 Extra git the fast distributed version control system x86_64 Extra gnome-vfs 2.24.3-2 The GNOME Virtual File System x86_64 Extra go-openoffice - enhanced version of SUN's office suite x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.18-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugin libraries (gst-plugins-bad) x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.18-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins (gst-plugins-bad) x86_64 Extra alpine 2.00-8 The Apache-licensed PINE (a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages) x86_64 Extra anjuta Anjuta Integrated Development Environment (IDE) x86_64 Extra apache 2.2.15-2 A high performance Unix-based HTTP server x86_64 Extra arch 1.3.5-7 a modern and remarkable revision control system x86_64 Extra ati-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon x86_64 Extra aufs2 2.6.33_20100225-1 Another Unionfs Implementation x86_64 Extra autofs 5.0.5-3 A kernel-based automounter for Linux x86_64 Extra smb4k 0.10.7-1 A KDE program that browses samba shares x86_64 Extra libmp3splt 0.5.9-1 Library for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding x86_64 Extra mp3splt 2.2.8-1 Comandline tool for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding x86_64 Extra parprouted 0.7-3 proxy ARP IP bridging daemon x86_64 Extra attica 0.1.3-1 A library to access Open Collaboration Service providers AURmediatomb 0.12.0-3 xfce4-settings-pluggable 4.6.4-1 lib32-pulseaudio 0.9.21-6 wine-wow64-git 20100408-1 riak 0.9.1-1 pacstats-hg 6-1 audit 2.0.4-2 kdebase4-workspace-svn 1112435-1 easymp3gain-gtk2 0.5.0-3 kdebase4-svn 1112544-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 10, 2010 Author Posted April 10, 2010 Updates for Friday 9, Apr 2010:Anyany Community autojump 8-2 A faster way to navigate your filesystem from the command line any Community python-sphinx 0.6.5-1 Python documentation generator any Community perl-test-simple 0.94-1 Perl/CPAN Module Test::Simple, basic utilities for writing tests. any Extra papyon 0.4.6-1 papyon is the library behind the msn connection manager : telepathy-butterfly. i686i686 Core tzdata 2010h-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data i686 Core kernel26-lts The Linux Kernel and modules - stable longtime supported kernel package suitable for servers i686 Core kernel26-lts-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26-lts i686 Core sqlite3 A C library that implements an SQL database engine i686 Core bash 4.1.005-1 The GNU Bourne Again shell i686 Community uriparser 0.7.5-1 uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library. uriparser is cross-platform, fast, supports Unicode 2010-04-10i686 Community stunnel 4.33-1 A program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL. i686 Community acerhk 0.5.35-18 Acer hotkey driver i686 Community scite 2.10-1 A generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs i686 Community avbin 7-1 Cross-platform media decoding library i686 Community kmymoney2 1.0.4-1 Personal finance manager for KDE which operates similarly to MS-Money or Quicken i686 Community nautilus-actions 2.30.1-1 Configures programs to be launched when files are selected in Nautilus i686 Community uzbl-browser 2010.04.03-1 A complete browser experience based on uzbl-core i686 Community uzbl-core 2010.04.03-1 Webpage interface component meant for integration with other tools and scripts i686 Community uzbl-tabbed 2010.04.03-1 Tabbing manager providing multiple uzbl-browser instances in 1 window i686 Community corkscrew 2.0-4 A tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies i686 Community kdesvn 1.5.3-1 A pure C++ SVN-client for KDE i686 Community pessulus 2.30.0-1 A lockdown editor for GNOME i686 Community geos 3.2.1-1 A C++ port of the Java Topology Suite i686 Community knemo 0.6.2-2 The KDE Network Monitor i686 Community atanks 4.5-1 Atomic Tanks i686 Community scantailor 0.9.8-1 Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages i686 Extra gajim 0.13.4-1 Jabber client written in PyGTK i686 Extra taglib 1.6.2-1 A Library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats i686 Extra udisks 1.0.1-1 Disk Management Service i686 Extra texlive-bin 2009.5-3 TeX Live binaries i686 Extra empathy A GNOME instant messaging client using the Telepathy framework. i686 Extra ettercap NG_0.7.3-15 A network sniffer/interceptor/logger for ethernet LANs - console i686 Extra telepathy-butterfly 0.5.8-1 A MSN connection manager for Telepathy i686 Extra telepathy-glib 0.10.3-1 GLib bindings for the Telepathy D-Bus protocol i686 Extra cmake 2.8.1-2 A cross-platform open-source make system i686 Extra gtkmm 2.20.1-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 i686 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.1-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm i686 Extra epiphany 2.30.2-1 A GNOME2 web browser based on the WebKit rendering engine. i686 Extra nxclient Nomachine's nxclient for nx servers i686 Extra nxserver 3.4.0-3 NoMachine NX is the next-generation X compression and roundtrip suppression scheme. x86_64x86_64 Core dnsutils 9.6.1-3 Various DNS utilities - dig host nslookup nsupdate x86_64 Core heimdal 1.3.2-1 Implementation of Kerberos V5 libraries x86_64 Core kernel26 The Linux Kernel and modules x86_64 Core kernel26-firmware The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel x86_64 Core kernel26-headers Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26 x86_64 Core libarchive 2.8.3-3 library that can create and read several streaming archive formats x86_64 Core libfetch 2.30-3 URL based download library x86_64 Core libldap 2.4.21-2 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client libraries x86_64 Core librpcsecgss 0.19-3 Library for RPCSECGSS support x86_64 Core links 2.2-4 A text WWW browser, similar to Lynx x86_64 Core ndiswrapper 1.56-2 Module for NDIS (Windows Network Drivers) drivers supplied by vendors. For stock arch 2.6 kernel. x86_64 Core nfs-utils 1.2.2-2 Support programs for Network File Systems x86_64 Core openssh 5.4p1-4 A Secure SHell server/client x86_64 Core openssl 1.0.0-2 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security x86_64 Core openvpn 2.1.1-2 An easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network) x86_64 Core pacman 3.3.3-5 A library-based package manager with dependency support x86_64 Core syslog-ng 3.0.4-4 Next-generation syslogd with advanced networking and filtering capabilities x86_64 Core tiacx 20080210-14 OpenSource module for Texas Instruments ACX100/ACX111 wireless chips. For stock arch 2.6 kernel x86_64 Core vpnc 0.5.3-2 VPN client for cisco3000 VPN Concentrators x86_64 Core wget 1.12-2 A network utility to retrieve files from the Web x86_64 Core wpa_supplicant 0.6.10-2 A utility providing key negotiation for WPA wireless networks x86_64 Community snes9x 1.52-1 A portable Emulator for the Super Nintento Entertainment System x86_64 Community e-modules-extra-svn 47744-1 Extra gadgets for e17 x86_64 Community e-svn 47761-1 Enlightenment window manager DR17 (aka e17) x86_64 Community edje-svn 47685-1 A graphical design and layout library based on Evas x86_64 Community eet-svn 47721-1 A data storage and compression library x86_64 Community efreet-svn 47737-1 specifications for e17 x86_64 Community eina-svn 47741-1 E17 file chunk reading/writing library x86_64 Community em8300 0.18.0-1 DXR3 and Hollywood+ driver x86_64 Community embryo-svn 47528-1 implementation of a C like scripting language for e17 x86_64 Community emprint-svn 46597-1 screenshot module for e17 x86_64 Community evas-svn 47728-1 A hardware-accelerated canvas API for X-Windows x86_64 Community e_dbus-svn 47398-1 dbus abstraction layer for e17 x86_64 Community open-vm-tools-modules 2010.03.20-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. x86_64 Community speakup 3.1.5-1 Kernel-based screenreader for the Linux console x86_64 Community vhba-module 1.2.1-7 Kernel module that emulates SCSI devices x86_64 Community pound 2.5-1 A reverse proxy, load balancer, and SSL wrapper x86_64 Community prosody 0.6.1-2 Lightweight and extensible Jabber/XMPP server written in Lua. x86_64 Community proxytunnel 1.9.0-2 a program that connects stdin and stdout to a server somewhere on the network, through a standard HTTPS proxy x86_64 Community psqlodbc 08.04.0100-2 PostgreSQL ODBC driver x86_64 Community pulseaudio 0.9.21-5 A networked sound server x86_64 Community pwsafe 0.2.0-6 A commandline program for managing encrypted password databases x86_64 Community python-pycurl 7.19.0-4 A Python interface to libcurl x86_64 Community python3 3.1.2-3 Next generation of the python high-level scripting language x86_64 Community qbittorrent 2.2.2-2 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library x86_64 Community qingy 0.9.9-3 Qingy is a DirectFB getty replacement x86_64 Community qmc2 0.2.b14-1 Qt 4 based UNIX MAME frontend supporting SDLMAME. x86_64 Community qpxtool 0.7.0-4 Allows better controll over optical drives to include QChecks and optimization settings. x86_64 Community qstardict 0.13.1-3 Qt4 clone of StarDict with full support of StarDict dictionaries. x86_64 Community recoll 1.13.02-3 Full text search tool based on Xapian backend x86_64 Community rusxmms 1.2.11_csa43-2 XMMS with librcc x86_64 Community slrn 0.9.9p1-6 An open source text-based news client x86_64 Community snownews 1.5.12-2 Text mode RSS newsreader for Linux and Unix. x86_64 Community splix 2.0.0-4 CUPS drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers x86_64 Community stunnel 4.32-2 A program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL. x86_64 Community supertux 0.3.1-5 A classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games x86_64 Community sword 1.6.1-2 SWORD libraries for Bible programs x86_64 Community texmaker 1.9.9-3 Free cross-platform latex editor x86_64 Community tls 1.6-3 OpenSSL extension to Tcl x86_64 Community tripwire An intrusion detection system. x86_64 Community unrealircd Open Source IRC Server. x86_64 Community vyqchat 0.2.8-3 vypress compatible qt chat (can work without server) x86_64 Community webfs 1.21-5 Simple http server for mostly static content. x86_64 Community xiphos 3.1.3-2 A Bible study tool for gtk x86_64 Community xmms2 0.7DrNo-3 complete rewrite of the popular music player x86_64 Community yaz 4.0.1-3 A toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers x86_64 Community lib32-heimdal 1.3.2-1 Heimdal Kerberos V5 libraries x86_64 Community lib32-libcups 1.4.3-2 The CUPS Printing System x86_64 Community lib32-openssl 1.0.0-2 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security x86_64 Community lib32-qt 4.6.2-3 The QT gui toolkit. x86_64 Community libesmtp 1.0.4-5 A library to manage posting (or submission of) electronic mail using SMTP to a preconfigured Mail Transport Agent (MTA) x86_64 Community libexosip2 3.2.0-2 A library that hides the complexity of using SIP for multimedia session establishement x86_64 Community libfbclient Client library for Firebird. x86_64 Community libtorrent 0.12.6-2 BitTorrent library written in C++ x86_64 Community libwww 5.4.0-4 A general-purpose client side WEB API x86_64 Community links-g 2.2-5 A text WWW browser, similar to Lynx, with framebuffer and X graphics enabled x86_64 Community linphone 3.2.1-2 A Voice-over-IP phone x86_64 Community mailx-heirloom 12.4-3 MUA command line tool (mailx) x86_64 Community mcabber 0.10.0_rc3-1 is a small Jabber console client, includes features: SSL, PGP, MUC, UTF8 x86_64 Community mktorrent 1.0-2 Simple command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files x86_64 Community monit 5.0.3-2 Utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and devices on a *NIX system x86_64 Community netsurf 2.1-6 Lightweight, fast web browser x86_64 Community network-ups-tools 2.4.1-4 NUT is a collection of programs for monitoring and administering UPS hardware x86_64 Community nginx 0.7.65-2 lightweight HTTP server and IMAP/POP3 proxy server x86_64 Community ngircd 15-2 Next Generation IRC Daemon x86_64 Community omniorb 4.1.4-1 A CORBA object request broker for C++ and Python. x86_64 Community open-vm-tools 2010.03.20-1 The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) are the open source implementation of VMware Tools. x86_64 Community openntpd 3.9p1-11 Free, easy to use implementation of the Network Time Protocol. x86_64 Community opensips 1.6.2-1 An Open Source SIP Server able to act as a SIP proxy, registrar, location server, redirect server ... x86_64 Community openttd 1.0.0-2 An engine for running Transport Tycoon Deluxe x86_64 Community osec 1.2.2cvs20081201-3 lightweight integrity checking system x86_64 Community osiris 4.2.3-3 A file integrity management system x86_64 Community p3scan 2.3.2-4 Fully transparent POP3/SMTP proxy with Anti-Virus and SPAM protection x86_64 Community pantomime 1.2.0pre3-2 A set of Objective-C classes that model a mail system x86_64 Community parrot 2.2.0-4 standalone virtual machine that can be used to execute bytecode compiled dynamic languages x86_64 Community partimage 0.6.8-2 Partition Image saves partitions in many formats to an image file. x86_64 Community perl-crypt-openssl-bignum 0.04-3 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic x86_64 Community perl-crypt-openssl-random 0.04-3 Interface to OpenSSL PRNG methods x86_64 Community perl-crypt-openssl-rsa 0.26-2 Interface to OpenSSL RSA methods x86_64 Community perl-gssapi 0.26-3 Perl/CPAN Module GSSAPI x86_64 Community perl-www-curl 4.11-2 Perl/CPAN Module WWW::Curl x86_64 Community php52 5.2.13-5 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Community pinot 0.95-2 Personal search and metasearch tool x86_64 Community exim 4.71-3 A Message Transfer Agent x86_64 Community fdm 1.6-2 A program to fetch and deliver mail x86_64 Community freeradius 2.1.8-1 The premier open source RADIUS server. x86_64 Community gimmie 0.2.8-10 GNOME panel revisited x86_64 Community gkrellm 2.3.4-3 System monitor package for GTK2 x86_64 Community gnubiff 2.2.11-4 Mail notification program that checks for mail and displays headers when new mail has arrived x86_64 Community gnubiff-gtk 2.2.13-2 Mail notification program that checks for mail and displays headers when new mail has arrived. GTK version. x86_64 Community gnustep-base 1.18.0-6 The GNUstep base package x86_64 Community google-gadgets-common 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (common files) x86_64 Community google-gadgets-gtk 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (GTK+ front-end) x86_64 Community google-gadgets-qt 0.11.2-2 Desktop widgets from Google (Qt front-end) x86_64 Community gpac 0.4.5-5 A multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard x86_64 Community gq 1.2.3-4 interactive graphical LDAP browser x86_64 Community gwenhywfar 3.11.3-2 OS abstraction functions for various projects x86_64 Community gyachi 1.2.6-2 An improved fork of the GyachE Yahoo! client x86_64 Community hostapd 0.6.10-3 daemon for wireless software access points x86_64 Community htmldoc 1.8.27-4 Produce PDF or Postscript from HTML documents including TOCs and Indices x86_64 Community hula r2661-3 A calendar and mail server x86_64 Community inn 2.5.1-2 Complete open source Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers. x86_64 Community ipsec-tools 0.7.3-2 KAME IPSec tools ported to Linux x86_64 Community kadu A Qt-based Gadu-Gadu client x86_64 Community kftpgrabber 0.8.1-4 A graphical FTP client for KDE x86_64 Community kvirc 3.4.2-4 Qt-based IRC client x86_64 Community lastfm-client The client x86_64 Community lib32-curl 7.20.0-2 An URL retrival utility and library x86_64 Community lib32-gtk2 2.20.0-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Community aircrack-ng 1.0-3 A key cracker for the 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK protocols x86_64 Community balsa 2.4.7-2 An e-mail client for GNOME x86_64 Community bind-geodns 9.4.1-3 bind named server with geoip patch can return ip depending on requester location x86_64 Community boinc 6.10.17-2 Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing x86_64 Community castget 1.0.1-2 A simple, command-line based RSS enclosure downloader. x86_64 Community cherokee 0.99.44-2 A very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server x86_64 Community cvs-feature 1.12.13-4 This version have of CVS has lot of improvements like proxy support and new options. x86_64 Community dar 2.3.9-2 A full featured command-line backup tool, short for Disk ARchive x86_64 Community dillo 2.2-2 A small, fast graphical web browser built on FLTK x86_64 Community dsniff 2.4b1-16 Collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing. x86_64 Community dwdiff 1.7-2 a front-end for the diff program that operates at the word level instead of the line level x86_64 Community ecore-svn 47760-2 Ecore is an abstraction layer for e17 x86_64 Community ejabberd 2.1.2-4 An erlang jabber server x86_64 Community ekg 1.7-5 A text-mode Gadu-Gadu client x86_64 Community ekg2 20100206-2 ncurses based Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, Tlen and IRC client x86_64 Community encfs 1.5-11 Encrypted filesystem in user-space x86_64 Community epic4 2.10.1-2 EPIC4 is a new direction in ircII development x86_64 Community mp3splt-gtk 0.5.9-1 Split mp3 and ogg files without decoding x86_64 Community perl-dbd-pg 2.17.0-1 Postgres Driver for DBI x86_64 Extra spamassassin-spamc 3.3.0-2 Standalone C Client to spamassassin. x86_64 Extra squid 2.7.STABLE7-3 A full-featured Web proxy cache server. x86_64 Extra ssmtp 2.64-2 Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mailhub x86_64 Extra subversion 1.6.9-4 Replacement for CVS, another versioning system (svn) x86_64 Extra swi-prolog 5.6.64-6 Prolog environment x86_64 Extra sylpheed 3.0.2-1 Lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client x86_64 Extra tcpdump 4.1.1-1 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition x86_64 Extra tdfx-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for 3dfx x86_64 Extra telepathy-idle 0.1.6-2 An IRC connection manager for Telepathy x86_64 Extra testdisk 6.11.3-3 Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool x86_64 Extra tin 1.8.3-7 Curses based threaded NNTP and spool based UseNet newsreader x86_64 Extra tor Anonymizing overlay network x86_64 Extra transmission-cli 1.92-2 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (CLI tools, daemon and web client) x86_64 Extra transmission-gtk 1.92-2 Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (GTK+ GUI) x86_64 Extra unichrome-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Graphics/VIA Unichrome x86_64 Extra vde2 2.2.2-6 Virtual Distributed Ethernet for emulators like qemu x86_64 Extra virtuoso 6.1.0-2 A scalable cross-platform server that combines SQL/RDF/XML Data Management with Web Application Server and Web Services Platform functionality x86_64 Extra vsftpd 2.2.2-3 Very Secure FTP daemon x86_64 Extra w3m 0.5.2-5 A pager/text-based WWW browser x86_64 Extra wesnoth 1.8-1 A turn-based strategy game on a fantasy world x86_64 Extra wireshark 1.2.7-1 A free network protocol analyzer for Unix/Linux and Windows x86_64 Extra wvstreams 4.6.1-2 A network programming library written in C++ x86_64 Extra x11vnc 0.9.9-2 A VNC server for real X displays x86_64 Extra xchat 2.8.6-6 A GTK+ based IRC client x86_64 Extra xchat-gnome 0.26.1-3 GNOME frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. x86_64 Extra xf86-video-ati 6.12.192-1 ati video driver x86_64 Extra xf86-video-nouveau 0.0.15_git20100314-1 Open Source 3D acceleration driver for nVidia cards (experimental) x86_64 Extra xf86-video-s3virge 1.10.4-1 S3 Virge video driver x86_64 Extra xf86-video-vesa 2.3.0-1 vesa video driver x86_64 Extra xfprint 4.6.1-3 A print dialog and a printer manager for Xfce x86_64 Extra xmlsec 1.2.14-1 XML Security Library is a C library based on LibXML2 x86_64 Extra xorg-server 1.7.6-3 X.Org X servers x86_64 Extra php-intl 5.3.2-6 intl module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-ldap 5.3.2-6 ldap module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-mcrypt 5.3.2-6 mcrypt module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-odbc 5.3.2-6 ODBC modules for PHP x86_64 Extra php-pear 5.3.2-6 PHP Extension and Application Repository x86_64 Extra php-pgsql 5.3.2-6 PostgreSQL modules for PHP x86_64 Extra php-pspell 5.3.2-6 pspell module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-snmp 5.3.2-6 snmp module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-sqlite 5.3.2-6 sqlite3 module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-tidy 5.3.2-6 tidy module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-xsl 5.3.2-6 xsl module for PHP x86_64 Extra postfix 2.7.0-2 Secure, fast, easy to administer drop in replacement for Sendmail (MTA) x86_64 Extra postgresql 8.4.3-2 A sophisticated object-relational DBMS x86_64 Extra postgresql-libs 8.4.3-2 Libraries for use with PostgreSQL x86_64 Extra proftpd 1.3.3-4 A high-performance, scalable FTP server x86_64 Extra psi 0.14-3 Instant messaging application designed for the Jabber IM x86_64 Extra ptlib 2.6.5-2 Portable Windows Library x86_64 Extra pure-ftpd 1.0.29-2 A fast, production quality, standards-conformant FTP server x86_64 Extra pyopenssl 0.10-2 pyOpenSSL is a Python interface to the OpenSSL library x86_64 Extra python 2.6.5-3 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Extra python-m2crypto 0.20.2-2 A crypto and SSL toolkit for Python x86_64 Extra python24 2.4.6-3 A high-level scripting language x86_64 Extra qca-ossl 2.0.0-3 Qt Cryptographic Architecture x86_64 Extra qt 4.6.2-3 A cross-platform application and UI framework x86_64 Extra qtscriptgenerator 0.1.0-4 Script generator for qt x86_64 Extra r128-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Rage128 x86_64 Extra rdesktop 1.6.0-4 Is used to connect to windows terminal servers x86_64 Extra ruby 1.9.1_p378-2 An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming x86_64 Extra ruby-docs 1.9.1_p378-2 Documentation files for ruby x86_64 Extra samba 3.5.2-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB x86_64 Extra savage-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Sraphics/VIA Savage x86_64 Extra sis-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for SiS x86_64 Extra smbclient 3.5.2-1 Tools to access a server's filespace and printers via SMB x86_64 Extra socat Relay for bidirectional data transfer via socket, pty, pipe, file and more x86_64 Extra sofia-sip 1.12.10-2 An open-source SIP User-Agent library x86_64 Extra spamassassin 3.3.1-2 A mail filter to identify spam. x86_64 Extra mesa 7.7.1-1 Mesa 3-D graphics libraries and include files x86_64 Extra mga-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for Matrox x86_64 Extra miro 3.0-1 The free and open source internet TV platform x86_64 Extra mutt 1.5.20-3 A small but very powerful text-based mail client x86_64 Extra nbsmtp 1.00-3 No-Brainer SMTP client suitable to run in chroot jails, embeded systems, laptops, and workstations x86_64 Extra neon 0.28.6-4 HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface x86_64 Extra net-snmp 5.5-3 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 x86_64 Extra nmap 5.21-2 A network exploration tool and security/port scanner x86_64 Extra nouveau-drm 0.0.16_20100313-1 nvidia opensource X driver x86_64 Extra ntop 3.3.10-3 A network traffic probe that shows the network usage x86_64 Extra ntp 4.2.6-3 NTP (Network Time Protocol) tries to keep servers in sync x86_64 Extra nvidia 195.36.15-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26. x86_64 Extra nvidia-173xx 173.14.25-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26, 173xx branch. x86_64 Extra nvidia-96xx 96.43.16-2 NVIDIA drivers for kernel26, 96xx branch. x86_64 Extra nx-common 3.4.0-4 NoMachine NX common package for client and server x86_64 Extra opal 3.6.6-2 Open Phone Abstraction Library x86_64 Extra openconnect 2.22-2 Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN x86_64 Extra openoffice-base 3.2.0-3 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk 3.2.0-3 SDK - development files x86_64 Extra openslp 1.2.1-3 Open-source implementation of Service Location Protocol x86_64 Extra ortp 0.16.1-2 A Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) library x86_64 Extra pdns 2.9.22-5 A modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver x86_64 Extra perl-crypt-ssleay 0.57-4 OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support x86_64 Extra perl-net-ssleay 1.36-2 Perl extension for using OpenSSL x86_64 Extra php 5.3.2-6 An HTML-embedded scripting language x86_64 Extra php-apache 5.3.2-6 Apache SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-cgi 5.3.2-6 CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-curl 5.3.2-6 curl module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-embed 5.3.2-6 Embed SAPI for PHP x86_64 Extra php-enchant 5.3.2-6 enchant module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-gd 5.3.2-6 gd module for PHP x86_64 Extra php-gmp 5.3.2-6 gmp module for PHP x86_64 Extra gtk2 2.20.0-2 The GTK+ Toolkit (v2) x86_64 Extra hplip 3.10.2-1 Drivers for HP DeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet. x86_64 Extra icecast 2.3.2-3 Streaming audio over the Internet x86_64 Extra icu 4.4-1 International Components for Unicode library x86_64 Extra imap 2007e-2 An IMAP/POP server x86_64 Extra intel-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for Intel x86_64 Extra irssi 0.8.15-1 Modular text mode IRC client with Perl scripting x86_64 Extra john John The Ripper - A fast password cracker. Additional patches (NTLM, MySQL, Kerberos V5, etc.) included. x86_64 Extra libcups 1.4.3-2 The CUPS Printing System - client libraries and headers x86_64 Extra libdrm 2.4.19-1 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services x86_64 Extra libetpan 0.58-3 A portable middleware for email access x86_64 Extra libflashsupport Macromedia flash plugin support lib (OSS SSL) x86_64 Extra libfprint 0.0.6-5 library for fingerprint scanner support in applications x86_64 Extra libgadu 1.8.2-4 Gadu-Gadu protocol libraries x86_64 Extra libgl 7.7.1-1 Mesa 3-D graphics library and DRI software rasterizer x86_64 Extra libgnomecups 0.2.3-7 GNOME cups library x86_64 Extra libgnomeprint 2.18.7-2 Printing routines for GNOME x86_64 Extra liblastfm 0.3.0-5 A collection of libraries to help you integrate services into your rich desktop software x86_64 Extra libmsn 4.1-2 A reusable, open-source, fully documented library for connecting to Microsoft's MSN x86_64 Extra libssh 0.4.1-3 Library for accessing ssh client services through C libraries x86_64 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.0-3 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around x86_64 Extra libwebkit 1.2.0-1 an opensource web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE x86_64 Extra licq 1.3.8-3 Advanced graphical ICQ clone and more for Unix x86_64 Extra lighttpd 1.4.26-3 a secure, fast, compliant and very flexible web-server x86_64 Extra linuxdcpp 1.0.3-3 A port of the DC++ direct connect client to Unix/Linux using GTK+ x86_64 Extra lirc 0.8.6-4 Linux Infrared Remote Control kernel modules for stock arch kernel x86_64 Extra lynx 2.8.7-2 A text browser for the World Wide Web x86_64 Extra mach64-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Mach64 x86_64 Extra madwifi Madwifi drivers for Atheros wireless chipsets. For stock arch 2.6 kernel x86_64 Extra madwifi-utils Userspace tools of madwifi drivers for Atheros wireless chipsets. x86_64 Extra mail-notification 5.4-4 Tray icon application that informs you if you have new mail x86_64 Extra bigloo 3.3a_5-2 Fast scheme compiler x86_64 Extra bind 9.7.0.P1-2 Berkeley Internet Name Domain - named server x86_64 Extra brltty 4.1-3 Braille display driver for Linux/Unix x86_64 Extra centerim 4.22.9-3 Fork of CenterICQ - A text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface x86_64 Extra claws-mail 3.7.5-2 A GTK+ based e-mail client. x86_64 Extra claws-mail-extra-plugins 3.7.5-2 Extra plugins for claws-mail x86_64 Extra courier-imap 4.4.1-5 IMAP(s)/POP3(s) Server x86_64 Extra courier-mta 0.62.1-6 IMAP(s)/POP3(s) and SMTP Server with ML-manager, webmail and webconfig x86_64 Extra cups 1.4.3-2 The CUPS Printing System - deamon package x86_64 Extra curl 7.20.0-4 An URL retrival utility and library x86_64 Extra cvs 1.11.23-5 Concurrent Versions System - a source control system x86_64 Extra cyrus-sasl 2.1.23-4 SASL authentication daemon x86_64 Extra cyrus-sasl-plugins 2.1.23-2 Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) library x86_64 Extra d4x A GUI XFree86 program for downloading files x86_64 Extra dovecot 1.2.11-2 An IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind x86_64 Extra elinks 0.11.7-3 An advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web browser. x86_64 Extra erlang R13B04-3 A small concurrent functional programming language developed by Ericsson. x86_64 Extra ettercap-gtk NG_0.7.3-7 A network sniffer/interceptor/logger for ethernet LANs - GTK x86_64 Extra evolution-data-server 2.30.0-2 Evolution Data Server provides a central location for addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra evolution-exchange 2.30.0-2 Ximian Connector Exchange plugin for Evolution x86_64 Extra fcpci 31107-52 AVM ISDN driver for FRITZ PCI isdn cards. For stock arch 2.6 kernel. x86_64 Extra fcpcmcia 31107-50 AVM ISDN driver for FRITZ PCMCIA isdn cards. For stock arch 2.6 kernel x86_64 Extra fetchmail 6.3.16-1 A remote-mail retrieval utility x86_64 Extra gftp 2.0.19-3 A multithreaded ftp client for X Windows x86_64 Extra git the fast distributed version control system x86_64 Extra gnome-vfs 2.24.3-2 The GNOME Virtual File System x86_64 Extra go-openoffice - enhanced version of SUN's office suite x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad 0.10.18-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugin libraries (gst-plugins-bad) x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins 0.10.18-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Bad Plugins (gst-plugins-bad) x86_64 Extra alpine 2.00-8 The Apache-licensed PINE (a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages) x86_64 Extra anjuta Anjuta Integrated Development Environment (IDE) x86_64 Extra apache 2.2.15-2 A high performance Unix-based HTTP server x86_64 Extra arch 1.3.5-7 a modern and remarkable revision control system x86_64 Extra ati-dri 7.7.1-1 Mesa DRI drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon x86_64 Extra aufs2 2.6.33_20100225-1 Another Unionfs Implementation x86_64 Extra autofs 5.0.5-3 A kernel-based automounter for Linux x86_64 Extra smb4k 0.10.7-1 A KDE program that browses samba shares x86_64 Extra libmp3splt 0.5.9-1 Library for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding x86_64 Extra mp3splt 2.2.8-1 Comandline tool for splitting mp3 and ogg files without decoding x86_64 Extra parprouted 0.7-3 proxy ARP IP bridging daemon x86_64 Extra attica 0.1.3-1 A library to access Open Collaboration Service providers AURbroadcom-wl lib32-jack 0.118.0-2 riak 0.9.1-1 bugfree-git 20100410-1 kdesdk4-svn 1112523-1 nvidia-opencl 195.36.15-1mime-support 3.48_1-3 gcc-gcj 4.4.3-1xorg-server-1.8-catalyst-maximize-fix 1.8.0-1clamz 0.3-2Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 11, 2010 Author Posted April 11, 2010 Updates for Saturday 10, Apr 2010:Anyany Extra hsqldb-java HSQLDB Java libraries i686i686 Community gri 2.12.20-1 A script-based language for scientific graphics programming. i686 Community yaz 4.0.3-1 A toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers i686 Community scite 2.11-1 A generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs i686 Community uriparser 0.7.5-1 uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library. uriparser is cross-platform, fast, supports Unicode i686 Extra audacious 2.3-1 Media player based on BMP i686 Extra audacious-plugins 2.3-1 Plugins for Audacious i686 Extra drscheme 4.2.5-1 PLT Scheme Environment i686 Extra alpine 2.00-9 The Apache-licensed PINE (a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages) i686 Extra audacity 1.3.12-1 A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms i686 Extra libmythes 1.2.0-1 a simple thesaurus, contains static library and header file needed to develop applications using mythes + perl script to create index files i686 Extra libvorbis 1.3.1-1 Vorbis codec library i686 Extra vorbis-tools 1.4.0-1 Extra tools for Ogg-Vorbis i686 Extra xine-ui 0.99.6-1 A free video player for Unix i686 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.2-2 Download Manager i686 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.2-2 Instant Messenger i686 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.2-2 Internet Dial-Up Tool i686 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.2-2 Remote Desktop Client i686 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.2-2 Desktop Sharing i686 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.2-2 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network i686 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.2-2 Network Services i686 Extra hunspell 1.2.9-1 Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program i686 Extra hyphen 2.5-1 library for high quality hyphenation and justification i686 Extra hyphen-en 2.5-1 English hyphenation rules i686 Extra libburn 0.8.0.pl00-1 Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs i686 Extra x11vnc 0.9.9-3 A VNC server for real X displays i686 Extra xdialog 2.3.1-4 A drop-in replacement for the 'dialog' or 'cdialog' programs x86_64x86_64 Community gri 2.12.20-1 A script-based language for scientific graphics programming. x86_64 Community yaz 4.0.3-1 A toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers x86_64 Community scite 2.11-1 A generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs x86_64 Community uriparser 0.7.5-1 uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library. uriparser is cross-platform, fast, supports Unicode x86_64 Extra audacious 2.3-1 Media player based on BMP x86_64 Extra audacious-plugins 2.3-1 Plugins for Audacious x86_64 Extra drscheme 4.2.5-1 PLT Scheme Environment x86_64 Extra alpine 2.00-9 The Apache-licensed PINE (a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages) x86_64 Extra audacity 1.3.12-1 A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms x86_64 Extra libmythes 1.2.0-1 a simple thesaurus, contains static library and header file needed to develop applications using mythes + perl script to create index files x86_64 Extra libvorbis 1.3.1-1 Vorbis codec library x86_64 Extra vorbis-tools 1.4.0-1 Extra tools for Ogg-Vorbis x86_64 Extra xine-ui 0.99.6-1 A free video player for Unix x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-filesharing 4.4.2-2 Konqueror properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kdnssd 4.4.2-2 Network Services x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kget 4.4.2-2 Download Manager x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kopete 4.4.2-2 Instant Messenger x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-kppp 4.4.2-2 Internet Dial-Up Tool x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krdc 4.4.2-2 Remote Desktop Client x86_64 Extra kdenetwork-krfb 4.4.2-2 Desktop Sharing x86_64 Extra hunspell 1.2.9-1 Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program x86_64 Extra hyphen 2.5-1 library for high quality hyphenation and justification x86_64 Extra hyphen-en 2.5-1 English hyphenation rules x86_64 Extra libburn 0.8.0.pl00-1 Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs x86_64 Extra x11vnc 0.9.9-3 A VNC server for real X displays x86_64 Extra xdialog 2.3.1-4 A drop-in replacement for the 'dialog' or 'cdialog' programs AURvlc-git 20100321-1 03:08:11 scantailor 0.9.8-1 02:50:45 attica-svn 1112249-1 01:29:19 kdegraphics4-svn 1113440-1 01:22:58 nconvert 5.60-1 00:38:27 vbindiff 3.0_beta4-2 ne-nopdf 2.0.3-1 perl-padre 0.59-3 wadoku-notify 0.01-1 tlen Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 12, 2010 Author Posted April 12, 2010 Updates for Sunday 11, Apr 2010:Anyany Community devede 3.16.7-1 A program to create VideoDVDs and CDs any Community pysolfc 2.0-2 PySol (Fan Club edition) is an exciting collection of more than 1000 solitaire games any Community perl-freezethaw 0.5001-1 Convert arbitrary objects to/from strings any Extra intltool 0.41.1-1 The internationalization tool collection i686i686 Core db 4.8.26-2 The Berkeley DB embedded database system 2010-04-12i686 Community cdemu-dae 1.2.0-3 CD/DVD-ROM device emulator dae i686 Community choqok 0.9.55-1 A Twitter/ client for KDE i686 Community flac123 0.0.11-3 A command-line program for playing FLAC audio files i686 Community kadu A Qt-based Gadu-Gadu client i686 Community rdiff-backup 1.2.8-3 A utility for local/remote mirroring and incremental backups i686 Community shell-fm 0.7-3 A console based player for the streams provided by Last.FM i686 Community xmms2 0.7DrNo-4 complete rewrite of the popular music player i686 Community python-sympy 0.6.7-1 Symbolic manipulation package (Computer Algebra System), written in pure Python i686 Community cinelerra-cv 20100411-1 A complete audio and video production environment for Linux. i686 Community fgetty 0.7-2 A mingetty stripped of the printfs i686 Community libquicktime 1.1.5-2 A library for reading and writing quicktime files. i686 Community jokosher 0.11.4-1 A simple and easy-to-use Open Source multi-track editor i686 Community i3-wm 3.e-1 An improved dynamic tiling window manager i686 Community i3status 2.1-1 Generates status bar to use with dzen2 or xmobar i686 Community cdfs 2.6.27-8 File system module that 'exports' all tracks and boot images on a CD as normal files. i686 Community sysprof-module 1.0.12-8 A sampling CPU profiler that uses a Linux kernel module to profile the entire system i686 Extra cmus 2.3.0-3 A very feature-rich ncurses-based music player i686 Extra gcdmaster 1.2.3-4 GUI frontend for creating audio CDs using cdrdao i686 Extra libao 1.0.0-1 A cross-platform audio output library and plugins i686 Extra mpd 0.15.9-2 Music dae that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files i686 Extra rdesktop 1.6.0-5 Is used to connect to windows terminal servers i686 Extra sox 14.3.0-4 The Swiss Army knife of sound processing tools i686 Extra vorbis-tools 1.4.0-2 Extra tools for Ogg-Vorbis i686 Extra cdrdao 1.2.3-4 Records audio/data CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode i686 Extra pm-utils 1.3.0-1 Utilities and scripts for suspend and hibernate power management i686 Extra dmenu 4.0-2 Dynamic X menu i686 Extra libdrm 2.4.19-2 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services i686 Extra ffmpeg 22837-2 Complete and free Internet live audio and video broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix i686 Extra gnuplot 4.4.0-1 Plotting package which outputs to X11, PostScript, PNG, GIF, and others i686 Extra gsl 1.14-1 The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a modern numerical library for C and C++ programmers i686 Extra kile 2.1b4-1 A user friendly TeX/LaTeX frontend for KDE. i686 Extra ntfs-3g 2010.3.6-1 Stable read and write NTFS driver i686 Extra qtiplot Data analysis and scientific plotting - free clone of Origin i686 Extra avidemux-cli 2.5.2-5 A graphical tool to edit video (filter/re-encode/split) i686 Extra avidemux-gtk 2.5.2-5 A graphical tool to edit video (filter/re-encode/split) - GTK GUI i686 Extra avidemux-qt 2.5.2-5 A graphical tool to edit video (filter/re-encode/split) - QT GUI i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-ugly 0.10.14-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Ugly plugin libraries i686 Extra gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins 0.10.14-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Ugly Plugins (gst-plugins-ugly) i686 Extra mplayer 31029-1 A movie player for linux i686 Extra vlc 1.0.5-6 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player i686 Extra vlc-plugin 1.0.5-6 VLC mozilla browser plugin i686 Extra x264 20100410-1 free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams i686 Extra kipi-plugins 1.2.0-2 libkipi plugins for digikam and kde apps i686 Extra opencv 2.1.0-1 Intel® Open Source Computer Vision Library i686 Extra claws-mail 3.7.5-3 A GTK+ based e-mail client. i686 Extra libetpan 1.0-1 A portable middleware for email access i686 Extra subversion 1.6.9-5 Replacement for CVS, another versioning system (svn) i686 Extra neon 0.29.3-2 HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface i686 Extra openal 1.12.854-1 OpenAL audio library for use with opengl i686 Extra audacity 1.3.12-2 A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms i686 Extra gdb 7.1-2 The GNU Debugger i686 Extra qemu-kvm 0.12.3-2 Latest KVM QEMU is a generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation. x86_64x86_64 Core db 4.8.26-2 The Berkeley DB embedded database system 2010-04-12x86_64 Community shell-fm 0.7-3 A console based player for the streams provided by Last.FM x86_64 Community xmms2 0.7DrNo-4 complete rewrite of the popular music player x86_64 Community cdemu-dae 1.2.0-3 CD/DVD-ROM device emulator dae x86_64 Community choqok 0.9.55-1 A Twitter/ client for KDE x86_64 Community flac123 0.0.11-3 A command-line program for playing FLAC audio files x86_64 Community kadu A Qt-based Gadu-Gadu client x86_64 Community rdiff-backup 1.2.8-3 A utility for local/remote mirroring and incremental backups x86_64 Community python-sympy 0.6.7-1 Symbolic manipulation package (Computer Algebra System), written in pure Python x86_64 Community cinelerra-cv 20100411-1 A complete audio and video production environment for Linux. x86_64 Community fgetty 0.7-2 A mingetty stripped of the printfs x86_64 Community libquicktime 1.1.5-2 A library for reading and writing quicktime files. x86_64 Community gri 2.12.20-2 A script-based language for scientific graphics programming. x86_64 Community jokosher 0.11.4-1 A simple and easy-to-use Open Source multi-track editor x86_64 Community i3-wm 3.e-1 An improved dynamic tiling window manager x86_64 Community i3status 2.1-1 Generates status bar to use with dzen2 or xmobar x86_64 Extra sox 14.3.0-4 The Swiss Army knife of sound processing tools x86_64 Extra vorbis-tools 1.4.0-2 Extra tools for Ogg-Vorbis x86_64 Extra cdrdao 1.2.3-4 Records audio/data CD-Rs in disk-at-once (DAO) mode x86_64 Extra cmus 2.3.0-3 A very feature-rich ncurses-based music player x86_64 Extra gcdmaster 1.2.3-4 GUI frontend for creating audio CDs using cdrdao x86_64 Extra libao 1.0.0-1 A cross-platform audio output library and plugins x86_64 Extra mpd 0.15.9-2 Music dae that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files x86_64 Extra rdesktop 1.6.0-5 Is used to connect to windows terminal servers x86_64 Extra pm-utils 1.3.0-1 Utilities and scripts for suspend and hibernate power management x86_64 Extra dmenu 4.0-2 Dynamic X menu x86_64 Extra libdrm 2.4.19-2 Userspace interface to kernel DRM services x86_64 Extra ffmpeg 22837-2 Complete and free Internet live audio and video broadcasting solution for Linux/Unix x86_64 Extra gnuplot 4.4.0-1 Plotting package which outputs to X11, PostScript, PNG, GIF, and others x86_64 Extra gsl 1.14-1 The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a modern numerical library for C and C++ programmers x86_64 Extra kile 2.1b4-1 A user friendly TeX/LaTeX frontend for KDE. x86_64 Extra ntfs-3g 2010.3.6-1 Stable read and write NTFS driver x86_64 Extra qtiplot Data analysis and scientific plotting - free clone of Origin x86_64 Extra vlc 1.0.5-6 A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player x86_64 Extra vlc-plugin 1.0.5-6 VLC mozilla browser plugin x86_64 Extra x264 20100410-1 free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams x86_64 Extra avidemux-cli 2.5.2-5 A graphical tool to edit video (filter/re-encode/split) x86_64 Extra avidemux-gtk 2.5.2-5 A graphical tool to edit video (filter/re-encode/split) - GTK GUI x86_64 Extra avidemux-qt 2.5.2-5 A graphical tool to edit video (filter/re-encode/split) - QT GUI x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-ugly 0.10.14-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Ugly plugin libraries x86_64 Extra gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins 0.10.14-3 GStreamer Multimedia Framework Ugly Plugins (gst-plugins-ugly) x86_64 Extra mplayer 31029-1 A movie player for linux x86_64 Extra opencv 2.1.0-1 Intel® Open Source Computer Vision Library x86_64 Extra kipi-plugins 1.2.0-2 libkipi plugins for digikam and kde apps x86_64 Extra claws-mail 3.7.5-3 A GTK+ based e-mail client. x86_64 Extra libetpan 1.0-1 A portable middleware for email access x86_64 Extra subversion 1.6.9-5 Replacement for CVS, another versioning system (svn) x86_64 Extra neon 0.29.3-2 HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface x86_64 Extra openal 1.12.854-1 OpenAL audio library for use with opengl x86_64 Extra audacity 1.3.12-2 A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms x86_64 Extra gdb 7.1-2 The GNU Debugger x86_64 Extra qemu-kvm 0.12.3-2 Latest KVM QEMU is a generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation. AURconky-lua-nv 1.8.0-1 lib32-openmotif 2.3.2-2 lua-feedparser 20100411-1 lua-imlib2 0.1-1 stockfish 1.7.1-1 gcc-svn 158205-1mksh R39c-3 nodejs 0.1.90-1 ruby1.8 1.8.7_p249-2 eclipse-vrapper 0.12.0-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 13, 2010 Author Posted April 13, 2010 Updates for monday 12, Apr 2010:Anyany Community openttd-opengfx 0.2.3-1 Free graphics set for openttd any Community openttd-opensfx 0.2.3-1 Free sound set for openttd any Community perl-locale-maketext-lexicon 0.81-1 Perl/CPAN Module Locale::Maketext::Lexicon : Use other catalog formats in Maketext any Community perl-www-mechanize 1.62-1 Automates web page form & link interactioni686i686 Core mdadm 3.1.2-2 A tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays, also known as Software RAID i686 Core db 4.8.26-2 The Berkeley DB embedded database system i686 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.2-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework i686 Community awn-extras-applets 0.4.0-1 A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator i686 Community avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-1 Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME i686 Community launchy 2.5-1 Launchy indexes the programs in your start menu and can launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes! i686 Community libdesktop-agnostic 0.3.90-1 Provides an extensible config API, a unified virtual fs API, and a desktop item editor for GLib-based projects. i686 Community qbittorrent 2.2.5-1 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library i686 Community uzbl-browser 2010.04.03-2 A complete browser experience based on uzbl-core i686 Community uzbl-core 2010.04.03-2 Webpage interface component meant for integration with other tools and scripts i686 Community uzbl-tabbed 2010.04.03-2 Tabbing manager providing multiple uzbl-browser instances in 1 window i686 Community mcabber 0.10.0-2 is a small Jabber console client, includes features: SSL, PGP, MUC, UTF8 i686 Community qc-usb-messenger 1.8-10 QuickCam Messenger & Communicate driver for Linux i686 Community pgadmin3 1.10.2-2 A comprehensive design and management interface for PostgreSQL database i686 Community splix 2.0.0-5 CUPS drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers i686 Community xpad 4.0-5 Stickies-like notes program i686 Community lxtask 0.1.3-1 Task manager of the LXDE Desktop i686 Community xbmc 9.11-17 XBMC Media Center i686 Community tracker 0.8.1-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer i686 Community cdfs 2.6.27-9 File system module that 'exports' all tracks and boot images on a CD as normal files. i686 Community sysprof 1.0.12-9 A sampling CPU profiler that uses a Linux kernel module to profile the entire system i686 Community sysprof-module 1.0.12-9 A sampling CPU profiler that uses a Linux kernel module to profile the entire systemi686 Extra git the fast distributed version control system i686 Extra syslinux 3.86-1 a boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates off an MS-DOS/Windows FAT filesystem. i686 Extra openoffice-base-devel 3.3_dev300_m76-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - developement branch i686 Extra openoffice-sdk-devel 3.3_dev300_m76-1 SDK - development files - for devel branch pkg i686 Extra net-snmp 5.5-4 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 i686 Extra qtcurve-gtk2 1.3.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra qtcurve-kde3 1.3.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra qtcurve-kde4 1.3.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra ncftp 3.2.4-1 A set of free application programs implementing FTP i686 Extra timidity++ 2.13.2-9 A MIDI to WAVE converter and player x86_64x86_64 Core mdadm 3.1.2-2 A tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays, also known as Software RAID x86_64 Core db 4.8.26-2 The Berkeley DB embedded database system x86_64 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.2-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework x86_64 Community awn-extras-applets 0.4.0-1 A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator x86_64 Community avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-1 Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME x86_64 Community launchy 2.5-1 Launchy indexes the programs in your start menu and can launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes! x86_64 Community libdesktop-agnostic 0.3.90-1 Provides an extensible config API, a unified virtual fs API, and a desktop item editor for GLib-based projects. x86_64 Community qbittorrent 2.2.5-1 A bittorrent client written in C++ / Qt4 using the good libtorrent library x86_64 Community uzbl-browser 2010.04.03-2 A complete browser experience based on uzbl-core x86_64 Community uzbl-core 2010.04.03-2 Webpage interface component meant for integration with other tools and scripts x86_64 Community uzbl-tabbed 2010.04.03-2 Tabbing manager providing multiple uzbl-browser instances in 1 window x86_64 Community qc-usb-messenger 1.8-10 QuickCam Messenger & Communicate driver for Linux x86_64 Community mcabber 0.10.0-2 is a small Jabber console client, includes features: SSL, PGP, MUC, UTF8 x86_64 Community pgadmin3 1.10.2-2 A comprehensive design and management interface for PostgreSQL database x86_64 Community splix 2.0.0-5 CUPS drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers x86_64 Community xpad 4.0-5 Stickies-like notes program x86_64 Community lxtask 0.1.3-1 Task manager of the LXDE Desktop x86_64 Community xbmc 9.11-17 XBMC Media Center x86_64 Community cdfs 2.6.27-9 File system module that 'exports' all tracks and boot images on a CD as normal files. x86_64 Community sysprof 1.0.12-9 A sampling CPU profiler that uses a Linux kernel module to profile the entire system x86_64 Community sysprof-module 1.0.12-9 A sampling CPU profiler that uses a Linux kernel module to profile the entire system x86_64 Community tracker 0.8.1-1 Powerful object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer x86_64 Extra git the fast distributed version control system x86_64 Extra syslinux 3.86-1 a boot loader for the Linux operating system which operates off an MS-DOS/Windows FAT filesystem. x86_64 Extra openoffice-base-devel 3.3_dev300_m76-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - developement branch x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk-devel 3.3_dev300_m76-1 SDK - development files - for devel branch pkg x86_64 Extra ncftp 3.2.4-1 A set of free application programs implementing FTP x86_64 Extra net-snmp 5.5-4 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 x86_64 Extra qtcurve-gtk2 1.3.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra qtcurve-kde3 1.3.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra qtcurve-kde4 1.3.0-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra timidity++ 2.13.2-9 A MIDI to WAVE converter and player AURlightspeed 1.2a-1 perl-proc-processtable 0.45-2 perl-acme-D*** 0.04-1 perl-dbix-class 0.08121-1 perl-sql-abstract 1.65-1 gscan2pdf 0.9.30-1 perl-test-critic 1.02-1 chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree-bin 44105-1 teamspeak3-server beta21-2 arpwatch-gentoo 2.1a15-3Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 14, 2010 Author Posted April 14, 2010 Updates for Tuesday 13, Apr 2010:Anyany Community bugzilla 3.6-1 bug tracker any Community perl-datetime-timezone 1.17-1 Time zone object base class and factory any Extra thunderbird-et 3.0.4-1 Estonian language packs for Thunderbird any Community bugzilla 3.6-1 bug trackeri686i686 Core syslog-ng 3.1.0-1 Next-generation syslogd with advanced networking and filtering capabilities i686 Community fotoxx 10.1-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera i686 Community gpsd 2.92-2 GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices i686 Community avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-2 Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME i686 Community libpqxx 3.1-1 C++ client API for PostgreSQL i686 Community python-jinja 2.4-1 A simple pythonic template language written in Python i686 Community qpxtool 0.7.1_002-1 Allows better controll over optical drives to include QChecks and optimization settings. i686 Community libvirt 0.8.0-1 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) i686 Community trayion 0.1.2-1 FreeDesktop trayicon area for Ion3 i686 Community viewnior 1.0-1 A simple, fast and elegant image viewer program i686 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.2-3 KDE Base Workspace i686 Extra libzip 0.9.3-1 A C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives i686 Extra epiphany-extensions 2.30.0-2 Various extentions for the Epiphany web browser i686 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.0-4 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around x86_64x86_64 Core syslog-ng 3.1.0-1 Next-generation syslogd with advanced networking and filtering capabilities x86_64 Community fotoxx 10.1-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera x86_64 Community avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-2 Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME x86_64 Community gpsd 2.92-2 GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices x86_64 Community libpqxx 3.1-1 C++ client API for PostgreSQL x86_64 Community python-jinja 2.4-1 A simple pythonic template language written in Python x86_64 Community libvirt 0.8.0-1 API for controlling virtualization engines (openvz,kvm,qemu,virtualbox,xen,etc) x86_64 Community qpxtool 0.7.1_002-1 Allows better controll over optical drives to include QChecks and optimization settings. x86_64 Community trayion 0.1.2-1 FreeDesktop trayicon area for Ion3 x86_64 Community viewnior 1.0-1 A simple, fast and elegant image viewer program x86_64 Extra kdebase-workspace 4.4.2-3 KDE Base Workspace x86_64 Extra libzip 0.9.3-1 A C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives x86_64 Extra epiphany-extensions 2.30.0-2 Various extentions for the Epiphany web browser x86_64 Extra libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.0-4 A C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around AURlmpdnotify-git 10100639-1 dkbash-git 20100414-1 libgksu 2.0.13~pre1.orig-1 perl-proc-processtable 0.45-2 perl-acme-D*** 0.04-1 perl-test-critic 1.02-1 gscan2pdf 0.9.30-1 i965-video-sds 0.31.0_1_12-1 tuxcut 3.2-1 qpictureresizer 0.9.7-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 15, 2010 Author Posted April 15, 2010 Updates for Wednesday 14, Apr 2010:Anyany Community arch-wiki-docs 20100414-1 Documentation from any Community eclipse-mylyn 3.3.3-1 A task-focused interface for Eclipse any Community eclipse-gef 3.5.2-1 GEF framework for the Eclipse platform any Community eclipse-subclipse 1.6.10-1 Subversion integration for the Eclipse platform any Community phpmyadmin 3.3.2-1 A PHP and hence web-based tool to administrate MySQL over the WWW any Community pkgtools 18-1 A collection of scripts for Arch Linux packagesi686i686 Core dmraid 1.0.0.rc16+CVS-2 Device mapper RAID interface i686 Core kbd 1.15.2-1 Keytable files and keyboard utilities i686 Core util-linux-ng 2.17.2-1 Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux i686 Community nautilus-actions 2.30.2-1 Configures programs to be launched when files are selected in Nautilus i686 Community vuze BitTorrent client with GUI, written in Java, formerly known as Azureus i686 Community ibus-sogoupycc 0.2.5-1 A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. i686 Community clive 2.2.11-1 Video extraction/download tool for youtube and other websites. i686 Community avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-5 Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME i686 Community awn-extras-applets 0.4.0-2 A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator i686 Community guake 0.4.1-3 Guake is a drop-down terminal for Gnome Desktop Environment i686 Community i3-wm 3.e-2 An improved dynamic tiling window manager i686 Community pidgin-musictracker 0.4.21-2 A plugin for Pidgin which displays the music track currently playing. i686 Community fotoxx 10.1.1-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera i686 Community aumix-gtk 2.9-1 A color text mode sound mixer with GPM support i686 Community openscenegraph 2.8.3-1 An Open Source, high performance real-time graphics toolkiti686 Extra curl 7.20.1-1 An URL retrival utility and library i686 Extra audacity 1.3.12-3 A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms i686 Extra aria2 1.9.1-1 Download utility that supports HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink i686 Extra openjdk6 6.b18_1.8-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 with IcedTea6 replacing binary plugs. i686 Extra openjdk6-src 6.b18_1.8-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 Source Bundle i686 Extra thunar 1.0.1-6 new modern file manager for Xfce i686 Extra microcode_ctl 1.17.20100209-1 A companion to the IA32 microcode kernel driver x86_64x86_64 Core dmraid 1.0.0.rc16+CVS-2 Device mapper RAID interface x86_64 Core kbd 1.15.2-1 Keytable files and keyboard utilities x86_64 Core util-linux-ng 2.17.2-1 Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux x86_64 Community vuze BitTorrent client with GUI, written in Java, formerly known as Azureus x86_64 Community nautilus-actions 2.30.2-1 Configures programs to be launched when files are selected in Nautilus x86_64 Community clive 2.2.11-1 Video extraction/download tool for youtube and other websites. x86_64 Community ibus-sogoupycc 0.2.5-1 A Sogou cloud client and Chinese input method on ibus platform. x86_64 Community avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-5 Fully customisable dock-like window navigator for GNOME x86_64 Community awn-extras-applets 0.4.0-2 A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator x86_64 Community guake 0.4.1-3 Guake is a drop-down terminal for Gnome Desktop Environment x86_64 Community i3-wm 3.e-2 An improved dynamic tiling window manager x86_64 Community pidgin-musictracker 0.4.21-2 A plugin for Pidgin which displays the music track currently playing. x86_64 Community fotoxx 10.1.1-1 A program for improving image files made with a digital camera x86_64 Community aumix-gtk 2.9-1 x86_64 Extra curl 7.20.1-1 An URL retrival utility and library x86_64 Extra audacity 1.3.12-3 A program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms x86_64 Extra aria2 1.9.1-1 Download utility that supports HTTP(S), FTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink x86_64 Extra openjdk6 6.b18_1.8-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 with IcedTea6 replacing binary plugs. x86_64 Extra openjdk6-src 6.b18_1.8-1 Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 Source Bundle x86_64 Extra thunar 1.0.1-6 new modern file manager for Xfce x86_64 Extra microcode_ctl 1.17.20100209-1 A companion to the IA32 microcode kernel driver AURyorick-imutil 0.5.4-2 yorick-yutils 1.3.1-1 yorick-all 2.1-1 sdlmame-cheats 0.137-1 perl-text-unidecode 0.04-1pyrit-svn 247-1 cpyrit-opencl-svn 247-1 xtide 2.10-3 zeroc-ice 3.4.0-1 shutter 0.86.1-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 16, 2010 Author Posted April 16, 2010 Updates for Thursday 15, Apr 2010:Anyany Community phppgadmin 4.2.3-1 A web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL. It is perfect for PostgreSQL DBAs, newbies and hosting services. any Community frostwire 4.20.5-1 P2P Gnutella/Bittorrent client any Extra eric 4.4.3-1 A full-featured Python IDE that is written in PyQt4 using the QScintilla2 editor widget i686i686 Core dhcpcd 5.2.2-1 RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon i686 Core acl 2.2.49-1 Library for filesystem ACL support i686 Core mkinitcpio-busybox 1.16.1-1 base initramfs toolsi686 Community jdk 6u20-1 Sun's Java Development Kit i686 Community jre 6u20-1 Sun's java runtime environment i686 Community terminator 0.93-1 an application that provides lots of terminals in a single window i686 Community awn-extras-applets 0.4.0-3 A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator i686 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.3-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework i686 Community htmldoc 1.8.27-5 Produce PDF or Postscript from HTML documents including TOCs and Indices i686 Community medit 0.10.2-1 A GTK text editor i686 Community q4wine 0.118-1 A Qt4 GUI for Wine i686 Extra mplayer 31040-1 A movie player for linux i686 Extra purple-plugin-pack 2.6.3-1 Plugin pack for Pidgin i686 Extra qtcurve-kde3 1.3.1-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra qtcurve-kde4 1.3.1-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk i686 Extra telepathy-mission-control 5.4.0-1 A Telepathy component providing abstraction of some of the details of connection managers. i686 Extra memcached 1.4.5-1 A distributed memory object caching system i686 Extra virtuoso 6.1.1-1 A scalable cross-platform server that combines SQL/RDF/XML Data Management with Web Application Server and Web Services Platform functionality i686 Extra enchant 1.6.0-1 A wrapper library for generic spell checking x86_64x86_64 Core dhcpcd 5.2.2-1 RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon x86_64 Core acl 2.2.49-1 Library for filesystem ACL support x86_64 Core mkinitcpio-busybox 1.16.1-1 base initramfs tools x86_64 Community jdk 6u20-1 Sun's Java Development Kit x86_64 Community jre 6u20-1 Sun's java runtime environment x86_64 Community terminator 0.93-1 an application that provides lots of terminals in a single window x86_64 Community awn-extras-applets 0.4.0-3 A collection of applets for avant-window-navigator x86_64 Community ibus-pinyin 1.3.3-1 The PinYin Engine for IBus Input Framework x86_64 Community htmldoc 1.8.27-5 Produce PDF or Postscript from HTML documents including TOCs and Indices x86_64 Community medit 0.10.2-1 A GTK text editor x86_64 Extra mplayer 31040-1 A movie player for linux x86_64 Extra purple-plugin-pack 2.6.3-1 Plugin pack for Pidgin x86_64 Extra qtcurve-kde3 1.3.1-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra qtcurve-kde4 1.3.1-1 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk x86_64 Extra telepathy-mission-control 5.4.0-1 A Telepathy component providing abstraction of some of the details of connection managers. x86_64 Extra memcached 1.4.5-1 A distributed memory object caching system x86_64 Extra virtuoso 6.1.1-1 A scalable cross-platform server that combines SQL/RDF/XML Data Management with Web Application Server and Web Services Platform functionality x86_64 Extra enchant 1.6.0-1 A wrapper library for generic spell checking AURlilyterm-modified 0.9.8-1 mintbackup 1.6.4-3 monkey-git `date +%G%m%d`-1 boxee-source ruby-rip-git 0-1 ttf-vlgothic 20100416-1 scratch batti 0.3.3-1 mongodb-dev 1.5.0-1 yaml-cpp 0.2.5-1 Thanks
securitybreach Posted April 17, 2010 Author Posted April 17, 2010 Updates for Friday 16, Apr 2010:Anyany Community perl-common-sense 3.2-1 save a tree AND a kitten, use common::sense! 2010-04-17any Community perl-locale-maketext-lexicon 0.82-1 Perl/CPAN Module Locale::Maketext::Lexicon : Use other catalog formats in Maketext 2010-04-17any Community virt-manager 0.8.4-2 A desktop user interface for managing virtual machines. any Community python-dnspython 1.8.0-1 A DNS toolkit for Python any Community perl-xyne-arch 2010.04.16.1-1 Xyne's Arch-specific Perl modules. any Community freedesktop-docs 20100416-1 Specifications from any Community x-docs-pdf 20100416-1 X documentation any Extra gnome-icon-theme 2.30.1-1 Default icon theme for GNOME2 2010-04-17any Extra pm-quirks 0.20100316-1 Quirks data for pm-utils any Extra hwdetect 2010.04-2 Hardware detection script with loading modules and mkinitcpio.conf / rc.conf support i686i686 Core device-mapper 2.02.62-1 Device mapper userspace library and tools i686 Core lvm2 2.02.62-1 Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities i686 Core libpcap 1.1.1-1 A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture i686 Core sudo 1.7.2p6-1 Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root i686 Community mathomatic 15.0.7-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C 2010-04-17i686 Community perl-dbd-pg 2.17.1-1 Postgres Driver for DBI 2010-04-17i686 Community python-memcached 1.45-1 A Python interface to memcached i686 Community xdotool 1.20100416.2809-1 Command-line X11 automation tool i686 Community printoxx 2.6-1 Adjusting images on a sheet of paper for printing i686 Extra gtk-engines 2.20.1-1 Theme engines for GTK+ 2 2010-04-17i686 Extra glibmm 2.24.1-1 Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib 2010-04-17i686 Extra glibmm-docs 2.24.1-1 Developer documentation for glibmm 2010-04-17i686 Extra gtkmm 2.20.2-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 2010-04-17i686 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.2-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm 2010-04-17i686 Extra pangomm 2.26.1-1 C++ bindings for pango 2010-04-17i686 Extra pangomm-docs 2.26.1-1 Developer documentation for pangomm 2010-04-17i686 Extra libsigc++2.0 2.2.6-1 Libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries - V2 2010-04-17i686 Extra libsigc++2.0-docs 2.2.6-1 Developer documentation for libsigc++ 2010-04-17i686 Extra wine 1.1.43-1 A compatibility layer for running Windows programs 2010-04-17i686 Extra mpd 0.15.9-3 Music daemon that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files 2010-04-17i686 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m15-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leading to next stable release 2010-04-17i686 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m15-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkg 2010-04-17i686 Extra gimp 2.6.8-4 GNU Image Manipulation Program i686 Extra gnome-power-manager 2.30.0-2 Session daemon that makes it easy to manage your laptop or desktop system. i686 Extra vinagre 2.30.0-2 A VNC Client for the GNOME Desktop i686 Extra xfdesktop 4.6.1-2 A desktop manager for Xfce i686 Extra pm-utils 1.3.0-2 Utilities and scripts for suspend and hibernate power management i686 Extra kdevelop 3.10.2-1 A C/C++ development environment for KDE i686 Extra kdevplatform 0.10.2-1 A C/C++ development platform for KDE i686 Extra libgnome-keyring 2.30.0-2 GNOME keyring client library i686 Extra abiword 2.8.4-1 A fully-featured word processor i686 Extra abiword-plugins 2.8.4-1 Various plugins for Abiword i686 Extra strace 4.5.20-1 A useful diagnositic, instructional, and debugging tool i686 Extra whois 5.0.2-1 The whois client by Marco d'Itri i686 Extra ecl 10.4.1-1 Embeddable Common Lisp i686 Extra soprano 2.4.2-1 A library which provides a highly usable object-oriented C++/Qt4 framework for RDF data x86_64x86_64 Core device-mapper 2.02.62-1 Device mapper userspace library and tools x86_64 Core lvm2 2.02.62-1 Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities x86_64 Core libpcap 1.1.1-1 A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture x86_64 Core sudo 1.7.2p6-1 Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root x86_64 Community mathomatic 15.0.7-1 General purpose Computer Algebra System written in C 2010-04-17x86_64 Community perl-dbd-pg 2.17.1-1 Postgres Driver for DBI 2010-04-17x86_64 Community python-memcached 1.45-1 A Python interface to memcached x86_64 Community xdotool 1.20100416.2809-1 Command-line X11 automation tool x86_64 Community printoxx 2.6-1 Adjusting images on a sheet of paper for printing x86_64 Extra gtk-engines 2.20.1-1 Theme engines for GTK+ 2 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra glibmm 2.24.1-1 Glib-- (glibmm) is a C++ interface for glib 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra glibmm-docs 2.24.1-1 Developer documentation for glibmm 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra gtkmm 2.20.2-1 C++ bindings for gtk2 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra gtkmm-docs 2.20.2-1 Developer documentation for gtkmm 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra pangomm 2.26.1-1 C++ bindings for pango 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra pangomm-docs 2.26.1-1 Developer documentation for pangomm 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra libsigc++2.0 2.2.6-1 Libsigc++ implements a full callback system for use in widget libraries - V2 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra libsigc++2.0-docs 2.2.6-1 Developer documentation for libsigc++ 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra mpd 0.15.9-3 Music daemon that plays MP3, FLAC, and Ogg Vorbis files 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra openoffice-base-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m15-1 - a free multiplatform and multilingual office suite - testing branch leading to next stable release 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra openoffice-sdk-beta 3.2.1_ooo320_m15-1 SDK - development files for beta branch pkg 2010-04-17x86_64 Extra gimp 2.6.8-4 GNU Image Manipulation Program x86_64 Extra xfdesktop 4.6.1-2 A desktop manager for Xfce x86_64 Extra gnome-power-manager 2.30.0-2 Session daemon that makes it easy to manage your laptop or desktop system. x86_64 Extra vinagre 2.30.0-2 A VNC Client for the GNOME Desktop x86_64 Extra libgnome-keyring 2.30.0-2 GNOME keyring client library x86_64 Extra pm-utils 1.3.0-2 Utilities and scripts for suspend and hibernate power management x86_64 Extra kdevelop 3.10.2-1 A C/C++ development environment for KDE x86_64 Extra kdevplatform 0.10.2-1 A C/C++ development platform for KDE x86_64 Extra abiword 2.8.4-1 A fully-featured word processor x86_64 Extra abiword-plugins 2.8.4-1 Various plugins for Abiword x86_64 Extra strace 4.5.20-1 A useful diagnositic, instructional, and debugging tool x86_64 Extra ecl 10.4.1-1 Embeddable Common Lisp x86_64 Extra soprano 2.4.2-1 A library which provides a highly usable object-oriented C++/Qt4 framework for RDF data x86_64 Extra whois 5.0.2-1 The whois client by Marco d'ItriAURnautilus-ideviceinfo-git 20100417-1 nautilus-elementary 18-1 google-chrome-dev 5.0.375.3-1 shotwell-svn 1499-1 dofus 2.0-3 memaker 1.5-5 lib32-libkrb53 1.8.1-1 libkrb53 1.8.1-1 dcmtk 3.5.5-1 papyrus 0.13.2-1Thanks
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