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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] mariadb (SSA:2014-152-01)


New mariadb packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mariadb-5.5.37-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.









(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] sendmail (SSA:2014-156-04)


New sendmail packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0,

14.1, and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/sendmail-8.14.9-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release fixes one security related bug by properly closing file

descriptors (except stdin, stdout, and stderr) before executing programs.

This bug could enable local users to interfere with an open SMTP

connection if they can execute their own program for mail delivery

(e.g., via procmail or the prog mailer).

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/sendmail-cf-8.14.9-noarch-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.


[slackware-security] openssl (SSA:2014-156-03)


New openssl packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/openssl-1.0.1h-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

Multiple security issues have been corrected, including a possible

man-in-the-middle attack where weak keying material is forced, denial

of service, and the execution of arbitrary code.

For more information, see:








(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/openssl-solibs-1.0.1h-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.





[slackware-security] libtasn1 (SSA:2014-156-02)


New libtasn1 packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/libtasn1-3.6-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

Multiple security issues have been corrected in the libtasn1 library.

These errors allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service, or

possibly to execute arbitrary code.

For more information, see:




(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] gnutls (SSA:2014-156-01)


New gnutls packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/gnutls-3.1.25-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

A security issue has been corrected in gnutls. This vulnerability

affects the client side of the gnutls library. A server that sends

a specially crafted ServerHello could corrupt the memory of a requesting

client. This may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.

Additional vulnerabilities in the embedded libtasn1 library have also

been patched.

Thanks to mancha for the backported patches.

For more information, see:






(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] mozilla-firefox (SSA:2014-157-01)


New mozilla-firefox packages are available for Slackware 14.1 to fix

security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-firefox-24.6.0esr-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] php (SSA:2014-160-01)


New php packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/php-5.4.29-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes bugs and security issues, including a possible denial

of service, and an issue where insecure default permissions on the FPM

socket may allow local users to run arbitrary code as the apache user.

For more information, see:




(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2014-163-01)


New mozilla-thunderbird packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current

to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-thunderbird-24.6.0-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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  • 2 weeks later...
V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] bind (SSA:2014-175-01)


New bind packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/bind-9.9.5_P1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This fixes security issues and other bugs. Please note that the first

CVE only affects Windows, and the second one was claimed to be fixed by

an earlier version of BIND. But we'll update anyway just in case. :-)

For more information, see:



(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] gnupg (SSA:2014-175-02)


New gnupg packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/gnupg-1.4.17-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release includes a security fix to stop a denial of service using

garbled compressed data packets which can be used to put gpg into an

infinite loop.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] gnupg2 (SSA:2014-175-03)


New gnupg2 packages are available for Slackware 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/gnupg2-2.0.24-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release includes a security fix to stop a denial of service using

garbled compressed data packets which can be used to put gpg into an

infinite loop.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] samba (SSA:2014-175-04)


New samba packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/samba-4.1.9-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes bugs and security issues, including a flaw in Samba's

internal DNS server which can be exploited to cause a denial of service,

a flaw in SRV_SNAPSHOT_ARRAY that permits attackers to leverage

configurations that use shadow_copy* for vfs objects to reveal potentially

private server information, a denial of service on the nmbd NetBIOS name

services daemon, and a denial of service crash involving overwriting

memory on an authenticated connection to the smbd file server.

For more information, see:





(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] seamonkey (SSA:2014-175-05)


New seamonkey packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/seamonkey-2.26.1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/seamonkey-solibs-2.26.1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.


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  • 3 weeks later...
V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] php (SSA:2014-192-01)


New php packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/php-5.4.30-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes bugs and security issues.

For more information, see:









(* Security fix *)


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  • 2 weeks later...
V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] httpd (SSA:2014-204-01)


New httpd packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/httpd-2.4.10-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes the following security issues:

*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0117 (cve.mitre.org)

mod_proxy: Fix crash in Connection header handling which

allowed a denial of service attack against a reverse proxy

with a threaded MPM. [ben Reser]

*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0118 (cve.mitre.org)

mod_deflate: The DEFLATE input filter (inflates request bodies) now

limits the length and compression ratio of inflated request bodies to

avoid denial of sevice via highly compressed bodies. See directives

DeflateInflateLimitRequestBody, DeflateInflateRatioLimit,

and DeflateInflateRatioBurst. [Yann Ylavic, Eric Covener]

*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0226 (cve.mitre.org)

Fix a race condition in scoreboard handling, which could lead to

a heap buffer overflow. [Joe Orton, Eric Covener]

*) SECURITY: CVE-2014-0231 (cve.mitre.org)

mod_cgid: Fix a denial of service against CGI scripts that do

not consume stdin that could lead to lingering HTTPD child processes

filling up the scoreboard and eventually hanging the server. By

default, the client I/O timeout (Timeout directive) now applies to

communication with scripts. The CGIDScriptTimeout directive can be

used to set a different timeout for communication with scripts.

[Rainer Jung, Eric Covener, Yann Ylavic]

For more information, see:





(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] mozilla-firefox (SSA:2014-204-02)


New mozilla-firefox packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-firefox-24.7.0esr-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2014-204-03)


New mozilla-thunderbird packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current

to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-thunderbird-24.7.0-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] samba (SSA:2014-213-01)


New samba packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/samba-4.1.11-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes a remote code execution attack on unauthenticated nmbd

NetBIOS name services. A malicious browser can send packets that may

overwrite the heap of the target nmbd NetBIOS name services daemon.

It may be possible to use this to generate a remote code execution

vulnerability as the superuser (root).

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] dhcpcd (SSA:2014-213-02)


New dhcpcd packages are available for Slackware 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/dhcpcd-6.0.5-i486-3_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

This update fixes a security issue where a specially crafted packet

received from a malicious DHCP server causes dhcpcd to enter an infinite

loop causing a denial of service.

Thanks to Tobias Stoeckmann for the bug report.

(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] openssl (SSA:2014-220-01)


New openssl packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/openssl-1.0.1i-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes several security issues:

Double Free when processing DTLS packets (CVE-2014-3505)

DTLS memory exhaustion (CVE-2014-3506)

DTLS memory leak from zero-length fragments (CVE-2014-3507)

Information leak in pretty printing functions (CVE-2014-3508)

Race condition in ssl_parse_serverhello_tlsext (CVE-2014-3509)

OpenSSL DTLS anonymous EC(DH) denial of service (CVE-2014-3510)

OpenSSL TLS protocol downgrade attack (CVE-2014-3511)

SRP buffer overrun (CVE-2014-3512)

Crash with SRP ciphersuite in Server Hello message (CVE-2014-5139)

For more information, see:











(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/openssl-solibs-1.0.1i-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

(* Security fix *)


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  • 4 weeks later...
V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] php (SSA:2014-247-01)


New php packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/php-5.4.32-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes bugs and security issues.

For more information, see:








(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] mozilla-firefox (SSA:2014-247-02)


New mozilla-firefox packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-firefox-24.8.0esr-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2014-247-03)


New mozilla-thunderbird packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current

to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-thunderbird-24.8.0-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] seamonkey (SSA:2014-252-01)


New seamonkey packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/seamonkey-2.29-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.

(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/seamonkey-solibs-2.29-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.


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  • 3 weeks later...
V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] bash (SSA:2014-267-01)


New bash packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/bash-4.2.048-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes a vulnerability in bash related to how environment

variables are processed: trailing code in function definitions was

executed, independent of the variable name. In many common configurations

(such as the use of CGI scripts), this vulnerability is exploitable over

the network. Thanks to Stephane Chazelas for discovering this issue.

For more information, see:



(* Security fix *)




[slackware-security] mozilla-nss (SSA:2014-267-02)


New mozilla-nss packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-nss-3.16.5-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

Fixed an RSA Signature Forgery vulnerability.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] bash (SSA:2014-268-01)


New bash packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/bash-4.2.048-i486-2_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

Patched an additional trailing string processing vulnerability discovered

by Tavis Ormandy.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

And another...


[slackware-security] bash (rebuild for Slackware 13.0 only) (SSA:2014-268-02)


New bash packages are available for Slackware 13.0 to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 13.0 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/bash-3.1.018-i486-3_slack13.0.txz: Rebuilt.

The patch for CVE-2014-7169 needed to be rebased against bash-3.1 in order

to apply correctly. Thanks to B. Watson for the bug report.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] mozilla-firefox (SSA:2014-271-01)


New mozilla-firefox packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-firefox-24.8.1esr-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2014-271-02)


New mozilla-thunderbird packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current

to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-thunderbird-24.8.1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] seamonkey (SSA:2014-271-03)


New seamonkey packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/seamonkey-2.29.1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/seamonkey-solibs-2.29.1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.


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V.T. Eric Layton

Bash Patch #4


[slackware-security] bash (SSA:2014-272-01)


New bash packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/bash-4.2.050-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

Another bash update. Here's some information included with the patch:

"This patch changes the encoding bash uses for exported functions to avoid

clashes with shell variables and to avoid depending only on an environment

variable's contents to determine whether or not to interpret it as a shell


After this update, an environment variable will not go through the parser

unless it follows this naming structure: BASH_FUNC_*%%

Most scripts never expected to import functions from environment variables,

so this change (although not backwards compatible) is not likely to break

many existing scripts. It will, however, close off access to the parser as

an attack surface in the vast majority of cases. There's already another

vulnerability similar to CVE-2014-6271 for which there is not yet a fix,

but this hardening patch prevents it (and likely many more similar ones).

Thanks to Florian Weimer and Chet Ramey.

(* Security fix *)


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  • 3 weeks later...
V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] openssl (SSA:2014-288-01)


New openssl packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/openssl-solibs-1.0.1j-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/openssl-1.0.1j-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes several security issues:

SRTP Memory Leak (CVE-2014-3513):

A flaw in the DTLS SRTP extension parsing code allows an attacker, who

sends a carefully crafted handshake message, to cause OpenSSL to fail

to free up to 64k of memory causing a memory leak. This could be

exploited in a Denial Of Service attack.

Session Ticket Memory Leak (CVE-2014-3567):

When an OpenSSL SSL/TLS/DTLS server receives a session ticket the

integrity of that ticket is first verified. In the event of a session

ticket integrity check failing, OpenSSL will fail to free memory

causing a memory leak. By sending a large number of invalid session

tickets an attacker could exploit this issue in a Denial Of Service


SSL 3.0 Fallback protection:

OpenSSL has added support for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV to allow applications

to block the ability for a MITM attacker to force a protocol


Some client applications (such as browsers) will reconnect using a

downgraded protocol to work around interoperability bugs in older

servers. This could be exploited by an active man-in-the-middle to

downgrade connections to SSL 3.0 even if both sides of the connection

support higher protocols. SSL 3.0 contains a number of weaknesses

including POODLE (CVE-2014-3566).

Build option no-ssl3 is incomplete (CVE-2014-3568):

When OpenSSL is configured with "no-ssl3" as a build option, servers

could accept and complete a SSL 3.0 handshake, and clients could be

configured to send them.

For more information, see:






(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] openssh (SSA:2014-293-01)


New openssh packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/openssh-6.7p1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes a security issue that allows remote servers to trigger

the skipping of SSHFP DNS RR checking by presenting an unacceptable


For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] glibc (SSA:2014-296-01)


New glibc packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to fix

security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/glibc-2.17-i486-8_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

This update fixes several security issues, and adds an extra security

hardening patch from Florian Weimer. Thanks to mancha for help with

tracking and backporting patches.

For more information, see:










(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/glibc-i18n-2.17-i486-8_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

patches/packages/glibc-profile-2.17-i486-8_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

patches/packages/glibc-solibs-2.17-i486-8_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

patches/packages/glibc-zoneinfo-2014i-noarch-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

Upgraded to tzcode2014i and tzdata2014i.




[slackware-security] pidgin (SSA:2014-296-02)


New pidgin packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


pidgin-2.10.10-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes several security issues:

Insufficient SSL certificate validation (CVE-2014-3694)

Remote crash parsing malformed MXit emoticon (CVE-2014-3695)

Remote crash parsing malformed Groupwise message (CVE-2014-3696)

Malicious smiley themes could alter arbitrary files (CVE-2014-3697)

Potential information leak from XMPP (CVE-2014-3698)

For more information, see:






(* Security fix *)




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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] wget (SSA:2014-302-01)


New wget packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/wget-1.14-i486-3_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

This update fixes a symlink vulnerability that could allow an attacker

to write outside of the expected directory.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] mariadb (SSA:2014-307-01)


New mariadb packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mariadb-5.5.40-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:










(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] mozilla-firefox (SSA:2014-307-02)


New mozilla-firefox packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-firefox-31.2.0esr-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)




[slackware-security] php (SSA:2014-307-03)


New php packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/php-5.4.34-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes bugs and security issues.

#68044 (Integer overflow in unserialize() (32-bits only)). (CVE-2014-3669)

#68113 (Heap corruption in exif_thumbnail()). (CVE-2014-3670)

#68027 (Global buffer overflow in mkgmtime() function). (CVE-2014-3668)

For more information, see:




(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] seamonkey (SSA:2014-307-04)


New seamonkey packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/seamonkey-2.30-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/seamonkey-solibs-2.30-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2014-320-01)


New mozilla-thunderbird packages are available for Slackware 14.1 to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-thunderbird-31.2.0-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2014-337-01)


New mozilla-thunderbird packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current

to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-thunderbird-31.3.0-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

Slackware Updates - Multiple


[slackware-security] wpa_supplicant (SSA:2014-344-07)


New wpa_supplicant packages are available for Slackware 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/wpa_supplicant-2.3-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes a remote command-execution vulnerability caused by a

failure to adequately sanitize user-supplied input.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] seamonkey (SSA:2014-344-06)


New seamonkey packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/seamonkey-2.31-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/seamonkey-solibs-2.31-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.



[slackware-security] pidgin (SSA:2014-344-05)


New pidgin packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0,

14.1, and -current.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/pidgin-2.10.11-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains login fixes for MSN and some XMPP servers.




[slackware-security] openvpn (SSA:2014-344-04)


New openvpn packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0,

14.1, and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/openvpn-2.3.6-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes a security issue that allows remote authenticated

users to cause a denial of service (server crash) via a small control

channel packet.

For more information, see:



(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] openssh (SSA:2014-344-03)


New openssh packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/openssh-6.7p1-i486-2_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

Restored support for tcpwrappers that was dropped by upstream.

Thanks to mancha.




[slackware-security] mozilla-firefox (SSA:2014-344-02)


New mozilla-firefox packages are available for Slackware 14.1 to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-firefox-31.3.0esr-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] bind (SSA:2014-344-01)


New bind packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/bind-9.9.6_P1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes a security issue where a failure to place limits on

delegation chaining can allow an attacker to crash BIND or cause memory


For more information, see:



(* Security fix *)


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] ntp (SSA:2014-356-01)


New ntp packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/ntp-4.2.8-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

In addition to bug fixes and enhancements, this release fixes

several high-severity vulnerabilities discovered by Neel Mehta

and Stephen Roettger of the Google Security Team.

For more information, see:






(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] php (SSA:2014-356-02)


New php packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/php-5.4.36-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes bugs and security issues.

#68545 (NULL pointer dereference in unserialize.c).

#68594 (Use after free vulnerability in unserialize()). (CVE-2014-8142)

#68283 (fileinfo: out-of-bounds read in elf note headers). (CVE-2014-3710)

For more information, see:



(* Security fix *)





[slackware-security] xorg-server (SSA:2014-356-03)


New xorg-server packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/xorg-server-1.14.3-i486-3_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

This update fixes many security issues discovered by Ilja van Sprundel,

a security researcher with IOActive.

For more information, see:














(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/xorg-server-xephyr-1.14.3-i486-3_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

patches/packages/xorg-server-xnest-1.14.3-i486-3_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

patches/packages/xorg-server-xvfb-1.14.3-i486-3_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] openssl (SSA:2015-009-01)


New openssl packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/openssl-1.0.1k-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes several security issues:

DTLS segmentation fault in dtls1_get_record (CVE-2014-3571)

DTLS memory leak in dtls1_buffer_record (CVE-2015-0206)

no-ssl3 configuration sets method to NULL (CVE-2014-3569)

ECDHE silently downgrades to ECDH [Client] (CVE-2014-3572)

RSA silently downgrades to EXPORT_RSA [Client] (CVE-2015-0204)

DH client certificates accepted without verification [server] (CVE-2015-0205)

Certificate fingerprints can be modified (CVE-2014-8275)

Bignum squaring may produce incorrect results (CVE-2014-3570)

For more information, see:










(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/openssl-solibs-1.0.1k-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] freetype (SSA:2015-016-01)


New freetype packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0,

14.1, and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/freetype-2.5.5-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release fixes a security bug that could cause freetype to crash

or run programs upon opening a specially crafted file.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] mozilla-firefox (SSA:2015-016-02)


New mozilla-firefox packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-firefox-31.4.0esr-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] mozilla-thunderbird (SSA:2015-016-03)


New mozilla-thunderbird packages are available for Slackware 14.1 and -current

to fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/mozilla-thunderbird-31.4.0-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This release contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] seamonkey (SSA:2015-016-04)


New seamonkey packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/seamonkey-2.32-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/seamonkey-solibs-2.32-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] glibc (SSA:2015-028-01)


New glibc packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0,

and 14.1 to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/glibc-2.17-i486-10_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

This update patches a security issue __nss_hostname_digits_dots() function

of glibc which may be triggered through the gethostbyname*() set of

functions. This flaw could allow local or remote attackers to take control

of a machine running a vulnerable version of glibc. Thanks to Qualys for

discovering this issue (also known as the GHOST vulnerability.)

For more information, see:



(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/glibc-i18n-2.17-i486-10_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

patches/packages/glibc-profile-2.17-i486-10_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

patches/packages/glibc-solibs-2.17-i486-10_slack14.1.txz: Rebuilt.

patches/packages/glibc-zoneinfo-2014j-noarch-1.txz: Upgraded.

Upgraded to tzcode2014j and tzdata2014j.


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V.T. Eric Layton

[slackware-security] patch (SSA:2015-047-01)


New patch packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/patch-2.7.4-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

Patch no longer follows symbolic links to input and output files. This

ensures that symbolic links created by git-style patches cannot cause

patch to write outside the working directory.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)



[slackware-security] seamonkey (SSA:2015-047-02)


New seamonkey packages are available for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and -current to

fix security issues.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/seamonkey-2.32.1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update contains security fixes and improvements.

For more information, see:


(* Security fix *)

patches/packages/seamonkey-solibs-2.32.1-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.



[slackware-security] sudo (SSA:2015-047-03)


New sudo packages are available for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, 14.0, 14.1,

and -current to fix a security issue.



Here are the details from the Slackware 14.1 ChangeLog:


patches/packages/sudo-1.8.12-i486-1_slack14.1.txz: Upgraded.

This update fixes a potential security issue by only passing the TZ

environment variable it is considered safe. This prevents exploiting bugs

in glibc's TZ parser that could be used to read files that the user does

not have access to, or to cause a denial of service.

For more information, see:



(* Security fix *)


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