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Never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter.~Winston Churchill
That said, now would be the time to go fishing. Still here? Don't say I didn't warn you! :thumbup: B) :medic: Just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts:Medion DesktopAthlon 3000+1 Gig RAM120 Gig HDNvidia... 19" LG Flat Screen120 Gig USB HD (FAT... contains my 400+ -CD Music collection, XP backups)Our Mission, should we choose to accept it:- Wipe the HD (contains XP+Breezy)- Install Ubuntu Edgy, Slackware :medic: - Install a couple more distros (comments appreciated)... PCLos, Mandy, Fedora, Mepis, OpenSuse... you choose 'em, I crash 'em.- Create a "common" My_Crap partition with browser bookmarks etc.Errr... suggestions? Partition plan? Install order? Drinks? Anyone? Someone? Hey! You there! :medic: :hmm: :medic: :medic: :medic:
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Good to see you having FUN Urmas ! :thumbup:

Install Ubuntu Edgy, Slackware ... PCLos, Mandy, Fedora, Mepis, OpenSuse...
I think that list will do fine to start with . . . . there is enough potential in there to get you into trouble B) :medic: :DAnyway . . . have a start and we will undoubtedly be notified when you need help :PB) Bruno
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More info will require a subscription to Adam's Computer Opinions Newsletter Premium Edition.
Everyone's a comed Micro$oft these days. :hmm: :hmm:
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UrmasTwo words......More Systems!!!! My logic is the more distros you boot , more systems are needed to test the distros across a range of hardware. :hmm:

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V.T. Eric Layton

Here's my partition and distro recommendation:/hda1 Primary - ext3 - /root Ubuntu - 5Gig/hda2 Primary - ext3 - /home Ubuntu - 10GigExtended:/hda5 Primary - ext3 - /root Debian Etch - 5Gig/hda6 Primary - ext3 - /home Debian - 10Gig/hda7 Primary - ext3 - /root Fedora Core 6 - 5Gig/hda8 Primary - ext3 - /home Fedora Core - 10Gig/hda9 Primary - reiserfs - /root OpenSuSE 10.1 - 5Gig/hda10 Primary - reiserfs - /home OpenSuSE - 10Gig/hda11 Primary - ext3 - /root Slackware 11 - 5Gig/hda12 Primary - ext3 - /home Slackware - 10Gig/hda13 Primary - linux swap - /swap - 2Gig/hda14 Primary - fat32 - /media/linux_storage - 40GigHave FUN! :hmm:

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:w00t: :devil:
:hmm: :hmm: :pirate: Well... what did I... Universal Serial Bus... and (now that I have the system up and running) it's actually a 160GB one... an external hard drive... I have my music collection hoovered into it, my old XP backups are in there (not for long)... somewhere along the line I'd like to create a largish ext3 partition for backups.OK, congression...Eric:
Here's my partition and distro recommendation:/hda1 Primary - ext3 - /root Ubuntu - 5Gig/hda2 Primary - ext3 - /home Ubuntu - 10GigExtended:/hda5 Primary - ext3 - /root Debian Etch - 5Gig/hda6 Primary - ext3 - /home Debian - 10Gig/hda7 Primary - ext3 - /root Fedora Core 6 - 5Gig/hda8 Primary - ext3 - /home Fedora Core - 10Gig/hda9 Primary - reiserfs - /root OpenSuSE 10.1 - 5Gig/hda10 Primary - reiserfs - /home OpenSuSE - 10Gig/hda11 Primary - ext3 - /root Slackware 11 - 5Gig/hda12 Primary - ext3 - /home Slackware - 10Gig/hda13 Primary - linux swap - /swap - 2Gig/hda14 Primary - fat32 - /media/linux_storage - 40Gig
Same as yours, right? Not bad, but I wanna try PCLos... so... no Debian this time. So.../hda1 Primary - ext3 - /root Ubuntu - 5Gig/hda2 Primary - ext3 - /home Ubuntu - 10GigExtended:/hda5 Primary - ext3 - /root PCLos 0.93 - 5Gig/hda6 Primary - ext3 - /home PCLos - 10Gig/hda7 Primary - ext3 - /root Fedora Core 6 - 5Gig/hda8 Primary - ext3 - /home Fedora Core - 10Gig/hda9 Primary - reiserfs - /root OpenSuSE 10.2 - 5Gig/hda10 Primary - reiserfs - /home OpenSuSE - 10Gig/hda11 Primary - ext3 - /root Slackware 11 - 5Gig/hda12 Primary - ext3 - /home Slackware - 10Gig/hda13 Primary - linux swap - /swap - 2Gig/hda14 Primary - fat32 - /media/linux_storage - 40GigBruno suggested I'd use PCLos for the partitioning... and that I'd install everything else first, then Ubuntu. Guess I have to download Slackware first, then? Will the DVD do? :oops: Edited by Urmas
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I think that after 4 primary partitions you will need to go to Logical partitions unless you are using a partition and boot manager like Boot it NG which allows more than 4 primary partitions. (400) I think. I would make the first partition a Fat 32 if you are going to be booting any windows and want to exchange info read and write. Then I would make all of the other partitions Logical partitions. Also there is a partition limitation. I forget how many..Mel :devil:

:hmm: :hmm: :pirate: Well... what did I... Universal Serial Bus... and (now that I have the system up and running) it's actually a 160GB one... an external hard drive... I have my music collection hoovered into it, my old XP backups are in there (not for long)... somewhere along the line I'd like to create a largish ext3 partition for backups.OK, congression...Eric:Same as yours, right? Not bad, but I wanna try PCLos... so... no Debian this time. So.../hda1 Primary - ext3 - /root Ubuntu - 5Gig/hda2 Primary - ext3 - /home Ubuntu - 10GigExtended:/hda5 Primary - ext3 - /root PCLos 0.93 - 5Gig/hda6 Primary - ext3 - /home PCLos - 10Gig/hda7 Primary - ext3 - /root Fedora Core 6 - 5Gig/hda8 Primary - ext3 - /home Fedora Core - 10Gig/hda9 Primary - reiserfs - /root OpenSuSE 10.2 - 5Gig/hda10 Primary - reiserfs - /home OpenSuSE - 10Gig/hda11 Primary - ext3 - /root Slackware 11 - 5Gig/hda12 Primary - ext3 - /home Slackware - 10Gig/hda13 Primary - linux swap - /swap - 2Gig/hda14 Primary - fat32 - /media/linux_storage - 40GigBruno suggested I'd use PCLos for the partitioning... and that I'd install everything else first, then Ubuntu. Guess I have to download Slackware first, then? Will the DVD do? :oops:
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V.T. Eric Layton

It's similar to my set up, but not exactly. I have a 250Gig drive with 18 partitions and room for 2 more distros (4 not currently used partitions). I'm a bit gun shy about installing anything new right now, thanks to my Gentoo experience. ;)I'm partial to gparted (on the Ubuntu Live CD). You can partition with gparted without installing Ubuntu. And yes, leave Ubuntu for last. The Debian-based GRUB will pick up all the other operating systems with no troubles at all. :)And unless you're a KDE fan, which I don't think you are, don't forget Dropline Gnome for Slack! :hmm: Speaking of Slack, make sure you boot up the CD with the Huge2.6 kernel and install it with that kernel also, headers included, if you plan on installing the Nvidia drivers. Run Slack on ext3 to avoid Reiserfs problems.

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Well I did a little bit of research and you can pretty well have unlimited Logical partitions But only 4 primary unless using a 3rd party boot and partition manager.Mel :hmm:

How many partitions can I have on my hard disk?Physical hard disks can contain up to four primary partitions or up to three primary partitions and infinite logical partitions. The number of primary partitions on a disk is limited because the partition table located on the hard disk contains only four records. Extended partitioning supports additional divisions of the drive into logical partitions. The number of logical partitions on a disk drive is unlimited.
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/hda9 Primary - reiserfs - /root OpenSuSE 10.2 - 5Gig/hda10 Primary - reiserfs - /home OpenSuSE - 10Gig
One note: SUSE default filesystem is no longer reiserfs, they abandoned it in favor of Ext3 :)One Question: Where is Mandriva in this list ?? :hmm: ( forgetting the best one on purpose are you ? ):hmm: Bruno
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V.T. Eric Layton

I couldn't get Mandriva 2007 to install on my system. I can't recall right now what the problem was, though. :(

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:( Speaking of Slack, make sure you boot up the CD with the Huge2.6 kernel and install it with that kernel also, headers included, if you plan on installing the Nvidia drivers. Run Slack on ext3 to avoid Reiserfs problems.
What are the advantages of the Huge 2.6? Saw it on there but didn't want to get sidetracked before I handled other issues.
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V.T. Eric Layton

Newest vesion of the 2.6 kernel. The standard Slack install uses the 2.4 kernel, not that there's anything wrong with 2.4, you understand. :(

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One note: SUSE default filesystem is no longer reiserfs, they abandoned it in favor of Ext3 :)One Question: Where is Mandriva in this list ?? :P ( forgetting the best one on purpose are you ? )B) Bruno
/hda1 Primary - ext3 - /root Ubuntu - 5Gig/hda2 Primary - ext3 - /home Ubuntu - 10GigExtended:/hda5 Primary - ext3 - /root PCLos 0.93 - 5Gig/hda6 Primary - ext3 - /home PCLos - 10Gig/hda7 Primary - ext3 - /root Mandriva 2007 - 5Gig/hda8 Primary - ext3 - /home Mandriva - 10Gig/hda9 Primary - reiserfs - /root OpenSuSE 10.2 - 5Gig/hda10 Primary - reiserfs - /home OpenSuSE - 10Gig/hda11 Primary - ext3 - /root Slackware 11 - 5Gig/hda12 Primary - ext3 - /home Slackware - 10Gig/hda13 Primary - linux swap - /swap - 2Gig/hda14 Primary - fat32 - /media/linux_storage - 40GigOoops... there went Fedora... :( but, alas, got more downloading to do. :P
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V.T. Eric Layton

That's alright... Mandriva might be a good swap for Fedora anyway. :)Ah... I remember my Mandriva troubles now. From another thread:

Mandriva kept going into kernel panic halfway though the install.
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Made some adjustments:

/hda1 Primary - ext3 - / Ubuntu - 5Gig/hda2 Primary - ext3 - /home Ubuntu - 10GigExtended:/hda5 Logical - ext3 - / PCLos 0.93 - 7Gig/hda6 Logical - ext3 - /home PCLos - 10Gig/hda7 Logical - ext3 - / Mandriva 2007 - 8Gig/hda8 Logical - ext3 - /home Mandriva - 10Gig/hda9 Logical - ext3 - / OpenSuSE 10.2 - 9Gig/hda10 Logical - ext3 - /home OpenSuSE - 10Gig/hda11 Logical - ext3 - / Slackware 11 - 5Gig/hda12 Logical - ext3 - /home Slackware - 10Gig/hda13 Logical - linux swap - /swap - 2Gig/hda14 Logical - fat32 - /media/linux_storage - 40Gig
The ones in the extended are called "logical" paritions . . . SUSE likes Ext3 . . and a few distros will want more ( some now some in the future ) the 5 GB / . . . maybe set Ubuntu to 7 or 8 too . . . you never know what the future brings and it is easier to do it now then to do it next year. ( Slack will be okay on 5 GB for a long time to come ):( Bruno
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V.T. Eric Layton

Uh... Logical, yeah. That's what I meant. ;)I have 10Gig partitions for /root on all my distros, but I have a larger drive than Urmie does.

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I have 10Gig partitions for /root on all my distros, but I have a larger drive than Urmie does.
With 10Gig / partitions you are future proof for the next 5 - 7 years at least :( ( My MDV / of 8.5 GB is taken for 6.9 GB . . . . . but I do install a lot of "extras" on my main distro )Urmas could save on the /home partitions of the "extra distros" ( not the Ubuntu one ) . . .the distros you don't use daily can have a 3 to 5 GB /home partition . . .and then you can add the saved space to the / partition. So like:
/hda1 Primary - ext3 - / Ubuntu - 10Gig/hda2 Primary - ext3 - /home Ubuntu - 10GigExtended:/hda5 Logical - ext3 - / PCLos 0.93 - 10Gig/hda6 Logical - ext3 - /home PCLos - 5Gig/hda7 Logical - ext3 - / Mandriva 2007 - 10Gig/hda8 Logical - ext3 - /home Mandriva - 5Gig/hda9 Logical - ext3 - / OpenSuSE 10.2 - 10Gig/hda10 Logical - ext3 - /home OpenSuSE - 5Gig/hda11 Logical - ext3 - / Slackware 11 - 5Gig/hda12 Logical - ext3 - /home Slackware - 5Gig/hda13 Logical - linux swap - /swap - 2Gig/hda14 Logical - fat32 - /media/linux_storage - 40Gig
:P Bruno
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V.T. Eric Layton
With 10Gig / partitions you are future proof for the next 5 - 7 years at least :P
HAHA! :( I'll trash my system long before that. :P
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Getting numerous distros to all play well together when it comes to booting was a problem I overcame by using a dedicated boot partition as described in the tutorial Making a Dedicated Grub Partition at the Grub Grotto site.I am currently using thismethod to boot SUSE 10.2, Kubuntu, PCLos, and Linux Mint.If you don't want to do this I suggest that you choose which distro will manage the boot loader and do not let any other distro write to the master boot record of your first hard drive. If the distro gives you the option choose the same boot loader for each one that you install and then have it write to the partition it is installed in NOT the MBR of the first drive.You can then copy the proper boot commands from the lilo.conf or menu.lst file of the newly installed distro into the proper file in the distro you have delegated boot management to.

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B) :bangin: :bangin: Things you forget... hda1 turned out to be 150Gig... not 120. Oh, well... I'll just have to live with it. :thumbsup: In fact, I've (re)added FC 6 to the Master Plan... partition is done - with panache & the best possible taste - as follows:/hda1 Primary - ext3 - / Ubuntu - 10Gig/hda2 Primary - ext3 - /home Ubuntu - 10GigExtended:/hda5 Logical - ext3 - / PCLos 0.93 - 10Gig/hda6 Logical - ext3 - /home PCLos - 5Gig/hda7 Logical - ext3 - / Mandriva 2007 - 10Gig/hda8 Logical - ext3 - /home Mandriva - 5Gig/hda9 Logical - ext3 - / OpenSuSE 10.2 - 10Gig/hda10 Logical - ext3 - /home OpenSuSE - 5Gig/hda11 Logical - ext3 - / Slackware 11 - 10Gig/hda12 Logical - ext3 - /home Slackware - 5Gig/hda13 Logical - ext3 - / Fedora Core 6 - 10 Gig/hda14 Logical - ext3 - /home Fedora - 5Gig/hda15 Logical - linux swap - /swap - 2Gig/hda16 Logical - ext3 - /media/linux_storage - 53Gig Now then... I'm posting this from Fedora... the first (and so far only) one installed. I'm running "Package Updater" at the mo... at least I think I am... says "Loading Packages"... other than that, Progress Bar, everything just blank.Striker? Is this kosher? Also... when I'm done with the updates, then what? Disk back in & try and find how to "reinstall the bootloader"Urmas --hanging from steel wires, high, high over the clear and deep waters. :blink: :blink: :blink: Edited by Urmas
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$ su$ password# yum update......# yum install yumex# yum install switchdesk...

The yum update command fetches all updates applicable to the packages you have installed now.Yum is the fastest out there, the other two possible updaters are (imo) not where they should have been yet.If there's a kernel update and/or KDE updates, after having them installed don't forget to reboot before doing anything else. Latest kernel = 2.6.18-1.2869.fc6The yum install yumex command installs yumex, the gui for yum.After the install you can find it in KDE > System > Yumex Extender.The yum install switchdesk command installs the switchdesk package; Very handy when in the need for help because nor Bruno nor I'm running gnome like you do.How to use the switchdesk package:It's mainly used to switch from gnome to KDE or back, use it from runlevel 3 like below:

$ switchdesk kde


$ switchdesk gdm

After having used this you'll start with startx into the DE you switched into with the above command.This will stay so even after a reboot. Without switchdesk the DE automatically reverts back to gnome after every reboot.See that you have the 686 kernel arch installed if applicable, not the 586 : that's a bug in Anaconda.However, it doesn't show up with every install on every machine, at my machine it didn't and after install I had the 686 kernel arch.How to check this while being 100 percent sure: not with uname -r, it just doesn't reveal the real installed kernel arch. Use this command :

rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}\n"|grep kernel|sort

See also this thread:http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=139751 ;)The boot loader:Fedora by default used grub as bootloader.During install you were offered the option of where to install it.See this:http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...=503&st=356Al other info for Fedora you may find at this link:http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.php?showtopic=17204 :thumbsup:

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OK... fedora is up-do date... time to move on... but...

The boot loader:Fedora by default used grub as bootloader.During install you were offered the option of where to install it.See this:http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...=503&st=356Al other info for Fedora you may find at this link:http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.php?showtopic=17204 :bangin:
Yes. I was. Bruno gave me these instructions:
Install all distros in a row . . . placing the bootloader first in the MBR and after tweaking the install in you re-install the bootloader in the / partition. Then you install the next distro and do the same . . and the next and the next. ( you will only be able to boot the last distro installed, but this will come in the last step )Finally . . . as LAST one you install Ubuntu, and you place Grub in the MBR, it will then automatically pick up all the other distros you installed in the Ubuntu bootloader.
So... :thumbsup: oh I do like to be beside the seaside .... B) Re-install the bootloader... re-install the bootloader... :bangin:
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Ahaaa .... B) Fedora is on hda13 with / ? And hda14 is /home ?In that case boot into Fedora and from console:

# grub-install /dev/hda13

( or if that fails "# grub-install hda13" ) :thumbsup:

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Ahaaa .... :blink: Fedora is on hda13 with / ? And hda14 is /home ?In that case boot into Fedora and from console:
# grub-install /dev/hda13

( or if that fails "# grub-install hda13" ) :bangin:

Cive that man a cigar! Thanks! Off to S_L_A_C_K_W_A_R_E_! :thumbsup: B) :sweatingbullets:Oh, and... if I ever gat Slackware Up&Running the "install bootloader to hda11 would be... (oh, how I miss the banned "N-word" right now!)EDIT:You mean from Terminal... when Fedora is up an running from HD? Err...
[root@localhost urmas]# grub-install /dev/hda13bash: grub-install: command not found[root@localhost urmas]# grub-install hda13bash: grub-install: command not found

(Nevermind the localhost now... that can be dealt with later.)Should I boot with DVD? :bangin:

Edited by Urmas
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