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My Adventures w/ Fedora Core 5

V.T. Eric Layton

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V.T. Eric Layton

Well, I'm using Ubuntu (DEB-based) Linux right now. I figured it was time to try an RPM-based distro. PCLinuxOS was my first choice, but the initial install got corrupted... long story. I figured I'd give Fedora a shot. It's got a great ancestry, right? B) I'm torrenting the 5 CD iso set right now. If all goes well, I'll have them on disk by later this evening. I have a couple of nice empty partitions just waiting.I'll probably start another diary on this post as I install and learn Fedora. Oh boy! :)OK, here we go...2145hrs EDT - 14 August, '06- Installed Fedora Core 5 on my 120Gig IDE drive in the following setup: /dev/hda1 - /swap (existing) - swap /dev/hda2 - /ubuntu_root (existing) - ext3 /dev/hda3 - /fedora_root (newly formatted) - ext3 /dev/hda5 - /ubuntu_home (existing) - ext3 /dev/hda6 - /fedora_home (newly formatted) - ext3*No boot loader installed.- Reboot to Ubuntu to modify GRUB loader.- Edited GRUB (menu.lst) in Ubuntu, adding the following entry:

# Fedora Core 5title			  Fedora Core 5, 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5root			 (hd0,2)kernel		  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 root=/dev/hda3initrd			/boot/initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.imgboot

0053hrs EDT - 15 August, '06- Booted into Fedora for the first time.- Completed setup procedures.- Downloaded and installed numerous updates using Package Updater.- Shutdown Fedora.1600hrs EDT - 15 August, '06- Booted up... normal- Changed hostname using the following method:

 $ su # gedit /etc/sysconfig/network

Networking = yesHostname = ericsbane02
# hostname ericsbane

- Installed FF and T-Bird profiles from /storage/backups_archive.- Set up autologin.- Configured Gnome desktop.- Setup Nautilus preferences.- Reset startup services: Enabled - YUM updater; Disabled - sendmail, bluetooth, hidd.- Installed and setup Seahorse.- Installed Moz T-bird and tested.-Shutdown @ 1730hrs.2200hrs EDT - 15 August, '06- Bootup Fedora... normal- Installed nvidia drivers using THIS Stanton-Finley turorial.- Rebooting now.0033hrs EDT - 16 August, '06- Had to amend Ubuntu's GRUB to add the new kernel version from last night's updates. Supposedly, the nvidia install will only work with the newer kernel --> 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5.- Attempted to boot to new kernel --> FAILED. Bootup hung at "Loading dm-snapshot.ko module". Hard kill required.- Rebooted to older kernel... normal.0110hrs EDT - 16 August, '06- Uninstalled newer kernel --> 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 with PUP (Package Updater - GUI front end for YUM).- Will now reboot.0120hrs EDT - 16 August, '06- Reboot... normal- Updated to 2.6.17-1.2157_FC5 kernel* using PUP.- Set up autologin again. This time activated "include all users" in the Users tab of the Login Manager. This is required for my username to appear in the autologin list.- Rebooting now.*Oddly enough, this time the Updater did not update to the same kernel as it did last night.0145hrs EDT - 16 August, '06- Attempted to boot to new kernel --> 2.6.17-1.2157_FC5... FAILED. Hung at same place as before. Hard kill required.- Rebooted into Ubuntu.0320hrs EDT - 16 August, '06- Booted up with older kernel... normal.- Uninstalled newer kernel --> 2.6.17-x.xxxx- Shifted screen to left using my monitor controls. Curious to see if this affects Ubuntu or Windows. If not, then all's well and I won't even need the Nvidia drivers for Fedora.-Shutting system down now.1300hrs EDT - 16 August, '06- Cold start bootup... FAILED. Hung at "starting UDEV". Hard kill required to exit.2100hrs EDT - 16 August, '06- Cold start (system powered down for about 45 minutes) bootup... FAILED. Hung at "starting UDEV". Hard kill required to exit.- Reboot... normal.2300hrs EDT - 16 August, '06- Performed clean install of Fedora Core 5.0200hrs EDT - 17 August, '06- Remove desktop icons using Gnome configuration app.- Set up Gnome desktop.- Enabled auto login.- Created custom directories in /home/vtel57.- Customized Nautilus.- Setup power options.- Setup default programs - FF and TB.- Set font preferences.- Setup menu preferences - icons only.- Setup mouse preferences.- Setup screensaver preferences.- Setup sound card and system sound preferences.- Setup Windows behavior - auto select.- Setup printer using Gnome GUI, not CUPS.1600hrs EDT - 17 August, '06- Performed software updates using YUM.- Newly installed updates corrupted some things on my Fedora install... namely, auto-mount settings. I have no floppy now. - New kernel update does NOT function.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Issues:- nvidia drivers- no automount /dev/hdb5 - /media/storageUp next:- Software updates.

Edited by V.T. Eric Layton
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V.T. Eric Layton

I considered OpenSuse, Peachy. But I couldn't find a torrent site to d-load it. I believe it's also multi-disk. Ah... I really need a DVD burner on this system. ;)Don't you worry though... the adventures continue. I'm still planning on playing with Mandriva and Suse eventually. :)Thanks for the tip!~Eric

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DVD burners are cheap! You can do an HTTP or FTP install of SUSE using the bootable mini-installation CD. http://www.whereisthestation.com/susenetwork.htmThe document refers to 10.0 but it should work the same way for 10.1. In fact I just did one at work today, albeit I setup my own SUSE installation server and the client was in VMware. The idea is the same. B)

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V.T. Eric Layton

Yes, I installed my Debian that way. It works fine. I have a pretty fast connection, so it doesn't take that long to install over the Net.I'll keep this in mind about the Suse. I'm off to burn my Fedora to disks right now though. I have a question for Bruno too...Seeing as how this is going on the same drive as Ubuntu, should I allow Fedora to install its own boot loader (GRUB) and overwrite Ubuntu's? I don't really think that's a good idea because Ubuntu is my main Linux OS. If I don't install Fedora's boot loader, do I still need a /boot partition for it? Can't I modify Ubuntu's GRUB later to boot Fedora's kernel?I have to wait on the answers to this before proceeding. I don't want to trash my Ubuntu installation. Standing by...

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Yes, you don't need to install Fedora's version of GRUB. Just make sure you specify no bootloader during the installation. However, I would actually install the bootloader to a floppy disk so that you can test Fedora before you add an entry to Ubuntu's GRUB and also to check out the GRUB stanza to copy over to Ubuntu's GRUB menu.lst file.

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V.T. Eric Layton
Hi Eric!FWIW, as a Windows user, I found Fedora Core v5 quite easy to use.
COOL!Hi old friend James. I'm sorry I've been so busy here in All Things Linux that I haven't had the opportunity to visit All Things Windows. ;)Thanks for the info, James! ~Eric
Yes, you don't need to install Fedora's version of GRUB. Just make sure you specify no bootloader during the installation. However, I would actually install the bootloader to a floppy disk so that you can test Fedora before you add an entry to Ubuntu's GRUB and also to check out the GRUB stanza to copy over to Ubuntu's GRUB menu.lst file.
That's a great idea! The floppy would be good to have... just in case. Also, it's an easy way to grab the info to edit Ubuntu's GRUB.How 'bout the need for a /boot partition? With Ubuntu and Debian I was able to install properly with only a / and a /home partition. Will that work with Fedora too?
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James M. Fisher
COOL!Hi old friend James. I'm sorry I've been so busy here in All Things Linux that I haven't had the opportunity to visit All Things Windows. B) Thanks for the info, James! ~Eric
NP, Eric...I know how it is when one gets into Linux...so many distros, so little time. :thumbsup:
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James M. Fisher

Lemme know when you find it, OK? (I picture the man of 8,000 books having an equal amount of Linux CDs laying around the place.) B)

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V.T. Eric Layton

I'm building quite the collection already... 2 versions of Ubuntu Dapper, Debian Sarge, PCLOS .92, Fedora Core 1, Fedora Core 5... I need a Suse and a Mandriva for sure. B)

Edited by V.T. Eric Layton
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How 'bout the need for a /boot partition? With Ubuntu and Debian I was able to install properly with only a / and a /home partition. Will that work with Fedora too?
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V.T. Eric Layton

OK, it's in there. That was probably the easiest Linux install I've ever done. Of course, after a month of installing/reinstalling Linux OSs, I'm getting pretty good at it.Now, here's a problem... there was no (that I could see, anyway) option to create a boot floppy during the install process. I chose to NOT install GRUB, as discussed earlier. So, how do I now edit my Ubuntu GRUB to "see" the Fedora install.If it's helpful, I do have access to the Fedora / and /home directories from within Ubuntu. Where do I need to go to get the info on Fedora's GRUB entries? And where do I need to go to modify Ubuntu's GRUB.Oh, and by the way, Peachy... in case Bruno hadn't warned you, I'm pretty new to this here fancy-schmancy Linux stuff... YUP! B)

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Guest LilBambi

Good luck with your Fedora install Eric!Don't be put off by the lame Gnome desktop when you get in.Here's a topic with a screenshot of my KDE transparent desktop in Fedora:Fedora Core 5 is Alive!Also, here's a hint on Flash in Fedora:Fedora Core 5 and Flash - the fixGreat idea on the floppy boot disk. Always good to have one of those around.Lots more recent tips on install and so forth in this search on fedora on the forums:http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...highlite=fedoraI really like Fedora quite abit. Have only been in Windows for about 20 minutes in the last 2 months and that was today for one little thing.Fedora got all my hardware right off including USB keyboard and mouse, sound, networking, video, USB 2.0 card, printer. It even found a device on the USB 2.0 but had no module for it (it is an old Visioneer scanner - hardly any drivers for Visioneer for Linux).

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V.T. Eric Layton

Excellent info! Thanks so much, LilBambi!Your KDE is very nice. I was considering using KDE w/ Fedora, just for a change of pace. I like Gnome too though. It can be pretty too, ya' know... :hysterical:Screenshot.pngdesktop_14Aug06.png:thumbsup:

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Hello Eric,First, I always recommend that all new FC5 users go to this site:http://stanton-finley.net/fedora_core_5_in...tion_notes.htmlIt's a plethora of useful and easy to understand information.To get the info on Fedora's GRUB entries, go into your Fedora partition and look at /boot/grub/grub.conf You will see the entrie(s) for your FC5 there. Copy them over to your Ubuntu's /boot/grub/menu.lst. If you need help to do that, post back. I am assuming your machine is booting off of your Ubuntu's menu.lst config file. I hope you enjoy FC5. I happen to think it is a very good distro. It's always installed well onto my machine and it runs good.Good luck. :hysterical: Malachite

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V.T. Eric Layton
Hello Eric,First, I always recommend that all new FC5 users go to this site:http://stanton-finley.net/fedora_core_5_in...tion_notes.htmlIt's a plethora of useful and easy to understand information.To get the info on Fedora's GRUB entries, go into your Fedora partition and look at /boot/grub/grub.conf You will see the entrie(s) for your FC5 there. Copy them over to your Ubuntu's /boot/grub/menu.lst. If you need help to do that, post back. I am assuming your machine is booting off of your Ubuntu's menu.lst config file. I hope you enjoy FC5. I happen to think it is a very good distro. It's always installed well onto my machine and it runs good.Good luck. :hysterical: Malachite
Hi Malachite! Thank you for the info. I'll be sure to bookmark it. I'm collecting my Fedora resources now, just like I have with Debian, Ubuntu, and PCLinuxOS. :)How's this GRUB entry look to you:
# Fedora Core 5title		Fedora Core 5, kernel 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5root		(hd0,3)kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 root=/dev/hda3initrd		/boot/initrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.imgboot

I kinda' figured this out on my own by looking in the Boot directory on the Fedora partition. My / for Fedora is located on /dev/hda3, hence the GRUB entry (hd0,3). I'm placing this just above my Windows XP entry in the Ubuntu GRUB, below the "other operating systems" and "root".

Edited by V.T. Eric Layton
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Remember that GRUB numerates partitions differently than Linux. The first partition on the the first hard drive would be hd0,0 which corresponds to /dev/hda1 for e.g. So, in your case, /dev/hda3 would be hd0,2.

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Hi Eric,Though I'm far from an expert, I"m thinking if / for Fedora is /dev/hda3, then in GRUB talk it would be (hd0,2). In GRUB, everything counts starting with 0.Here's my grub.conf entries for FC5:title Fedora Core (2.6.17-1.2174_FC5) root (hd1,4) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5.imgtitle Fedora Core (2.6.17-1.2157_FC5) root (hd1,4) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2157_FC5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.17-1.2157_FC5.imgMy Fedora is on my second hard drive and / is on the fifth partition. This makes it /dev/sdb5. But in GRUB, it is "(hd1,4), hence the "root (hd1,4)" in my grub.conf.Best thing is to copy it from /boot/grub/grub.confHope this helps.MalachiteOoops, I see Peachy beat me to it.

Edited by Malachite
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V.T. Eric Layton

I'm in Fedora! COOL! Very nice! I think I could get to like this OS. I'm not going to do anything else tonight though. I'll spend some time tomorrow snooping around. Whenever I make changes of any type, I'll edit my diary in the first post on this thread.I think the first issue is going to be installing the nvidia.glx driver on this OS so I can get my display set up normally. I'm outta here for now. Thanks for all the help, folks! Bruno will be proud of you... and me! :)Later...~Eric

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V.T. Eric Layton

Yup! It's very nice in here! :)I hadn't intended to stay long though. I was going to restart and boot into my Windows CD to reinstall Windows on my RAID drive. However, I decided to run the updates in Fedora first. There were 5 bazillion of them. I've been d-loading for almost an hour already and it's only halfway done. *Yawn*... getting to be time for beddy bye too. I guess I'll fix Windwoes tomorrow.Toodles...~Eric

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V.T. Eric Layton

I'm really impressed with FC5. Its lineage (Redhat) is very obvious. This is probably the slickest, best looking Linux OS I've seen so far, not that I've seen hordes of them. FC5 is very professional looking. Some of these other distros are definitely not ready-for-prime-time. This was also the one of the easier installs I've done too. Of course, I've had some practice with Linux installs on this system in the past month.Fedora Core 5... I think I'm gonna' like it a lot! :hysterical:

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Hi EricBravo !!! . . . . . Nice Job . . . . all the problems solved before I had the chance to wake up and take a shower :DCongrats with your multiboot Ubuntu/Fedora/Windows ! ( yep I know, Win still has to be fixed, but still the entry in the bootloader is there already :hysterical: ):pirate: BrunoPS: Don't forget to disconnect the Linux HD before re-installing XP like you did last time :thumbsup: . . . . .

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V.T. Eric Layton

Yuppers, Bruno! I'll remember to disconnect my IDE drive before I reinstall Windows. I don't want it reaching its nasty little claws into my Linux partitions. ;)There seems to be some confusion and disagreement on the Fedora forums regarding proper methods for installing nvidia.glx. I'll have to read up a bit more on it tomorrow. Fortunately, this OS did allow 85Hz refresh with the standard driver, so the screen flicker isn't killing me like it was in Ubuntu before I got the driver installed. I'll fiddle with it tomorrow.Updates are about 75% finished. I'm pooped. This think has been steadily d-loading for about 2 hours. That's gotta' be close to 2.5Gig of downloads, unless their YUM repos have seriously slow servers. Anyway, once this is finally finished, I'm going to bed.Later...~Eric

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