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I am having a heck of time inserting ASCII characters. It seems the board has a hard time dealing with some ASCII characters.


As seen below, the characters are switching. It happens when switching between editing modes.


alt 0177 = ±

alt 234 = Ω

alt 0163 = £

alt 230 = µ


Those are suppose to be







But as you can see, when I flipped modes, it changes to &plusmn:, &Omega, etc.

Posted (edited)

What browser?

Test: ± Ω £ µ

they appear okay using Palemoon and under view / character encoding / unicode


Explain what you mean by flipped modes. I did not "flip modes" I simply typed my reply and used the numeric keybad to type in the codes you listed.


I did notice that the spacing between the 4 characters changed after I posted.

Edited by zlim
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I use Palemoon too.


By flip modes, I mean the little light switch icon (upper left corner of Reply box) above the "B"old button in the forum software used to "Toggle editing mode".


And there was previewing the post during those "flipping" sessions too.


Never used that at all. I'll test it now. (It turns off all the options except that button as far as I can tell.







The symbols appear correctly.


When I change back to what I normally use, they get strange as you noted.


May I ask why you toggle the editing mode? Obviously I've never done that when I post here so I can't figure out when I'd need to do this.

May I ask why you toggle the editing mode?
Because sometimes, when I insert/paste links and other text, suddenly an entire paragraph may become part of the link. I've had other formatting and spacing issues appear in the "wysiwyg" mode too. So I have to switch to bbcode mode to insert a space here or remove a [/url] there.
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ComputerWorld News has for the most part disappeared.

I tried Palemoon, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

It is now down to 1 page with 2 topics.


What happened to all the topics?


ComputerWorld News has for the most part disappeared.

I tried Palemoon, Firefox and Internet Explorer.

It is now down to 1 page with 2 topics.


What happened to all the topics?


Oh wow, I have no idea. Let me see if I see anything. If not, I will email Scott and ask if he did anything. He hasnt worked for them in quite some time so maybe he finally removed it.


Yes, I just discovered that he is no longer editor in chief there. When did that happen?


Yes, I just discovered that he is no longer editor in chief there. When did that happen?


There was a massive top-down editorial lay off in late May. Computerworld went from 16 staffers to 6.


From an email conversation with Scot:

Definitely not something I did. But I wonder what would happen if Computerworld deleted a story. Do you by any chance know what stories they were in particular? I have an excellent relationship with Computerworld's editorial staff. I'm regularly in touch with them. I can ask them if they removed some stories. There could have been a hiccup of some sort. I don't think anything happened on our end unless it was a hiccup in the software that controls RSS feed intake.


Are we still getting value from this feed? I'm fine to take it down if that would be people's preference. Computerworld is no longer the powerhouse that it was in news before the recent restructuring. I think they have two or three reporters now. I think it's two. Plus IDG news was all but dismantled as well.


Let me know if you all still found the ComputerWorld posts to be useful at all.



V.T. Eric Layton

If the CW feed is no longer working, then we won't have to worry about CW-bot getting beyond Bruno's precedent-setting post count. :)

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If the CW feed is no longer working, then we won't have to worry about CW-bot getting beyond Bruno's precedent-setting post count. :)


Yup :thumbsup:

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If you choose Custom views you can see all topics there, which ended 30 Aug apart from the 2 new ones. Default is to only show 7 days so old topics have not disappeared.

I didn't check it much anyway as it had devolved into too many posts which were mainly advertising.

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If you choose Custom views you can see all topics there, which ended 30 Aug apart from the 2 new ones. Default is to only show 7 days so old topics have not disappeared.

I didn't check it much anyway as it had devolved into too many posts which were mainly advertising.


Ok, I will relay the information. The topic is still up if we should choose another rss feed. Check the topic I linked to above.


I just noticed the 2 new posts are just comments on old items from the feed. So no new topics since 30 Aug.


So where is Scot working now? Thought we would see more of him or at least his blogs :)

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So where is Scot working now? Thought we would see more of him or at least his blogs :)


You would have to ask him as I am not for sure.

  • V.T. Eric Layton unpinned this topic

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