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NEW UPDATES PCLos .91 & .92


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Updates PCLosldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection librarylibresmgr1Libraries needed for nasdlibresmgr1-develDevelopment headers and libraries for writing programs using NASmonitor-edidGet monitor detailsxine-uiA Free Video Playerxine-ui-fbXINE - framebuffer video playerTotal 2 MBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLosifplugdDetect and perform actions when an ethernet cable is (un)pluggediproute2Advanced IP routing and network device configuration toolsiputilsNetwork monitoring tools including ping.liblinux-atm1Libraries for linux-atmxchatGraphical IRC clientTotal 1467 kBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLoslibfreetype6Shared libraries for a free and portable TrueType font rendering enginelibfreetype6-develHeader files and static library for development with FreeType2libgd2A library used to create PNG, JPEG, or WBMP imageslibwmfA library to convert wmf fileslibwmf0.2_7A library to convert wmf files. - library fileslibwmf0.2_7-develA library to convert wmf files. - development environmentpppThe PPP daemon and documentation for Linux 1.3.xx and greaterppp-dhcpDHCP plugin for pppppp-pppoatmPPP over ATM plugin for pppppp-pppoePPP over ethernet plugin for pppTotal 1447 kBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLosATTENTION: >> Please read GREEN and RED notes at the bottom of this post. <<alsa-utilsAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilitiesamarokA powerful media player for KdeamuleFile sharing client compatible with eDonkeyartsArts - LibrariesbittorrentBitTorrent is a tool for copying files from one machine to anotherbittorrent-guiGUI versions of the BitTorrent file transfer toolscups-driversSpecial CUPS printer driversdigikamGPhoto2 KDE3 frontenddigikamimagepluginsDigikam Plugins packagedvdauthorVideo DVD Creatore2fsprogsUtilities used for the second extended (ext2) filesystemekigaVoice and Video over IP software (H323 / SIP)ffmpegHyper fast MPEG1/MPEG4/H263/RV and AC3/MPEG audio encoderfluxboxWindowmanager based on the original blackbox-codegimpThe GNU Image Manipulation Programgkrellm-pluginsPlugins for gkrellmgphoto2Command line utilities to access digital camerasgstreamer-alsaGStreamer plug-ins for the ALSA sound architecturegstreamer-artsdGStreamer artsd output plug-ingstreamer-audio-formatsGStreamer audio format plugingstreamer-flacGStreamer plug-in for FLAC lossless audiogstreamer-libdvdnavGStreamer plug-in for DVD navigation supportgstreamer-libdvdreadGStreamer plug-ins for DVD playback using libdvdreadgstreamer-madPlugin using MAD for mp3 decodinggstreamer-pluginsGStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insgstreamer-toolsGStreamer Streaming-media framework runtimegstreamer-vorbisGstreamer plugin for encoding and decoding Ogg Vorbis audio filesgtkamGPhoto2 GTK frontendImagemagickAn X application for displaying and manipulating imagesk3bCD-Burner for KDE3k3bmonkeypluginA plugin for writing monkey files with k3bk9copyk9copy - DVD9 to DVD5 CopierkdeaddonsKdeaddonskdeadminK Desktop Environment - Adminstrative Toolskdeadmin-kpackageManager for DEB, RPM.kdeartworkKdeartworkKdeartwork-screensaver-glScreensaver using OpenGLkdebaseK Desktop Environment - Core fileskdebase-kdmkdm for kdebasekdebase-nspluginsNetscape Plugins for kdebasekdegamesKDE - GameskdegraphicsK Desktop Environment - GraphicskdelibsK Desktop Environment - Librarieskdelibs-commonConfig file and icons file for kdelibs.kdemultimediaK Desktop Environment - MultimediakdenetworkK Desktop Environment - Network ApplicationskdepimK Desktop Environment - Person Information ManagementkdesdkK Desktop Environment - Software Development KitkdetoysK Desktop Environment - Toys and AmusementskdeutilsK Desktop Environment - Utilitieskipi-pluginsKDE image Interface PluginskmplayerMPlayer frontend for KDEkofficeSet of office applications for KDEkusbhomeusb key Setup Programlibalsa2Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) librarylibalsa2-develDevelopment files for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)libasla-dataConfig files for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)libartsThe libraries for artslibavc1394_0FireWire interfacelibcairo2Cairo - multi-platform 2D graphics librarylibcairo2-develDevelopment files for Cairo librarylibfreetype6Shared libraries for a free and portable TrueType font rendering enginelibfreetype6-develHeader files and static library for development with FreeType2libglib1.2Main library for gliblibgphoto2Library to access to digital cameraslibgphoto2-develHeaders and links to compile against the "libgphoto2" librarylibgphoto-hotplugHotplug support from libgphotolibgstreamer-plugins0.8GStreamer plugin librarieslibiw28Wireless_tools librarylibkipiKDE Image Plugin Interfaceliblcms1Little cms color engineliblcms1-develHeader files and static library for development with LCMSlibsane1SANE - local and remote scanner access. This package contains the sane librarylibsane1-develSANE - local and remote scanner accesslibusb0.1_4Libusb is a library which allows userspace access to USB deviceslibusb0.1_4-develLibusb is a library which allows userspace access to USB deviceslibxine1A Free Video Player (Libraries)libxine1-develDevel files for xinelibxmms1Library associated with xmms, needed for xmms and its pluginsmencoderMPlayer's movie encodermenuMenu systemmozilla-firefoxMozilla Firefox Web Browsermozilla-thunderbirdA full-featured email, RSS, and newsgroup clientmozpluggerA generic mozilla plug-inmplayerMovie player for linuxmplayer-guiGUI for mplayermplayerpluginA browser plugin to allow playing embedded movies on web pagesnmapNetwork exploration tool and security scannernmap-frontendGtk+ frontend for nmappcmcia-csThe daemon for using PCMCIA adapterspcmcia-cs-X11X11 frontend for pcmcia-cs packageprinterfiltersFilters to support additional printersprinter-utilsAdditional tools for configuring and maintaining printerssane-backendsSANE - local and remote scanner accesssanedSANE - local and remote scanner accesssoundscriptsThe sound scriptssubtitleripperDVD Subtitle Ripper for Linuxsuspend-scriptsScripts launched by system on suspend and resumetranscodeA linux video stream processing utilitywireless-toolsWireless ethernet configuration toolswlassistantKDE Aplication to scan wirelles networkszine-aaAalib plugin for xinexine-artsArts plugin for xinexine-dxr3DXR3 plugin for xinexine-faadFAAD plugin for xinexine-flacFLAC plugin for xinexine-gnomevfsGNOME VFS plugin for xinexine-musepackMusepack plugin for xinexine-pluginsA Free Video Player (main plugins)xine-polypPolypaudio plugin for xinexine-smbSamba input plugin for xinexine-win32Win32 plugin for xinexmmsThe Sound player with the WinAmp GUIxmms-alsaALSA output backendxtermThe standard terminal emulator for the X Window SystemTotal 260 MB ( 158 Packages ):( BrunoNOTES:Whe you are done with the above updates please do NOT yet reboot . . . first search for the "kde2" and the "koffice2" packages and install them ( 95 MB - 133 Packages )Below you see quoted the message you get after the first batch of updates . . . . do not forget to reboot after all updates + kde2 & koffice2 are installed !

While installing package libgphoto2-devel-2.1.99-2tex:useradd: user saned existsWhile installing package saned-1.0.18-1tex:warning: /etc/xinetd.d/saned created as /etc/xinetd.d/saned.rpmnewWhile installing package kdebase-3.5.3-2tex:Due to changes in KDM Please reboot systemby selecting LOG OUT from the main menuand selecting RESTART COMPUTER.While installing package fluxbox-1.0-0.1tex:warning: /etc/X11/fluxbox/menu created as /etc/X11/fluxbox/menu.rpmnew
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Updates PCLoskopeteK Desktop Environment - Network ApplicationsndiswrapperNdisWrapper binary loader utilityTotal 7220 kBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLoslibnspr4Netscape Portable Runtime Librarylibnss3Network Security Services (NSS)mozilla-firefoxMozilla Firefox Web BrowserTotal 11 MBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLos basketBasKet for KDEcdrdaoCdrdao - Write audio CD-Rs in disk-at-once modeflacAn encoder/decoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec.flac-xmmsXmms plugin to play FLAC filesgaimA GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging clientlibavifile0.7AVI files read/write librarylibaviplayavcodec0.7AVI files codec library from FFMPEGlibflac++4Shared C++ libraries for FLAC.libflac6Shared libraries for FLAC.libflac6-develLibraries and headers needed for building apps using FLACliboggflaac1Shared libraries for OggFLAC.xsaneXsane is a frontend for the SANE scanner interfacexsane-gimpA GIMP plug-in which provides the SANE scanner interfaceTotal 11 MBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLosfluxboxWindowmanager based on the original blackbox-codehalHardware Abstraction Layerhal-gnomeGNOME based device manager for HALkamixAn ALSA mixer for KDEkcdlabelKCDLabel is a program used to create covers for CD cases.kledsSmall applet which displays keyboard ledslibhal0Shared library for using HALlibhal0-develLibraries and headers for HALlibptal0Dynamic library for the "hpoj" HP Officejet low level driverslibwxPythonGTK2.6Shared library of wxGTK for wxPythonGTKmenudrakeMenudrake is a little application for editing menu.puttyFree SSH, Telnet and Rlogin clientsane-fontendsGraphical frontend to SANEsysctlconfigA configuration tool for operating system tunable parameterstvtimeHigh quality television applicationusermodeGraphical tools for certain user account management tasksusermode-consoleonlyNon graphical part of usermodewxPythonGTKCross platform GUI toolkit for Python using wxGTKTotal 13 MBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLoshalHardware Abstraction Layerhal-gnomeGNOME based device manager for HALlibhal0Shared library for using HALlibhalo-develLibraries and headers for HALTotal 928 kBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLoslibnewt0.51Newt windowing toolkit development files library.libSDL_image1.2Main library for SDL_imagelibSDL_mixer1.2Main library for SDL_mixerlibSDL_net1.2Main library for SDL_netlibwxPythyonGTK2.6Shared library of wxGTK for wxPythonGTKnewtA development library for text mode user interfaces.pygtk2.0Python bindings for the GTK+2 widget setpygtk2.0-libgladeA wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTKpygtk2.0-wrapperWrapper for the gtk+1.2 and gtk+2.0 implementations of pygtkwxPythyonGTKCross platform GUI toolkit for Python using wxGTKTotal 8972 kBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLos 9.2krusaderAdvanced twin-panel file-manager for KDE 3.xldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection librarylibha1.0Support library for MPlayer's vidix video driversmencoderMPlayer's movie encodermplayerMovie player for linuxmplayer-guiGUI for mplayernvuComplete Web authoring system for linuxsmb4kA kde Samba share BrowsersvlcSkinned GUI plugin for the VLC media playervlcVLC is a free MPEG, MPEG2, DVD and DivX playervlc-plugin-a52A-52 (AC-3) codec plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-alsaAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture audio plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-artsArts audio plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-dvdnavDVD plugin with menu support for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-flacFlac codec plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-madMAD audio codec plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-modMOD audio decoder plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-oggOgg demuxer and Vorbis codec plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-openglOpenGL video output plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-sdlSimple DirectMedia Layer video plugin for the VLC media playervlc-plugin-xosdX On-Screen Display plugin for the VLC media playerTotal 33 MBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLosbittorrentBitTorrent is a tool for copying files from one machine to anotherbittorrent-guiGUI versions of the BitTorrent file transfer toolskrenameA powerful batch renamer for KDEXdialogA replacement for the cdialog programTotal 4 MBB) Bruno

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Updates PCLosffmpegHyper fast MPEG1/MPEG4/H263/RV and AC3/MPEG audio encoderlibfaac0Free Advanced Audio Encoder shared librarylibfaac0-develFree Advanced Audio Encoder development fileslibffmpeg0Shared library part of ffmpeglibffmpeg0-develHeader files and static library for the ffmpeg codec libraryTotal 10 MBB) Bruno

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Update PCLoskopeteK Desktop Environment - Network Applicationslibxine1A Free Video Player (Libraries)libxine1-develDevel files for xinexine-aaAalib plugin for xinexine-artsArts plugin for xinexine-dxr3DXR3 plugin for xinexine-faadFAAD plugin for xinexine-flacFLAC plugin for xinexine-gnomevfsGNOME VFS plugin for xinexine-musepackMusepack plugin for xinexine-pluginsA Free Video Player (main plugins)xine-polypPolypaudio plugin for xinexine-smbSamba input plugin for xinexine-win32Win32 plugin for xineTotal 11 MBB) Bruno

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