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Here are the first updates for PCLos 9bitttorrentBitTorrent is a tool for copying files from one machine to anotherbitttorrent-guiGUI versions of the BitTorrent file transfer toolsgaimA GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging clientghostscriptPostScript/PDF interpreter and rendererghostscript-module-xPostScript interpreter and renderer (additional support for X)hplipHP OfficeJet low level driver infrastructurehplip-hpijsHPs printer driver IJS plug-in for GhostScripthplip-hpijs-ppdsPPD files for the HPIJS printer driverhplip-model-dataDynamic library for the "hplip" HP printer low level driversk3bCD-Burner for KDE3libhplip0Dynamic library for the "hplip" HP printer low level driverslibijsDynamic library for the IJS printer driver plug-in interfacelibnet-snmp5Librairies for Network management (SNMP), from the NET-SNMP projectlibnet-snmp5-develThe development environment for the NET-SNMP projectlibsane-hpaio1SANE driver for scanners in HP's multi-function devices (from HPLIP)net-snmp-ibsMIBs for the NET-SNMP projectperl-Net-DBusPerl API to the DBus message systemperl-Net-JabberNet-Jabber perl moduleTotal: 33 MBB) Bruno

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Updates PClos 9hpojHP OfficeJet low level driver infrastructurelibhpojip0Dynamic library for the "hpoj" HP Officejet low level driverslibtal0Dynamic library for the "hpoj" HP Officejet low level driverslibsane-hpoj1SANE driver for scanners in HP's multi-function devices (from HPOJ)libusb0.1-4Libusb is a library which allows userspace access to USB deviceslibusb0.1-4-develLibusb is a library which allows userspace access to USB devicesxojpanelGraphical tool displaying the contents of the LCD of HP printersTotal 387 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9gqviewGraphics file browser utilityhplipHP OfficeJet low level driver infrastructurehplip-hpijsHPs printer driver IJS plug-in for GhostScripthplip-hpijs-ppdsPPD files for the HPIJS printer driverhplip-model-dataXML file listing the HP printer models supported by HPLIPlibfaad2_0Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder shared librarylibhpip0Dynamic library for the "hplip" HP printer low level driverslibsane-hpaio1SANE driver for scanners in HP's multi-function devices (from HPLIP)smb4kA kde Samba share BrowserTotal 9 MBB) BrunoNOTE: After this update your HP printer should work :D :D


Updates PCLos 9halHardware Abstraction Layerlibhal0Shared library for using HALlibhal0-develLibraries and headers for HALTotal 857 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9udevA userspace implementation of devfsTotal 285 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9hotplugLinux Hotplug Scriptsldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection libraryudevA userspace implementation of devfsxchatGraphical IRC clientTotal 2 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9halHardware Abstraction Layerk3bCD-Burner for KDE3libhal0Shared library for using HALlibhal0-develLibraries and headers for HALTotal 5 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9bzip2Extremely powerful file compression utilityevolution-data-serverEvolution Data ServergzipThe GNU data compression programkaffeineA Xine-based Media Player for KDE3krenameA powerful batch renamer for KDElibbzip2_1Libraries for developing apps which will use bzip2libevolution-data-server4Shared libraries for using Evolution Data ServerstreamtunerInternet audio stream browserstreamtuner-pluginsPlugins files for streamtunersudoAllows command execution as root for specified users.wgetA utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocolsTotal 6 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9audacityFree Audio Editor With Effects/Analysis Tools.db1The BSD database library for C (version 1).docbook-dtd412-xmlXML document type definition for DocBook 4.1.2.docbook-dtd42-xmlXML document type definition for DocBook 4.2galaxy-gnomeMandriva theme for GNOMEgalaxy-kdeMandriva theme for KDE - Widget designgalaxy-kde-kwinMandriva theme for KDE - Window DecorationsgaminLibrary providing the FAM File Alteration Monitor APIgimpThe GNU Image Manipulation ProgramifplugdDetect and perform actions when an ethernet cable is (un)pluggedlibdb4.1The Berkeley DB database library for C.libdbcxx4.1The Berkeley DB database library for C++.libgamin-1_0Dynamic library for Gaminlibgamin-1_0-develLibraries, includes, etc. to embed the Gamin librarylibpcre0PCRE is a Perl-compatible regular expression librarylibpcre0-develHeaders and static lib for pcre developmentlibqt3Qt3 - Shared librarieslibqt3-develQt3 - Documentation and files needed to build Qt3 based applicationslibselinux1SELinux library and simple utilitieslibspeex1Shared library of the Speex codeclibxml1The libXML library.libxml2Library providing XML and HTML supportlibxml2-develLibraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applicationslibxml2-utilsUtilities to manipulate XML fileslibxorg-x11Shared libraries needed by the X Window System version 11 release 6libxorg-x11-develHeaders and programming man pagesmenuMenu systempciutilsPCI bus related utilitiespcrePCRE is a Perl-compatible regular expression libraryqt3-commonconfig, language file for Qtsgml-commonBase ISO character entities and utilities for SGMLsynapticsSynaptics TouchPad driver for XFree86X11R6-contribA collection of user-contributed X Window System programsxinitcThe default startup script for the X Window Systemxorg-x11Part of the X Window Systemxorg-x11-100dpi-fontsX Window System 100dpi fontsxorg-x11-75dpi-fontsA set of 75 dpi resolution fonts for the X Window Systemxorg-x11-cyrillic-fontsCyrillic fonts - only needed on the server sidexorg-x11-glide-moduleThe glide module for X11 serverxorg-x11-serverThe X server and associated modulesxorg-x11-xauthAuthentication information tool for Xxorg-x11-XdmxDistributed Multi-head X serverxorg-x11-xfsFont server for X11xorg-x11-XnestA nested X11 serverxorg-x11-XprtA X11 Print serverxorg-x11-XvfbA virtual framebuffer X Windows System server for X11Total 95 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9gkrellmMultiple stacked system monitorsgkrellm-pluginsPlugins for gkrellmlibgnutls11Library providing a secure layer (SSL)libgsf-1_1GNOME Structured File librarynvuComplete Web authoring system for linuxTotal 12 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9drakconfThe PCLinuxOS Control CenterdrakxtoolsThe drakxtools (XFdrake, diskdrake, keyboarddrake, mousedrake...)drakxtools-backendDrakxtools libraries and background toolsdrakxtools-newtThe drakxtools (XFdrake, diskdrake, keyboarddrake, mousedrake...)gtk-qt-engineGTK-Qt Theme EngineharddrakeMain Hardware Configuration/Information Toolharddrake-uiMain Hardware Configuration/Information ToolTotal 10 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9amarokA powerful media player for Kdelibfaad2_0Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder shared libraryliblcms1Little cms color engineliblcms1-develHeader files and static library for development with LCMSTotal 6 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9k3bCD-Burner for KDE3libglade2.0_0Library for dynamically loading GLADE interface filesnanoNano is a tiny console text editor that aims to emulate PicoTotal 5 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9drakconfThe PCLinuxOS Control CenterdrakxtoolsThe drakxtools (XFdrake, diskdrake, keyboarddrake, mousedrake...)drakxtools-backendDrakxtools libraries and background toolsdrakxtools-newtThe drakxtools (XFdrake, diskdrake, keyboarddrake, mousedrake...)harddakeMain Hardware Configuration/Information Toolharddrake-uiMain Hardware Configuration/Information Toolk3bCD-Burner for KDE3ldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection libraryscribusScribus layout programuserdrakeA graphical interface for administering users and groupsTotal 25 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9.1drakconfThe PCLinuxOS Control Centerldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection libraryscribusScribus layout programuserdrakeA graphical interface for administering users and groupsTotal 12 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9.0 & 9.1apmdAdvanced Power Management (APM) BIOS utilities for laptopsghostscriptPostScript/PDF interpreter and rendererghostscript-modle-XPostScript interpreter and renderer (additional support for X)konversationA user friendly IRC Client for KDE.libapm1Main library for libapmlibgsf-1_1GNOME Structured File librarylibijs1Dynamic library for the IJS printer driver plug-in interfacepppThe PPP daemon and documentation for Linux 1.3.xx and greaterppp-pppoatmPPP over ATM plugin for pppppp-pppoePPP over ethernet plugin for ppppptp-linuxPPTP-linux VPN clientscribusScribus layout programxinitrcThe default startup script for the X Window SystemTotal 24 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 9.0 & 9.1drakxtoolsThe drakxtools (XFdrake, diskdrake, keyboarddrake, mousedrake...)drakxtools-backendDrakxtools libraries and background toolsdrakxtools-newtThe drakxtools (XFdrake, diskdrake, keyboarddrake, mousedrake...)harddrakeMain Hardware Configuration/Information Toolharddrake-uiMain Hardware Configuration/Information ToolTotal 8 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLosamarokA powerful media player for KdecpioA GNU archiving programdigicamGPhoto2 KDE3 frontenddigicamimagepluginsDigikam Plugins packageeasytagUtility for viewing and editing music file tags.gaimA GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging clientgaim-encryptionGaim extension, to use end to end encryptionghostscriptPostScript/PDF interpreter and rendererghostscript-module-XPostScript interpreter and renderer (additional support for X)gstreamer-alsaGStreamer plug-ins for the ALSA sound architecturegstreamer-artsGStreamer arts wrapper plug-ingstreamer-artsdGStreamer artsd output plug-ingstreamer-asfGStreamer plug-in for asf video formatgstreamer-audiofileGStreamer plugin audiofile supportgstreamer-audio-formatsGStreamer audio format plugingstreamer-aviGStreamer plug-in for AVI movie playbackgstreamer-colorspaceGstreamer colorspace conversion plugingstreamer-festivalGStreamer plug-in for text-to-speech support using a festival servergstreamer-GconfGStreamer GConf schemasgstreamer-madPlugin using MAD for mp3 decodinggstreamer-mpegGStreamer plug-ins for MPEG video playback and encodinggstreamer-pluginsGStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-insgstreamer-toolsGStreamer Streaming-media framework runtimegstreamer-vorbisGstreamer plugin for encoding and decoding Ogg Vorbis audio filesgstreamer-x11GStreamer X11 support pluginshalHardware Abstraction Layeriproute2Advanced IP routing and network device configuration toolskdeaccessibillityK Desktop Environment - Accessibility programkipi-pluginsKDE image Interface Pluginsldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection librarylibbluez1Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack.libexpat0Main library for expatlibexpat0-develDevelopment environment for the expat XML parserlibgnokii2Linux/Unix tool suite for Nokia mobile phoneslibgphoto2Library to access to digital cameraslibgphoto2-develHeaders and links to compile against the "libgphoto2" librarylibgphoto-hotplugHotplug support from libgphotolibgstgconf0.8GStreamer GConf shared librarylibgstreamer0.8Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media frameworklibgstreamer-plugins0.8GStreamer plugin librarieslibhal0Shared library for using HALlibhal0-develLibraries and headers for HALlibijs1Dynamic library for the IJS printer driver plug-in interfacelibnspr4Netscape Portable Runtime Librarylibnss3Network Security Services (NSS)libwmfA library to convert wmf fileslibwmf0.2_7A library to convert wmf files. - library fileslibxvid4Video codec compatible with divx4mozilla-firefoxMozilla Firefox Web Browserperl-GlibPerl module for the glib-2.x libraryperl-Gtk2Perl module for the gtk+-2.x libraryshared-mime-infoShared MIME-Info SpecificationTotal 101MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos libavc1394_0FireWire interfacelibquicktime0Shared library of libquicktimetranscodeA linux video stream processing utilityTotal 2.6 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLosawesfxUtility programs for the AWE32 sound driverbittorrentBitTorrent is a tool for copying files from one machine to anotherbittorrent-guiGUI versions of the BitTorrent file transfer toolsjpilotPalm pilot desktop for Linuxjpilot-MailMail plugin for jpilotjpilot-yncmalSyncMAL plugin for J-PILOTkdepimK Desktop Environment - Person Information Managementldetct-lstHardware list for the light detection librarylibjpilot_plugin0Shared libraries for jpilotlibmal0MAL library for AvantGolibnspr4Netscape Portable Runtime Librarylibnss3Network Security Services (NSS)libparted1.6Files required to compile software that uses libpartedlibpisock++0Libraries needed to use pilot-linklibpisock8Libraries needed to use pilot-linklibpisock8-develPalmPilot development header fileslibpisync0Libraries needed to use pilot-linklibpng3A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format fileslibpng3-develDevelopment tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format filesmozilla-firefoxMozilla Firefox Web Browsermozilla-thunderbirdMozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup clientpartedFlexible partitioning toolpilot-linkFile transfer utilities between Linux and PalmPilotsudevA userspace implementation of devfsTotal 41.7 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLosNOTE: The updates will create a new lilo.conf and write it to MBR if you have not set lilo to install in the root partitionNOTE-2: In one case there was keyboard trouble after the updates . . . . if it happens to you have a look: Here ( I had no problems myself either on the 9.1 as on the upgraded 9.0 install )amarokA powerful media player for KdeartsArts - LibrariesdrakconfThe PCLinuxOS Control CenterdrakxtoolsThe drakxtools (XFdrake, diskdrake, keyboarddrake, mousedrake...)drakxtools-backendDrakxtools libraries and background toolsdrakxtools-newtThe drakxtools (XFdrake, diskdrake, keyboarddrake, mousedrake...)halHardware Abstraction LayerharddrakeMain Hardware Configuration/Information Toolharddrake-uiMain Hardware Configuration/Information Toolk3bCD-Burner for KDE3kaffeineA Xine-based Media Player for KDE3kdeaccessibilityK Desktop Environment - Accessibility programkdeaddonsKdeaddonskdeadminK Desktop Environment - Adminstrative Toolskdeadmin-kpackageManager for DEB, RPM.kdeartworkKdeartworkkdeartwork-kde-classicDefault Icons from kdekdebaseK Desktop Environment - Core fileskdebase-kdmkdm for kdebasekdebase-nspluginsNetscape Plugins for kdebasekdegamesKDE - GameskdegraphicsK Desktop Environment - GraphicskdelibsK Desktop Environment - Librarieskdelibs-commonConfig file and icons file for kdelibs.kdemultimediaK Desktop Environment - MultimediakdenetworkK Desktop Environment - Network ApplicationskdepimK Desktop Environment - Person Information ManagementkdesdkK Desktop Environment - Software Development KitkdetoysK Desktop Environment - Toys and AmusementskdeutilsK Desktop Environment - UtilitieskomposeA full screen pager for KDEldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection librarylibartsThe libraries for artslibarts-develDevelopment files for artslibarts-static-develStatic library files for artslibhal0Shared library for using HALlibhal0-develLibraries and headers for HALmemtest86+A stand alone memory test for i386 architecture systemssynapticsSynaptics TouchPad driver for XFree86Total 165 MBB) BrunoNOTE: The updates will create a new lilo.conf and write it to MBR if you have not set lilo to install in the root partitionNOTE-2: In one case there was keyboard trouble after the updates . . . . if it happens to you have a look: Here ( I had no problems myself either on the 9.1 as on the upgraded 9.0 install )


Updates PCLoskasablancaKDE FTP clientkatalogKatalog is a CD organizer for the K Desktop Environmentkdemoreartwork-crystalCrystal Style & Window BorderkdmthemeKdmtheme allow to change kdm themekdockerKDocker will help you dock any application in the system tray.scribusScribus layout programTotal 14.6 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLoshalHardware Abstraction Layerhwdb-clientsHardware database clientsldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection librarylibhal0Shared library for using HALlibhal0-develLibraries and headers for HALTotal 1 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLosGConf2A configuration database system for GNOME 2glib-gettextsizeGettextize replacementgnome-icon-themeGNOME default iconsgnome-keyringKeyring and password manager for the GNOME desktopgnome-mime-dataThe GNOME virtual file-system librariesgtk+2.0The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIshotplugLinux Hotplug Scriptsk3bCD-Burner for KDE3libatk1.0_0Accessibility features for Gtk+libatk1.0_0-develStuff for developing with atklibGConf2_4A configuration database system for GNOME 2libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0Image loading and manipulation library for GTK+libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0-develDevelopment files for image handling library for GTK+libglib2.0_0GIMP Toolkit and GIMP Drawing Kit support librarylibglib2.0_0-develStatic libraries and header files of glib2.0libgnome2GNOME librarieslibgnome2_0Dynamic libraries for GNOME applicationslibgnomecanvas2_0GnomeCanvas widgetlibgnomecupsGNOME library for CUPS integrationlibgnomecups-1.0_1GNOME library for CUPS integrationlibgnome-keyring0Library for integration with the gnome keyring systemlibgnomeprintGNOME print librarylibgnomeprint2-2_0Library for GNOME print supportlibgnomeprintui2-2_0Library for GNOME print supportlibgnomeui2Main GNOME librarieslibgnomeui2_0GNOME librarieslibgtk+2.0_0The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIslibgtk+2.0_0-develDevelopment files for GTK+ (GIMP ToolKit) applicationslibgtk+x11-2.0_0X11 backend of The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+)libORBit2_0High-performance CORBA Object Request Brokerlibpango1.0_0System for layout and rendering of internationalized textlibpango1.0_0-develSystem for layout and rendering of internationalized textlibpango1.0_0-modulesSystem for layout and rendering of internationalized textlibsmbclient0SMB Client Librarylibxclavier-dataKeyboard description datalibxml2Library providing XML and HTML supportlibxml2-develLibraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applicationslibxml2-utilsUtilities to manipulate XML fileslibxslt1Library providing XSLT supportlibxslt1-develLibraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applicationsmozilla-flashMozilla Flash Pluginmozilla-javaMozilla Web Browser Java PluginORBit2High-performance CORBA Object Request BrokerpangoSystem for layout and rendering of internationalized textsamba-clientSamba (SMB) client programssamba-commonFiles used by both Samba servers and clientssmb4kA kde Samba share BrowserTotal 61.7 MBB) Bruno

  • 4 weeks later...

bashshell promptdigikamGphoto KDE3 frint undigikamimagepluginsDigikam plugin packagefdutilspackage for dealing with floppy disksgaminLibrary for Fam filesk3bCD-burner front endkdemoreartwork-alloy3.3.1 style for KDE and KWin decoractionslibgamin-1.0libgamin-1_0-develThese go with gaminlibprec0Perl wrapper files for pcrelibpcre-devFor compiling libprec0 filesmenuThis streamlines menuspcrePerl wrapper filessuspend scriptsSuspend script to start stop network and sound12,5 MB download. 49 MB freed.


libtaglib0TagLib, is well, a library for reading and editing audio meta data.341 kBtaglib TagLib, is well, a library for reading and editing audio meta data.


kdebase 1:3.4.2-3texCore applications for KDE = 50 MBkdebase-kdm !:3.4.2-3texkdm = 492 kBkdebase-nsplugins = 1:3.4.2-3tex 40.9kBNetscape plugins for konqueror fileslsdvd 0.15-1tex = 40.9kBLsdvd reads and prints the contents of a dvd to your terminal in plain, but very parsable, English. Lsdvd in turn uses libdvdread, the most popular dvd reading library for *nix.menu 2.1.23-3tex 1641 kBRe-streamlined menu system updatexinitrc 2.4.14-3texStart up script for X = 30.5 kBActually downloads under 30MB as some are just updated. These might not be on the public server until tomorrow since I use the premium server. Requires you to log out and back in to get the revised KDE. :lol:


Aug 27 19:24 ./RPMS.os/python-imaging-1.1.5-1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 19:24 ./RPMS.os/python-imaging-devel-1.1.5-1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 15:21 ./RPMS.os/python-opengl- 27 15:21 ./RPMS.os/python-opengl-doc- 27 15:17 ./RPMS.os/pyxine-0.1-0.alpha2.1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 15:18 ./RPMS.os/pyxmms-2.04-1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 15:32 ./RPMS.texstar/kslidesavergl-0.7-1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 12:44 ./RPMS.updates/pycrypto-2.0-1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 12:46 ./RPMS.updates/python-OpenSSL-0.6-1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 12:42 ./RPMS.updates/python-twisted-core-2.0.1-1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 12:42 ./RPMS.updates/python-zope-interface-3.0.1-1tex.i586.rpmAug 27 19:45 ./RPMS.updates/lphotokslidesavergl-0.7-1tex.i586.rpmlphoto-1.0.64-2tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 1.0.64-2tex- Try to get all the crazy dependencies on this package* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 1.0.64-1tex- build for pclos-------------- next part --------------pycrypto-2.0-1tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 2.0-1tex- build for pclos-------------- next part --------------python-OpenSSL-0.6-1tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 0.6-1tex- build for pclos-------------- next part --------------python-imaging-1.1.5-1tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 1.1.5-1tex- update to 1.1.5 and fix sane to build and install as- needed for lphoto (Thanks Big Husky)-------------- next part --------------python-imaging-devel-1.1.5-1tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 1.1.5-1tex- update to 1.1.5 and fix sane to build and install as- needed for lphoto (Thanks Big Husky)-------------- next part --------------python-opengl-* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> build for pclos-------------- next part --------------python-opengl-doc-* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> build for pclos-------------- next part --------------python-twisted-core-2.0.1-1tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 2.0.1-1tex- build for pclos-------------- next part --------------python-zope-interface-3.0.1-1tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 3.0.1-tex- build for pclos-------------- next part --------------pyxine-0.1-0.alpha2.1tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 0.1-0.alpha2.1tex- build for pclos-------------- next part --------------pyxmms-2.04-1tex.i586.rpm* Sat Aug 27 2005 Texstar <texstar at houston.rr.com> 2.04-1tex- update to 2.04


Open Office 1.9.125At last. This is great. It finally made it to the regular downloads. Bruno, pay attention! :ermm: :)


Updates PCLosSee warning at bottom of this postalsa-utilsAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) utilitiesamarokA powerful media player for KdeashThe Almquist shellattrUtility for managing filesystem extended attributesbdflushThe process which starts the flushing of dirty buffers back to disk.cdialogA utility for creating TTY dialog boxes.chkauthScript to change authentification method (local, NIS, LDAP)cpugreqA initscript to probe cpufreq modulescontrabsRoot crontab files used to schedule the execution of programscupsCommon Unix Printing System - Server packagecups-commonCommon Unix Printing System - Common stuffdev86A real mode 80x86 assembler and linkerdhcp-clientThe ISC DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) clientdhcp-commonThe ISC DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) serverdialdDaemon that provides on demand IP links via SLIP or PPP.dipHandles the connections needed for dialup IP linksdmsetupDevice mapper setup tooldrakconfThe PCLinuxOS Control CenterejectA program that ejects removable media using software controlethtoolEthernet settings tool for network cardsfileA utility for determining file typesfontconfigFont configuration libraryfont-toolsSome utilities for use by drakfontfribidiLibrary to support Bi-directional scriptsgaimA GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging clientgnome-vfs2GNOME virtual file-system librarieshalHardware Abstraction LayerhotplugLinux Hotplug ScriptsinitscriptsThe inittab file and the /etc/init.d scriptskaffeineA Xine-based Media Player for KDE3kdegamesKDE - GameskdepimK Desktop Environment - Person Information ManagementkdmthemeKdmtheme allow to change kdm themeldetectLight hardware detection toolldetect-lstHardware list for the light detection libraryliba52dec0Libraries for a52declibaa1AA (Ascii Art) librarylibacl1Main library for libacllibalsa2Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) librarylibalsa2-develDevelopment files for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)libalsa-dataConfig files for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)libattr1Main library for libattrlibcups2Common Unix Printing System - CUPS librarylibfontconfig1Font configuration and customization librarylibfontconfig1-develFont configuration and customization librarylibfreetype6Shared libraries for a free and portable TrueType font rendering enginelibfreetype6-develHeader files and static library for development with FreeType2libfribidi0Library to support Bi-directional scriptslibfribidi0-develStatic libraries and headers for fribidi librarylibgnome-vfs2_0GNOME virtual file-system librarieslibhal0Shared library for using HALlibhal0-develLibraries and headers for HALlibldetect0.6Light hardware detection librarylibmagic1Shared library for handling magic fileslibpcap0A system-independent interface for user-level packet capturelibpcre0-develHeaders and static lib for pcre developmentlibsysfs1Main library for sysfsutilslibxine1A Free Video Player (Libraries)libxine1-develDevel files for xinelilo <----------------------------------------------- With the usual warning ;)The boot loader for Linux and other operating systemslvm2Logical Volume Manager administration toolsm4The GNU macro processormkinitrdCreates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modulesmonitor-edidGet monitor detailsnmapNetwork exploration tool and security scannernmap-frontendGtk+ frontend for nmappcmcia-csThe daemon for using PCMCIA adapterspcrePCRE is a Perl-compatible regular expression librarypppThe PPP daemon and documentation for Linux 1.3.xx and greaterppp-pppoatmPPP over ATM plugin for pppppp-pppoePPP over ethernet plugin for ppppysolPySol provides several solitaire card gamessmb4kA kde Samba share Browsersound-scriptsThe sound scriptsstreamtunerInternet audio stream browserstreamtuner-pluginsPlugins files for streamtunersysfsutilsUtility suite to enjoy sysfswgetA utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocolsxine-artsArts plugin for xinexine-pluginsA Free Video Player (main plugins)xinetdXinetd is a powerful replacement for inetd.xine-uiA Free Video Player.xine-ui-fbXINE - framebuffer video player.xine-win32Win32 plugin for xineTotal 190 MBB) BrunoNOTE: you can get a warning reading:

Some of the packages could not be retrieved from the server(s).('Failed to open file.  ')Do you want to continue, ignoring these packages?
Just press Y . . . . only the nmap and nmap-frontend packages are missing, we will do those next time :thumbsup:
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