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Conexant PCI ADSL modem


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Hodgy, nice avatar ! Thanks Fran for suggesting it. :)Hodgy, did you get the resolv.conf I did send you by mail ?And we will have to change your /etc/ppp/peers/adsl After that you can reboot and check the logs for error-messages, maybe we need the script in rc.local the howto is talking about.Anyway that the last few commands:

[root@localhost ken]# cd /etc/rc3.d[root@localhost rc3.d]# mv S*cnxadslctl S90cnxadslctl[root@localhost rc3.d]# cd /etc/rc.d/rc2.d[root@localhost rc2.d]# mv K*cnxadslctl K10cnxadslctl[root@localhost rc2.d]# exit
were successful gives hope we´re on the right way. <_< :DI´m writing the how-to´s right now.:D Bruno
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Hi hodgy,Glad the resolv.conf was O.K.I suppose you did put the resolv.conf in your /home/ken/ADSL ?sucp /home/ken/ADSL/resolv.conf /etc/ ( space between cp and /home, conf and /etc/ )overwrite ? Yes !Now the /etc/ppp/peers/adsl :suvi /etc/ppp/peers/adsli ( to put vi in insert mode )and change that last line to:user "myid@adsl.myisp.com" ( replacing the address and leaving the ¨ ¨ )Close and save vi with ¨Esc¨ and ¨ZZ¨Then reboot and check internet connection and if no connection is there, check the logs.If we have problems, check if you have:/usr/lib/pppd/plugins/pppoatm.so ( just click the directories and see if it is there. )Then report back to me.Good luck Hodgy !<_< Bruno

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Hi BrunoThings have not gone as planned, Is there supposed to be an Acess runner icon anywhere?Could not find one. Tried the internet conn. wizard no luck there either,I looked for usr/lib/pppd/plugins/pppoatm.so my line was slightly differentusr/lib/pppd/2.4.1/pppoatm.so During this process i have been copying text files on floppy, but know mandrake will notlet me access mnt/floppy Something about user access denied.How do i alter that please. This started when i tried to copy a file to floppy that was to big,I did not know this at the time. I have the boot and syslog files on floppy but the syslog fileis 1MB in size. How do you want me to proceed?Hodgy :)

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Hi Hodgy

Is there supposed to be an Acess runner icon anywhere?
No, not that I know . . why ?
Tried the internet conn. wizard no luck there either,
Stay away from the wizard !
Good that you found that one ! We need that.
mandrake will not let me access mnt/floppy Something about user access denied.
sometimes a reboot helps here, if not,as root:mount /dev/floppy ( space between mount and /dev )mount /mnt/floppyThat should help !we will change this file:/etc/ppp/peers/pciThis is the line :plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.1/pppoatm.so 0.38 ( that is zero dot thirtyeight )And check if the last line still has your login name in it.Also check if the file ¨cnxadslctl¨ is still in your ¨etc/rc.d/init.d¨Don´t lose patience my friend we´re getting close . . . :) Bruno
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You´re welcome Hodgy, we want this $#%@!!* modem to work, don´t we ? And I will tell you, I still have plenty of tricks up my sleeve . . . . . you´re just not allowed to give up yet ! You got me in to this, Hodgy, and now we will finish it together ! :) :DB) Bruno

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BrunoLock and Load! We (that probably means you) have some butt to kick.No good news on the previous mission,Floppy.I entered in root mount /dev/floppybash can't find /dev/floppy in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtabHodgy the magician, Things disappear :unsure: When enteringplugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.1/ppoatm.so 0.38command plugin not foundSome good news "cnxadslctl" is in etc/rc.d/init.dHodgy

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Hi Hodgy

When enteringplugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.1/ppoatm.so 0.38command plugin not found
Sorry I was not clear. That line has to show in your ¨/etc/ppp/peers/pci¨ like this:
noauthplugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.1/pppoatm.so 0.38noipdefaultkdebug 1nopcompnoccpnovjholdoff 4maxfail 25persistusepeerdnsdefaultrouteuser "myid@adsl.myisp.com"
So do:vi /etc/ppp/peers/pciiand edit the file . . . . save and colse: Esc and ZZThen for your floppy: Did you try mount /mnt/floppy aswell ? If you did and still have no access:cat /etc/fstab >fstab.txtand show me the file, just copy it to your /mnt/win_c and then you can open it in windows and copy and paste it in your next post.:unsure: Bruno
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BrunoIdid do mount /mnt/floppy i didn't get an error message. i will create that txt file (Banging head on desk) I allready knew winC was available in mdk. why have i been messing about with floppies? (My head hurts :unsure: :huh: )Will know attempt next missionHodgy

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I have the topic browsing, reading, writing Windows partitions on my list for The Tips, just had no time to do it yet !:unsure: Bruno

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BrunoDid the edit no error message :unsure: As i said i knew winC was available in mdk. 2+2=5 :lol:Here is the fstab file/dev/hdb1 / ext3 noatime 1 1none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0/dev/hdb6 /home ext3 noatime 1 2none /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/scd0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0none /mnt/cdrom2 supermount dev=/dev/hdd,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0/dev/hda1 /mnt/win_c vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0none /proc proc defaults 0 0/dev/hdb5 swap swap defaults 0 0Hope this helpsHodgy

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There he is Hodgy, my mistake ( again ! :huh: ) Commands as root:mount /dev/fd0 ( FD zero )mount /mnt/floppyO.K. you did the edit, did you reboot and check the internet connection ?Just reboot Hodgy and do as root:route ( and post the outcome )alsoifconfig ( and post the outcome ):unsure: Bruno
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BrunoNo i did not check the internet connection. Not sure how to do that,Pointer please :unsure: Is that just route and ifconfig at the command prompt?Hodgy

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Don´t laugh Hodgy;

No i did not check the internet connection. Not sure how to do that,Pointer please
Start up a browser and type in ¨www.scotsnewsletter.com/forums/index..php?act=Post&CODE=02&f=14&t=1166¨And yes that is just as root those two simple commands ( I know it is hard to believe but Linux gets more simple after all you went through ! ):unsure: Bruno
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BrunoWhy am i laughing?No Internet connection, Not a peep out of the modem, when windows is loadingit is clicking merrily away waiting for windows to catch up with it.I have noticed on the mdk. shutdown text a referance to rmmod. mod access runner not loaded ??Here is the console file, still no floppy[[ken@localhost ken]$ suPassword:[root@localhost ken]# routeKernel IP routing tableDestination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface127.0.0.0 * U 0 0 0 lo[root@localhost ken]# ifconfiglo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:146 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:146 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:9704 (9.4 Kb) TX bytes:9704 (9.4 Kb)[root@localhost ken]# mount /dev/fd0mount: can't find /dev/fd0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab[root@localhost ken]# mount /mnt/floppy[root@localhost ken]# exitexit[ken@localhost ken]$Hodgy

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HodgyTomorrow we start with the boot.logcat /var/log/boot.log >bootlog.txtShow us the log HodgyB) Bruno

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Good Morning Bruno :P Are you ready for another day of Fun & Frolics? ;) ;) I have just posted the boot txt for today's boot up. Is that ok?I do have the complete log on my win drive.May 31 08:51:49 localhost partmon: Checking if partitions have enough free diskspace: May 31 08:51:49 localhost partmon: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 08:51:49 localhost partmon: May 31 08:51:49 localhost rc: Starting partmon: succeededMay 31 08:51:50 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 08:51:48 localhost network: Setting network parameters: succeeded May 31 08:51:48 localhost network: Bringing up loopback interface: succeeded May 31 08:51:48 localhost internet: Checking internet connections to start at boot succeeded May 31 08:51:48 localhost portmap: portmap startup succeeded May 31 08:51:52 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 08:51:52 localhost random: Initializing random number generator: succeededMay 31 08:51:52 localhost xfs: xfs startup succeededMay 31 08:51:53 localhost netfs: Mounting other filesystems: succeededMay 31 08:51:53 localhost apmd: apmd startup succeededMay 31 08:51:53 localhost dm: Starting display manager: May 31 08:51:53 localhost dm: Display manager startup succeededMay 31 08:51:53 localhost dm: May 31 08:51:54 localhost rc: Starting dm: succeededMay 31 08:51:54 localhost atd: atd startup succeededMay 31 08:51:55 localhost saslauthd: saslauthd startup succeededMay 31 08:51:56 localhost tmdns: tmdns startup succeededMay 31 08:51:59 localhost xinetd: xinetd startup succeededMay 31 08:52:04 localhost cups: cupsd startup succeededMay 31 08:52:04 localhost rwhod: rwhod startup succeededMay 31 08:52:04 localhost loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/uk.kmap.gzMay 31 08:52:04 localhost keytable: Loading keymap: uk succeededMay 31 08:52:04 localhost loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/include/compose.latin9.inc.gzMay 31 08:52:04 localhost keytable: Loading compose keys: compose.latin9.inc succeededMay 31 08:52:05 localhost keytable: succeededMay 31 08:52:05 localhost postfix: Starting postfix: May 31 08:52:05 localhost postfix: postalias: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 08:52:06 localhost postfix: postmap: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 08:52:06 localhost last message repeated 4 timesMay 31 08:52:10 localhost postfix: succeededMay 31 08:52:10 localhost postfix: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 08:52:10 localhost postfix: May 31 08:52:10 localhost rc: Starting postfix: succeededMay 31 08:52:10 localhost crond: crond startup succeededMay 31 08:52:11 localhost start: Starting Webmin server in /usr/share/webminMay 31 08:52:15 localhost webmin: Starting Webmin succeededMay 31 08:52:15 localhost rc: Starting kheader: succeededMay 31 08:52:16 localhost devfsd: Running devfsd actions: succeededMay 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: ErrorMay 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: Can't load moduleMay 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: ^I/usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.1.25May 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.1.25: undefined symbol: edit__9ARRAY_OBJMay 31 08:52:25 localhost netconf: ^[[1;24r^[[0;10m^[[4l^[[39;49m^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[H^[[J^[[37m^[[44m^[[KMay 31 08:52:25 localhost netconf: ^[[KMay 31 08:52:25 localhost last message repeated 20 timesMay 31 08:52:25 localhost netconf: May 31 08:52:25 localhost netconf: ^[[0;10m^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40mMay 31 08:52:25 localhost linuxconf: Running Linuxconf hooks: succeededMay 31 08:52:25 localhost echo: 0May 31 08:52:25 localhost rc: Disabling Boot logo succeededThanks Hodgy

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There are a few interesting things here:

May 31 08:51:48 localhost network: Setting network parameters: succeededMay 31 08:51:48 localhost network: Bringing up loopback interface: succeededMay 31 08:51:48 localhost internet: Checking internet connections to start at boot succeeded
May 31 08:52:05 localhost postfix: Starting postfix:May 31 08:52:05 localhost postfix: postalias: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 08:52:06 localhost postfix: postmap: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 08:52:06 localhost last message repeated 4 timesMay 31 08:52:10 localhost postfix: succeededMay 31 08:52:10 localhost postfix: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 08:52:10 localhost postfix:May 31 08:52:10 localhost rc: Starting postfix: succeeded
May 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: ErrorMay 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: Can't load moduleMay 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: ^I/usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.1.25May 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.1.25: undefined symbol: edit__9ARRAY_OBJMay 31 08:52:25 localhost netconf: ^[[1;24r^[[0;10m^[[4l^[[39;49m^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[H^[[J^[[37m^[[44m^[[KMay 31 08:52:25 localhost netconf: ^[[KMay 31 08:52:25 localhost last message repeated 20 timesMay 31 08:52:25 localhost netconf:May 31 08:52:25 localhost netconf: ^[[0;10m^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m
Specially this line is funny:
May 31 08:52:23 localhost netconf: ^I/usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.1.25
There we see a vci and vpi of 1.25, I wonder why, because we made it 0.38Also it tries to use another pppoe.so . . . . . Would you do as root a:¨updatedb¨ ( this will take some time for the prompt to return, be patient ) then,¨locate pppoe.so¨ ( and see what answers it comes up with )I´ll just poor another cup of coffee and start digging into this. ( do not do any other commands );) Bruno
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Brunoresults: updatedb & locate pppoe.soken@localhost ken]$ suPassword:[root@localhost ken]# updatedb[root@localhost ken]# locate pppoe.so/usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.1.25/usr/lib/pppd/2.4.1/pppoe.so[root@localhost ken]# exitexit[ken@localhost ken]OK? Hodgy

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HodgySee we have two of them, lets try this one:mv * /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.1.25 * /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.0.38 ( the * are spaces ! )Reboot and check the log.;) Bruno

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BrunoI don't think it was a success ken@localhost ken]$ suPassword:[root@localhost ken]# mv /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/ppoe.so.1.25mv: missing file argumentTry `mv --help' for more information.[root@localhost ken]# exitexit[ken@localhost ken]$ suPassword:[root@localhost ken]# mv /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/ppoe.so.1.25 /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/ppoe.so.0.38mv: cannot stat `/usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/ppoe.so.1.25': No such file or directory[root@localhost ken]#My first attempt i know is wrong, Is the second entered correctly?I have the reboot text but as the console cmd. was unsuccessfull not a lot of use i expect.Hodgy

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[root@localhost ken]# mv /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/ppoe.so.1.25 /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/ppoe.so.0.38
You´re missing a ¨p¨ there twice Hodgy: ¨pppoe¨;) Bruno
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BrunoSometimes you just need a "P" :P ;) Console cmd ok THIS timeboot txt:May 31 11:40:07 localhost dm: Stopping display manager: May 31 11:40:07 localhost dm: Display manager shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:07 localhost dm: May 31 11:40:07 localhost rc: Stopping dm: succeededMay 31 11:40:07 localhost devfsd: devfsd shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:07 localhost devfsd: Stopping devfsd daemon: succeededMay 31 11:40:07 localhost xfs: xfs shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:07 localhost rc: Stopping kheader: succeededMay 31 11:40:07 localhost rc: Stopping partmon: succeededMay 31 11:40:08 localhost rwhod: rwhod shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:08 localhost stop: Stopping Webmin server in /usr/share/webminMay 31 11:40:08 localhost webmin: Stopping Webmin succeededMay 31 11:40:08 localhost postfix: Shutting down postfix: May 31 11:40:08 localhost postfix: succeededMay 31 11:40:08 localhost postfix: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 11:40:08 localhost postfix: May 31 11:40:08 localhost rc: Stopping postfix: succeededMay 31 11:40:08 localhost tmdns: tmdns shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:08 localhost cnxadslctl: br2684ctl shutdown failedMay 31 11:40:08 localhost xinetd: xinetd shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:08 localhost atd: atd shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:09 localhost crond: crond shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:09 localhost cups: cupsd shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:09 localhost saslauthd: saslauthd shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:09 localhost alsa: Doing alsactl to store mixer settings...May 31 11:40:10 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 11:40:10 localhost alsa: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 11:40:10 localhost alsa: May 31 11:40:10 localhost alsa: Shutting down ALSA sound driver (version 0.9.0rc8): May 31 11:40:11 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 11:40:11 localhost alsa: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 11:40:11 localhost alsa: May 31 11:40:11 localhost rc: Stopping alsa: succeededMay 31 11:40:12 localhost apmd: apmd shutdown succeededMay 31 11:40:12 localhost dd: 1+0 records inMay 31 11:40:12 localhost dd: 1+0 records outMay 31 11:40:12 localhost random: Saving random seed: succeededMay 31 11:41:19 localhost partmon: Checking if partitions have enough free diskspace: May 31 11:41:19 localhost partmon: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 11:41:19 localhost partmon: May 31 11:41:19 localhost rc: Starting partmon: succeededMay 31 11:41:20 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: Using /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/drivers/net/CnxADSL.o May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: bad ioctl 400c2504, Status=ffffffff May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: send user parameters (SendUserParams) failed, NTStatus=c0000001 May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: Conexant AccesRunner: Download Started.Loading br2684 module: May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: The module you are trying to load (/lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/drivers/net/CnxADSL.o) is compiled with a gcc May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: version 2 compiler, while the kernel you are running is compiled with May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: a gcc version 3 compiler. This is known to not work. May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: Using /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/net/atm/br2684.o.gz May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: May 31 11:41:18 localhost cnxadsl: /etc/rc5.d/S09cnxadsl: line 40: number: Could not find device May 31 11:41:18 localhost network: Setting network parameters: succeeded May 31 11:41:18 localhost network: Bringing up loopback interface: succeeded May 31 11:41:18 localhost internet: Checking internet connections to start at boot succeeded May 31 11:41:22 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 11:41:22 localhost random: Initializing random number generator: succeededMay 31 11:41:23 localhost xfs: xfs startup succeededMay 31 11:41:23 localhost netfs: Mounting other filesystems: succeededMay 31 11:41:23 localhost apmd: apmd startup succeededMay 31 11:41:23 localhost dm: Starting display manager: May 31 11:41:23 localhost dm: Display manager startup succeededMay 31 11:41:23 localhost dm: May 31 11:41:23 localhost rc: Starting dm: succeededMay 31 11:41:23 localhost atd: atd startup succeededMay 31 11:41:25 localhost saslauthd: saslauthd startup succeededMay 31 11:41:26 localhost tmdns: tmdns startup succeededMay 31 11:41:29 localhost xinetd: xinetd startup succeededMay 31 11:41:34 localhost cups: cupsd startup succeededMay 31 11:41:34 localhost rwhod: rwhod startup succeededMay 31 11:41:34 localhost loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/uk.kmap.gzMay 31 11:41:34 localhost keytable: Loading keymap: uk succeededMay 31 11:41:34 localhost loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/include/compose.latin9.inc.gzMay 31 11:41:34 localhost keytable: Loading compose keys: compose.latin9.inc succeededMay 31 11:41:34 localhost keytable: succeededMay 31 11:41:34 localhost postfix: Starting postfix: May 31 11:41:35 localhost postfix: postalias: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 11:41:36 localhost postfix: postmap: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 11:41:36 localhost last message repeated 4 timesMay 31 11:41:40 localhost postfix: succeededMay 31 11:41:40 localhost postfix: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 11:41:40 localhost postfix: May 31 11:41:40 localhost rc: Starting postfix: succeededMay 31 11:41:41 localhost crond: crond startup succeededMay 31 11:41:41 localhost start: Starting Webmin server in /usr/share/webminMay 31 11:41:45 localhost webmin: Starting Webmin succeededMay 31 11:41:46 localhost rc: Starting kheader: succeededMay 31 11:41:46 localhost devfsd: Running devfsd actions: succeededMay 31 11:41:54 localhost netconf: ErrorMay 31 11:41:54 localhost netconf: Can't load moduleMay 31 11:41:54 localhost netconf: ^I/usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.0.38May 31 11:41:54 localhost netconf: /usr/lib/linuxconf/modules/pppoe.so.0.38: undefined symbol: edit__9ARRAY_OBJMay 31 11:41:55 localhost netconf: ^[[1;24r^[[0;10m^[[4l^[[39;49m^[[39;49m^[[37m^[[40m^[[H^[[J^[[37m^[[44m^[[KMay 31 11:41:55 localhost netconf: ^[[KMay 31 11:41:55 localhost last message repeated 20 timesMay 31 11:41:55 localhost netconf: May 31 11:41:55 localhost linuxconf: Running Linuxconf hooks: succeededMay 31 11:41:55 localhost echo: 0May 31 11:41:55 localhost rc: Disabling Boot logo succeededLooks like i included the shutdown as well :blink:hodgy

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Hodgy, my friend;I´m afraid we have to start all over again . . . . . Don´t know if you did follow George´s adventures with his conexant modem ? After messing so much to get his modem running, all kind of config files were just junk. He did a full re-install of his RedHat and followed the guidelines . . . . result: Connection UP !So here is the deal: Do a complete re-install of your Mandrake, do NOT reformat your /home partition ( where we did backup all the files needed ;) )Do NOT try to configure your connection during install, just skip that part !( Nor after by the @#$%#!! wizard )In the mean time I will make a whole new HOWTO and post it as soon as I ´ve got it put together.First I will have a bit of fresh air out in the garden though ! So take a rest first and boost your energy for the 2nd atempt !Anyway we did learn a lot from these adventures . . . knowledge that we will need for the next stage !!:P Bruno

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- - A NEW START - - Hi HodgyA fresh install a fresh how-to ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - First we go to the Mandrake Control Center --> Software ManagementAnd search for these two files ( only these 2 )rp-pppoe-3.5-2mdkppp-2.4.1-9mdkAnd install the 2 suckers !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Then we will install the drivers, still in your /home/ken/ADSL I hope:This is the driver: CnxADSL-TgrATM_k2.4.3-61.2.007-7.i386.rpmrpm -ihv /home/ken/ADSL/CnxADSL-TgrATM_k2.4.3-´ll tel you a little trick here Hodgy, if you type /home/ken/ADSL/CnxADSL-Tg and then hit the Tab button, it will finish the rest by itsself ;)if you get error messages after hitting Enter ( and you are sure you typed the right command ) :rpm -i --force /home/ken/ADSL/CnxADSL-TgrATM_k2.4.3- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Now we adapt the PAP-SECRETS and CHAP-SECRETS :su ( password )vi /etc/ppp/pap-secrets ( space between vi and /etc )i ( just an i to put the editor in insert mode )'userid@isp.co.uk' * 'myPassword' * exactly like that with the * and the ´ but then with your login and password !Hit the Esc key and 2 times the Z ( z+shift )That should save the file.Now we do the same for the other file:vi /etc/ppp/chap-secrets ( space between vi and /etc )i ( just an i to put the editor in insert mode )'userid@isp.co.uk' * 'myPassword' * exactly like that with the * and the ´ but then with your login and password !Hit the Esc key and 2 times the Z ( z+shift ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Then we copy the resolv.conf on it´s place:sucp /home/ken/ADSL/resolv.conf /etc/ ( space between cp and /home, conf and /etc/ )overwrite ? Yes !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And change the last line of /etc/ppp/peers/adsl:suvi /etc/ppp/peers/adsli ( to put vi in insert mode )and change that last line to:user "myid@adsl.myisp.com" ( replacing the address and leaving the ¨ ¨ )Close and save vi with ¨Esc¨ and ¨ZZ¨- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Next we do a little Test:su cnxadslconfig --vpi=0 --vci=38cnxadslctl.sh startcnxadslctl.sh status And have a look if we are lucky: ifconfig -a ( see if isp is up ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Then we reboot and see if that helped to get connected. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This was part 1 Hodgy, take it step by step and report anything that is ¨special¨.Reboot and print the boot.log for me.;) Bruno

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BrunoI have not left the planet, The reinstall was giving problems, so i re-installed again, That onefroze at the last minuete. So a Third install :unsure: This time with the Gnome Gui.Still no connection here are the Boot.logMay 31 20:07:21 localhost partmon: Checking if partitions have enough free diskspace: May 31 20:07:21 localhost partmon: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 20:07:21 localhost partmon: May 31 20:07:21 localhost rc: Starting partmon: succeededMay 31 20:07:22 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 20:07:21 localhost portmap: portmap startup succeeded May 31 20:07:24 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 20:07:24 localhost random: Initializing random number generator: succeededMay 31 20:07:24 localhost xfs: xfs startup succeededMay 31 20:07:25 localhost netfs: Mounting other filesystems: succeededMay 31 20:07:25 localhost apmd: apmd startup succeededMay 31 20:07:25 localhost dm: Starting display manager: May 31 20:07:25 localhost dm: Display manager startup succeededMay 31 20:07:25 localhost dm: May 31 20:07:25 localhost rc: Starting dm: succeededMay 31 20:07:25 localhost atd: atd startup succeededMay 31 20:07:27 localhost saslauthd: saslauthd startup succeededMay 31 20:07:27 localhost tmdns: tmdns startup succeededMay 31 20:07:31 localhost xinetd: xinetd startup succeededMay 31 20:07:35 localhost cups: cupsd startup succeededMay 31 20:07:35 localhost rwhod: rwhod startup succeededMay 31 20:07:35 localhost loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/uk.kmap.gzMay 31 20:07:35 localhost keytable: Loading keymap: uk succeededMay 31 20:07:35 localhost loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/include/compose.latin9.inc.gzMay 31 20:07:35 localhost keytable: Loading compose keys: compose.latin9.inc succeededMay 31 20:07:35 localhost keytable: succeededMay 31 20:07:36 localhost postfix: Starting postfix: May 31 20:07:36 localhost postfix: postalias: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 20:07:37 localhost postfix: postmap: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 20:07:37 localhost last message repeated 4 timesMay 31 20:07:40 localhost postfix: succeededMay 31 20:07:40 localhost postfix: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 20:07:40 localhost postfix: May 31 20:07:40 localhost rc: Starting postfix: succeededMay 31 20:07:41 localhost crond: crond startup succeededMay 31 20:07:41 localhost start: Starting Webmin server in /usr/share/webminMay 31 20:07:43 localhost webmin: Starting Webmin succeededMay 31 20:07:44 localhost rc: Starting kheader: succeededMay 31 20:07:44 localhost devfsd: Running devfsd actions: succeededMay 31 20:07:46 localhost netconf: Checking kernel configurationMay 31 20:07:46 localhost linuxconf: Running Linuxconf hooks: succeededMay 31 20:07:47 localhost echo: 0May 31 20:07:47 localhost rc: Disabling Boot logo succeededMay 31 20:53:01 localhost dm: Stopping display manager: May 31 20:53:01 localhost dm: May 31 20:53:01 localhost dm: Display manager shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:01 localhost rc: Stopping dm: succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost devfsd: devfsd shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost devfsd: Stopping devfsd daemon: succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost xfs: xfs shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost rc: Stopping kheader: succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost rc: Stopping partmon: succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost rwhod: rwhod shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost stop: Stopping Webmin server in /usr/share/webminMay 31 20:53:02 localhost webmin: Stopping Webmin succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost postfix: Shutting down postfix: May 31 20:53:02 localhost postfix: succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost postfix: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 20:53:02 localhost postfix: May 31 20:53:02 localhost rc: Stopping postfix: succeededMay 31 20:53:02 localhost tmdns: tmdns shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:03 localhost cnxadslctl: br2684ctl shutdown failedMay 31 20:53:03 localhost xinetd: xinetd shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:03 localhost atd: atd shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:03 localhost crond: crond shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:03 localhost cups: cupsd shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:03 localhost saslauthd: saslauthd shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:03 localhost alsa: Doing alsactl to store mixer settings...May 31 20:53:05 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 20:53:05 localhost alsa: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 20:53:05 localhost alsa: May 31 20:53:05 localhost alsa: Shutting down ALSA sound driver (version 0.9.0rc8): May 31 20:53:05 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 20:53:05 localhost alsa: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 20:53:05 localhost alsa: May 31 20:53:05 localhost rc: Stopping alsa: succeededMay 31 20:53:06 localhost apmd: apmd shutdown succeededMay 31 20:53:07 localhost dd: 1+0 records inMay 31 20:53:07 localhost dd: 1+0 records outMay 31 20:53:07 localhost random: Saving random seed: succeededMay 31 20:54:18 localhost partmon: Checking if partitions have enough free diskspace: May 31 20:54:18 localhost partmon: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 20:54:18 localhost partmon: May 31 20:54:18 localhost rc: Starting partmon: succeededMay 31 20:54:18 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 20:54:16 localhost harddrake: succeeded May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: Starting Conexant AccessRunner May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: insmod: May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: CnxADSL: no module by that name found May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: bad ioctl 400c2504, Status=ffffffff May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: send user parameters (SendUserParams) failed, NTStatus=c0000001 May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: Conexant AccesRunner: Download Started. May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: Loading br2684 module: May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: Using /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/kernel/net/atm/br2684.o.gz May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: May 31 20:54:16 localhost cnxadslctl: /etc/rc5.d/S09cnxadslctl: line 40: number: Could not find device May 31 20:54:20 localhost alsa: succeededMay 31 20:54:21 localhost random: Initializing random number generator: succeededMay 31 20:54:21 localhost xfs: xfs startup succeededMay 31 20:54:21 localhost netfs: Mounting other filesystems: succeededMay 31 20:54:22 localhost apmd: apmd startup succeededMay 31 20:54:22 localhost dm: Starting display manager: May 31 20:54:22 localhost dm: Display manager startup succeededMay 31 20:54:22 localhost dm: May 31 20:54:22 localhost rc: Starting dm: succeededMay 31 20:54:22 localhost atd: atd startup succeededMay 31 20:54:24 localhost saslauthd: saslauthd startup succeededMay 31 20:54:24 localhost tmdns: tmdns startup succeededMay 31 20:54:28 localhost xinetd: xinetd startup succeededMay 31 20:54:32 localhost cups: cupsd startup succeededMay 31 20:54:32 localhost rwhod: rwhod startup succeededMay 31 20:54:32 localhost loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/uk.kmap.gzMay 31 20:54:32 localhost keytable: Loading keymap: uk succeededMay 31 20:54:32 localhost loadkeys: Loading /usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/include/compose.latin9.inc.gzMay 31 20:54:32 localhost keytable: Loading compose keys: compose.latin9.inc succeededMay 31 20:54:32 localhost keytable: succeededMay 31 20:54:33 localhost postfix: Starting postfix: May 31 20:54:33 localhost postfix: postalias: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 20:54:34 localhost postfix: postmap: warning: My hostname localhost is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in /etc/postfix/main.cfMay 31 20:54:34 localhost last message repeated 4 timesMay 31 20:54:38 localhost postfix: succeededMay 31 20:54:38 localhost postfix: ^[[65G[^[[1;32mMay 31 20:54:38 localhost postfix: May 31 20:54:38 localhost rc: Starting postfix: succeededMay 31 20:54:38 localhost crond: crond startup succeededMay 31 20:54:39 localhost start: Starting Webmin server in /usr/share/webminMay 31 20:54:42 localhost webmin: Starting Webmin succeededMay 31 20:54:42 localhost rc: Starting kheader: succeededMay 31 20:54:42 localhost devfsd: Running devfsd actions: succeededMay 31 20:54:47 localhost netconf: Checking kernel configurationMay 31 20:54:47 localhost linuxconf: Running Linuxconf hooks: succeededMay 31 20:54:48 localhost echo: 0May 31 20:54:48 localhost rc: Disabling Boot logo succeededConsole.logSorry console log unreadable will try again next visitWhen installing rp-pppoe-3.5-2mdk the installer said i had to install 2 other files for this one to workliblinux-atm/1-2.4.0-2mdklibcap0-0.7.2-1mdkand the other file on your postppp-2.4.1-9mdkHodgy

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