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On 5/4/2023 at 6:49 PM, securitybreach said:


Of course, that is my main machine's hostname for the last 10 years or so :thumbup:

I went the astrophysics route: My main is EventHorizon and my *nix is Singularity.

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  1. A lizard walks into a bar pushing a baby in a stroller. "What's your kid's name?" asks the bartender. "Tiny," says the lizard. "Because he's my newt."
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My mother asked me to hand out invitations for my brother's surprise birthday party. That's when I realized he was her favorite twin.

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11 hours ago, securitybreach said:

Why confused abarbarian? The saying goes F* you and the horse you rode in on.


Maybe in the wild west but over here in blighty we are a tad more refined and civilised 😜 That saying is not in common use over here and I have never heard anyone say it.



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1 hour ago, abarbarian said:


Maybe in the wild west but over here in blighty we are a tad more refined and civilised 😜 That saying is not in common use over here and I have never heard anyone say it.




Origin dates to the 1950s or earlier:



The phrase can be traced back to at least the 1950s, but it may be even older than that, since, as Barrett notes, plenty of crude language didn’t make it into print in the early 20th century. He suggests that it could have been in wide use even prior to World War II.



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