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Creating a File and Print Server


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How to I log in to the web interface as root? It's not asking for a password but any time I try to change a configuration I get "Forbidden" to change server settings?


Also, installed gamin but still nothing in thunar showing the share? More reading to do. :thumbsup:

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To log into the CUPS interface with administrator priveledges from a remote machine


Actually Iam trying to log in remotely since there is no X-Server installed on the debian box..so I need to access CUPS from an IP other than the loopback IP..and to enable Admin access on that IP..


I.E. in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf


<Location />

Order Deny,Allow

Deny From All

Allow From

Allow From 192.168.1.*



<Location /admin>


Order Deny,Allow

Deny From All

Allow From

Allow From 192.168.1.*




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Thanks ameditman. Those settings did not work for me, manually changed the cupsd.conf with a few different varaibles and was finally able to get the web interface to come up and ask for the root password, Still could not get the printer to show, so went the the smb.conf for SAMBA and set Printer to CUPS. I'm now able to print from the network. Now so far I can only do this in Windows and need to figure out why I can't see my network share in Arch nor the Printer. But making MAJOR head way none the less.


I so appreciate the guidance and patience of you and Josh and Fran. What I have learned from all of you including many more at BATL is invaluable and my deepest appreciation goes out to all of you. You have made learning Linux so enjoyable.



Edited by ichase
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I so appreciate the guidance and patience of you and Josh and Fran. What I have learned from all of you including many more at BATL is invaluable and my deepest appreciation goes out to all of you. You have made learning Linux so enjoyable.




Thanks for the kind words Ian :thumbsup:

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Got an additional issue I can't seem to find an answer for. I finally have visibility of the SAMBA share in Thunar. I did not have the gfvs-smb package loaded. But when I click on the server, then click on Storage (the samba share) it prompts me for a password. But does not exept my password. I know for a fact that it's the only password I use on both the user and samba.

Here is the window that pops up when I attempt to access the samba share

Edit: Glad I checked. ImageBAM seems to have been hacked. You can get to the image alright but it gets you there via "adult" content. In a nutshell you get a popup asking for password. Username and DOMAIN are already filled in.


I don't get an error, the login screen just pops up again. If I hit cancel I get: Failed to open "Storage" Password dialog cancelled.


Any clue? I guess there is ANOTHER user and password set up required somewhere. ichase has a SAMBA account with password as does my wife and another user name.


At least I found the answer in how to SEE IT when I click on the network icon in Thunar. I'm getting there, just a few expected road blocks to contend with. :thumbsup:




Edit: Even trying Ctrl-l in Thunar then smb://192.168.X.XX/storage prompts me for the password but will not accept the password

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I just went ahead and mounted it via the command line:

mount -t cifs //sambaserver/share /mnt -o username=user

Then it prompted for password and it accepted it. Then created an icon on the side panel for the Samba share.


Next thing will be the printer :)

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crp actually no, got the system up and running, able to share amongst the entire network. Printer is shared across the network except for my Linux computers but I have been working all weekend so have not had time to mess with that yet.


But now since the last Arch update I saw today, as I mentioned in another thread resistance is futile. Looks like I have 3 computers to convert to systemd. Lappy, Desktop,and server. Not looking forward to it but change happens whether we like it or not. ;)

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crp actually no, got the system up and running, able to share amongst the entire network. Printer is shared across the network except for my Linux computers but I have been working all weekend so have not had time to mess with that yet.


But now since the last Arch update I saw today, as I mentioned in another thread resistance is futile. Looks like I have 3 computers to convert to systemd. Lappy, Desktop,and server. Not looking forward to it but change happens whether we like it or not. ;)

And SAMBA4 is coming next month.
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