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I remember this one thread in which a Highlander posted three links to sites that I wanted to revisit and bookmark, post Mandrake reinstall. First problem...I can't recall the topic of conversation, or the subject of the links. I just recall that they were good ones.Second problem...I'm sure you've all noticed the activity level in ATL. Something posted yesterday could be on page 3 today. No way am I going to find those links again, except through blind luck.Solution...a topic just for links. You show us yours, and we'll show you ours. Even do a little editorializing. Then, when we need to find a particular link we want to check out, there's one place to check first...here. Over time, it would be cool if those of you who have posted links in other threads could repost them here. It seems like every time I do a search of the web, or read the latest Linux rag, some new site has popped up, sometimes pretty useful ones. Since I'm currently on a fresh reinstall of Mandrake, I only have a few recommendations, but I'll add more later.Homepages of the 3 distros I just got today:http://www.yoper.com/http://linux.college.ch/index.phphttp://www.blagblagblag.org/Does the quality of the website relect the quality of the product? You decide. I have yet to install any of these, so I'll withhold judgement for a bit.

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I hear if you do a Google/image search for "feeble minded" my picture is the third from the left, 2nd row.No...but it would have made everything a lot easier if I could recall that little fact.Don't pick on me...post links! :)


Here's an idea:How about an ATL Wiki page that we can all contribute to? (http://wiki.org/wiki.cgi?WhatIsWiki for those who are scratching their heads at this point) There must be a site out there that we can use to do this? Look at www.wikipedia.org to get a better idea of an in-use Wiki site.I think this could be really useful for us. We could use it to hold information from past useful posts like Bruno's tips/ posts about Virus Scanning under Linux etc etc. Anyone can add to it or edit it so it's ideal! We could have a section just for our favorite links (including one for the ATL forum of course ;o)).What do people think?If there's no free site where we can do this then I have some webspace where I might be able to set up a Wiki.Chris.


You make my head spin. :blink: Keep in mind that you can bookmark a thread and be able to go back and find it at any time. I have to think on all of these ideas for a bit.


Wiki, I like that idea... Anybody can edit the page and update it. Would make a lot less work for Bruno and Julia and others.I know this sounds crazy, but other than these forums, I really don't have any othe Linux sites I regularly go to. I tend to google (i.e. search) for whatever information I need or use Safari Bookshelf (a paid service) for reference. Well, I guess the first one is a website, sort of...http://google.com/linuxThe other website that I've found incredibly useful at times is MandrakeUser at:http://mandrakeuser.orgNot sure how up-to-date it is, but the nice thing about Linux is that a lot of things still work even years later. For downloading the "big" Distro's:http://linuxiso.org


By pure coinsidence I made a "universal" links list yesterday:Info on Major distro´s http://distrowatch.ghuug.org/dwres.php?resource=major From Windows To Linux http://www.jediknight.com/~smpoole/switchtolinux.html Linux Tips For Windows People http://www.jediknight.com/~smpoole/wintips.html Windows / Linux equivalents http://linuxshop.ru/linuxbegin/win-lin-soft-en/ The Linux Documentation Project ( tlpd ) Win-To-Lin-HOWTO: http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.html Best mirrors: ftp://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/ ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/ http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/os/linux/ Hardware Databases: http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi ( Printing )http://www.linuxcompatible.org/compatibility.html http://linuxresource.com/Hardware/index.phphttp://www.linmodems.org ( Linmodems )http://www.devidal.tv/~chris/winmodems/ ( Winmodems are no modems )http://www.linuxhardware.org/ http://www.linuxhardware.net/ http://hwdb.parisc-linux.org/http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/hardware.php3 ( Mandrake )http://hardware.redhat.com/hcl/?pagename=hcl ( RedHat )http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-e...1-Apr/2099.html ( SuSE )http://mailman.linuxtag.org/pipermail/debi...ber/001304.html ( Debian/Knoppix )Laptop: http://www.linux-laptop.org/ http://www.e-laptop.com/linux/http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Battery-PoweredALL important Linux Links: http://www.yolinux.com/ Linux Sound: http://linux-sound.org/ Cheap CD´s ( for those on dial-up ) http://cart.cheapbytes.com/cgi-bin/cart http://www.osheaven.net/ http://www.cheeplinux.com/ (UK) http://www.lankum.com/ (AUS) http://www.munnikes.nl/cd/ (NL) News: http://www.linuxpipeline.com/ http://www.linux.com/ http://www.newsforge.com/ http://linuxtoday.com/ http://www.justlinux.com/ http://slashdot.org/ http://freshmeat.net/ (software) http://thinkgeek.com http://www.osnews.com/ http://lwn.net/ Linux Counter http://counter.li.org/( I know I still have to organize it better and add a few more :blink: . . . . . will do ! :D ):w00t: Bruno


That's a pretty impressive list Bruno!


I will merge in other links posted in this thread and make it into a TIP . . . . :w00t::blink: Bruno


Or do folks want to be able to add to it themselves? Maybe add the links to a tip but keep this thread open for folks to add their latest finds?


Hey JasonThanks looks like a great place to get distro's and help the community.You guys might want to get the newer Mepis,,it's up to 2003.10.1 w/ .2 due out soon.....much better that 2003.08


BarryWas not the newer one a distro that had problems with it? My memory is fuzzy :blink: but I thought that was the one with errors.

You guys might want to get the newer Mepis,,it's up to 2003.10.1 w/ .2 due out soon.....much better that 2003.08
Thanks for the tip. Sometimes we have more recent distros (I have 2003.10 though I haven't tried it yet) but forget to update the page! d :blink:
[quote name='teacher' date='Jan 6 2004, 11:55 AM']I just laughed that they would consider Rute's to be porn. :huh:  Must have been someone that doesn't like Open Source. :([/quote]It's probably because of the word "man" or maybe "X" by itself or "kill" as in "kill-ing a process". I remember not being able to get my yahoo mail at a school I worked at because Yahoo was a "chat room" as far as it was concerned. Blocked all of the yahoo domain though I'm sure it could've just blocked chat.yahoo.com.
BarryWas not the newer one a distro that had problems with it?  My memory is fuzzy :huh: but I thought that was the one with errors.
Well, I think 2003.10 had some issues with some computers..but 10.1 has cleared a bunch of them up...I would believe 10.2 will do even better...I think now warren is into the grunt work of trying to make everything work ( especially the transiton from LiveCD to install...many of the issues I have read about in the mepis forum are Debian related and some are common with knoppix, others are just strange....But as a distro it has no more (or less) issues than any other that tries to be cutting edge...( and of course everybody is ready for the 2.6 kernel)I personally haven't had any issues with it from 2003.8

Since this is such a great idea, we pinned it so everyone will be able to find it. Of course that also means that it will not fade away so we have to behave ourselves and stay on topic <I know that is hard to do :huh: >.--Julia


This directory of Linux commands is from Linux in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition. Click on any of the 379 commands below to get a description and list of available options. All links in the command summaries point to the online version of the book on Safari Bookshelf.http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/http://www.onlamp.com/linux/cmd/Script to generate a system information summary for inventory, configuration, and system recovery.http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Ma...ystemInfoScriptps2pdf is a work-alike for nearly all the functionality (but not the user interface) of Adobe's AcrobatTM DistillerTM product: it converts PostScript files to Portable Document Format (PDF) files.http://stat.tamu.edu/doc/gs/Ps2pdf.htmIntroduction to Linuxhttp://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.htmlSven Guckes (homepage)http://www.guckes.net/

kuro5hin.orgA strange site with Linux connections, among many, many more.A spastic version of /.You tell me. :)

Hi JeberI had that link in the bookmarks for a long time . . but somehow found it hard to read, did not understand even 30% of what was written . . . . But I kept coming back to it because it seemed so interesting ( I like the cool subtitle: "technology and culture from the trenches" ).You native English speakers are lucky with a site like that ! ;)Okay time to add a new section:Tux: http://soli.inav.net/~dance/janehome.html ( Jane's Penguin Page ) http://old.lwn.net/Gallery/ ( The LWN Penguin Gallery ) http://johngalt.crosswinds.net/tux.htm ( The World Famous Tux Gallery ) http://www.sjbaker.org/tux/ ( A Complete History of Tux - so Far. ) http://tunes.org/~do/penguindex.html ( Linux Penguins on the web ) http://www.nd.edu/~ljordan/linux/contents.html ( Tux Gallery ) Icons: http://art.gnome.org/ http://www.gentoo.org/dyn/icons.xml http://www.digitalgarage.net/linux_icons.htm http://www.sadeem.net/tux.html http://www.kdelook.org Wallpapers: http://linuxcult.com/gallery/section.list....php?sectionid=6 ( LinuxCult Galery !!!! ) http://linuxart.com/dir/stuff/backgrounds/http://art.softshape.com/ http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/ http://www.deviantart.com/ http://www.deskmod.com/ http://www.artuproar.com/ http://www.customize.org/:) Bruno

Guest LilBambi

Some security related links for Linux users:Top 10 vulnerabilities for UNIX/Linux here:http://www.sans.org/top20/#threatsSome Root kit informational/educational articles, etc:http://www.linuxfocus.org/English/November...rticle263.shtmlhttp://linuxtoday.com/security/2000030101706SC(also see related stories; Tripwire, etc.)http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcen...2000_10_19.htmlHope this is what you meant Jason :)


In addition to the info Fran posted . . . . here is where you can get the FREE AV software: F-Prot AV for Linux http://www.f-prot.com/products/home_use/linux/ ( Read the docs ) And info on the chkrootkit software http://www.chkrootkit.org/ http://freshmeat.net/projects/chkrootkit/?topic_id=43 ( Most distro´s have rpm´s on the install CD´s, install it and simply run "chkrootkit" as root ) :) Bruno

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