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Title and description; says it all.I got to the /www.mandrakeclub.com/user.php?op=myBittorrent, page and clicked on the link and now have a icon in /home/mike180 mytorrent-mike180.torrent 160.2KB and don't know what to do with it.mike180 :lol: going crazy????

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Hi MikeThis page tells you where to get the bittorrent program and how to install it.

If you need an explanation on how to use and install BitTorrent please read these stories: test BitTorrent! and Setup BitTorrent on your Mandrake Linux and the associated comments
After installing it you can use the file you downloaded to get the three ISO´s.:blink: Bruno
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Thx Bruno & nilson, I thought it was installed, until I did; whereis. Nowhere! :lol: Did the install with gui interface and must say I am not a happy BitTorrent user. :thumbsup: :) More people need to stay online after download finishes. :) mike18012:45pm dl=30% 80hrs still left after 24hrs into dl.dl=download

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MikeYou´re not the only one that is unhappy with the bittorrent download Mandrake is offering . . . just read the +372 reactions on the club site . . . . people are getting "4 kb down and 15 kb UP on a 1500 DSL" . . . . with an estimate of 200 hours download . . . . . . . like I said before: read my lips, No Torrent for me !:thumbsup: Bruno

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MikeYou´re not the only one that is unhappy with the bittorrent download Mandrake is offering . . . just read the +372 reactions on the club site . . . . people are getting "4 kb down  and 15 kb UP on a 1500 DSL" . . . . with an estimate of 200 hours download . . .  . . . . like I said before: read my lips, No Torrent for me !:( Bruno
Gee that reminds me of turbolinux D/L....I checked out bit torrent too...was at 10kb..decided to wait on ISO...But soon it will be "Gentlemen (and Ladies) Start your Burners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:Also...I have yet to get a clean D/L with bit torrent...ones I have completed failed checksum B)
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Posting this info here:If after updating your freshly installed 9.2 your menu is messed up . . ( seems to happen in some cases ) the remedy is: $ update-menu( info from cooker )B) Bruno

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The patient ones will be rewarded . . I do hear the "Five Star" Mandrake 9.2 is a real winner . . .
I am patiently waiting. Those download times are enough to keep me waiting. I would rather have a nice clean download. Hopefully that will happen this weekend and all those folks that did the early download will have their ISO images and will leave the traffic for me!
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Maybe I should do the same! WinXP has crashed 4 times while running multiple task (Outlook,WinFastPVR, BitTorrent & IE).Anyway Torrent is back chugging along at 5kB/s and upload at 13 kB/s still 80hrs left, now at 31%. B) :( This is being posted from my Mandy machine which is at 10% and 109hrs left; but, it was not started until 2:00AM. :w00t: :( B) mike180Don't you just love it!!

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bit torrent, like gnutella, is a good idea but its not there yet. only if kazaa gets shuts down will it fly. basically, not enough users.try emule-project.net . it hooks to edonkey network, which has 1.5million peeps. i did a search and found over 300+ sources of mandrake 9.2 ISOs, so downloads should average about 20-40kb/s on that many sources.if you want a quick tutorial how to set it up, PM me.

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try emule-project.net  .  it hooks to edonkey network, which has 1.5million peeps.
Took a look and checked setup for LinkSys. I will pass thanks, I just don't like opening ports for any reason.
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Guest LilBambi

BitTorrent is a great way of downloading. It is peer-to-peer but you don't necessarily need BitTorrent software to use BitTorrent sources if they are supplied by a webpage.I recently downloaded a legally available program and one of the sources on the webpage was a link to a BitTorrent source. File came down nicely right from the webpage link.--OK ... we all know that Peer-to-Peer software is great! The whole concept is great! But we also all know that they can be and are often used to obtain illegal/illicit files. The RIAA, the DMCA and the press have made this abundantly clear. Therefore...Let's be very careful here. This is a good discussion about BitTorrent which is a great legal download source.Please keep in mind any discussion within SFNL Forums regarding any Peer-to-Peer networking software is to be taken as the ability to download any legitimately and legally available files (programs, distros, legal music, etc.) available through these networks.I think it is only fair to point out that any discussion about Peer-to-Peer networking should be open and above board and about the LEGAL use of these programs.The SFNL Forums PM (private messaging) service/system is a great way to communicate but should not be used for providing information about obtaining or how to obtain illegal/illicit files. If what you wish to say about Peer-to-Peer networking software does not fit within the Forum Rules and can not be said in the open forums, it should probably not be said at all using any SFNL Forums services/systems being provided in good faith to Members.SFNL Forums do not endorse or encourage the downloading of illegal files of any kind.Having said that, SFNL Forums are open to discussion about all kinds of software as long as it's legal and for legal use. Just be careful with this particular subject so we do not cause undo legal problems for Scot who has been so kind as to make these forums available to us.--It should also be noted that many of these Peer-to-Peer filesharing programs are loaded with network capable viruses/worms/trojan horses and any use of these programs can open your system to the introduction of these vulnerabilities as well as port vulnerabilities.Peer-to-Peer filesharing programs are on the Sans Top 10 Vulnerabilities for Windows users: SANS Top 10 Windows Vulnerabilities: W9 Windows Peer to Peer File Sharing (P2P)Ironically, it was not on the Top 10 List for Unix/Linux OSes.---Owyn, you are right ... many of the peer-to-peer networking programs require that you have a slew of ports available to them. That is one of the main reasons it is often not an option for many folks. They do not wish to leave their systems vulnerable just because they want to download a legitimate file.

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If we had a good server, I'd consider it, but even with just about 10 downloaders, our bandwidth is hurting... If I had 3 gigs of server space, I'd upload it myself for you all to download, but I don't think 20 megs will cut it.

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LilBambi, Your suggestion of inproprierty is; in my opinion, in bad taste; in this, the Linux forum. We work, to gain knoledge and understand OS not to steal; as others have claimed. :w00t: But seriously, an unnesessary post. And; I am sure, there were few, if any pm's on mule. (A perfectly legal p2p; in some cases, used improperly. By some!) Enjoy linux. Enjoy the day. Enjoy yourself :blink: . :( mike180

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Guest LilBambi

Mike,No worries ... it was a message of reminder, not suggestion that anyone was doing this.Just posted that particular information to forstall any discussion that would be over the line that might make the discussion in general not be able to continue.It was not a suggestion that anyone who had posted was doing that.

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