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Here is the thread for the new PCLos 2007 updates :D The first one is posted:Updates PCLos 2007 x11-driver-video-atiTotal 355 kB :thumbsup: BrunoPS: These are the generic xorg ati drivers . . . so even if you do not have an ATI card you will get this update ( but do not really need it )

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  • Bruno



Updates PCLos 2007 panTotal 1100 kB B) Bruno

  • 2 weeks later...

Updates PCLos 2007alsa-plugins alsa-utils alsaconf aoss cracklib-dicts galeon gimp libalsa-data libalsa-oss0 libalsa2 libcrack2libgimp2.0_0 libnss3 libqassistantclient1 libqt3 mozilla-firefox pan qt3testdisk libmozilla-firefox2.0.0.4 Total 43 MB :wub: Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007file gimp libdha1.0 libexif12 libgimp2.0_0 libmagic1 libpng3 mencoder mplayer mplayer-guiTotal 25.6 MB :hysterical: Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007gimp hdparm libgimp2.0_0 libmozilla-firefox2.0.0.4 libnspr4 libnss3 mozilla-firefoxTotal 29 MB B) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007kima libsmbclient0 mount-cifssamba-client samba-common samba-serverTotal 14.7 MB :thumbsup: Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007DoAsRoot cdrkit cdrkit-genisoimage cdrkit-isotools gutenprint-commongutenprint-cups gutenprint-escputil gutenprint-foomatic gutenprint-gimp2gutenprint-ijs keybled kima libgutenprint2 libgutenprintui2_1Total 7693 kB :thumbsup: Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007chkfontpath installation-help kmixautostart micmute redo-mbr searchmonkeytightvncTotal 1266 kB B) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007mpage yakuakeTotal 129 kB B) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007apt apt-common java-1.6.0-sun java-1.6.0-sun-alsa java-1.6.0-sun-fontsjava-1.6.0-sun-jdbc java-1.6.0-sun-plugin kalbum libalsa-data libalsa2libapt-pkg0 openoffice.org openoffice.org-kde openoffice.org-mimelnkopenoffice.org-ooqstart synapticTotal 168 MBB) Bruno

  • 2 weeks later...

Updates PCLos 2007arts devede k3b kaffeine kdeaddons kdeaddons-ark kdeaddons-konqimagegallerykdeaddons-metabar kdeaddons-searchbar kdeartwork kdeartwork-screensaver-glkdegraphics kdegraphics-kfax kdegraphics-kghostview kdegraphics-kpdfkdegraphics-ksnapshot kdegraphics-kuickshow kdegraphics-kviewkdegraphics-mrmlsearch kdelibs kdemultimedia kdemultimedia-kscd kdenetworkkdenetwork-kdict kdenetwork-kget kdenetwork-knewsticker kdenetwork-kopetekdenetwork-kppp kdenetwork-kppp-provider kdenetwork-krfb kdenetwork-lisakdeutils kdeutils-ark kdeutils-kcalc kdeutils-kdessh kdeutils-kdfkdeutils-kgpg kdeutils-kjots kdeutils-klaptop kdeutils-ktimerkdeutils-kwalletmanager kdeutils-superkaramba kjsembed ktorrent libarts1libfreetype6 libkjsembed1 libpcap0 libxine1 mozilla-thunderbird python-qtpython-sip yelpTotal 89.3 MBB) BrunoMaybe it is wise to reboot after getting these updates because of all the KDE related files that are replaced.


Updates PCLos 2007x11-data-cursor-themesTotal 740 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007xchatTotal 1323 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007smb4kTotal 1798 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007flash-player-plugin libfreetype6 libxine1Total 3088 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007k3b kdemoreartwork-activeheart kdemoreartwork-comix kdemoreartwork-coronakdemoreartwork-crystal-vista kdemoreartwork-kbcl kdemoreartwork-kblkdemoreartwork-kbml kdemoreartwork-klearlook kdemoreartwork-lunakdemoreartwork-lunametTotal 14.6 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007 ktorrentTotal 3328 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007 krusaderTotal 3234 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007dcraw ffmpeg gimp glib-gettextizeglib2.0-common libavformats50 libavutil49libffmpeg51 libgimp2.0_0 libglib2.0_0 libglib2.0_0-devel libglibmm2.4_1libkipi0 libnspr4 libnss3 mozplugger yelpTotal 21 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007gkrellmTotal 1110 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007gimp libgimp2.0_0Total 14.6 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007libnspr4 libnss3 libquicktime0 mozilla-thunderbirdTotal 17 MBB) Bruno

  • 3 weeks later...

Updates PCLos 2007apt apt-common console-tools dbus-x11 dvdauthor gettext-base gstreamer-artsgstreamer-audio-formats gstreamer-faac gstreamer-mad gstreamer-pluginsgstreamer-quicktime gstreamer-v4l2 gstreamer-vorbis gstreamer-x11 hal-infokdemultimedia kdemultimedia-kscd ldetect-lst libapr1 libapt-pkg0libavahi-common3 libavahi-core4 libavahi-glib1 libavahi-qt3_1 libbeagle0libconsole0 libdbus-1_3 libdbus-glib-1_2 libgimp2.0_0 libgpodlibgstreamer-plugins0.8 libintl3 libmad0 libmesaglu1 libmesaglut3 libpcap0libpoppler-qt1 libpoppler1 libtaglib0 libvorbis0 libvorbisenc2libvorbisfile3 mesa-demos mozilla-thunderbird openoffice.org-mimelnk panrsync synaptic yelpTotal 31.7 MBB) BrunoNOTE: My advise is to use apt-get for the updates: "# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"

  • 4 weeks later...

Updates PCLos 2007( A nice long list :) . . . and because there are many KDE packages I would advise to reboot after the updates )GConf2 alsa-plugins alsa-utils alsaconf at-spi busybox cups cups-common dkmsdkms-minimal esound frostwire gail gnome-mime-data gnome-vfs2 gtk+2.0kdegraphics kdegraphics-kfax kdegraphics-kghostview kdegraphics-kpdfkdegraphics-ksnapshot kdegraphics-kuickshow kdegraphics-kviewkdegraphics-mrmlsearch kdelibs kdemultimedia kdemultimedia-kscd kdenetwork kdenetwork-kdict kdenetwork-kget kdenetwork-knewsticker kdenetwork-kopetekdenetwork-kppp kdenetwork-kppp-provider kdenetwork-krfb kdenetwork-lisakdeutils kdeutils-ark kdeutils-kcalc kdeutils-kdessh kdeutils-kdfkdeutils-kgpg kdeutils-kjots kdeutils-klaptop kdeutils-ktimerkdeutils-kwalletmanager kdeutils-superkaramba libGConf2_4 libalsa-datalibalsa2 libart_lgpl2 libat-spi0 libbonobo libbonobo2_0 libbonobouilibbonoboui2_0 libcups2 libdha1.0 libesound0 libgail18 libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0libgnome-vfs2_0 libgnome2 libgnome2_0 libgnomecanvas2_0 libgnomeui2libgnomeui2_0 libgtk+-x11-2.0_0 libgtk+2.0_0 libmjpegtools1.8 libnspr4libnss3 libxvid4 mencoder mjpegtools mozilla-thunderbird mplayer mplayer-guiremasterme vim-X11 vim-common vim-enhanced vim-minimal vpncTotal 107 MBB) BrunoBecause there are many KDE packages I would advise to reboot after the updates )

  • 2 weeks later...

Updates PCLos 2007GConf2 ORBit2 dbus-x11 glib-gettextize glib2.0-common gnome-desktopgnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gnome-themes gtk+2.0 gtk-engines2java-1.6.0-sun java-1.6.0-sun-alsa java-1.6.0-sun-fonts java-1.6.0-sun-jdbcjava-1.6.0-sun-plugin libGConf2_4 libORBit2_0 libdbus-1_3 libgail-gnomelibgdk_pixbuf2.0_0 libglade2.0_0 libglib2.0_0 libglib2.0_0-devellibgnome-desktop-2_2 libgnome-keyring0 libgnome-menu2libgnome-window-settings1 libgnomeprint libgnomeprint2-2_0 libgnomeprintuilibgnomeprintui2-2_0 libgtk+-x11-2.0_0 libgtk+2.0_0 libmetacity-private0libpanel-applet-2_0 libpango1.0_0 libpango1.0_0-modules librsvg librsvg2_2libvte9 libwnck libwnck-1_18 openoffice.org-mimelnk pango pclinuxos-mimesynaptic tar update-alternatives vte yelpTotal 57.4 MBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007e2fsprogs fontconfig fonts-ttf-dejavu iputils libext2fs2 libfontconfig1libnspr4 libnss3 libqassistantclient1 libqt3 qt3 smb4k tvtime xchat xtermTotal 1569 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007putty searchmonkey tightvncTotal 2195 kBB) Bruno

  • 2 weeks later...

Updates PCLos 2007dcraw frostwire less libgnutls13 mozplugger mplayerplugin ruby yakuakeyelpTotal 11.8 MBB) Bruno

warning: /etc/mozpluggerrc saved as /etc/mozpluggerrc.rpmsavewarning: /etc/mozpluggerrc.default created as /etc/mozpluggerrc.default.rpmnew

Updates PCLos 2007libexif12Total 254 kBB) Bruno


Updates PCLos 2007desktop-common-dataTotal 42.8 kBB) Bruno

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