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Zorin OS


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I'm pretty much a Mint user but just read an article about Zorin OS.  There is a paid version but, for now, I'm trying the free one.  Anyone have any opinions about it?  So far, I don't see much difference between it and Mint.

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43 minutes ago, securitybreach said:

Corrine posted a nice article about it in this forum section the other day


That appears to be the same article I read.  😉  But the Windows support is based on Wine, and I prefer running Windows apps in Vbox, so I didn't install the Zorin Windows support app.

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In my dotage I have adopted the "Horses for Courses" model where I run 3 different OSs:

  • Windows 11 on a fairly recent desktop and laptop.
  • ChromeOS on a Chromebook (mostly for the grandkids.)
  • Linux on everything else - old laptops and desktops.

I don't see the need for emulation or VMs except in the case of cloud data servers. Never have liked Wine and now I just don't use VBox any longer.

I am still distro hopping to an extent but Mint, Debian and Arch keep me engaged and happy.

Zorin is likely a nice distro but for me it is a solution in search of a problem. For any new user who wants to try out Linux I would just install Mint.





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