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V.T. Eric Layton

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V.T. Eric Layton

Well, this is how my day went yesterday (013123). I was just boppin' around the Internets when all of a sudden my display started doing things that made me think I was having acid flashback (and I've never done acid). Then...





I powered down, waited a few minutes and then restarted. What the hey... it fixes electronics stuff quite often; not this time, though. System booted up in CLI fine, but could not $startx (in Slackware)... screen0 errors nor would MS Windows or even Porteus boot to graphic stage. There were notices to read fail xorg.0.log. Log says "GPU issue". Oh, goody. This was an Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 vid card that was gifted (you know who you are) to me back in 2016 when I built ericsbane07. I guess it decided it didn't want to go on any longer.


I thought my 'puterin' and Internettin' daze were done. I even texted a few folks that I had on my phone to have them let my online friends know that I was done.... and probably wouldn't be online for some indefinite, possibly long, period.


BUT... but... I decided to tinker around today. I was at first thinking of pulling the power supply out of this no-vid machine and installing it in my shop system (ericsshop02 - previously ericsbane05) that had no working PSU. I could then bring that older machine in here and have 'puter/Internets again. However, and even better solution was provided by the fact that I had a previous vid card (Nvdia GeForce 450GTS) from that old shop system that was working but could not be used in the shop computer due to a bad PCIe socket on that motherboard. I had been using the onboard vid when I demoted that system to the shop. Note also: Unfortunately, ericsbane07 (current system) does not have onboard vid capabilities., so that wasn't an option.


So, I'm back up and among the living(dead) here on the Internets once again. YAY! I didn't even have to reinstall Nvidia drivers; the ones I had installed in Slackware and MS Windows for the dead vid card are working fine and dandy on the downgrade vid card.


Life is good! Now, if only I could afford to pay my Internet service provider and my electric bill this month. I might avoid "going dark" again. ;)

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My old C2D system has a GTX560Ti. It would reliably freeze the computer every couple of days with Nvidia drivers but worked perfectly with Nouveau.

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Now, is that a sledge hammer or a maul? Or maybe some sort

of axe? Someone should axe him about that... Guess it's a little

too big to put in the trash masher? :rolleyes:




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V.T. Eric Layton

Straight handle on it... probably a 16 lb sledge. That's the tool I would use. :)







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