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updating a 17 inch Mac Book PRO


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2012 or 2013. Asking for a co-worker.

No seriously, I know next to nothing about Mac Books other than repairing them is a rip off.


Anyway, is there a way to update the OS from OS X 10.5 to at least 10.11 ?

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From what I recall, up to 8GB (Early 2011 Model) or 16GB (Late 2011 Model) of RAM can be installed based on the model, as well as any 2.5" SATA SSD or HDD. It does take a bit of work to unscrew everything and then remove the appropriate cabling to get at the various components. No idea about whether the wireless network card is upgradable.


As far as for upgrading the OS goes, reportedly macOS 10.13 is the latest version they will run, but it is not clear is all feature of the OS will work.




Aryeh Goretsky

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