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V.T. Eric Layton

Hmm... I just see the blank white Youtube video placeholder...


Flashblock disabled


AdBlock disabled


Click&Clean disabled




I don't understand. I see embedded youtoob vids on other sites just fine. :(


Worked for me with Adblock enabled (not using Flashblock or Click&Clean).

Had to tell Noscript to "allow this page".


If you thought cartoon mating dragons was objectionable....You might have censored it. :devil:

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...



<iframe src="https://player.vimeo...e=0&portrait=0" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

<p><a href="https://vimeo.com/14.../145717887">The Short Story of a Fox and a Mouse</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/ke.../ke...r">Kévin Roger</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">V...>Vimeo</a>.</p>


Nope, that doesn't work.



  • Like 1
V.T. Eric Layton

Nope. Sure didn't.


I still don't understand why this board is the ONLY site online where I cannot EVEN SEE embedded YouTube vids. Strange.


Well it has to do with something in linux because those of us running Windows see the embedded videos with no problem.

Posted (edited)

Well it has to do with something in linux because those of us running Windows see the embedded videos with no problem.


Likewise, w/ Win 10 & Firefox 55.0.3 (64-bit)....

At the top of Sunrat's post (# 4) I see some html that looks like he's trying to make a couple of IFrames, followed by an a href paragraph, followed by the words "Nope, that doesn't work."


Below that, is a video, that's being blocked by my "noscript" browser add-on. If I tell noscript to "allow this page" it will play.


By clicking "quote" to see what he typed. The working video appears to be nested in "media" forum code.


I can't speak for the administrators of this forum, but back when "dunning forums" were popular, we avoided a lot of mischief by blocking html in posts.

Edited by Pete!
  • Like 1
V.T. Eric Layton

The ONLY browser I have on this system that can "see" embedded vids here at Scot's is Seamonkey. Neither FF nor Pale Moon show anything but a 3" x 5" or so blank image holder that when right-clicked just shows my adobe flash settings.




I've tested this with ALL addons and plugins disabled in FF. Still just shows the above. :(

V.T. Eric Layton

This is what the board's software actually creates when you embed a video here (source taken from Roger's post above):


<object height="[url=""]390[/url]" width="[url=""]640[/url]"><param name="[url=""]movie[/url]" value="[url=""]http://youtube.com/v/gZyjJtBIlow?version=3[/url]">
<param name="[url=""]wmode[/url]" value="[url=""]transparent[/url]"><param name="[url=""]allowFullScreen[/url]" value="[url=""]true[/url]">
<param name="[url=""]allowscriptaccess[/url]" value="[url=""]always[/url]">
<embed src="[url="view-source:http://youtube.com/v/gZyjJtBIlow?version=3"]http://youtube.com/v/gZyjJtBIlow?version=3[/url]" type="[url=""]application/x-shockwave-flash[/url]" wmode="[url=""]transparent[/url]"
allowscriptaccess="[url=""]always[/url]" allowfullscreen="[url=""]true[/url]" height="[url=""]390[/url]" width="[url=""]640[/url]"></object>


So, what's different about Scot's and say my board at ProBoards, for example?


Here's the source from an embedded video at my board:


<iframe title="[url=""]YouTube video player[/url]" src="[url="view-source:http://www.youtube.com/embed/oxHnRfhDmrk?wmode=
transparent&start=0"]//www.youtube.com/embed/oxHnRfhDmrk?wmode=transparent&start=0[/url]" allowfullscreen="[url=""]1[/url]" frameborder="[url=""]0[/url]" height="[url=""]349[/url]" width="[url=""]560[/url]"></iframe>


Hmm... very different. The second one (at my board) is very simplistic and does not use param values. Well, that may be a hint as to what's going on here. :shrug3:

V.T. Eric Layton



I can watch it too, if I copy the raw vid url, but embedded vid does not work for me. :(


The first part of my above message was testing to see if Vimeo could be embedded. That's what didn't work. When I tested the YouTube video (with the http tweak) it worked fine. In Firefox in Linux.

Lately I've been getting the latest Flash directly from Adobe, extracting it and putting libflashplayer.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins. Works every time whereas the old automatic packages like flashplugin-nonfree are currently broken.

  • Like 1

I'm running Palemoon v 27.4.2 on a Win 32 computer and can see and play YT and Vimeo.

In noscript, I've allowed scottsnewsletter.com , google.com and youtube.com

V.T. Eric Layton

Meh... embedded vids issues at Scot's are NOT high on my priority list right now.

Posted (edited)

You guys obviously solved whatever YouTube video embedment problem.

Good job! I watched both videos.




P.S. Vimeo? I dunno... web pages have gotten waaaaay too complicated...

Edited by Cluttermagnet
V.T. Eric Layton

Hasn't been solved for me, but I'm special. :)

V.T. Eric Layton

Hey! I just noticed something.... Now I can see the embedded box, but it has an image and a notice that YouTube no longer supports flash-embedded videos. Well, that's an improvement over the blank white space in these posts. ;)


Clutter... Vimeo's nothing new. It's been around since 2004.



  • 4 months later...



This has Codecs 243/opus (251) according to debug info.

243		  webm	   640x360    360p  379k , vp9, 24fps, video only, 4.45MiB
251		  webm	   audio only DASH audio  114k , opus @160k, 1.90MiB

Check if you are able to play those. Works fine for me in Firefox Quantum 58.0


Plays fine in Palemoon 27.7.2

I don't know a thing about codec 243 or optus 251.


I don't know a thing about codec 243 or optus 251.

vp9 is the new open video codec from Google - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VP9

opus is the new open audio codec from Xiph.org who also developed FLAC and Ogg - http://opus-codec.org/

WebM is the new open media container format - https://www.webmproject.org/about/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebM

These are open, free alternatives to the proprietary HEVC H.265, AAC, and mp4.


When I say "new", WebM has been around for 8 years and VP9 for 5.

V.T. Eric Layton

This is what I see...




It plays fine when I actually go to YouTube, though.


Firefox ESR 45.9.0


But it's not a Flash embedded video. It's HTML5. Maybe a Flash version is still available but it shouldn't default to that. youtube-dl shows these formats are available:

roger@siduction-brain2:~$ youtube-dl -F http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOd4-T_p5fA
[youtube] aOd4-T_p5fA: Downloading webpage
[youtube] aOd4-T_p5fA: Downloading video info webpage
[youtube] aOd4-T_p5fA: Extracting video information
[info] Available formats for aOd4-T_p5fA:
format code extension resolution note
249		 webm	 audio only DASH audio 49k , opus @ 50k, 847.08KiB
250		 webm	 audio only DASH audio 62k , opus @ 70k, 1.04MiB
171		 webm	 audio only DASH audio 96k , vorbis@128k, 1.62MiB
251		 webm	 audio only DASH audio 114k , opus @160k, 1.90MiB
140		 m4a	 audio only DASH audio 127k , m4a_dash container, mp4a.40.2@128k, 2.30MiB
160		 mp4	 256x144 144p 78k , avc1.4d400c, 24fps, video only, 893.95KiB
278		 webm	 256x144 144p 96k , webm container, vp9, 24fps, video only, 1.54MiB
133		 mp4	 426x240 240p 181k , avc1.4d4015, 24fps, video only, 1.81MiB
242		 webm	 426x240 240p 195k , vp9, 24fps, video only, 2.15MiB
243		 webm	 640x360 360p 379k , vp9, 24fps, video only, 4.45MiB
134		 mp4	 640x360 360p 405k , avc1.4d401e, 24fps, video only, 3.84MiB
244		 webm	 854x480 480p 695k , vp9, 24fps, video only, 7.98MiB
135		 mp4	 854x480 480p 776k , avc1.4d401e, 24fps, video only, 7.54MiB
136		 mp4	 1280x720 720p 1250k , avc1.4d401f, 24fps, video only, 12.13MiB
247		 webm	 1280x720 720p 1343k , vp9, 24fps, video only, 11.15MiB
137		 mp4	 1920x1080 1080p 1832k , avc1.640028, 24fps, video only, 20.23MiB
248		 webm	 1920x1080 1080p 2322k , vp9, 24fps, video only, 16.27MiB
17		 3gp	 176x144 small , mp4v.20.3, mp4a.40.2@ 24k
36		 3gp	 320x180 small , mp4v.20.3, mp4a.40.2
43		 webm	 640x360 medium , vp8.0, vorbis@128k
18		 mp4	 640x360 medium , avc1.42001E, mp4a.40.2@ 96k
22		 mp4	 1280x720 hd720 , avc1.64001F, mp4a.40.2@192k (best)


The 243/251 version is what my browser shows for this video.

Firefox ESR 45.9.0
Why such an old version?

I have FF ESR 52.6 on Win XP and 7. Version 52 ESR came out in June 2017 and will be supported through August 2018.

V.T. Eric Layton
Firefox ESR 45.9.0
Why such an old version?

I have FF ESR 52.6 on Win XP and 7. Version 52 ESR came out in June 2017 and will be supported through August 2018.


Slackware... old and staid. ;)

V.T. Eric Layton

I've had embedded YouTube issues on this (and ONLY this) forum for a couple years already. I've gotten used to it.

  • 2 years later...
V.T. Eric Layton

YouTube auto-embedding test...



V.T. Eric Layton

YAY! It worked. :)

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