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is there a pretty good alternative to itunes?

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Hello ppl,


I see so many articles on which s/w is better than itunes etc...which leads me to wonder which would be the best alternative to itunes?

When I was using Iphones and Ipads on a Windows PC, I found that itunes s/w was bloated and slow and resource heavy. And nothing really improved with each successive release. On a Mac, obviously I didn't find any such isssue.


But I am using windows 10 now and have an iphone 7 plus. Could anyone please tell me if there is a good alternative to itunes that would let me move audios, videos, pics etc from pc-iphone and vice-versa, manage files/folders and not be too resource heavy or a pain to download/start the app?


Thanks in advance,



Unfortunately as far as I know, if you use an apple product, you must use iTunes.


You can use VLC to play stuff in Windows but as far as buying and managing music with Apple iTunes I have to agree with Josh. It's all part of a closed ecosystem. There are decent Linux alternatives like Rhythmbox, Banshee, Amarok and the new Elisa.

Right now I have gotten away from MP3s and I stream with Spotify. If you get a paid subscription I believe you can download and store music but again you are tied into the Spotify client. Fortunately that works well in Linux, Windows, Android and I assume in the Apple universe.


Unfortunately as far as I know, if you use an apple product, you must use iTunes.


Not true.


Quite some years ago I fitted up my niece with a live version of linux, not sure now which,possibly kanotix or anti-x. This was because her works laptop was locked down and she could not install any programs.

She wanted to manage her iTunes stuff and I found that Amarok would allow her to do what she needed. Not sure exactly waht she wanted to do but she was happy with the set up.



  • Like 1

Thanks guys for your responses! I guess Ill look into this Amarok thingy. If it doesnt work out, Itunes it is!




I don't have any iPhone or iPad, so am not very familiar with managing their media collections, but you might want to try one of the following programs:

Hopefully, one of them will meet your needs.




Aryeh Goretsky

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V.T. Eric Layton

Gosh! I just happened to read you signature just now. I apologize if I ever replied to you anywhere here referring to you as "Larry" on the assumption (should never do that) that you were a boy type person.


Besides, we need more girl type members here. I am always impressed with ladies who are interested in computers, Internet, etc. and will make the effort to understand it. You've come to the right place. We have smart ladies and fellows here to help. :)

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I've been using CopyTrans for years whenever I've been asked to help people with their Crapple products lol ;) . goretsky provided a link above.


I despise iTunes.

  • Like 3

Hmm... I have tried amarok on my ipod and it is pretty good for all the music on it. But, I have gone for copytrans for the iphone. It is very light, quicker download, simple ui no bs. :) Thank you all (raymac, barbarian, goretsky, davey and laytoN!)once again for all your inputs. I so dreaded the idea of downloading itunes.


Gosh! I just happened to read you signature just now. I apologize if I ever replied to you anywhere here referring to you as "Larry" on the assumption (should never do that) that you were a boy type person.

Ha! nah, you didnt call me larry but yeah you might have thought that I were indeed not a girl. :) And its OK.

And **** yeah, I have come to the right place with you experts about... a girl has to understand or atleast try to understand that no piece of code/machine can get the better of her!

  • Like 5
V.T. Eric Layton

Oh, noes... she called us "experts". We'll have to live up to that now. :th_0140:

  • Like 3
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, noes... she called us "experts". We'll have to live up to that now. :th_0140:

Ex is a has-been, and spurt is a drip under pressure. Easy enough to live up to that. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

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