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Mandrake Update Error Message


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When I try to Mdk Update (security updates) for files including libxfree86 or xfree86 -- I get the following error.Conflicts with file from fgirx-4.3.0_3.11.1Should I be concerned?Thanks!

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Hi RakemupCould you give this command ( as root ):

# urpmi.update -a --wget && urmpi --auto-select --wget

In the end you will get a list ( or only a few ) packages with a question "Y/N" . . . Say N there for the moment but please post what you see on the screen here on the forum ( last 20 lines ):thumbsup: Bruno

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performing second pass to compute dependenciesexamining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.Installation CD 1 (x86) (cdrom1).cz]built hdlist synthesis file for medium "Installation CD 1 (x86) (cdrom1)"examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2).cz]built hdlist synthesis file for medium "Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2)"examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.Installation CD 3 (x86) (cdrom3).cz]built hdlist synthesis file for medium "Installation CD 3 (x86) (cdrom3)"examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.contrib_ftp.nluug.nl_i586_10.0Official.cz]examining hdlist file [/var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.update_source.cz]built hdlist synthesis file for medium "update_source"found 0 headers in cacheremoving 0 obsolete headers in cachewrite config file [/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg]To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (85 MB):XFree86-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586XFree86-server-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586XFree86-xfs-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586libxfree86-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586libxfree86-devel-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586Is this OK? (Y/n) n

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Okay that looks good up to now . . . now we take the next step, do the command again and this time say Y . . . . . it will either start downloading /installing . . . or first give a message that something eles has to be removed Y/N before it can proceed: in that case say N ( not yet remove and post again. If ( 3rd option ) it starts downloading installing and it gives an error message in the end I want to see why and what the conflicting package is.So little baby steps, just to be careful and have it all documented on the forum ( we have packages and version numbers to restore what might go wrong ) But we should be able to solve this . . probably we will have do download and rpm somewhere and install it manually before we can do the updates you listed above . . we only have to know exactly wich rpm. The same tactics I often have to apply on my cooker install and it always turns out okay :thumbsup: ( FYI: On my install all the packages you listed are installed ):) Bruno

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To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (85 MB):XFree86-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586XFree86-server-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586XFree86-xfs-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586libxfree86-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586libxfree86-devel-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586Is this OK? (Y/n) Yinstalling /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/libxfree86-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586.rpm /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/XFree86-server-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586.rpm /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/XFree86-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586.rpm /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/libxfree86-devel-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586.rpm /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/XFree86-xfs-4.3-32.2.100mdk.i586.rpmPreparing... ##################################################Installation failed: file /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 from install of libxfree86-4.3-32.2.100mdk conflicts with file from package fglrx-4.3.0-3.11.1

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Now please do

# rpm -q fglrx

So we are sure about that package . . . . . I think you will not need that one . . . What kind of graphic card do you have ?B) Bruno

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[root@localhost tc]# rpm -q fglrxfglrx-4.3.0-3.11.1but I still get this error ...Installation failed: file /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2 from install of libxfree86-4.3-32.2.100mdk conflicts with file from package fglrx-4.3.0-3.11.1graphics card is an ATI radeon 9500 Pro

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An ATI card :sweatingbullets: . . .we have a problem :rolleyes: . . . . . . . and do you use the ATI 3D drivers ???See the fglrx-4.3.0-3.11.1 is related to the ATI card . . . if we remove it you will have no 3D accelleration and it will just behave like a "normal" graphic card . . . . The only way to update the XFree packages is to remove the fglrx-4.3.0-3.11.1 first . . . but there is no way to reinstall the fglrx after that. . . . . We can however remove the fglrx . . . wait with the updates . . see how you like it without fglrx . . . . . and if you like it we do the updates . . If however you do NOT like it we re-install the fglrx-4.3.0-3.11.1 and forget about the updates . . . You decide . . . B) Bruno

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Wait another minute . . . . I see Thacs has updated ATI kernels . . we might be able to work out a trick . . . Add the following source:

urpmi.addmedia thacs.rpms http://rpm.nyvalls.se/10.0/RPMS with hdlist.cz

Ahnd then try to run the update command again and see if it picks up the new needed fglrx . . . . . Crossing fingers !!B) Bruno

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let's remove itI'm thinking that 3D acceleration only comes into play when playing games like Quake -- which I never play. I do run dual monitors and occasionally run a TV program --- but these do not use 3D. Correct?

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Before we remove it I do have another question though . . . . is this a download edition or a pre-pack ( bought ) version of Mandrake 10 ? Because the download does not have the "real" ATI drivers but generic ones . . . . also I would like to know if it is the download version: did you get the ATI-kernel ( same number as default ) from the Thacs site installed ( that one has the "real" ATI-drivers.See, we do not want to loose X just for the few days that are left till the new 10.1 version comes on the mirrors . . and the 10.1 no longer makes use of XFree but made the switch to Xorg ( where these problems no longer exist );) Bruno

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Hi RakemupYou know what ? . . Let's go for it . . . according to the info I get from other ATI users you can do without fglrxSo here is the plan: open The MCC Softwaremanagement --> Remove ==> fglrx ! . . And then do the updates ( Just the way you want them to do, in the MCC or on the commandline like we did yesterday with "urpmi.update -a --wget && urmpi --auto-select --wget" )After that reboot . . and start singing out loud crossing your fingers . . :D :( . . . . . . . ( . . . . now imagine disaster strikes and you do not have X but you get a prompt in a text console: log in as "root" ( not "su" ) and type XFdrake ( capital X and F, the rest in small characters ) . . and you get a tool to reconfigure X . . after that reboot and start singing again ;) . . . louder ! . . .B) :) ;) )Go for it ! . . . Don worry . . . I am right here ! B) :DB) Bruno

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You can always add fglrx in afterwards. I don' thave it running right now in the distro I am in and everything is fine. Gears runs a little slow is all.

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I did remove fglrx --- and everything is fine after using XFdrake. I now have all of the updates installed -- and feel much better :D fyi -- I do use a downloaded 10.0 --- but I'm gonna splurge for the powerpack soon. That way maybe I can answer some of my own questions. :D THANKS AGAIN!

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Wait for the next release. :D I think you will be fine to add the fglrx back in. It seems to me I had to do something like that once but it is great in Mandrake now. There was a time about 3 or 4 months ago when fglrx seemed to break every distro but that appears to be fixed at this point.

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Glad all went well Rakemup !!! Hurray !!( I asked about the boxed version because then you would have the official ATI-drivers, those are not "free software" and thus not included in the download edition . . . however you can always download a few weeks after the release from Thacs . . . . . So: In the case you would have the official drivers we had to make sure we could get a replacement ):D Bruno

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