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Hi I hope someone can help me see what I am doing wrong. I am trying to burn a ISO image.This is on a Mandrake 9.1 system.

[root@crowshaven Mandrake10]# lsMandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.isoMandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD2.i586.isoMandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD3.i586.isoMandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download.md5.asc[root@crowshaven Mandrake10]# cdrecord --scanbusCdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg SchillingLinux sg driver version: 3.1.24Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'scsibus0:        0,0,0     0) 'SONY    ' 'CD-RW  CRX100E  ' '1.0j' Removable CD-ROM        0,1,0     1) 'IOMEGA  ' 'ZIP 100         ' '13.A' Removable Disk        0,2,0     2) *        0,3,0     3) *        0,4,0     4) *        0,5,0     5) *        0,6,0     6) *        0,7,0     7) *[root@crowshaven Mandrake10]# cdrecord dev-O,O,O Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.isocdrecord: No such file or directory. No read access for 'dev-O,O,O'.[root@crowshaven Mandrake10]# cdrecord dev-0.0,0 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.isocdrecord: No such file or directory. No read access for 'dev-0.0,0'.

I have checked the md5's and they are perfect. I also found CDR 800mb. And that is what I am trying to record to. I also have GCombust ,K3b , and Gnome Toaster burning software.The only ones of these that I have ever got to run was Gnome Toaster.But the last time I ran it. It crashed the system (complete lock up,with key board flashing). So anyways. I hope someone can help. ;) Atiustira


atiustira,Try this:

cdrecord -v -eject speed=16 dev=0,0,0 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.iso
Make sure you set the correct path to the ".iso" file. B) (I think you put a "-" instead of "=" & "O" instead of "0" ;) )

Thank you quint ;) That did the trick! I will let you know if I get a coaster. Ok.Takes a while on this 4x Burner. Once again Thank you very much B) Atius


Darn! A coaster. It looked like it worked. Here is the terminal print out

[tony@crowshaven Mandrake10]$ suPassword:[root@crowshaven Mandrake10]# cdrecord -v -eject speed=16 dev=0,0,0 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.isoCdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg SchillingTOC Type: 1 = CD-ROMscsidev: '0,0,0'scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'atapi: 1Device type    : Removable CD-ROMVersion        : 0Response Format: 1Vendor_info    : 'SONY    'Identifikation : 'CD-RW  CRX100E  'Revision       : '1.0j'Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).Driver flags   : MMC SWABAUDIOSupported modes: TAO PACKET SAODrive buf size : 1040128 = 1015 KBFIFO size      : 4194304 = 4096 KBTrack 01: data   694 MBTotal size:      797 MB (79:03.28) = 355746 sectorsLout start:      798 MB (79:05/21) = 355746 sectorsCurrent Secsize: 2048  ATIP start of lead in:  -14892 (96:43/33)  ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)Disk type:    unknown dye (reserved id code)Manuf. index: -1Manufacturer: unknown (not in table)Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 4103Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in real TAO mode for single session.Last chance to quit, starting real write    0 seconds. Operation starts.Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.Performing OPC...Starting new track at sector: 0Track 01:  694 of  694 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf  99%]   4.1x.Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 728563712/728563712 (355744 sectors).Writing  time: 1191.209sAverage write speed   4.0x.Min drive buffer fill was 99%Fixating...cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: no errorCDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0Sense Code: 0x02 Qual 0x00 (no seek complete) Fru 0x0Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)cmd finished after 93.414s timeout 480scmd finished after 93.414s timeout 480sFixating time:   93.419scdrecord: fifo had 11476 puts and 11476 gets.cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 11398 times full, min fill was 90%.[root@crowshaven Mandrake10]#

The CDR Medium I am trying to burn on is from here.http://www.DVD-Supply.com/90mincdr48x.htmlI hope it is ok to put the link. I am not affiliated with them. And it figures I bought them a week ago for 59.99 ;) Just trying to provide as much info as possible. Atius


atiustira,Have you tried using a different CD disk to write to, like a 700 MB 80 Minute CD-R. I use K3b for all of my burning and have not had any problems using it instead of the command line.Mel :'(


Hi Thanks for the replyI dont have any 700MB cdr media. But I do have 650mb Memorex CDR.I tried burning a different ISO. It is supposed tobe a live CD type with security apps on it. I got it from.http://www.networksecuritytoolkit.org/nst/welcome.htmlI tried to burn it with K3b to a 650mb CDR. But K3b crashed(froze the whole OS with blinking keyboard lights).And the cd I was trying to write stuck in the drive. With no way to input anything from the keyboard.When I rebooted I wound up with a (could not validate partition). And it hung there. I figured out to remove the cd I was trying to write from the hard drive.Then I was able to boot into a GUI. But now I have super mounted CD-ROM mounted at /mnt/cdrom3 and a Hard Disc (cd)(not mounted) super mounted on my desktop. I dont think either of these exist.I like working from a terminal. I enjoy watching the commands roll by. When it works right (I give it the right input). But it can be a real bear when things dont work out right. K3b looks like a great app also and there are even short cuts from drop down menus in Mandrake 9.1. Which could be a great convience. But I have'nt been able to get it to work for me.I like the simplicity of doing it from a terminal. And would like to be able to use K3b also. But mostly. Just want to be ablre to burn my Mandrake ISO"s Thanks :'( Atius

cdrecord -v -eject speed=16 dev=0,0,0 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.iso
Then you said-> Takes a while on this 4x Burner.You can't burn at 16x on a 4 x burner, as you found out.Same with the CD-R size, you can not put more data on a CD-R than it is designed to hold.So when the .iso is over 650 megs you will need a CD-R that will hold more data, like 700 megs.You need to adjust the speed argument-> speed=16 to speed=4 for a 4x burner.
cdrecord -v -eject speed=4 dev=0,0,0 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.iso

Hi AtiusLooks like the only problem left is that you have 700 MB ISO's and only 650 MB CD's . . . . Let us know what happens when you have the correct sized CD's :'(:'( Bruno


Hi again and thanks to Quint,mhbell,Dard and Bruno :DSorry for the confusion. I have both the 650's and the 800mb CDR media.I used the 800's to try and burn the Mandrake ISO.And the 650 to try and burn the nst-1.0.4.iso.The terminal output above shows the burner running at about 4X .That is the normal speed for the Sony CRX100E. And that drive is capableof burning 800mb CD's. I have done it before in win98SE. With that drive.I tried burning the Mandrake ISO again with the command that Dard provided.Designating the 4X Speed. But still does'nt work.(I can see the burn on the CD) But When I try to read the disk through the super mount link on the desktop. I see devices:/nonmntcdrom2 then file:/mnt/cdrom2 with a popup window that says Could not enter directory /mnt/cdrom2. Atiusttira


I don't think your 800mb media will work in that old 4x drive. It is beyound it ablility to write.

That is the normal speed for the Sony CRX100E. And that drive is capableof burning 800mb CD's. I have done it before in win98SE. With that drive.
Have you ever filled a disc to capacity in windows? It might be that the version of cdrecord in linux may not support the large discs.

Hi AtiusWhat if you shorten the command, just for testing:

cdrecord dev=0,0,0 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.iso

And maybe use a smaller ISO for testing . . . . ( you could make a rescue.iso, that one is only a few MBs, see here: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...14&t=503&st=220 ) . . . so you can use your 650 MB CDs for that . . . Also, is your Drake updated ? I do not like that fact that K3b crashes on you so badly . . .:'( BrunoPS: With the short command the speed will be set automatically :'(


Tried it again with the shorter command.

[tony@crowshaven Mandrake10]$ suPassword:[root@crowshaven Mandrake10]# cdrecord dev=0,0,0 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.isoCdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg Schillingscsidev: '0,0,0'scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'Device type    : Removable CD-ROMVersion        : 0Response Format: 1Vendor_info    : 'SONY    'Identifikation : 'CD-RW  CRX100E  'Revision       : '1.0j'Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).Driver flags   : MMC SWABAUDIOSupported modes: TAO PACKET SAOStarting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in real TAO mode for single session.Last chance to quit, starting real write    0 seconds. Operation starts.Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 728563712/728563712 (355744 sectors).cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: no errorCDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0Sense Code: 0x02 Qual 0x00 (no seek complete) Fru 0x0Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)cmd finished after 93.273s timeout 480scmd finished after 93.273s timeout 480s[root@crowshaven Mandrake10]#

Still not a readable disc. Does any one know what Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid) Is trying to tell me? Or Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0 ?I don't understand these but it looks like maybe they relate to the problem?Or maybe Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.Thanks for the reply nlinecomputers (It is starting to look like it is beyond the ability of the Sony drive to be able to write a CD that big in linux.Thanks for the reply ross549. I have written a back up disc that big in win.It does look like cdrecord in linux is having problems with the 800mb discs.Has any one else written these Mandrake 10 ISO's and if so what CDR media did they use? If I may ask please.Thanks for the reply Bruno. Tried the short command the print out is above.Just my luck I guess to take something that should be very simple. And have it turn into something that looks rather complex,(To me any way).Checked the link for the rescue disc. Looks like it is for mandrake 9.2.I am running 9.1 so I did'nt try it. What I would like to be able to do eventually.Is back up my whole OS and make the discs bootable. I know it would take alot of disc's and they would have to be spanable. But it would be well worth it for me. I would feel alot more comfortable,experimenting with things knowing I could allways go back to where I was.How do I check if my drake is updated? I apply security fixs and bug fixs when they come out from the Packaging Mandrake update. I also dont like the way that K3b crashes. It scares me. I am afraid that my system wont reboot one of these times. So thanks everybody, I hope we can think of something else for me to check. Atius


Atius,I have burned dozens of CD's in linux with no problems. the only time i have ever burned a "coaster" is when the burner was interrupted by something else on the hard drive, like me running another program.


Sorry to hear you're still having problems...perhaps there's something here:cdanim2.gif( click ----^ )HTH.


Hi AtiusWhat I was trying with the rescue iso ( just for testing ) is to create an ISO of a few MB so you could try if a smaller ISO would burn okay. ( it does not make a backup of the whole system but just puts the kernel and initrd on a CD )You can also get just any small iso: ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/dam...small-0.7.1.iso ( This one is just 50 MB ) and try to burn that one with

cdrecord dev=0,0,0 damnsmall-0.7.1.iso

and see if that is successful . . .then you know if it is the size that is the culprit. ( cdrecord should be able to burn 700 MB iso's though )As for k3b: try uninstalling it in the MCC and after that just re-install k3b again . . . then rightclick the damnsmall-0.7.1.iso and choose "burn" . . . also here just for testing ( use the 650 MB CDs you still have :thumbsup: )Then report me the results of those tests . . . B) Bruno


Hi againThanks ross549 I did have my web browser open. Looking at the forum. While I was trying toburn. It very well could have been a keyboard to chair interface problem ;)Thank you for the link Quint.Here is the results of the last two tests.

[tony@crowshaven DamSmallLinuxISO]$ suPassword:[root@crowshaven DamSmallLinuxISO]# cdrecord dev=0,0,0 damnsmall-0.7.1.isoCdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg Schillingscsidev: '0,0,0'scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'Device type    : Removable CD-ROMVersion        : 0Response Format: 1Vendor_info    : 'SONY    'Identifikation : 'CD-RW  CRX100E  'Revision       : '1.0j'Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).Driver flags   : MMC SWABAUDIOSupported modes: TAO PACKET SAOStarting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in real TAO mode for single session.Last chance to quit, starting real write    0 seconds. Operation starts.Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 50069504/50069504 (24448 sectors).[root@crowshaven DamSmallLinuxISO]#

(This got me a readable CD rom with damnsmall-0.7.1.iso converted to KNOPPIX,lost+found andindex.html) Yay!!!!K3b testAfter uninstall and reinstall. Then right click on ISO and burn.Debug out put

Min drive buffer fill was 99%Fixating...Fixating time:  116.000s/usr/bin/cdrecord: fifo had 789 puts and 789 gets./usr/bin/cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 717 times full, min fill was 93%.

(This got me a readable CD rom with damnsmall-0.7.1.iso converted to KNOPPIX,lost+found andindex.html)Double Yay!!! Atius


Hi Atius,So Finally we are getting somewhere !! :DNow what happens if you rightclick the "Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.iso" and chhose to burn it with K3b ???Or would you like another test first with an ISO of 650 MB ?:thumbsup: Bruno


Hi BrunoGave it a shot. Right clicked and tried burning with K3b. It looked like it worked. But I saved the debug out put.

Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)cmd finished after 0.002s timeout 200s/usr/bin/cdrecord: fifo had 11476 puts and 11476 gets./usr/bin/cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 11403 times full, min fill was 89%.

It burned but cannot be read. Is there anything else we could try?Thanks Atius


Hi againVector ISO burned. And is readable. Burned at 4x speed to what says it is a 90min CD on the inside ring.(But I am starting to wonder).Thanks bruno.:teehee: Atius


Hi AtiusI have one last test for you:Go to the shop and buy one ( or 2 ) super high quality 700 MB CD-r ( spend some real money :'( ) . . . . and burn that Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.iso to CD . . . If also this test is successful you can get more of those CD-r's for the other 3 iso's . . . if it fails we are sure your CD-Writer is to blame for not burning over 650 MB ;):) Bruno


HelloI went out and bought Maxell cd-r Pro 700'sAnd even thougn K3b seemed to burn without a glitch.They are unreadable. So if the burner is the problem,and there is nothing else that can be done. Could I please get some recommendations on a good burner. I will purchase one if that is my problem. Hopefully one that can read the 800 CD-R media. As I plan on doing compete system back ups to CD-R (If it is possible). Thanks again :( Atius


Atius,Did you burn the vector CD-ROM in the command line? Or did you burn with K3B?


Here's something you might not have thought of right away...DId you by any chance follow up the "cdrecord" command with:

cdrecord -fix

I usually use Linux for copying existing CD's, so the commands I'd use would be:

cd ~/junk/tempdd if=/dev/cdrom of=./whatever.isocdrecord -v speed=32 dev=0,0,0 whatever.isocdrecord -v -fix dev=0,0,0

Or something like that. I'm not sure if I've got it exactly right, because I haven't used Linux to burn a CD in forever, but... (I've been in Windows a lot more than I want to lately because of the wireless network I've set up and the screwy upgrade...)

HelloI went out and bought Maxell cd-r Pro 700'sAnd even thougn K3b seemed to burn without a glitch.They are unreadable. So if the burner is the problem,and there is nothing else that can be done. Could I please get some recommendations on a good burner. I will purchase one if that is my problem. Hopefully one that can read the 800 CD-R media. As I plan on doing compete system back ups to CD-R (If it is possible).  Thanks again  :D  Atius
Hi AtiiusHave you tried booting from that CD ( because it is the first install CD you could test it that way ) do not install yet but just see if it is bootable . . if not: buy a new CD-RW . . . 2 brands come to mind:Cheap but really good:Lite-onExpensive and superior: PlextorYou will like the x52 burning speed of the new types CD-RW's :D :DB) Bruno

I used K3b to burn the vector CD ross549. Sorry I was'nt clear on how I burned it(DOH!).MY bad. Were you thinking of something else? That may prevent me from burning? Oh and I wanted to tell you. You have helped me before,and your advice is awsome! Like most of the advice on this forum.I thank all of you at All Things Linux for all of your time and effort. I hope I am not being rude. If so ignore this part please. If I may ask please,what CD burner do you use?Thanks martinultima. (cdrecord -fix) That would be for disc fixation?Hi Bruno Could'nt boot from the CD. Just sat there after I pressed enter when the boot from CD prompt came up. Then rebooted itself into the regular linux(Mandrake 9.1). Thanks for the advice.On brands. I was looking at a Liteon DVD-R CD-R combo (for 145 usd) when I picked up the700mb CD-R media. But it did'nt say it supported linux on the box. So I put it down. Should I avoid anything that does'nt mention Linux support on the box? Or is that not a problem.I have been wanting a Plextor for years. But have stopped when looking at the price.Since your recomendation. I think I will. It was just my 20th aniversary date at work.I think I can rationalize it that way :) I hope I am not being rude. If so ignore this part please. I have seen that you work with ISO allot in the forum. If I may ask please,what CD burner do you use?Your Linux tips are excellent! Thank you for your time and effort. I love All Things Linux. I plan on spending more time here. It is a great place to learn Linux. And I really like the friendly helpfull forum members. Atius :)


Hi Atius,A DVD-R CD-R combo is fine Atius . . and is supported in Linux also if it does not say so on the box. ( Although I would wait another year before buying a DVD burner ) Myself I have a Lite-on in 3 systems . . an old 16x10x40 in one and the other 2 are more recent models: 52x24x52 they sell for about $ 50 these days, what I think is a good deal.The installation is simple, you plug them in to replace the old one and they work right away out of the box . . . no drivers or software to install. . . . . :DB) Bruno


IF you watch for sales, you can really pick up a deal on a plain CD-RW. They are getting cheaper all the time. I have one sitting in the box still where I could not resist the good deal (I picked it up for under $20 :P ). It is a Lite-on. At a price like that I can replace one if I have problems without thinking about it!Julia :D

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