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Next Page Link

Neil P

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Down there in the bottom left, where a topic that spans more than one page is listed as links... "1 2 3 4 Last" etc., would it be possible to have a "next" link (not a link to the next topic, a link to the next page in the current topic :thumbsup: )? I find if hard to hit the number (pretty small) and I think it would be easier to hit a big word.Maybe its just me though >_<[edit]Now that I look at the "next newest" links (I never use them), is it possible to have the "next newest" link take you back to the index if there are no newer topics, rather than the error page it gives? Or is that an IPB bug/feature?

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Now that I look at the "next newest" links (I never use them), is it possible to have the "next newest" link take you back to the index if there are no newer topics, rather than the error page it gives? Or is that an IPB bug/feature?
IPB feature - would require changing the code to an if statement or something, more work than what it is worth if ya ask me
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I like your ideas steeler fan for life. It's a question of how customizable is the software.Maybe it will be a feature in the 2.0 release.

would require changing the code to an if statement or something, more work than what it is worth if ya ask me
That's what the MS programmers say about buffer overflow checking too.
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I am not sure that would be a good idea right before me change servers.... If it is to be done, I would suggest that we wait until after the move.Also, the "Next Page" function may not yet be available in the code, which means Arena2045 would have to create it. Not a good idea. :)

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I don't think it would be very difficult. The process is quite simple really:-Check what the current page is---If there is another page, make a "Next" link---else: don't make the "Next" link---If there is a previous page, make a "Previous" link---else: don't make the "Previous" linkAs far as checking what the page is, that should be easily done, since there is already a "Page 1, Page 2, Page 3" routine.

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It is simple in theory, but from personal experience, it would be quite involved. Look at the bottom of this page. Just for the page I have to make a reply, it takes 14 database queries just to render this page. Many of those queries are interrelated. It is not s simple thig to add a function like that.

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