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==> The ISOs Drake 10.0 Official !! <==


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..............The ISO's Mandrake 10.0 Official are on the mirros !!..............mandrake.gifHere is the first mirror to have the Official 10.0 ISOs:I advice everybody that did an FTP install to download the ISOs and do a reinstall :thumbsup: . . see TIPftp://ftp.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrake.../iso/i586/10.0/CD1D22CD3Get them quick before the link gets slashdotted ! ;)B) BrunoWill post more mirrors as they come available :P

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The checksums:ad3d50fe12c0672a7e4d32b466ab6851 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD1.i586.isoa64fbcb98d6aa2cd4ac287e563593678 Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD2.i586.isobf7a7dad80cf3f41453d572d3ffed09b Mandrakelinux10.0-Official-Download-CD3.i586.isoAnd an US mirror: ( do not know if it is faster then the Euro ones . . .)ftp://mandrake.mirrors.pair.com/Mandrakel.../iso/i586/10.0/:thumbsup: Bruno

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Better grab it quick (the US mirror). Just tested it and was getting over 225 kb sustained download time!Julia :thumbsup:

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.They are still not announced on Distrowatch, Slashdot or Mandrake. . . so get them quickly . . . ( ALL THINGS LINUX WAS THE FIRST TO POST THEM !! )Some more mirrors come to life:Germany:ftp://ftp.vat.tu-dresden.de/pub/Mandrakel.../iso/i586/10.0/ftp://ftp.prew.hu/pub/Linux/Mandrakelinux.../iso/i586/10.0/France:ftp://ftp.proxad.net/mirrors/ftp.mandrake.../iso/i586/10.0/:thumbsup: Bruno

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Try the German ones . . they were the last uploaded . . . . nluug still does not have them . . but I will post as soon as they have them too ;):thumbsup: Bruno

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booted back into windoze so I can use Getright to hit all the mirrors and max out my bandwidth... getting all 3 CD's at a total of 420k/s :thumbsup:

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LOL Ryan . .that is the way to do it . . . :DMESSAGE TO ALL:For a smooth install, have a look at the NOTE I placed at "9th screen: Packages" in the first post of this thread: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...=ST&f=14&t=6632basically it says: at package selection during install check all the boxes to the left and all the window managers on the right AND check the box of individual packages and press next . . then add:kdegraphics kdvi koffice xpdfgimp data-extras mplayer-ui xine-ui xmmsxmms-alsa kdeadons kget xtermbash-completion keditusbview kdeedu nmap-frontend This somehow corrects some little tiny bug in the installer a very few people encountered. Also it will give you a few multimedia progs you do not want to do without ;):thumbsup: Bruno

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Well, Sbc Yahoo promised me a minimum of 300K downloads, but I've yet to see anything greater than 180K. CD2 is downloading at 122K and CD1 is downloading at 70K from the lower German site.

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Can't wait for cd3 to finish downloading. Had all 3 but cd3 had a bad checksum...so redownloading.make sure to check those sums.

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Better get it quick then . . . . it has yet not been on Slashdot . . . . . but Distrowatch has announced it 3 hours later.Here is the score:All Things Linux: . . . . . . 05:19 PMDistroWatch: . . . . . . . . . 08:15 PMMandrakeusers forum: 09:12 PMLinuxQuestions: . . . . . . 03:55 AMLockergnome forum: . . . Not YetPCLinux forum . . . . . . . . Not YetSlashdot: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not YetMandrakeLinux+Club . . Not YetB) Bruno

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Teacher, BrunoDownloaded Mdk10 Offical, checked checksum and now have 3 CDs ready to install And a print out on the information on screen 9. Maybe it is self evedient , but a clean install after backing up all your data or an upgrade over the comunity version. As a new "version" a clean install would eliminate any problems in the community version. ??????Charlie

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It is probably best to do a clean install but there is no need to overwrite your /home partition. That way you should not lose anything! I received my power pack today and will be doing the same thing. My plan is to leave home alone (plus I will back it up first just to be safe) and simply reformat my / partition. I do plan to save my Lilo as a back up so I can reinstall it after I am done since i have several different distros on my computer!Julia :lol:

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Teacher, BrunoDownloaded Mdk10 Offical,  checked checksum and now have 3 CDs ready to install  And a print out on the information on screen 9.  Maybe it is self evedient , but a clean install after backing up all your data or an upgrade over the comunity version.  As  a new "version"  a clean install would eliminate any problems in the community version. ??????Charlie
Charlie official is much more polished than community but as julia pointed out leave your /home in place you won't have any worries that's what I did a few weeks ago settings remained and not a single problem.Enjoy. :lol:
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It is probably best to do a clean install but there is no need to overwrite your /home partition.  That way you should not lose anything!  I received my power pack today and will be doing the same thing.  My plan is to leave home alone (plus I will back it up first just to be safe) and simply reformat my / partition.
I would do it this way, but there are too many programs that I've installed on my own and the printer driver that requires many hoops be jumped through.I'll do a fresh install on my daughters computer and an upgrade(for the first time in my Linux career) on my own. At least then, I should be able to see if the upgrade is not where it's supposed to be. If it turns out too bad, I can always go back and do the fresh install. Most of my programs are already at Official levels.Thanks, Bruno, by the way, for this early warning!! I did manage to download all three discs, though I only did the checksum on the 3rd one. I couldn't figure out how to do it in Win XP and I needed to burn one disc to delete the iso to free up space to download the third. I only had enough hard drive free space in XP to download two discs. I managed to do the checksum on the last one because it was saved to my fat32 music partition. I rebooted to Linux to do the checksum on it there. The ".hu" German site was awesome. That's where I got all three from.Is there a way to do the checksum of the first two that I burned?
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Yes you can do a checksum of a burned CD. I did it this morning. This is the tip for burned CDs: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...14&t=503&st=102This is the tip for checksums in Windows: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...14&t=503&st=143You should be able to check it out either way. Good luck on your install!Julia :lol:

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A remark about YES or NO keeping your /home:I think it is a good oportunity to clear out the mess in my /home/bruno every 6 months . . . so what I do is copy the full /home/bruno over to a backup partition . . . then at install I reformat all Mandrake partitions ( also /home ) and after the install I just copy back from the backup partition only those files I need or want to keep. If a few days later I discover I need another file out of my old /home/bruno I just go over and get it . . . . . . . This backup I keep until after 1 month I overwrite it with a backup of the new /home/bruno ( I make a backup every month )This keeps my /home tidy and neat . . and I am sure that the new install gets the best possible start :DB) Bruno

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And now,( almost 24 hours later ), it is announced on the Mandrake Website:

May, 25th, 2004 - Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official ISO images are available - ISO images of Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official are now publicly available on a number of FTP mirrors! Discover all new features, and join the Mandrakeclub to get access to PowerPack ISOs of Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official!
:thumbsup: :devil: . . Hope you all got your copy . . . because the mirrors will get swamped now ;):devil: Bruno
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And the email announcement from Mandrake:

Flash: Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official ISO images are available!ISO images of Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official are now publicly availableon a number of FTP mirrors!http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/ftp.php3Discover all new features and the full new range of Mandrakelinux 10.0Official at:http://www.mandrakesoft.com/products/10Mandrakeclub Silver Members (and above) are granted access toPowerPack ISOs of Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official which provides manysupplementary add-ons such as NVIDIA drivers, Acrobat Reader, RealPlayer and others, as well as extra applications CDs.Corporate Club Members are granted access to a downloadable DVD ISO ofMandrakelinux 10.0 Official which includes supplementary add-ons suchas NVIDIA drivers, Acrobat Reader, Real Player and others.Not yet a Mandrakeclub Member? Subscribe today:http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/club/  Mandrakesoft Online Team.
:thumbsup: BrunoPS: Still not on Slashdot . . . whoever thought they were on the ball ??
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Yes you can do a checksum of a burned CD.  I did it this morning.  This is the tip for burned CDs:  http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...14&t=503&st=102
Well, there is something a bit off about Windows burned cd's. Both Cd's I burned in windows had the wrong checksum using this method. The one I burned in Mandrake had the right checksum. I figured it was a long shot to have two fully downloaded discs be off, so I and a coworker did a little testing.He created an ISO from the Windows created discs and ran the md5sum. They both came out good.So, why do Windows burned discs not give the right values here? The real mystery is, why are they still correct whem and ISO of the disc is made? Strange stuff. :thumbsup:
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PS: Still not on Slashdot . . . whoever thought they were on the ball ??
Well, I for one, am not going to tell them. That would be mean to the ATL friends.
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Well, there is something a bit off about Windows burned cd's.  Both Cd's I burned in windows had the wrong checksum using this method.  The one I burned in Mandrake had the right checksum.  I figured it was a long shot to have two fully downloaded discs be off, so I and a coworker did a little testing.He created an ISO from the Windows created discs and ran the md5sum.  They both came out good.So, why do Windows burned discs not give the right values here?  The real mystery is, why are they still correct whem and ISO of the disc is made?  Strange stuff. :hmm:
GregI am not sure there are not different varieties floating around. I am installing right now off the CDs I received in my Power Pack yet the first CD had a different sum than anything posted here.I'm on CD 2 in my install and did not appear to have any show stoppers with CD 1 with the different sum!Go figure? :o B) As long as it works, I am happy!Julia :)
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