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Elive you have to pay to install


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For those of you that don't know if you are thinking of installing Elive any version You have to pay with (pay Pal).

You get to the part where you choose the root partition and then it tells you that you have to pay to get a install module. No thanks I see on their forum some have paid and are having problems getting the install module after having to do a reinstall. I can understand them wanting money, but not before I would check it out to see if I wanted it. They should tell you up front that you can't install it without paying. Just my 02 cents worth.


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You can install E17 in Debian and tweak away. I don't quite see the value in Elive.

I prefer donations if the software is good. AVLinux only gets about one donation per 10,000 downloads but they appreciate it. Harry van Haaren (OpenAV Productions) has an interesting model for donations. He releases a demo and promises to release as FLOSS in a year or when donation target is met. The target was met in 2 days for his recent Luppp! People will pay if they see value for good software.

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As long as I can remember.

That's why I have never tried it.

If I am not mistaken, it has been like this for a quite a while.

That makes it worse. I can imagine someone new to linux spending the time to download the ISO's only to find they have to pay to install it. They would say hold on a minute I thought Linux was free. anyway you get the3 point.


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Ah. From the distro's description at DistroWatch, top of the page:


Elive is a commercial distribution; while the live CD is available as a free download, those wishing to install it to a hard disk are asked to pay US$15 for an installation module.
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but 2.1.58 is free?



Anyway there are so many distros to pick from, I don't need to worry bout this one.


It is free to download 2.1.58, but it has no installer, so you can only run it live. Without a installer it can't be installed on a hard drive.


Ah. From the distro's description at DistroWatch, top of the page:

Guess in my haste to download it I missed that part.
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You can install E17 in Debian and tweak away. I don't quite see the value in Elive.


Yeah, and there's also Bodhi Linux. I'd take either of those choices before Elive, then go buy lunch with that $15 bucks. Or maybe Elive is just that much more awesome...

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Interesting. I don't see anything at their site about having to pay for it. You'd think they'd at least mention it.

as soon as you get all of the partitions made and are starting to install to the root partition, that is when they hit you with a popup telling you that you have to buy a install module. also the price for the stable topaz version has went up, it is $18 when I went to see how much it costs. There is no installer for the beta version at this time so it can't be installed. Edited by mhbell
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