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I'm the guy who is scared to death of switching to Linus, even though I really want to.I tried Netscape...too much like AOL. I tried Opera...I'd have to give up too many of my goodies...If I can't switch browsers, how am I gonna deal with a totally new OS?But I don't want to be the "last man standing" in the "Microsoft vs the world" evolution.I'll have two big monthly payments...my house and my Microsoft license.So let's hold the scared guy's hand right here. Resources, advise, somebody's shoulder to cry on, and lots of cheerleading. If you guys want to do something for the cyber-masses, put your heads together and get us the h--- away from MS!Nough said?

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Just wondering about a Linux forum. Is it something you are interested in doing?
I also suggested something like that as well... Well see...-Mike :rolleyes:
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So glad you asked this question. Before I even saw this thread, you can probably see now that I took the half step of merging Linux is with Windows. That is temporary. I am perfectly happy to break out a Linux forum if that's what everyone thinks we should do. Your thoughts about this carry a lot of weight on the subject. So please tell me whether what I did works, doesn't work, and if the second thing, what would be best for me to do?And thanks!-- Scot

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So glad you asked this question. Before I even saw this thread, you can probably see now that I took the half step of merging Linux is with Windows. That is temporary. I am perfectly happy to break out a Linux forum if that's what everyone thinks we should do. Your thoughts about this carry a lot of weight on the subject. So please tell me whether what I did works, doesn't work, and if the second thing, what would be best for me to do?And thanks!-- Scot
Having all the OS's together in one group makes sense. So what you did was perfect. If at some point this forum starts getting flooded with a lot of Linux questions maybe you can make a sub-forum under the current one. One for Windows, one for Linux, one for Mac, and then a "all others". That is if this forum software allows you to set up sub categories/forums under a main category/forum.
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... Maybe you can make a sub-forum under the current one ... that is if this forum software allows you to set up sub categories/forums ....
It doesn't. Well it does in a way. It permits categories. I'm not really using them now. There is one category, "Main." So I could go upwards to gain another level of hiearachy.I guess what I've been thinking is that I doubt we're going to pull Mac users or many other alternative OSes, like OS/2, Be, etc. But I do have a lot of Linux readers, and that number is growing. If we wind up with two or three Linux threads that look healthy, I might break them off into a lateral Linux forum. I think my Linux readers would prefer not to be lumped in as "and Alternatives." But for now, I hope to prove that there's interest before I open it up and have it sit there.-- Scot
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Yes a linux forum would be good - it's growing in numbers all the time and many people are interested in it, many are learning it and than there are the pro linux users. I am seeing posts referring to linux already. A category for Linux would be fine I think.

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Guest LilBambi

Linux forums would be great. We certainly have quite a few who are either using linux or want to know about or try linux.Maybe a general Multi-Boot section as well??? Muilti-Boot doesn't actually fit specifically into either Linux forums or Windows forums directly. Or is that getting to specific?Hard to know for sure ... whatever you decide Scot will be great!

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Well, I did it. We now have a separate forum for Linux. I always wanted to do this, I was just afraid there wasn't enough interest. But like Greengeek says, most of us have Linux in multiboot on at least one PC. I know I do. Linux is a reality. So I'm putting it out there, and we'll see how it does.-- Scot

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Hey Scot! Great addition with the Linux forum…I don’t know if you’re keen on having sub forums but IPB does support them.You could have one main Forum called Operating SystemsAnd have: Windows, Linux, Mac as sub forums… That may be easier to work with.

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Just out of curiosity…Who would be in favor if an Operating Systems forum (for general posts), that would also have sub-forums for specific posts relating to: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and O/S 2 & others…???Or would you rather have separate forums for each OS on the main page?Personally I think sub-forums would help organize and separate specific posts. But that is just my opinion.Opinions please! :D

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Guest LilBambi

Operating Systems type Category heading would be great to further delineate overall categories.However, I see a potential navigation issue when changing the current Forum Titles to broader titles such as Windows, Linux/UNIX, Mac OS 9/OS X, OS/2 and others.There is no where to go but to the Topic Level beyond that, except individual posts.So you would end up with, say (forgive the naming convention, I am not sure what they are specifically called in this Forum package yet):Operating Systems (Category - like the current Main is)---> Windows (Forum)------------> Q&A: Answers to Tough Questions (Topic)--------------------> "Bios "loses" Cd-rw", etc. (individual posts)So, my question would be: Would every current Forum, like Q&A: Answers to Tough Questions be thrown down into a current Topic level like we see currently under "Bios "lose" Cd-rw", etc.It would seem there wouldn't be enough levels before we end up with pages and pages of single postings covering a whole lot of ground and difficult to find information.If that is the case, my suggestion might be, yes make categories like Operating Systems, but leave the current 'Forum Level' Forums as they are just moved to be under the appropriate category.Does that make sense??Or am I really missing something here? :D

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Hmm.. See I think the whole concept of Sub-Forums is a great idea, but may be confusing, to say the least.Fran, Check out my IPB forum, and look for the "Arena2045.com Discussions" Category...http://www.arena2045.net/community/Arena2045.com Discussions (Category)--> General Discussions (Forum)-------> Individual Topic Posts-------> Screen Savers (Sub-Forum)------------> Individual Topic Posts-------> Product Reviews (Sub-Forum)------------> Individual Topic PostsSo Scot could have it set up like so:MAIN (Category)-->Forum #1-------> Individual Topic Posts-->Forum #2-------> Individual Topic PostsEtc…--> Operating Systems (Forum #X)-------> Individual GENERAL OS Topic Posts-------> Windows OS (Sub-Forum)------------> Individual Topic Posts-------> Linux (Sub-Forum)------------> Individual Topic PostsEtc…Or if Scot wants to totally break the whole OS Descissuions away from the “Main†category, he could set up a new OS category that has individual forums within it for each OS.It was just a thought.Why don’t we just forget that I asked! LOL

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Guest LilBambi

No, no! Let's not forget it! :D I didn't realize that there could be subforums on this type of message board.There would be enough to break it out further than I initially thought....by one whole level....which would be all we would need to keep it sane.The only real issue left is whether folks would wander deep enough to get to the real meat on first glance of the board.Eventually we may need to go that route anyway ... when the board gets so heavy with postings, it may become too hard to navigate if we don't do something like that.Always good to have a plan in our pocket for when the forums gets that intense with topics.

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Hey Arena, Bambi, and Stryder, I missed this thread until now. Per other discussions elsewhere, I definitely agree this is worth strong consideration.-- Scot

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