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forum loading VERY slow


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Today the forums takes about 1,5 minutes to load, when logging in to post a message it takes 3,5 minutes !Checked some other sites here in Europe : no problems,loading fast as usual.Checked some sites oversea,same as always : loading fast. Back to the forums : slow as molasses... :hug:

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StrikerYou are right about the forum being very slow. Bruno and I both noticed that this morning. However, I have noticed my email is also very slow today. I wonder if there is some new virus out there causing havoc because I am getting a mixed bag with times for different sites to load. Some are okay and some are very slow.Julia

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I noticed this sometime after midnight EST yesterday. At first I thought the forum was slow, then, I noticed that downloading email was slow, plus I received over 100 spam messages from the day before that didn't download until yesterday. Seems certain sites are slow.

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It was fine for me earlier in the day but 5 mins ago it took me a loooonnnngggg time to get in and then to specific postings. Maybe the indexes need to be reorged. Or maybe they are being reorged and that's the problem. ;)

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I think its a problem with the datacenter the forum is hosted at, not the forum itself.
I agree.However, this reminded me to do the weekly database optimization. ;)
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