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I updated the 'sources.list' file to include the four (4) entrieslisted in another individuals post; and left 'ftp://ftp.nluug.nl...'as the lone source that wasn't remarked out. I copied this file into'/etc/apt/sources.list' overwriting the existing file. I then enteredstart menu-->Configuration -->Packaging --> Synaptic and then clickedon the 'Update List' button. A 'failed' note preceeded each item aslisted in the separate dialogue; and another dialogue appeared stating'some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old onesused instead'. Before doing anything else I closed each of these windows, rather than going further; not knowing if I should go on with this error?What can I do at this point to properly update the list prior to upgradingmy PCLos system? :blink:

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Hi RpizVery strange . . maybe the mirror was down at the time you tried . . ? ( Just tested it and mine was fine )Please try again, if it fails again post us:

# cat  /etc/apt/sources.list

:blink: Bruno

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Hi Bruno;I again attempted to access Synaptic,but had the same result.Here is the sources.list file:[root@localhost root]# cat /etc/apt/sources.list#PCLINUXOS apt repository#rpm http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distribut.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar#rpm ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/metalab.../pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstarrpm ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributi.../pclinuzos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar#rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/mirrors/sunsi.../pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstarTnx :unsure:

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Hi RpizThat file does look good . . . but I am getting rumours that the nluug mirror has problems crossing the ocean at the moment ( See the Mandrake 10 thread, people can not download from nluug, where I have no problem )So either wait till the mirror is fixed . . . . or "uncomment" an other one in the sources list . . . . . ( ibiblio is slow, but it is the main PCLos mirror ):unsure: Bruno

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Hi Bruno;Thanks for the heads up on the nluug mirror. I'll look at the other mirror 'ibiblio' hoping it isn'tto slow for a dialup download of all the updates? :unsure:

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Hi RpizOn dial up ?? + 300MB updates ?? . . . . are you sure you want to do that from a slow mirror ??Better wait till nluug is fixed !!!Only check if synaptic is working on ibiblio . . only download the lists . . but not the upgrading itself !!!:unsure: Bruno

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Hi Bruno;You are absolutely right in that the 'ibiblio' source is pathetic and has to be avoided by someone with dialup.It may take the rest of the day to load a 1714k file??I'll wait until 'nluug...' source is back up.In any event, I know that my stepup is good and synapticworks fine. :unsure:

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Found it !!There is something wrong with the URL you posted ! . . I clicked on it and it does not work !Replace all 4 URLs with only this one:

rpm ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributions/contrib/texstar/pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar

And you should be fine !;) BrunoDoublecheck: ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributi.../pclinuxos/apt/ ( click on it and see if you get the pclonuxos directory )

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Hi Bruno;I went back and fixed 'sources.list', and it still includes allfour (4) sources; but this time 'nluug.nl...' works. It is downloadingright now. Again, I appreciate you help. ;)

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Hi Bruno;It was, sad to say, a typo. I should have had your file sent tome???? The error was '......./pclinuzos/apt/..' and of course itshould be '........./pclinuxos/apt/...'Now, I am at the point of completing the downloads; and it list anumber of files that will be removed. One is 'kdenetwork-kppp' andis that the same as the 'kppp' that I am using for my dialup?Also, can these downloads be broken up into smaller chunks anddownloaded in groups? ;)

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Well that was a well hidden typo !! . . B) ;) B) As for the upgrade . . in that case you will have to do it without the GUI:

# apt-get update# apt-get upgrade
Will only get the regular updates . .
# apt-get dist-upgrade

Will do the upgrade to KDE 3.2Also you get the choice wit apt-get to say Y or N to a package upgrade . . . ( would not do that with dist-upgrade because there are too many dependencies. ):) Bruno

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Thought it would make sense . . . . ;) ( You can read more about apt-get if you type "man apt-get" in a console . . . move page with arrow-keys and close with Q-key )B) Bruno

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Hi Bruno;I did the updates using, 'apt-get update' then 'apt-get upgrade'; then I followed with 'apt-get dist-upgrade' without the additional dashes.Because of the extensive number of files, lasting into the hours, I wasdisconnected from my dialup a number of times. Not knowing which wayto turn, I chose to redo 'apt-get update' and then 'apt-get upgrade'; and indoing so a couple files that where not completed showed up. I then downloaded those additional files. Still not certain that I had downloaded allthe files, especially given the KDE3.2 change, I ran 'apt-get dist-upgrade'again, and it did in fact show a couple files that did make it because of thedisconnect of the ISP. Finally, after completing these downloads my downloadsinstalled.I then attempted to 'reboot' following your instructions; and as you indicated ithung. I followed with 'Ctrl+Alt+Backspace' and received a black screen. I thenentered 'root' as the login, and typed 'reboot' then enter. My system rebootedand I now have KDE 3.2 along with many improvements. I believe one could get to like this distro, and with some use I am sure many willagree. The one question that I have is that 'Textstar' is using a great feature, having theupdates flow in succession, including upgrades, without the need for a reinstall;but what can one do to avoid a total reinstall, etc. in the event of a crash? Thatwould be a tremendous task for someone on dialup?Tnx :blink:

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The one question that I have is that 'Textstar' is using a great feature, having theupdates flow in succession, including upgrades, without the need for a reinstall;but what can one do to avoid a total reinstall, etc. in the event of a crash?  Thatwould be a tremendous task for someone on dialup?Tnx :huh:
Rpiz not sure if this is what you're asking but I assume because you're on dial up you want to save the packages so you can install them if your system crashes.Pclos synaptic saves the packages to /var/cache/apt/archives when you choose to execute in synaptic there is a small checkbox at the bottom check download package files only this d/ls package but doesn't automatically install them.If this option is not checked once the install is performed the package is deleted from that directory.You can then copy the packages from that directory and save them wherever you choose.To reinstall the packages you can just copy the packages to /var/cache/apt/archives and run synaptic just as you normally would but because the files are available locally in the designated directory it will not need to redownload the files but it will install them.At least in theory I have tested this with one or two packages but not with a whole upgrade but I think it should work the same.Anyway I hope that helps or at least that it is what you were asking. :blink:
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Hi Jodef;The procedure that you mentioned may work if in fact the files are saved on a separate medium like a CD; but if you saved them incrementally or as you completed the installs, some cataloging would be necessary. Because as you tried to rebuild your system, not all files are replaced; butsome are built upon existing dependencies. In any event it would be somewhat involved.I was speculating that maybe a most recent version might be available on CDs, or something, that would be available for someone having to rebuild their system. I am offering this only as a thought starter for those faced with dialup service, not intending to undermine the huge benefit on not having to re-install on each new version.In any event this may qualify as a separate post to allow for others to offer their opinions.Oh! I forgot to mention that I had to use 'apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and apt-get dist-upgrade' commands from the console; because of the large number of downloads. And in the console, I am not sure,there isn't a means to note that you want to save these files.Enjoy your PCLosPV5. :blink:

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but if you saved them incrementally or as you completed the installs, some cataloguingwould be necessary.  Because as you tried to rebuild your system,  not all files are replaced; butsome are build upon existing dependencies.  In any event it would be somewhat involved.
Am not sure how it would work with Pclos but I think at least with synaptic that dependencies would not be a problem it would d/l req'd ones.I have never used this approach with Pclos but I have done something similar with Slackware not really much cataloging involved.With my KDE updates d/l stored them in a folder; same for gnome and then all other d/ls in one folder; 3 folders in all; to update I do them one at a time about 600MB of updates in 3 folders did updates on more than one occasion with no problem.Slackware uses swaret a tool very similar to synaptic.
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Hi Rpiz and Johann . . . I will try do copy info from these last few posts and make it into a "Apt-get on dial-up" Tip . . give me some time to organize that . . . I also looked at splitting the thread, but it is hard to see where to split. and as a thread it has a logical run . . . . so that is why I will leave the thread intact and distill the info from it . . :huh::blink: Bruno

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PART 2, Additional remarks: "apt-get -d kde" would only download the packages and not yet install them so you can burn them to CD first :blink:"apt-get check" verifies that there are no broken dependencies . . . PCLOs 6 will hold all these upgraded packages by default . . but if you keep upgrading you will have the same as the coming PCLos 6 B):huh: Bruno

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[root@jupiter bruno]# apt-get --helpapt 0.5.5cnc6 for linux i386 compiled on Jan 31 2004 13:25:32Usage: apt-get [options] command    apt-get [options] install|remove pkg1 [pkg2 ...]    apt-get [options] source pkg1 [pkg2 ...]apt-get is a simple command line interface for downloading andinstalling packages. The most frequently used commands are updateand install.Commands: update - Retrieve new lists of packages upgrade - Perform an upgrade install - Install new packages (pkg is libc6 not libc6.rpm) remove - Remove packages source - Download source archives build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages dist-upgrade - Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8) clean - Erase downloaded archive files autoclean - Erase old downloaded archive files check - Verify that there are no broken dependenciesOptions:  -h  This help text.  -q  Loggable output - no progress indicator  -qq No output except for errors  -d  Download only - do NOT install or unpack archives  -s  No-act. Perform ordering simulation  -y  Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt  -f  Attempt to continue if the integrity check fails  -m  Attempt to continue if archives are unlocatable  -u  Show a list of upgraded packages as well  -b  Build the source package after fetching it  -D  When removing packages, remove dependencies as possible  -c=? Read this configuration file  -o=? Set an arbitary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmpSee the apt-get(8), sources.list(5) and apt.conf(5) manualpages for more information and options.                    This APT has Super Cow Powers.
:huh::blink: Bruno
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Okay Rpiz and Johann, please have a look what I made of the info: ( will be placed in Tips after correction by you two )APT-GET & SWARET ON DIAL-UPApt-Get:These were the questions: Can these downloads be broken up into smaller chunks and downloaded in groups?What can one do to avoid a total reinstall, etc. in the event of a crash? That would be a tremendous task for someone on dialup?

Pclos synaptic saves the packages to /var/cache/apt/archives  when you choose to execute in synaptic there is a small checkbox at the bottom check download package files only   this d/ls package but doesn't automatically install them.If this option is not checked once the install is performed the package is deleted from that directory.You can then copy the packages from that directory and save them wherever you choose.To reinstall the packages you can just copy the packages to /var/cache/apt/archives and run synaptic just as you normally would but because the files are available locally in the designated directory it will not need to redownload the files but it will install them.At least in theory I have tested this with one or two packages but not with a whole upgrade but I think it should work the same.
if you get disconnected while downloading with apt-get; to just redo the steps and it will continue with the downloads. It will then complete the task by installing the files.
A few handy commands if you use apt-get on the commandline:"apt-get -d kde" would only download the KDE packages and not yet install them so you can burn them to CD first "apt-get check" verifies that there are no broken dependencies . . ."apt-get upgrade" will only get the regular updates . . ( you get to say Y or N )"apt-get dist-upgrade" will totally upgrade your distro to the latest version"apt-get --help" for more info on apt-getSwaret:For Swaret the packages get stored in /var/swaret/sources The command ?swaret --get KDE? will only download the packages and save them to /var/swaret/sources. Interrupted downloads will be checked and downloaded again, swaret performs a checksum on the packages. So if you burn the packages in /var/swaret/sources to CD you can always recover them."swaret --get kde" will only download the kde pakages"swaret --dep" will check dependencies"swaret --resume" will resume broken downloads See also Swaret TipOriginal thread: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...=ST&f=14&t=6057
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Still reviewing the info above but in meantime another question:Did the Pclos updates this afternoon how can I confirm updates done the splash at startup still says KDE 3.2 I rebooted after installing updates.

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The splash will only show the major version numbers not the minor ones . . . just look at what version kdebase you have in synaptic. or start the KDE Control Center . . it is on the first page . . mine says 3.2.1B) Bruno

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I have apt-get installed I think B) When I try apt-get --upgrade

apt-get --updateE: Command line option --update is not understood

What am I doing wrong? B)

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Sure you have apt-get installed . . . synaptic would not work without it . . . . :

[root@jupiter bruno]# apt-get --helpapt 0.5.5cnc6 for linux i386 compiled on Jan 31 2004 13:25:32Usage: apt-get [options] command    apt-get [options] install|remove pkg1 [pkg2 ...]    apt-get [options] source pkg1 [pkg2 ...]apt-get is a simple command line interface for downloading andinstalling packages. The most frequently used commands are updateand install.Commands: update - Retrieve new lists of packages upgrade - Perform an upgrade install - Install new packages (pkg is libc6 not libc6.rpm) remove - Remove packages source - Download source archives build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages dist-upgrade - Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8) clean - Erase downloaded archive files autoclean - Erase old downloaded archive files check - Verify that there are no broken dependencies
Are you "root" as you do the commands ??B) Bruno
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