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Posted (edited)

This is a post I made on that other place but I wanted to share with you all.




Yup Windows 8 is a real winner folks.



Reboot times were very impressive in Windows 8, with the system able to perform a full reboot in just over 20 seconds. The Hybrid Boot feature appears to do its job well, as Windows 8 was able to reboot 5 seconds faster than Windows 7, being faster at both shutting down and booting.


Yup a real winner. But there is a bit of bad news.




It's worth noting that we were also hoping to run Crysis 2 benchmarks on both operating systems. However, try as we might, we simply could not get it to run on the Windows 8 system, even with the WHQL certified drivers installed, which is rather troubling.


That is a old game though so no worries there then.




It's fair to say that Windows 8 didn't get off to a great start in our testing, as it was outperformed in every one of our media benchmarks. Though the difference was negligible in the video encoding test, Windows 7 proved to be 5 per cent faster in the GIMP image editing test and nearly 11 per cent faster in the multi-tasking test, which is particularly worrisome as an operating system's ability to multi-task is a crucial part of its performance.

Who the heck multi tasks anyway.



Our Skyrim graphics test threw up some interesting results. Our high end Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 2GB card went from a 60fps minimum frame rate in Windows 7 to 55fps in Windows 8, which is a significant drop in performance.



Nit picking. AMD's are cheaper anyway.



SATA performance on the other hand, was slightly slower in the new OS as our ATTO test showed a 5MB/s drop in read speeds and a 7MB/s drop in write speeds in Windows 8. This could well be due to limitations of the current Windows 8 SATA drivers, however, rather than an inherent problem with Windows 8.



Right on. The os is fast it is just them stupid drivers.



The frustration caused by the new UI. It doesn't scale well to large monitors, often proves frustrating to use with a mouse and keyboard and things that were once simple to access like shutdown options and the Computer overview are now hidden away in unintuitive places.



Nit picking again. Buy a smaller monitor save some loot. make it a touch screen and you do not need a mouse or keyboard.



The multi-tasking performance degradation is a particular blow to Windows 8, but one which the faster boot times do soften somewhat.



See a real winner. It boots quicker and shuts down quicker. thumb.gif


Those few seconds you save will make your private pc'ing much more enjoyable. An your business use will definitely increase your profits. dance.gif


Switch to Linux I hear you say. wall.gif are you mad ? Think of the huge learning curve and all those usless programs that all that clever stuff that no one needs.


No way Hoshay. Windows 8 rules the roost. bow.gif


Now where is that darn start button and the menu. confused.gif I know it is around here somewhere cry.gif


Now imagine that Windows 8 was the latest car Microslop were bringing to the market. Would you even go to the showroom let alone buy one. B)



"There's a saying in Estonia that in order to see new things, you have to follow common paths - paths you know."

Games people play, you take it or you leave it

Things that they say, honor brite

If I promise you the moon and the stars, would you believe it

Games people play in the middle of the night

~Alan Parsons Project, Games People Play

Edited by abarbarian
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It's no surprise that drivers will take time to catch up to the new OS. This happens every time.


Some of the initial impressions of Windows 8 on tablets are pretty good. People seem to think it works really well, and think it is more advanced and capable than iOS.




Now imagine that Windows 8 was the latest car Microslop were bringing to the market. Would you even go to the showroom let alone buy one. B)


The name "Microsoft" is a registered trademark. I find your use of that derogatory term disrespectful and offensive.


I like WIndows 8. I even--briefly, before I regained my composure--thought about buying a Windows phone. I have an xbox 360. If the Surface wasn't priced so high I'd buy it (if I was looking to spend that kind of money I'd just buy an iPad)


The name "Microsoft" is a registered trademark. I find your use of that derogatory term disrespectful and offensive.


I'm sorry you feel that way.


I'm english and a Yorkshireman and we speak plainly and to the point.


Windows 8 is supposed to be a desktop os and a new and improved version. The fact that Skyrim, the best selling game of the decade plays faster in 7 than 8, and the fact that Crysis 2 another of the top ten games of the decade does not play at all shows that Microsoft do not care one stuff about ordinary folk at all. All they care about is profit profit and profit and they will go to any lengths including illegal acts to do so. An whoope 8 works well on tablets however the desktop version that has been launched which folk have paid hard earned loot for is slop. IMHO.


An if your insulted by my satirical post, as a european I'm deeply insulted that Microsoft think that europeans are so stupid that they will swallow what is obviously a tissue of lies in their serious infringement of european antitrust law.




In July, the Commission said the screen had not been displayed on many computers between February 2009 and July 2012, and millions of users may have been affected during that period. At the time, Microsoft said that a technical error was responsible.


Microsoft did not realise that millions of pc's had been infected over several years, who on earth do they think they are kidding.




Because 2 games don't work/don't work as well on an OS that was released 3 days ago that means Microsoft only cares about profit? I mean, W8 is a huge upgrade. Everything can't/won't work 110% right out of the gate, it's just not possible.

Posted (edited)

Because 2 games don't work/don't work as well on an OS that was released 3 days ago that means Microsoft only cares about profit? I mean, W8 is a huge upgrade. Everything can't/won't work 110% right out of the gate, it's just not possible.


I guessed you missed these bits then that is if you read the article,


SATA performance on the other hand, was slightly slower in the new OS as our ATTO test showed a 5MB/s drop in read speeds and a 7MB/s drop in write speeds in Windows 8. This could well be due to limitations of the current Windows 8 SATA drivers, however, rather than an inherent problem with Windows 8.


Your tyers keep going flat sir. Nothing to do with our new shape rims sir it must be the tyre makers fault.


It's fair to say that Windows 8 didn't get off to a great start in our testing, as it was outperformed in every one of our media benchmarks. Though the difference was negligible in the video encoding test, Windows 7 proved to be 5 per cent faster in the GIMP image editing test and nearly 11 per cent faster in the multi-tasking test, which is particularly worrisome as an operating system's ability to multi-task is a crucial part of its performance.


Your car does not run as feast sir. Not our fault the new carburator is prefect sir. It must be the fault of the open sourced petrol you used. Try our partners very expensive certified offering. If it does not run well ithen it will be their fault.


The frustration caused by the new UI. It doesn't scale well to large monitors,


Golly gosh sir it must be your monitors fault. Works perfectly on our 11" monitor. Save the planet sir dump your wasteful large monitors and buy our certified expensive small monitors. If your customers complain that they can not see tell them that spectecals are a cheap and much greener choice.


often proves frustrating to use with a mouse and keyboard and things that were once simple to access like shutdown options and the Computer overview are now hidden away in unintuitive places.


Really sir you can not live in the stone age forever. If you will not buy one of our new certified monitors do not worry you can buy our very expensive tech support system or one of our 6 million page How To Manuals for only a couple of million dollars.Remember sir everything changes. :whistling:

Edited by abarbarian

It is unrealistic to expect that a brand new OS just being deployed will be at its performance peak. There will be patches and service packs aplenty to get the most efficiency and performance out of Windows 8. Every OS has this issue, which is why we have built-in updates.


This is why your "square rim" tire analogy "falls flat."


Microsoft did not and would not intentionally hamper the performance of the Windows system. Yes, with a new version, things are changed. Parts of the supporting subsystems are rebuilt from the ground up (does TCP/IP in Vista ring a bell?). As microsoft continues to develop the Windows kernel, drivers and supporting code, the performance of the OS will increase on the same hardware. The 3rd party device manufacturers have a lot of work to do as well to get the performance of their devices up to par as well.


It will be a long road, and might take two service packs before the performance reaches its peak.


Would we like to have an OS at the peak performance level when released? Sure. It simply is not going to happen, and Microsoft has a most difficult problem- they must support millions of hardware combinations out of the box. I've heard mostly good things about new user experiences so far.



Guest LilBambi

This is the first iteration of Windows 8. I generally wait at least 6 mos before moving to a new OS from Microsoft to give them time to work out the bugs with all the different types of hardware that it supports.


I would just wait. Unless you are a hardcare early adopter. For those of you who are hardcare early adopters, thank you for working out the bugs. ;)

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