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V.T. Eric Layton

A bit large, yes. We here at Scot's aren't really mean and nasty about forcing folks to follow the sig guidelines, but... that is a bit large. It's pretty spiffy, though. :)


Signature Limitations (Text and Images)


11. Please keep the length of Text Only signatures within the following parameter:


A maximum of five single-spaced lines of text. (A line = the width of the SIG text input box.)


If you incorporate an image into your signature in conjunction with text, please do so within the following parameters:


Images must comply with Rule #12.

A maximum of three single-spaced lines of text. (A line = the width of the SIG text input box.)


Also, please do not post your system specifications in your signature. There is a designated area in your account profile for that information. (See "A Note About Privacy" below.).




Tip: If you want a long quote in your signature, you may want to use the "size" tags to make it size "1" so that you can fit more text on each of the five lines you're allowed.


*from --> http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...t=4402&st=0

We here at Scot's aren't really mean and nasty...

We aren't? Since when? I must have missed that particular memo... :hmm:




Posted (edited)

Gee guys I was only funning with you.


Will this be ok ? I know the gif is a couple of kb's over the limit but he is so cute. o:)

Edited by abarbarian
V.T. Eric Layton

Looks good. You should make the word "Arch" a hyperlink the Arch website, though. :)

Looks good. You should make the word "Arch" a hyperlink the Arch website, though. :)


Done. Ta fer the advice.




If the .gif is a nuisance I'll figure out another sig.

V.T. Eric Layton

It looks fine. It's no more a nuisance that all that carp in my sig. ;)


Oh, and you might want to edit a bit for clarity...


"I did and I'm are really happy"


Uh... you oughta' link to the main Arch page, not the wiki. Just my opinion...




Looks excellent Abarbarian!!!! :thumbsup:


(Big surprise, I know lol)

Oh, and you might want to edit a bit for clarity...


"I did and I'm are really happy"




Ah keep forgettin 'a' theur fowk across t' pon' av difficulty wi' propa english as spoken by eur true nativ'. Correction made int' interest o' world peace. :rolleyes:


As to the link itself. I think the Arch main page is a bit stuffy. I recon my link is more useful to someone who is ready to try out Arch.You guys are looking at things from a different perspective from folk like me. With a long history GNU/Linux usage and coding and command line skills and a more serious attitude to penguinism your view has to be different to mine. I'm just a pretty standard normal pc user with just an vague inkling of all the complexities of the os, I just want to install and tweak the os to suit me. Just my opinion of course but I'll stick with it.


That is not really the clearest explanation of my thinking but it is the best I can offer at the moment as I don't have time to write a thesis. emfrustrated4.gif


securitybreach Posted Today, 02:09 AM

Looks excellent Abarbarian!!!! thumbsup.gif


(Big surprise, I know lol)


Certainly was. :w00t:


Thanks for the help and guidance.

V.T. Eric Layton

Well, the Main Page of the Wiki works, too. Besides, it's YOUR sig after all. You could hyperlink to THIS if you wanted to. ;)

Looking good all around! :thumbsup:


Thanks. You must have missed the original effort :hysterical:


V.T. Eric Layton - that is a dead link from here :oops:

Guest LilBambi

Nah, just saw it was in good hands. Just wanted to add my two cents. ;)

Posted (edited)
Nah, just saw it was in good hands. Just wanted to add my two cents. ;)


Ah ha well me original, and in my humble opinion, had more of a world encompassing appeal, had the line "We did and we are really happy" with this .gif underneath it.




Apparently for some strange reason it was deemed to be too toooooo something or other. :hysterical: Both here and on another forum I haunt. :whistling:

Edited by abarbarian
V.T. Eric Layton

The link was to this picture:



Guest LilBambi

Wow! I remember 15 cent hamburgers and slightly more cheese burgers in the 60s at MacDonalds!


How much did a McDonald's hamburger cost in 1985?:

Well...in 1985 they had a two cheeseburger meal with fries and a coke for 2.99. But here is something that might interest you. Look at all these price differences, from the past 50 years!


The Cost Of McDonalds Over 50 Years


This is about the cost of McDonalds over the years



Hamburger 15 cents



A burger, fries and drink were 45 cents



Hamburgers 15 cents

Fries 12 cents

Shakes 20 cents



Hamburger 18 cents

Big Mac 45 cents



Quarter pounder 55 cents



Egg McMuffin 90 cents



Big Mac was 65 cents



Hamburgers 43 cents

Cheeseburger 48 cents

Big Mac hamburger 95 cents

Egg McMuffin 95 cents



Two Cheeseburger Meal med fries and coke $2.99



Big Mac hamburger $1.99

Egg McMuffin $1.65



McDonald's double Burger $2.69



From The Dollar Menu

Double cheeseburgers $1.00

Fried chicken sandwiches $1.00

Fries $1.00

2 Pies $1.00



Big Mac $3.22




15-cent burgers, water under the bridge


Caption for the picture below: The first White Castle restaurant opened in Wichita, Kan., in 1921. The little burgers were 5 cents apiece:



Read more about that: White Castle marks 90th anniversary with one-day return to Wichita from the article May 12, 2011:

Wichita's prodigal fast food chain is coming back home, but only for a day. White Castle executives and family members of the chain's founders are making a pilgrimage May 19 to Wichita, where he first White Castle was founded 90 years ago.


There will be a birthday celebration that afternoon offering Wichitans the chance to once again buy White Castle burgers.


"Home is where the heart is," said White Castle System Inc. vice president Jamie Richardson. "Knowing that we started in Wichita and that it is where it all began, we thought would be a great chance to bring some of the family members together."


From 4 to 6 p.m., Wichitans can buy the burgers the price of two for 90 cents. Grills will be set up in the Dillons grocery store parking lot at 7707 E. Central, near Rock Road.


All proceeds from the event will go to the Kansas Food Bank.


Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/2011/05/12/1845732/b...l#storylink=cpy

I can see the image inline that Eric posted ... can you not see images from michaelwitzel.com where you live?




Thats what I get from the link and from "michaelwitzel.com" typed into me web browser. :hmm:

Did our little forums DDoS their site?!


Hmm not quite sure what that means. But strange things always happen around me :whistling:


We drove to Florida in 1956 and McDonald's hamburgers were advertised on the radio as 9¢. My Mom thought "what kind of a hamburger do you get for 9¢?". Of course we had to stop at at least one of the white tiled buildings with the neon arches to see. They were not bad. It took several more years before we got our first McDonald's in my hometown in PA.

V.T. Eric Layton

His ISP or DNS is having issue with that site, probably. I doubt we shut the site down with the hotlink. ;)


Yup. I can remember going to the local McDonalds here in my neighborhood (one of the first in Tampa) with my dad when I was a wee tot. It was similar to this one:




It just had a walk-up stainless steel counter and some patio furniture out front. The menu was real simple... burger, cheeseburger, fries, filet-o-fish, soda, milk shakes. That was it. ;)

Thanks for the help and guidance.

No problem :)


Glad I was able to convert another Archer :hysterical:

Hmm that is interesting. Never even knew it existed.I only have the original series. I lost interest when they made that awful american version of the film. :thumbsdown:

I also have the 5 part audio book read by Adams himself:


(Part 1) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

(Part 2) The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

(Part 3) Life The Universe And Everything

(Part 4) So Long, And Thaks For All The Fish

(Part 5) Mostly Harmless

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