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Anyone know of any really great Android apps?I bought a Samsung Galaxy S II last week, and I would like some great apps to use. :)Adam

Posted (edited)

Where to begin..... Here is my app list generated by ShareMyApps:

180 Ultra: http://market.androi....leff.i180ultra

AccuWeather.com: http://market.androi...weather.android

Adblock Plus: http://market.androi...mgeek.AdBlocker

AdFree: http://market.androi....android.adfree

Adobe Flash Player 11.0: http://market.androi...obe.flashplayer

Adobe Reader: http://market.androi...om.adobe.reader

AFV (Android File Verifier): http://market.androi...tails?id=sa.afv

Aldiko: http://market.androi....aldiko.android

aLogcat: http://market.androi...org.jtb.alogcat

Amazon Kindle: http://market.androi...m.amazon.kindle

AndFTP: http://market.androi...lysesoft.andftp

Android Agenda Widget: http://market.androi...harrison.agenda

Android System Info: http://market.androi...ectricsheep.asi

Android Terminal Pro: http://market.androi...roidterminalpro

Application folder: http://market.androi...g.app.appfolder

Appstore: http://market.androi....amazon.venezia

Asphalt 5: http://market.androi...phalt5.asphalt5

ASTRO: http://market.androi...om.metago.astro

Aurora: http://market.androi...a.fennec_aurora

Authenticator: http://market.androi...s.authenticator

Barcode Scanner: http://market.androi....client.android

Beautiful Widgets: http://market.androi...eautifulwidgets

Beautiful Widgets Animations Addon: http://market.androi...lup.bw.forecast

BetterBatteryStats: http://market.androi...terbatterystats

Bookmarks to SD: http://market.androi....BookmarkPlugin

Browser to Phone: http://market.androi...s.chrometophone

Bump: http://market.androi...bumptech.bumpga

BusyBox installer: http://market.androi...ericson.busybox

Camera ZOOM FX: http://market.androi...lide.cameraZoom

CatLog: http://market.androi...anlawson.logcat

Chrome to Phone: http://market.androi...s.chrometophone

CifsManager: http://market.androi...ner.cifsmanager

CodeRed: http://market.androi...ussware.codered

ConnectBot: http://market.androi...=org.connectbot

Convertr: http://market.androi....vervv.convertr

CoreDroid Wallpapers: http://market.androi...ExtraWallpapers

Cozi: http://market.androi...om.cozi.android

Crackle: http://market.androi...crackle.handset

Cut the Rope: http://market.androi...ptolab.ctr.paid

DC Comics: http://market.androi...dccomics.comics

Desk Notes: http://market.androi...oumiak.desknote

DeskSMS: http://market.androi...utta.desktopsms

DiskUsage: http://market.androi...droid.diskusage

DoggCatcher: http://market.androi...oggcatcher.v1_0

Dolphin Tweet: http://market.androi...k.TwitterPlugin

Earth: http://market.androi...om.google.earth

Elixir: http://market.androi....android.elixir

EMS: http://market.androi...id=com.eset.ems

Epic Visualizer Live Wallpapers Lite: http://market.androi...ble.epicvislite

Epocrates: http://market.androi...d=com.epocrates

Evernote: http://market.androi...id=com.evernote

Firefox: http://market.androi...mozilla.firefox

Flipzu: http://market.androi...m.flipzu.flipzu

Fruit Ninja: http://market.androi...rick.fruitninja

FxCamera: http://market.androi...ndroid.fxcamera

G-MoN: http://market.androi...e.carknue.gmon2

Gaia GPS: http://market.androi...oid.gaiagps.pro

GO CalendarWidget: http://market.androi....calendarwidget

GO ClockWidget: http://market.androi...get.clockwidget

GO Launcher EX: http://market.androi...u.go.launcherex

GO SMS Pro: http://market.androi...id=com.jb.gosms

GO TwitterWidget: http://market.androi...t.twitterwidget

Goggles: http://market.androi...oid.apps.unveil

Google Reader: http://market.androi...oid.apps.reader

Google Sky Map: http://market.androi...droid.stardroid

Google Voice: http://market.androi...pps.googlevoice

Google+: http://market.androi...droid.apps.plus

GOWidget Transparent Theme: http://market.androi...et.transparency

Grooveshark: http://market.androi...hark.android.v1

gTabSiMiClock: http://market.androi...t.gTabsimiClock

Hacker's Keyboard: http://market.androi...tion.pckeyboard

Hd Android by Sam1374: http://market.androi...ex.theme.deosdx

Heroes of Zulula Free: http://market.androi...esofzulula.free

Hurricane Hound Free: http://market.androi...icaneHound.free

imgur for Android: http://market.androi...imgurforandroid

Inotia3: http://market.androi....android.common

IRC Radio: http://market.androi...ndroid.ircradio

JuiceDefender: http://market.androi...d.juicedefender

JuicePlotter: http://market.androi...id.juiceplotter

KeePassDroid: http://market.androi...android.keepass

LCD Density Changer: http://market.androi...density_changer

LHSee: http://market.androi...ls?id=com.lhsee

Linode Android: http://market.androi....linode.android

Linpack for Android: http://market.androi...mputing.linpack

Listen: http://market.androi...oid.apps.listen

Maps: http://market.androi...droid.apps.maps

Message widget: http://market.androi...idget.smswidget

Meteor Blitz: http://market.androi...abs.MeteorBlitz

MINIMAL MAGIC: http://market.androi...piral.Min_Magic

Mobile Security: http://market.androi...ro.tmmspersonal

Mobile Signal Widget PRO: http://market.androi...mpirical.mswpro

MortPlayer Audio Book: http://market.androi...audiobookplayer

MultiPicture Live Wallpaper: http://market.androi...er.multipicture

Music: http://market.androi...e.android.music

myAT&T: http://market.androi....att.myWireless

NASA: http://market.androi...ils?id=gov.nasa

Neon Clock: http://market.androi....painless.clock

Netflix: http://market.androi...lix.mediaclient

Network Discovery: http://market.androi...cexiste.network

Network Tools: http://market.androi...rd.networktools

OfficeDrop: http://market.androi...icationactivity

OldTimeRadio: http://market.androi...m.oldtimeradio2

OMG!Droid: http://market.androi...id=com.omgdroid

Opera Mobile: http://market.androi...m.opera.browser

PAC-MAN: http://market.androi...ames.pacman.amz

Pandora: http://market.androi...pandora.android

Paper Camera: http://market.androi...ama.papercamera

Penguin Skiing: http://market.androi...d.penguinskiing

Photo Enhance Pro: http://market.androi...photoenhancepro

Photoshop Express: http://market.androi....adobe.psmobile

PluginBaby! Free: http://market.androi...pluginbaby_free

Pocket Casts: http://market.androi...lly.pocketcasts

Pulse: http://market.androi....alphonso.pulse

Quadrant Standard: http://market.androi...ant.ui.standard

Real Signal: http://market.androi...yu73.realsignal

RealCalc: http://market.androi...kfines.RealCalc

reddit is fun: http://market.androi....android.reddit

RockPlayer: http://market.androi...android.unified

ROM Manager Premium License: http://market.androi...manager.license

Root Explorer: http://market.androi...re.rootexplorer

Root Toolbox: http://market.androi...ent.roottoolbox

ShareMyApps: http://market.androi...ary.shareMyApps

Shark: http://market.androi...id=lv.n3o.shark

SharkReader: http://market.androi...n3o.sharkreader

Shazam: http://market.androi....encore.android

Simple Text: http://market.androi...dphx.simpletext

Spare Parts: http://market.androi...pps.spare_parts

Speed Dial: http://market.androi...mgeek.SpeedDial

Square: http://market.androi...id=com.squareup

Star Chart: http://market.androi...games.starchart

SwitchPro Widget: http://market.androi...=alei.switchpro

SystemPanel: http://market.androi....systempanel.r1

Terminal Emulator: http://market.androi...pal.androidterm

Titanium Backup PRO: http://market.androi...taniumBackupPro

TouchPal Keyboard: http://market.androi...ek.smartinputv5

Tricorder: http://market.androi...ermit.tricorder

TuneWiki: http://market.androi...cplayer.android

TurboFly 3D: http://market.androi...osaris.turbofly

TV Shows Stream: http://market.androi...tvshows.kiio.es

TweetDeck: http://market.androi...eck.android.app

Twidroyd: http://market.androi....twidroydlegacy

Unrar Pro: http://market.androi...zdroid.unrarpro

VirtualRadio: http://market.androi...s?id=org.vradio

Visual Traceroute: http://market.androi...d=com.rc.vtrace

wardrive: http://market.androi...?id=ki.wardrive

WeatherBug Elite: http://market.androi...s.android.elite

WebMD: http://market.androi...m.webmd.android

Whois: http://market.androi...obi.mgeek.whois

Wifi Analyzer: http://market.androi...c.wifi.analyzer

WiFi File Explorer PRO: http://market.androi...FileExplorerPRO

WordPress: http://market.androi...rdpress.android

wp clock: http://market.androi...manyz.lockWatch

xda premium: http://market.androi...xdapre.activity

Yata!: http://market.androi...allysimpletimer

Zedge: http://market.androi...t.zedge.android

Zemna AppList Backup: http://market.androi...d.applistbackup

ZENONIA3: http://market.androi...zenonia3.global


Every one of the listed apps are worth having as I go through my list frequently and delete unneeded apps.

Edited by Neil P
Guest LilBambi

Whoa! That is one awesome list! I know those are all ones from your generated ShareMyApps listing, but are those all ones you strongly recommend?The reason I ask is I have a lot of apps for the iPod Touch, but my list of strongly recommend is much smaller than that.


Those are ones I would actually recommend as I frequently install/remove apps from my devices. As far as the best ones, that would be really hard to figure out. I could list the apps I use everyday but I find all of the apps listed as useful


I am going through the list and will post what I think are the most useful apps and what they do Give me a few minutes and I will post it.

Posted (edited)

Whew, ok here goes:

Adblock Plus: http://market.androi...mgeek.AdBlocker I am sure you know this application from Firefox

AdFree: http://market.androi....android.adfree Prevents ads from showing up on free apps / requires root

AFV (Android File Verifier): http://market.androi...tails?id=sa.afv Md5sum generator/verifier

aLogcat: http://market.androi...org.jtb.alogcat Nice log reader / requires root

AndFtp: https://market.andro...e=search_result The best ftp/ssh file transfer app (like Putty)

ASTRO: http://market.androi...om.metago.astro One of the best File Managers IMO

Aurora: http://market.androi...a.fennec_aurora The Beta build of Firefox Mobile

Barcode Scanner: http://market.androi....client.android Barcode scanner

CatLog: http://market.androi...anlawson.logcat The best log viewer / requires root

CodeRed: http://market.androi...ussware.codered Port Scanner

ConnectBot: http://market.androi...=org.connectbot IMO the besh ssh application for Android

CoreDroid Wallpapers: http://market.androi...ExtraWallpapers Excellent wallpaper collection

DeskSMS: http://market.androi...utta.desktopsms Allows you to recieve text messages in google chat on your computer

DiskUsage: http://market.androi...droid.diskusage Disk Usage chart

DoggCatcher: http://market.androi...oggcatcher.v1_0 The best feed app in the market. I use this to download the CNI Radio replays

Firefox: http://market.androi...mozilla.firefox Firefox

FxCamera: http://market.androi...ndroid.fxcamera My favorite camera application

G-MoN: http://market.androi...e.carknue.gmon2 WarDriving scanner and GSM/UMTS Netmonitor that scans for all WiFi networks in range & saves the data with GPS coordinates on your sd card.

imgur for Android: http://market.androi...imgurforandroid Imgur mobile image uploader

IRC Radio: http://market.androi...ndroid.ircradio Imo the best IRC app plus it can read messages out loud

LCD Density Changer: http://market.androi...density_changer Allows you to change your phones DPI so you can have a higher resolution / Requires Root

LHSee: http://market.androi...ls?id=com.lhsee Really cool app that shows the Large Hadron Collider at CERN with 3D images that you can zoom into different sections and watch 3D models of real time collisions as well. A must have

Mobile Signal Widget PRO: http://market.androi...mpirical.mswpro Shows your signal strength in a widget. Useful if you hide your status bar

MultiPicture Live Wallpaper: http://market.androi...er.multipicture Live Wallpaper that scales any size wallpaper to your device, allows you to set a different wallpaper for each screen, choose from a single image or a folder of images, etc.

Neon Clock: http://market.androi....painless.clock Live wallpaper that shows a techy style clock with battery, Network, and other options like moving lines etc.

Network Discovery: http://market.androi...cexiste.network Network tool for discovering, mapping,scanning,profiling your Wifi network, computer/device discovery and port scanner for local area etwork.

Network Tools: http://market.androi...rd.networktools Various network tols for Ping, traceroute, whois commands, etc.

Pandora: https://market.andro...e=search_result Internet Radio

RealCalc: http://market.androi...kfines.RealCalc Great calculator

Root Explorer: http://market.androi...re.rootexplorer File explorer for system / Requires root

Root Toolbox: http://market.androi...ent.roottoolbox Various Admin/Root tools

Shark: http://market.androi...id=lv.n3o.shark Wireshark for android

SharkReader: http://market.androi...n3o.sharkreader Wireshark log reader

Shazam: http://market.androi....encore.android Looks up any song by listening to 10 seconds of it. Tons of options like wikipedia entry, album link, etc

Simple Text: http://market.androi...dphx.simpletext Allows you to make text icons. Very useful for those minimal setups

Spare Parts: http://market.androi...pps.spare_parts System options / Requires root

Terminal Emulator: http://market.androi...pal.androidterm Android Terminal / Requires root

Titanium Backup PRO: http://market.androi...taniumBackupPro The best backup application for android period!! It can backup/restore all apps/data among many other tools. This is a required app if you have rooted your phone and plan on installing Custom Roms

TouchPal Keyboard: http://market.androi...ek.smartinputv5 The best "swype style keyboard. This is the keyboard I use.

TweetDeck: http://market.androi...eck.android.app The best Twitter app IMO

Unrar Pro: http://market.androi...zdroid.unrarpro Extracts rar files on your device

Visual Traceroute: http://market.androi...d=com.rc.vtrace Traceroute

wardrive: http://market.androi...?id=ki.wardrive Scan for hosts/ports

Whois: http://market.androi...obi.mgeek.whois Whois client for looking up IPs

Wifi Analyzer: http://market.androi...c.wifi.analyzer Tests the strength of SSIDs in you area

WiFi File Explorer PRO: http://market.androi...FileExplorerPRO File explorer that works over wifi

Edited by Neil P
Posted (edited)

Also, no matter what you read you do not need a task killer on Android and using one may may decrease performance:





I used one for a while when I first started with Android but later realized that this was hurting my performance.

Edited by Neil P

I will start perusing that list.......I simply kill apps with the Task Manager that came with the device. :)Adam

I will start perusing that list.......I simply kill apps with the Task Manager that came with the device. :)Adam
Read those links and you will realize that you are slowing your device down by killing apps. Android does not manage apps the same as your desktop does.

Fair enough. :hysterical: I will not worry about it and see how things roll. Now, I had folders to organize apps on the iPhone. Can I do something similar on Android?I like the Inferno Galaxy live wallpaper. Also starfield. :P Do you know of any other cool ones like those?Adam

Posted (edited)
Now, I had folders to organize apps on the iPhone. Can I do something similar on Android?I like the Inferno Galaxy live wallpaper. Also starfield. :) Do you know of any other cool ones like those?Adam
There are tons of folder widgets in the market and most of the custom roms have the function preinstalled. I used to use SiMi Folder Widget https://market.andro...e=search_result but there are many more apps, just search for "folder widget" in the market. As far as live wallpapers, I do not use them that much but I listed a few in the app list above and here are a couple of other good ones:

WarpDrive: https://market.andro...e=search_result

Nexus Revamped: https://market.andro...e=search_result

Neon Clock: https://market.andro...e=search_result

Galactic Core Live Wallpaper: https://market.andro...e=search_result

Shadow Galaxy: https://market.andro...e=search_result

Ice Galaxy: https://market.andro...e=search_result


Hope this helps

Edited by Neil P
spacing, to complete the run

SiMi looks nice! Very iPhone like (What I am used to.Does Firefox improve on the mess that is Android's default browser?

Does Firefox improve on the mess that is Android's default browser?
Very much so!!! Plus you can add it your firefox sync and access history/bookmarks from within the app
  • 6 years later...

Do I need an AV on my smart phone, Samsung Galaxy Express Prime 2? If so what is a good one (free preferably), and where is it available? I notice AVG is listed in apps.

Thanks, Jerry

Posted (edited)

I use ESET free and Malwarebytes free on my Android devices.

Both are available on googleplay.

Edited by zlim


That is what ai am using on my Kindle tablets. Didn't know i they were OK on my phone.



  • 5 years later...

I have never used or needed a QR scanner before but needed one yesterday. I found this one which is free and open source and is add free too. Very KISS does only one thing.




No permissions. No UI. Does one thing.



Have you ever been annoyed with extra options in a QR code reader when you just want it to scan QR and show the result? This was the reason why I started to develop my own light and clear QR reader - Obsqr.

Obsqr features in a nutshell:

  • can scan QR codes of the following types: URL, e-mail, geolocation, Android Market link, phone number, sms, contact information and plain text.
  • open-source ( find the sources here - https://bitbucket.org/trikita/obsqr )
  • is based on the zbar lib
  • ad-free
  • can be ran on x86 Android devices
  • English, Russian, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, German and Turkish localization. If you can speak other languages and would like to help with the translation - let me know!







  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

You probably don't need an app.


But ever since version 8 (Oreo), the Android OS features

a built-in QR scanner in its native camera app.

Source: https://www.androidauthority.com/scan-qr-code-android-3179791/


I had one on my old android v6 phone but didn't install any on my v 12 phone and it works fine. I can turn it on with one of my quick launch buttons.

Edited by zlim
  • Thanks 1

My Realme 7 Pro is about 4 years old and on Android 12. Camera app doesn't seem to have QR function. I just use Google Lens for that maybe once a year time I want to scan a QR code. ${deity} knows whether it snitches to Google every time; probably.

  • Like 1

@zlim @sunrat Just had a look at my phone app on my Android 10 phone. It does have what it calls a "intelligent scanning" feature, but I have to open up the phone,scroll across some text and choose "more", this opens up a selection of options one of which is "intelligent scanning", after choosing this if I point the phone at a QR code it scans and then opens up a web browser with the appropriate site. Not sure if it will do bar codes. The QR app I downloaded takes just one tap and point of the phone at a QR to get it to show a small window with the address of the site and an option to go there or to cancel. This seems like a safer way to do things as you get choice. With the inbuilt scanner on the phone as you get taken straight to a site this could be a security risk as the QR may contain nastys and be leading you to your doom.


Tried the "intelligent scanning" part of the inbuilt camera app on a bar code and it does read them. Takes a while but when completed it shows an option to access the information by offering to open up a browser. In my case it correctly scanned and took me to the correct site. So at least for bar codes it is more security conscious.



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