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Apple vs. Samsung in the EU explained

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Apple has gotten an injuction against Samsung importing the Galaxy Tab into the EU. The way the news has been reported, it sounded like it was based upon some sort of patent/copyright/intellectual property assertion.Well, one investigator went ahead and found out how the process works. Entire story here. http://www.osnews.com/story/25056/The_Comm...e_USPTO_Was_BadThe gist of it is that they did not have to prove anything and the original filing for 'Community Design' protection was never reviewed.

V.T. Eric Layton

Shouldn't this be in the new Mobility area?


Ughh, more Patent Trolling.....The worst part is Apple is Samsung's biggest client and they provide the screen, NandFlash, and others components on the Ipad.


What a complicated, self-induced mess this is.

Apple has gotten an injuction against Samsung importing the Galaxy Tab into the EU. The way the news has been reported, it sounded like it was based upon some sort of patent/copyright/intellectual property assertion.Well, one investigator went ahead and found out how the process works. Entire story here. http://www.osnews.com/story/25056/The_Comm...e_USPTO_Was_BadThe gist of it is that they did not have to prove anything and the original filing for 'Community Design' protection was never reviewed.
omg, B) basically , a game of chicken.

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