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The real story behind Arch Linux package signing


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This is going to be a long but hopefully informative read. I'd encourage you to sit down and put on your reading glasses, or better yet, go brew yourself a nice hot cup of coffee.We've taken a lot of unjustified heat in just the last month or so regarding package signing, and I'd like to clear the air as well as debunk some awful "journalism" encountered that provoked this blog post. Thank you, LWN, for providing the catalyst.If you don't want the backstory, skip down to "The Forbidden Subject".
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Thanks for posting this SB.Be nice if the 'trolls' would identify themselves as clearly as the members of the 'volunteer' development team do.If I was in their place I wouldn't take anything an anonymous "Ignorant Guru" said seriously either.

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@amenditman: I completely agree@Eric: Kewl, gonna check out your comment-----> Great comment Eric!!!

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Thanks. Comments are definitely my bag. I can comment on anything. ;)
That must be how you got up to 9,000 posts here! >_< It really is a good comment though.
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V.T. Eric Layton

Well, I've studied the masters when it comes go blabbing... BBS folks from the 70s and 80s, USENET Gurus from the 90s-2000s, and YOU! :)

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Well, I've studied the masters when it comes go blabbing... BBS folks from the 70s and 80s, USENET Gurus from the 90s-2000s, and YOU! ;)
Oddly all three of those are me. Funny how doing something every day for 40 years makes you kinda good at it... But in this case, I believe you have become one of the masters yourself, grasshopper! :)
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