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Only on one XP computer, when I navigate with explorer a doubleclik on the folder or diretory executes VLC videolan media player. I can open or explore the folre via right clik as usual, but the doubleclik starts VLC....and I get an error... Not a problem with other computers running XP and VLC.VLC works fine view DVDs, video files. Other file managers navigate folders without interference from VLC.Windows explorer only. An annoyance.

Posted (edited)

I have one computer that for some bizarre reason refuses to run VLC. My solution was to use the portable version from a USB stick on that computer.Here's a version http://portableapps.com/apps/music_video/vlc_portableI know it is not the version I have because this one was updated on Sept. 13th.

Edited by zlim
I have one computer that for some bizarre reason refuses to run VLC. My solution was to use the portable version from a USB stick on that computer.Here's a version http://portableapps.com/apps/music_video/vlc_portableI know it is not the version I have because this one was updated on Sept. 13th.
I uninstalled VLC and now I'm having weird Winexporer behavior--perhaps it wasn't VLC at all. I can open a left pane directory ok, but when I try to open a right pane subdir Winexlorer starts in search mode -- and if I rightclik on a directory I see that search is at the top of the context menu list of options (before I uninstalled VLC, it (VLC) was at the top of the context menu --So, to modify explorer rightclik context menu...yes via regedit, but I can't find an entry there for search...can't find a way to modify the sort order of context items -- I have this hunch that if "open" (instead of "search" were at the top of the context menu, I could open directories normally, but I can't find a way to resort or change the order of context menu items.....ooo[s too soon/ Thanks to google I located a context menu editor, seems to have solved the problem...nice
I uninstalled VLC and now I'm having weird Winexporer behavior--perhaps it wasn't VLC at all. I can open a left pane directory ok, but when I try to open a right pane subdir Winexlorer starts in search mode --
Try these:Windows explorer starts in search mode

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