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I believe a few people from here frequent the Elder Geek...I am no longer able to post new Topics or reply to a Post since the Forum change/update...I'd appreciate if anyone can send them a heads up....Thanx in advancepatio.

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Unless you've been a very bad boy, there should not be any permission changes in your member profile there. Dave posts here occasionally. Perhaps he can look into it if he reads this topic.

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Nope....not at all...I've never had an issue at any of the 1/2 dozen Forums i volunteer at in over 10 years.As i said this only started after the Forum upgrade.

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Hi patio :) . I haven't been online much at all this week so I'm just seeing this now. I wasn't aware of any issues with your account, do you know what the problem was or who was able to correct it for you?Sorry for the trouble :( .

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Thanx for the reply Davey...For some reason it would not recognise my User account and password...After running diskclean and CCleaner and logging it to a new Firefox Profile i managed to get in fine.Thanx again.PS. I like the new look...

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