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Bug: PM Reply Same Window


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When you receive a pop-up notification of a PM and select the "Open In This Window" option the pop-up dialog resizes and brings you to the inbox and from there to the message.First Problem. If you are in Galeon and have Pop-Ups set to open in Tabs then the display only consumes the left 2/3 of the window (in my case at 1024x768) and the right third is just the background colour. The width is the same width as the window would be if pop-ups in tabs was not set.Second Problem: If you reply to the PM the reply dialog box extends past the visible portion of the window. This is very confusing.This can be easily tested by sending a PM to yourself.I have tested this problem in Galeon, Mozilla, and Konqueror from stock updated Mandrake 9.1.

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Update: Something was nagging at me and I re-tested Konqueror.It does handle the situation properly. A horizontal scroll bar is available for the message window and zoom fixes the problem.

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I have to admit I'm not totally clear on the problems you're having. I'm using Firebird, and have http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com set as exempt from popup suppression, and all works fine. I suspect you're suffering from browser settings issues. I don't think the problem is board related, per se. Can you get a screen shot to share?

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It gets worse. The problem now seems to have fixed itself in Galeon. I am no longer typing blindly into the left side of the window.I have been having some other Galeon specific problems, and Bruno's impression and my own, is that I "have a buggy browser". Will be updating to latest stable shortly.Kill the trouble ticket. :w00t: ;)

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