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On the forum's main page, in front of most the Forum names is a round graphic with "ipb" in it. In front of 1 other Forum is a round graphic with an arrow head pointing to the forum's name. What? Why? How? :thumbsup: tia

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IPB is Invision Power Board. That is the outfit that provides the software for hosting the forum. How it is set up is up to the wonderful folks that give their time to make this all work for us. Our resident layout designer sets up the template that gives the forum its appearance. A lot of work goes into that. :thumbsup:

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Ok, thanks.The sub-forum under Application Software, does it always reside on the 2nd page or does it scroll like the topics? It seems like sub-forums should be on the 1st page. It also seems like this one should include Netscape. ;)

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Ok, thanks.The sub-forum under Application Software, does it always reside on the 2nd page or does it scroll like the topics?  It seems like sub-forums should be on the 1st page.  It also seems like this one should include Netscape.  :P
Sub-forum should be right at the top of every page... it's separate from the topics in the apps forum and has always been at the top on my system.Well, if Netscape was going to continue its existance, we'd probably consider it a bit more strongly... IMO, I'd rather push Mozilla (essentially the same thing without all the extra junk) than Netscape :)
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Looks very nice!I do notice that your water cooler is a lot tamer than ours though... :whistling:
Maybe you could liven it up a bit :D Any suggestions. :lol: Amie.
Oh, I certainly could! :ermm: But no time for another forum. Try Jeber, Prelude or RandomBox :D
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Sub-forum should be right at the top of every page... it's separate from the topics in the apps forum and has always been at the top on my system.
I'll be dipped!! So it is. Sorry. :) I must have had only one eye open or something.
IMO, I'd rather push Mozilla (essentially the same thing without all the extra junk) than Netscape smile.gif
I'm not sure what junk you refer to. Except for a link to AIM at the bottom of the window my browser looks pretty plain to me. I like the tabs and the integrated mail client. Course I have used Netscape since I think version 2. Just don't like to convert I guess. I use IE periodically and I've used OE.
if Netscape was going to continue its existance
Ah yes, well that's another story. It will be interesting to see what happens to poor old Netscape. Will it die a slow painful death? Or will AOL sell it off since the new mgmt is more $$ focused. Marc Andreessen's stating years ago that Netscape would take over the desktop was the wrong thing to say to Bill Gates. It's been all down hill since then.
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Well... Netscape = Mozilla plus AOL and RealNetworks propaganda. Netscape is the Mozilla Browser suite. You can download Moz1.4 and you'll see the exact same thing as you see in Netscape 7.1 (Tabs, popup blocker and everything). The difference is Mozilla doesn't come with corprorate "junk." Shoot, Netscape 7.1 even uses the mozilla profile folder... If you go to where your profile is (either C:\Windows\Application Data for Win9x or C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data), you'll see that there is no Netscape folder, but a mozilla one. All your bookmarks and settings are stored there B)

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I don't remember but I believe I did the Custom install rather than the default and was able to deselect RealPlayer and all it's options and etc. I have the AOL AIM piece but I had that initially but I think that was an install option also.Does Mozilla have an email client similar to Netscape's? And if so is it compatible with Netscape's email folders and addressbook?

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Mozilla does offer a very good email client as part of the suite, and a stand-alone email client called Thunderbird. As to compatibility, I'm not sure, as I don't use Netscape.

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Again, it's the exact same mail client :rolleyes: In fact, if you install Moz, it should auto-find your Netscape stuff and be setup for you already. I mentioned that they share the same profile folder, so everything should be setup from the first install :)

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