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Board slow and error prone today


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It's taking me about 2-3 times as long for something to open here today. Also got this error:CGI ErrorThe specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:(there weasn't anything listed below this message)

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I suspect it is something affecting the Internet overall and not just the forum. Everything is slow today and email is really slow. Instead of getting emails as they are sent, they are taking their time. I am wondering if that newest virus out there is slowing things down? It could be the server too since several double posts are occuring as well.

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I am wondering if that newest virus out there is slowing things down?
Could be. Worm traffic is going through the roof. Saw one message on a Debian list that a server hosting about 700 shell accounts had basically fallen over.The reason? Everybody had started to run procmail/spamassasin and the processor could no longer do anything usefull. Load counts were 60+.
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