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My son got a new laptop at college this year, and it uses (evil) Vista. I'm all XP at home, so I don't know what to tell him to fix this...He is trying to pop his Email from our ISP, using our domain name. It used to work fine, but last week it seems like thecollege blocked port 110 ("connection refused" when he tried to POP hisemail) so I had him turn on SSL and he is now POPing his Emailsuccessfully again. However, when he pops his email this way he gets anwarning that might be from the Email client, or might just as easily befrom Vista itself. The warning says=================================You have attempted to establish a connection with "<our domain>".However, the security certificate presented belongs to "*.<ISP domain>". Itis possible, though unlikely, that someone may be trying to interceptyour communication with this web site.If you suspect the certificate shown does not belong to "kwcpa.com",please cancel the connection and notify the site adminstrator.View Certificate - OK - Cancel - Help==========================================None of the options seem to give him a way to say "this is ok".I understand the concern being raised, but I don't know how to tell himto turn the message off. Any ideas?Thanks!/j

Edited by jeffw_00

gracias - the 2nd one was right on - how'd you find it?


Just combining one and two Jeff, and a whole lotta luck!


Just to add some context, this usually happens because the mail administrator mis-configured the certificate request so that the domain name doesn't match the the actual hostname of the mail server.

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