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Reply errors


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Get this every so often, esp when replying:Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to mail.scotsnewsletter.com:25 in e:\scotsnewsletter.com\forums\sources\lib\emailer.php on line 459Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in e:\scotsnewsletter.com\forums\sources\lib\emailer.php on line 459Returned error in less than 30 seconds. Yet the post still takes.PS.Good to see the install is not on the boot drive.PPS. Got the same error when submissing this post.

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It seems to be happening to a lot of us recently. Scot feels it's a problem with the IPB servers. I've found that when that happens, if you click on "refresh page", then go back to the forum you were posting to, you'll see your post made it through anyway.

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It just happened to me for the first time but I just got white page with huge letters:

CGI ErrorThe specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:It happened when I hit reply button.I just click on back and clicked it again and it posted it.
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It just happened to me for the first time but I just got white page with huge letters:
CGI ErrorThe specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:
I reported this months ago and was called, in so many words, off my rocker. B)
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Not off your rocker, brucekrymow...although you've been hanging around the forums long enough now that your sanity is no doubt in danger, if not in question. B) If I remember correctly, Scot was frustrated, along with you, because the problem wouldn't replicate with any frequency or predictability...thus making troubleshooting nearly impossible. And that's still the problem. I've had the errors mentioned here, too, but not frequently and I can't get them to reoccur by doing the same action twice in a row. We still think it's a problem on the IPB side...but even that seems hard to say with certainty. It could be the aliens...but why? What have we done to anger our visitors from outer space? Ghost in the machine? Maybe on some systems, but my laptop came new from the factory, so I doubt anyone has died in it. But still the errors persist. Perhaps it's head-banging time. ;)

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