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Getting Execution Error a lot lately


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Have you had the one where you go to post a reply and after 30 sec's or so, you get an "Email undeliverable" error, but then you find it posted anyway? I've had that a few times in the last couple of weeks. I think we're wearing out the software. :unsure:

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I think we're wearing out the software.
It could be just two of you.Just look at the number of posts both of you have, you'll wear it down for us too if you don't slow down :unsure:
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This seems clearly server related to me, and not forum software related. One day I'm probably going to have to switch Webhosts. These problems are usu. relatively brief. One thing I can tell you is that server is overloaded with Sobig email. My guess is that that's the problem. Yesterday, it's email function slowed considerably. It probably needs a reboot.Please let me know if this continues. I haven't seen the problem so far, but given it's the two of you, I know it's a real problem and not something local on your systems.-- Scot

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Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in e:\scotsnewsletter.com\forums\sources\lib\emailer.php on line 386
I have also gotten this error, but i've been assuming it's been a problem with my connection speeds lately. Some days my Comcast service slows to such a crawl that it is unusuable. It might as well be completely down. It depends on the day.I'm wondering if dialup users have this problem? Since that connection would also be slow....
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I wouldn't be one bit suprised it is due to the SoBig virus - my web hosting company installed anti-viruses for everyone's account to help combat the problem.

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I had the problem just a few minutes ago and I am on dial up. I ended up posting my question twice as I thought it didn't work the first time. Is there anyway to delete it or does a moderator have to do it?

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I may have gotten it already, if not, let me know. There were actually two double posts in the same thread earlier. Same problem must have hit you both at the same time. Weird! :P

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Is there anyway to delete it or does a moderator have to do it?
If it is a post within a current tread, it can be deleted by clicking the delete button in the top right hand side of your post. If it's the first post in a thread, it cannot be deleted with out the moderator's help :P
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Scot's aware of the situation, and is going to ask IPB to reboot their servers...the problem seems to be on their end. Hopefully this will help. If you have more problems, post them here. We'll keep checking.Thanks everyone.

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For the reference only, I have "connection refused" here and there.It just happened again minute ago.It's not biggie, I just wait and usually in couple of minutes I can post again but since you are asking here it is :)It happened probably dozen of times so far.I thought it is probably due to congestion but never saw that many members online at that moment??

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I have seen the connection refused but very little. I am online mostly thru the evenings and night. I don't make it here much during the day. That could make a difference for some users - time of day.

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Just got this pretty little error message making a reply first time I seen a reply do that:Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to mail.scotsnewsletter.com:25 in e:\scotsnewsletter.com\forums\sources\lib\emailer.php on line 459Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in e:\scotsnewsletter.com\forums\sources\lib\emailer.php on line 459

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The error messages that include anything to due with an emailer can be caused by the server its self, not necessarily the forum software.The problem could be that for some unknown reason, email being sent from Scots domain is having some problem. And when you post a reply to a forum that some one subscribes to, it usually sends an email out to the subscriber.Make sense?

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I've usually get the "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds" exceeded a few times a week and always after doing a post. But the post always gets done anyway. Just go back to the forum you were originally in and hit F5/refresh. You'll see that your post is there.

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