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Very Very Slow Today?


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Sonic...is it possible you're still suffering from the power problems in the N.E.? It would seem the mid-west (Ryan) and the west (me) are doing about as usual. ;)

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Hmmmmm...curiouser and curiouser.Maybe the problem is that you two haven't paid your forum dues up-to-date yet. Please forward, via PayPal to my account, $15 each to cover your next year of membership. ;)

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Another, slightly more serious, thought...isn't this the weekend the kiddies were going to try to DOS MS? Maybe they're eating up your bandwidth?

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I am suprsed the board did not go down. It's hosted 20 miles north of me and I was without power for 27 hours. If it was up the entire time then the advertised backup power is true.I would say that the board is just as fast as it usually is. Maybe they are running some maintainence or there is a bunch of traffic or routers are out between your area and Michigan.Just a thought.Chris

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:lol: Everything seems to be back to normal today. Yesterday all sites I visited took ages to load, in fact it was so slow I did some upgrading instead.
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Well, it's not only the forum that is slow now.All today it has been unbarable. It's almost impossible to visit anything that i have not already cached. But as of now (8:30 PM EST) it seems to be getting faster :lol:

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