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who posts the first review


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Who of us at ATL posts the very first review of openSUSE 10.3 final ? You would have to include some nice screen shots of course (or links to some shots) and make it look nice. Who will be the first ?Peachy, Bruno, Cybermoron ... ? Maybe réjean ? Temmu ?Nah, not me, I'm disqualified in a sense that I have no room left at the moment on any of the disks. Duh ! B) Whats in it you ask ? Well, let's see . What ya think about 50 points if it is good and the highlanders are unanimous about your review ? >_<

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Not me, not tonight. I have burnt Add-on and KDE -x86-64 and I am now moving the DVD-64 from my wife's XP to Fedora because, silly me, she's got only a CD-burner. I also have an Azureus DVD-64 full download on her machine that I will leave for feeding others for the next few days.I really should put the 2 GB memory sticks and the 250 GB hd in my Linux machine and install OpenSUSE tonight but I will see.

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Hi all!So here I am into Open SuSE 10.3. I kindda cheated and didn't installed the new RAM yet nore the new hd. I did an install on top of the old OpenSUSE 10.2 ( i.e on what used to be hda2 but is now sda2 according to OpenSUSE.1. The installation from the burnt DVD was terribly long but I didn't mind it. I watched some tv downstairs.It asked me some Add-on sources and I gave the new CD that I burnt earlier. When the time came to choose the bootloader I was not offered a choice ( should probably have opted for the Expert mode earlier, or could still have done so at a later time. All that to say that when the time to reboot came I was a bit nervous, didn't know if I had to remove the DVD or not. I didn't and when the OS came back on I chose Boot from the Hard drive and Mandriva came on. So I clicked on Reset, took the CD out and when Mandriva bootloader came on I chose OpenSuSE 10.2 and voila, here I am. Better post this before something happens.2. The CNN news video worked by default but not CBC nor the CBC radio ( need more plugins ), or BBC with Real Player.3. After installing Samba and disabling the firewall I can see and retrieve a file from my wife's windoze machine.

Edited by réjean
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not sure this will work but I thought I'll try adding a picture.http://img452.imageshack.us/img452/5552/snapshot1iw0.jpgand here are a few comments;1. during the installation I had 2 messages. I didn't write down the first one thinking that if I got too many I would just reinstall OpenSuSE 10.2. But here is the second;

package yast2-control-center-qt is broken, integrity check has failed.
2. and this morning I right-clicked on the Desktop, chose Configure Desktop and Display and I read this;
Your X server is using the RandR extension at version 1.2 or greater which doesn't have any configuration yet
3. Why do the programmers have to rush to get their latest version available? Is is because they can say that they released theirs, let's say, 2 days before Mandy or whatever?4. If you haven't used OpenSuSE for at least a year you may be impressed but if you are using OpenSuSE 10.2 I would stick with it for now and maybe just update a thing or two at a time. Edited by réjean
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well, i'm having probs getting this installed in virtualbox. maybe i'll try again in a few days but for now i'll just try to find some reading material.

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Soon. I've got it installed in a new computer in my office, but I'm having issues with a second one after cloning it with Ghost. Seems the second computer's kernel is looking for the hard disk ID of the original installation. Not good.

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Got it installed on my test-system . . . . was a smooth install, no problems at all . . . desktop looks great, but I hate the menu structure . . . it's useless and soooo ugly !;) Bruno

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Okay, solved the cloning problem. The issue was that because SUSE is now running the full libsata kernel module it enumerates the hard disks by dynamic symbolic links that contain the hard drive's serial number. Of course, that works fine for GRUB when it is installed on a hard drive initially but when restoring to a new hard drive, it will fail to find the new hard drive because the kernel line is looking for the old symbolic link. I solved the problem by replacing the symbolic link with the static device number.So instead of:


I used:


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