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Use this thread for all forum bugs that you notice.Please don’t post wish lists for enhancements. Scot and the Moderation Crew have no control over some of the basic functionality of the board. Even though modifications/add-ons can be incorporated to the board, this thread is only for posting software bugs in the forum software.Want to post suggestions for add-ons? Post them here: Forum Modifications… Wish-lists for add-ons…

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Here's a weird one. When I entered this thread, there were no replies. But now when I leave and come back, it says there is one reply but the only thing there is this reply, which should't count because I'm still writing it. What the heck is going on? :rolleyes:

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Guest ComputerBob

Each time you post a new message, your alter-ego posts the exact opposite of your messsage and eats your browser cookie. Your completed message shows up, but his completed opposite message does not. :rolleyes: I think there are known issues with that type of thing in Invision Power Boards. Every once in awhile, I notice the same type of weird but minor behaviors on my own IPB forums. Not a biggie, and I'm almost certain that the IPB developers are aware of it and working on a fix for it for future versions.

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Could someone explain to us all the proper use of the tags above these reply boxes? The bold, italics and underline function properly, as do quote and http. But I continue to see posts with the size or color tags in the body of the message with no effect on the type.

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The key is that after you're done with your post (changing size, color, font, whatever), you have to click the CLOSE ALL TAGS link. If you don't close the code tags, the code doesn't work. Although as I was typing this, I noticed that the FONT tag doesn't always close... You just have to remember that any tag you open, you close it back up again....

 If you open [FONT=FontType], you have to close it with [/FONT].  The same is true with [COLOR=Color] and [/COLOR], as well as [SIZE=Size] and [/size]

I've noticed some isssues with the CLOSE All TAGS link, so the key is to check your messages before you post them (if you use tags). You can use the preview post button to check your post before you actually post it to make sure everything is the way you want it.Hope this helps!Edit - Here's the actual post I made showing all the tags... (as you can see, it doesn't matter whether you use capital letters or lowercase in your tags). Edit - Thanx to CB... fixed the nesting in my tags....

[font=Arial][SIZE=7][color=green]The key is that after you're done with your post (changing size, color, font, whatever), you have to click the CLOSE ALL TAGS link.  If you don't close the code tags, the code doesn't work.  [/color][/size][/font][font=Impact][color=purple][SIZE=5]Although as I was typing this, I noticed that the FONT tag doesn't always close...  You just have to remember that any tag you open, you close it back up again.... [/SIZE][/color][/font][font=Optima][color=red]I've noticed some isssues with the CLOSE All TAGS link, so the key is to check your messages before you post them (if you use tags).  You can use the preview post button to check your post before you actually post it to make sure everything is the way you want it.[/color][/font][SIZE=14][font=Times][color=blue]Hope this helps![/color][/font][/size]

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Duh! Boy do I feel stupid. Don't worry, it's my usual condition. Thanks for the explanaition and examples. Perhaps we should lift your post as is to include in the new member FAQ. It's concise and informative.Now that I know...watch out! <_<

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Guest ComputerBob

I have never used the "Close all Tags" link on any forums.IF YOU'RE USING INTERNET EXPLORER:1. Type your text.2. Select the text that you want to format.3. Click on the desired button (B, I, U, etc.). The forum will automatically add the opening and closing tags to the beginning and end of your selected text.4. If you want text to be both bold AND underlined (like this), do step 1 and two for the bold face, then select the same text (it is usually already still selected for you, including the Bold tags) and click on U to automatically add underline tags to it.IF YOU'RE NOT USING INTERNET EXPLORERThe above steps may or may not work for you, depending on how your browser interprets javascripts. If you follow the steps listed above, but all of your bold/italic/underline/etc. tags end up at the very END of your message, then do the following steps instead:1. Click on the B button (or I button, or U button) to turn ON that option.2. Type the text that you want step 1 to apply to.3. Click on the B button (or I button, or U button) again, to turn OFF that option.MORE TIPSWhenever you see font tags that are displayed but aren't doing anything, that means that someone inserted them incorrectly (like inserting a B tag without its corresponding /B tag)Also, I hate to contradict someone in public, especially when they've taken all the time to write up an explanation, (sorry GolfProRM), but the examples that GolfProRM gave contain improperly nested font tags that can cause problems in some browsers. [EDIT] GolfProRM has since edited his post, so his examples no longer contain improperly nested font tags.[/EDIT]Improperly nested font tags usually look like this:

[SIZE=5][U][I][B]The text that you want to format[/SIZE][/U][/I][/B]

Notice that the tags are turned OFF in the same order that they were turned on. That may work in some browsers, but it is wrong and can cause problems for browsers that don't forgive coding mistakes.Properly nested font tags should look like this:

[SIZE=5][U][I][B]The text that you want to format[/B][/I][/U][/SIZE]

Notice that the tags are turned OFF in the opposite order that they were turned ON. That is the right way to nest font tags, and it will work with all browsers. ;)To properly nest font tags, remember that you should be able to draw lines connecting each of the ON tags with their corresponding OFF tags, and none of those lines should cross each other. What you end up should look like a rainbow. Try it now, in your head, using the two examples I gave above. If it looks like a rainbow, then it is right. If any of the lines of your rainbow cross, then it is wrong. <_<

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1. Click on the B button (or I button, or U button) to turn ON that option.2. Type the text that you want step 1 to apply to.3. Click on the B button (or I button, or U button) again, to turn OFF that option.
That's what I do with Mozilla and it works great. But I was having a problem with "size", "color"...
Properly nested font tags should look like this:
Now I hope you don't take this wrong, CB, and I certainly don't mean to insult you, but you know, even I could understand the explanaition you gave. That's the clearest image of an operation I've ever been given. Kewl. I just wish I was writing enough HTML to get to use it. But thanks to that mnomic, I'll always remember it.
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Guest ComputerBob
Now I hope you don't take this wrong, CB, and I certainly don't mean to insult you, but you know, even I could understand the explanaition you gave.  That's the clearest image of an operation I've ever been given.  Kewl.  I just wish I was writing enough HTML to get to use it.  But thanks to that mnomic, I'll always remember it.
Insulted? On the contrary, I'm very flattered! Thanks for your kind words, Jeber! :rolleyes:
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Guest Paracelsus
but the examples that another member gave contain improperly nested font tags that can cause problems in some browsers.
Hey CB,This has been driving me nuts all weekend. Perhaps my eyes are getting old, but...Try as I might, I can't find the "improperly nested" codes you speak of in the other post.Now I have to admit... I was only looking at the "CODES" that show in the post.Were the Bad Boys in the actual text that displays in color, font size, etc??Granted. These will only be visible to someone who "Quotes" the post (and I didn't even want to go there :) ... I'm getting enough eye strain as it is :) ) But, some other half-wits (such as moi) may wonder :D My apologies if I come across as Sphincterial on this...But as an Analytical Chemist... Unresolved details make me :) CRAZY :)
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The reason you can't find the improperly nested tags is because I edited them so they weren't wrong... Bob was right that they should be put in correct order so as not to cause any problems. As of yet, I've never seen improperly nested basic tags cause any problems in browsers... (I know more advanced tags can be an issue though)...I went ahead and corrected the tags so people could see the correct code :D

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GolfProRM: I went ahead and corrected the tags so people could see the correct code.
It's always a good idea to leave a note about what you've done when you edit your posts. :D **Edited to correct your username, I always think of you as Chicago! :) **
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GolfProRM: I went ahead and corrected the tags so people could see the correct code.
It's always a good idea to leave a note about what you've done when you edit your posts. ;) **Edited to correct your username, I always think of you as Chicago! :D **
I thought I put a note in there... I'll have to check it again and make sure/make it more prominent**Note: Originally put an edit note in the tags post, but now it's very easy to see (using some of my own advice :D )
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Guest Paracelsus
I went ahead and corrected the tags so people could see the correct code :D
;) :D ;) To certain persons who shall remain nameless...You've managed to make your way to the top of LabRat's "Hit List"!! :D :D He kept me up the wee hours of Sunday playing...Can You Find The Improperly Nested Code in This Post??? ;) (How would we ever notice the edit tag??)
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I designed the whole thing with you in mind Parcelsus... I purposely hid the edit tag so you wouldn't find it... I wanted you to be up all night figuring it out :DIf you can't see the edit tag now, you're blind :D Didn't want you to miss it this time! :D

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