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PCI VGA card install : no reboot of pc


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Hi folks,Just recently I bought a PCI VGA card XP2800 known as PV-S83BR produced by PINE Technology PINE GROUP 2002/06/14 ,used driver CD version :1.4I'm currently running Win98se w/all MS Critical Updates : mobo is a FR520 by GVC with an AMD K6-II at 500mHz with 512 mB RAM.I 've tried to install the PV-S83 on this pc with on the board graphics: first I put in the PV-S83, I then disabled the on the board graphics system with the jumper which is by the manufacturers instruction. Then I did a install of the PV-S83 drivers.So far no problem.The problems begin when I want to do a reboot of the computer :it just won't do that. It closes down the display / screen and stays there forever, it doesn't restart anymore.I've tried a Google search on this one but to no avail. I visited several forums on the net without luck. I visited all PINEGROUP's sites out there incl. the one in China, but nothing came up yet.So I started out from scratch: put back the systems image, went into SAFE MODE and removed the old on the board drivers (SIS530); Then I installed the PV-S83 drivers again : this also didn't work either, I just can't restart my rig : I have to fully power down the computer and then power it up againto be able to work with it.There are absolutely no options in the bios of this computer to enable / disable the on the board videosystem, just the jumper on the mainboard. [ there are no manufacturers instructions any further on this. ][ don't tell me to buy a new pc : we're talking about my secondpc overhere, it's not my main machine.But I would really like tosee it work to have better video performance. ]Any help on this one would really be appreciated.striker

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Welcome Striker,I don't know if that's a typo on your part, but the closest match I got on your video card is driver:http://www.pine-support.com/scripts/list_f...PVGA-PVS03A.htmYour FR520 motherboard was in many a Packard-Bell machine. Is your's one by any chance? At any rate, since the motherboard chipset is the SiS 530/5595 have you installed these drivers? From my own experience with SiS chipset motherboards they have driver problems with AGP cards. Your symptom of not being able to shut down clean I have experienced, too. The only thing I can think of at this point is to do a clean install of Windows 98 SE with the Pine card plugged in.

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Thanks Peachy for replying. It's no typo, its printed on the barcode stickeron the cards cartonbox and also on a sticker on the cards back.Regarding the mobo : yes, it was a PB Miami mobo as they used to call it,but in reality it came from GVC under the number FR520 : so you're correct.The SiS 530/5595 drivers I was able to uninstall from the system, after which Itried an second attempt to install the new video cards drivers.Quote:"From my own experience with SiS chipset motherboards they have driver problems with AGP cards."end of QuoteWell, the mobo 's got an "on the board" video system w/ 4mB video-ram,that's why I was trying to add another videocard (PCI 32mB) anyway. Quote:"The only thing I can think of at this point is to do a clean install of Windows98 SE with the Pine card plugged in."end of QuoteI thought of that myself this morning as I was typing my first message to the board;Let's see if anyone else comes up with his/her experiences / suggestions.I'll keep your's in mind.

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Used to have 2 SiS530 PCs (Jetway and Asustek) and, except for shutdown problems, never had any trouble with any of them (unlike my Soltek MVP3 and Freetech MVP4). The shutdown problems were resolved by a simple disable of the fast shutdown option. I later installed Windows ME when I gave these PCs away to my sisters, and to this day (about 3 years) they never had any problems with it.I recall that the on-board video could be disabled by jumpers (Jetway) or a dip switch(Asus). For the Asus BIOS, there was only an option to set the size of system memory to be shared (2, 4, 8 megabytes). In my Jetway board, the video chip had its own memory embedded on. Anyway, the onboard video is AGP 2X, and is probably a better option than a PCI VGA card with regards to perfomance.

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The shutdown problems were resolved by a simple disable of the fast shutdown option.
Hmm, good call. That would be a could thing to try.
Anyway, the onboard video is AGP 2X, and is probably a better option than a PCI VGA card with regards to perfomance.
You are most certainly correct there. Striker's PCI video card is also a SiS chip so it is likely not to be that much faster than the onboard SiS video. Looking at the specs for the AGP version of this XP2800 video card (Yes, I found a manual!) shows that it is only DirectX 7 compliant. That's about 2 generations old, now and would have been the same era as Nvidia's Riva TNT2 chip.Striker, can you get your money back on that card and see if you can pick up a similar era ATI Rage 128? Otherwise, the onboard AGP should cause no problems, correct?
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Well, to be honest : tonight I tried to do a clean install withthis "new" (don't laugh !! ) videocard as you suggested in your first reply...Now guess what ? Windows even refuses to install by crashing here and there. So I wanted to know for sure : I plugged this card out of the machine, opened the VGA disable jumper, connected the monitor to the on-the-boardvideo,powered on and ghosted back : voila, Windows in itsold glory without any problems.I made several attempts to restart the computer : no problemat all whatsoever. Took the change to update my Ad Aware 6version to its 1.81 release, so uninstalled the old version, restarted the pc, installed the new aaw release, restarted again,... still no problems here.Well Peachy, I'm starting to believe your suggestion in your lastreply about getting my money back is not so bad at all to start with.About the ATI Rage 128 : mmm, well I could try to locate such one,but I'll have a nights rest about that one before getting any deeper into trouble.

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Guest genaldar

Don't bother getting the rage 128. Geforce 2's are only going for around $25 or so on ebay. You'd get much better performance from one of those. If you really want to just get a rage 128 though I might have one down in the basement. I wouldn't mind unloading it :lol:.

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I'm afraid Striker is limited to PCI cards because SiS530 boards do not have an AGP slot.A TNT2 M64 PCI card with 32mb memory will probably do as an upgrade. But then there's no guarantee that it won't cause problems.

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This morning I received a response on my email to PINE techsupport :" Thanks for your E-mail and using our products.We guess it maybe caused from the refresh frequence .Please adjust your PC refresh frequence on the case changing monitor for yourseeing.After finished adjusting,reconnect your pc to old monitor to see if the problem be solved.Your sincerely!Pine support "The way I see this answer is that they want me to change the monitor whileinstalling the videocard, then see how it acts and adjusting the refresh rateaccordingly; After that I should change the monitor back to the usual one.(BTW : IBM P50 at 85Hz refreshrate)Well personally I've my doubts about that, I don't think it will change anything the better.So I also had a look over here:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lak...774/videop.htmlTo me it looks like I better stick with what I have now and don't bother any further with trying to upgrade a otherwise good video system.I'd like to thank Peachy, b2cm and Genaldar for your help in this matter. You were veryhelpful. So, that's it for me now. One's never too old to learn something ...striker

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Guest genaldar

Good luck I hope you get everything working ok. If not pick the topic up again, I'm sure someone will think of something.

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