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Hard Drive Cloning Utility? Free please...


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Anyone know where I can get my hands on a good hard drive cloning utility? I want to take my main hard drive, and just clone it. It's perfect, just slow.

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I have never heard of this (haven't heard of LOTS of things I see here in the Forums :lol: ), Is this different than an image of a drive?? like from Norton Ghost. I ask, cause I've destroyed my computer one time to many last month, and want to be able to use some utility to do this? Reinstalling Windows, drivers, applications, data is a venture I can do without again in the future. :P

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Cloning and imaging are synonymous terms. Symantec Ghost, PowerQuest Drive Image, PowerQuest Drive Copy will do this for you. The least expensive of these is Drive Copy. Drive Image has an embedded version of Drive Copy.

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Scot has recommended Paragon for imaging; the big guys are Semantic's Ghost and Power Quests Drive Image -- and no, it is not hard, simple menu choices as to what you want to image and where you want to place it. I use such a backup system but keep my OS in a small partition, my programs and data in another so that I can image only the OS accepting the fact that I will have to reinstall programs if I do resort to a very old image.Ed

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Recently I discovered this cloning program, and it can do much more than cloning alone. One of my friends is testing this Russian-made (English language) program. It looks promissing and it's FREEWARE but:[warningbox]he thinks there might be copyright violations involved: the so called VolkovCommander is actually (my beloved) Norton Commander![/warningbox][extrawarningbox]also the site contains some nasty ugly banners[/extrawarningbox]

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If you just want to copy your old disk to a newer one, use one of the free applications that all hard disk manufactures provide. I have used the Maxtor utility before and it worked perfect. [One drive must be a Maxtor drive to use their software]. However, all of the other manufactures have something similar.Good luck. B)

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